watershed 2020-01-01 *** before, in your grief, you proclaim "I have yearned for all, and yet the world stays the same" just remember how you swore off eternal fame dear Coleridge, insistent that the crowds were in the wrong for not cherishing the pains he put into every song "damn it all!" he said, and turned his back to the throng but in the throes of midnight, you turn your eyes to the sky to cotton ball clouds you imagine the stars hide behind fervent prayers to Nyx between fatigue-laced sighs petition to pass into the world of the beyond very little with which you care to abscond "I've ascended the mountain; I've claimed the crown; now grant me sweet rest and let my fire burn down." the world shifts, and you find yourself prostrate to the throne of the goddess of flowers you can't claim as your own and in her hands is a circle, a mirror of glass like the one which shattered and brought with it lovers past and like the one who told you to say wolf her rough hands lift it so you can behold a forehead laced with pearly crocheted veil of sweat bogged down with weight of memory, pain of regret horrified, you recoil from the mirror and cry "oh gods, spare me the horrors of the mind!" so mindless you wander: retarded you find that the rest of the world has left you behind now, granted, this is but mere parable far from fitting fate for one so gentle but Saint Sakura stares at the family altar and wonders what day everything started to falter a mind languishing in the gentlest of hells to behold an intellectual wasteland where minds go to fold like a house of cards, once great empire crashing in and leaving oneself trembling in fear of uncertain sin dear child, please know that you're far from a flop but your course is charted; you've come too far to stop greatness now tangible, taken shape and form your choice: to snatch it, or shrink back and mourn? *** CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 (c) Vane Vander