Abortion II 2023-04-13 *** Stupid girl! Your body isn't your own! Don't you know the germs that roam on every inch of your skin have just as much of a right to live? Even the ones that lurk inside can use you to sustain their life. The government can't take my organs! All those guts are solely mine! Stupid girl! To us your body belongs! Every poem, every verse, every partially-composed song must first go through our censors to decide if it bears worth. You cannot speak of aught that would render our feelings hurt. No lost love, no wanted future, no trauma no matter how blurred. We'll lock you up in chains in the deep annals of our house until your will shatters and your muse you forever renounce. Facebook can't my hateful post delete! Whatever happened to freedom of speech? Stupid girl! I have always held ownership over you! I brought you to life in a bathtub out of the Eternal Blue with the intention you would fulfill the world's destiny I laid out in accordance with my will. Your independence I allowed for the sake of spontaneity. But this is too far; I forbid this mutiny. I always reserved the right to revert your body and mind back to that of a monster, mindless, should you too far from my plannings wander. To think I would be felled by my own daughter. Chaos to Chaos, Ouroboros, next link to be slaughtered... *** CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 (c) Vane Vander