Seris 2020-11-22 *** embittered by sadness emboldened by hope one more day, you deny the allure of the rope the promise of a world not far from your hands three inches to winter not hidden in distant lands but the clock is ticking and the walls are pressing in and you do nothing. you just swallow the pain. while the number in your bank account climbs ever higher it's never enough to rekindle passion's fire he scalpels out your heart and leaves in its wake a void and replaces your joints with hinges from toys and parades you around on fraying black strings and wonders why you no longer have the capacity to sing with porcelain flesh underneath frilly clothes he puppets you around while your organs drown in prose your mind is wandering with black holes enthralled: life from this point is not living at all you resolve that, if you are truly doomed to live life in constant hollow war: you'll farm from the anguish, hopelessless, gloom in the respite between arguments, interruptions, chores barren land you may be but harvest you must the words the last thing of yours you can trust the words bubble up from the depths of your throat so fast you fear you'll start to choke hold them within right next to your heart write it on your skin lest it tear you apart and shatter the puppet your jailer of you has made allowing the dreams you've incubated to fade *** CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 (c) Vane Vander