school-mandated poetry: day 8 / ballad 2018-01-13 *** waiting under a forever blue sky watching as all the younger girls scream "bye" I would say "wish you here here" but there are no postcards for sale a silver wire to soon be around my finger and the impression of your face against the summer clouds still lingers the ancient question begs, "are you mine? or is this all a lie?" only purple is a unit here not pink, which has dissolved into the blue clear due to a lack of interest- and my shorts are gray but they don't have to be shorts- they can just be gray so say hello to your new lover for me because by the time I get home tomorrow, I'm sure I'll see that my home is empty and my room full of crumpled sheets the wedding tonight has been cancelled one of the brides has been locked up in the sickest cell you have twelve hours to make up your mind she loves me, she loves me not- no end in sight so now I'm splayed out on the jaded grass lawn the stars are so lucky- there's always someone out there to fawn they say that outdoors, food tastes a hell of a lot better but then why is my stomach churning like the far-off weather? little did I know, hence two years I would be shedding tears but of joy or fear, I cannot tell I'm not a fortune teller or horoscope writer; I'm not here to sell why does the sky have to be blue? why not gray to reflect a burgeoning city's soot or green like all the other damn trees here just more trees everywhere trees trees and more trees *** CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 (c) Vane Vander