iWelcome to MayVaneDay Studios! iThis gopherhole is under construction. iI haven't decided yet if I am going to struggle with keeping both versions (Gopher/Gemini and HTTPS) in sync or succumb to the Parthena Directive. iI'm not happy with Gopher's lack of encryption, but Mozilla's recent (as of September 2020) mass firing leads me to believe HTTP/S is on its deathbed. iIn the meantime, here's a half-made gopherhole. ibefore, in your grief, you declare i"my time on this earth is done; I have no more need for air" ijust remember how you swore to with your own hands the heavens tear 0- "earthbound" poetry/e/earthbound.txt 1Books books 1Poetry poetry 0Identity & Contact identity.txt 0My GPG key public.gpg 0My GPG key (old) public.gpg.old