# Welcome to MayVaneDay Studios! ``` before, in your grief, you declare "my time on this earth is done; I have no more need for air" just remember how you swore to with your own hands the heavens tear ``` => poetry/e/earthbound.txt - "earthbound" => books/ Books => poetry/ Poetry => flashfiction/ Flash Fiction => tutorials/ Tutorials => https://letsdecentralize.org Let's Decentralize (the new home of the Hidden Rollcall) => public.gpg My GPG key => identity.txt Identity & Contact Also available on: => gemini://mayvaneday.art Gemini (Clearnet) => gemini://meynethaffeecapsvfphrcnfrx44w2nskgls2juwitibvqctk2plvhqd.onion Gemini (Tor) => gopher://meynethaffeecapsvfphrcnfrx44w2nskgls2juwitibvqctk2plvhqd.onion Gopher (Tor) => http://meynethaffeecapsvfphrcnfrx44w2nskgls2juwitibvqctk2plvhqd.onion HTTP (Tor) => http://zli2qsg54w7y42vgw4xxlnj4nktcpg7xp33yjxkp33sjafvznbwa.b32.i2p I2P =>,rGmJhPDVou6DwS6Eh23sZ93hVbDaA6v4D5l3vWsN-oY,AQACAAE/mayvaneday/-1/ Freenet => https://zeronet.link/1MEYNetHZVbtYLoPc6sJAP2e8EzH8qJF8x/ ZeroNet => IPFS