Small World Theory 2023-01-23 *** The little graphs on my phone show that web traffic has slowed, that whoever's been attacking my far-away digital home hasn't yet chosen to leave me alone. Have you ever heard of the Small World Theory? Let me explain it quick. It's rather easy. The premise is that, even though there are just shy of eight billion people on this planet wide, on both sides of the hardware software OSI layer divide, the network is smaller than such a high number leads one to believe. So either these past months I've been popular even without the referers to back the numbers up (the people have to come from *somewhere*) or I've been too passionate in my love and I caught the hateful eye of someone who would rather I shrivel up and die. But then why choose me? Is it because I look easy to take down even though my whole life I've been finding workarounds? There's nothing that I'm selling, so financial harm can't be it. Is it just for evil fun? Just to stir up shit? It's certainly been disruptive. The Internet makes it look like there's millions who want my hide, but if I were to say my name to any real-world person I come across, they'd shrug their shoulders, say, "Who's that?" and then move on. I don't have any real fame, nor have I ever yearned for the fifteen minutes of public shaming be my turn. I'm not equipped to handle an existence where everything is under constant surveillance. I think a steady babbling stream is more my speed. Don't you agree, Jett? I'd like to sit at the shores of one of the rivers of Sablade with you, tucked away where nobody can hurt me anymore. Like a router only on for an hour a day. Get your outside business done and then we'll again shut the gates. *** CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 (c) Vane Vander