Reynar 2022-05-26 *** The pendulum swings yet again back and forth as I ask you the millionth time and one more if you still love me, still tolerate my existence, are sure towards me you hold no sliver of anger or hate. Because we've made these vows so many more times, but I'm forbidden by my anxiety from failing to plan for any contingencies. Like I'm my father now, I myself with questions hound: "Well, now you're twenty-two, and I don't want to seem like I'm forcing you to come along with me." Angel numbers meet at midnight's bend. "For you, you'll never see me again." But Jett, does it work the other way? If I ask you to, will you forever stay? Will you swear yourself in health and sickness to my lonely side? Will you in this new world I am creating reside? Because, you should know, if you willed it, I would gladly disappear. Go, if you must, without fear. I will be here at the end of every day to reclaim that which was only ever mine. *** CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 (c) Vane Vander