A New Page 2020-12-06 *** the sun fails its checksum it doesn't feel the same as the blazing starry organ that once sent me sprawling for shade I need a new story to occupy my head for I keep running my fingers through tattered shattered shreds that have grown flimsy from folding and furry with mold and tired from touch sparkless, dismal, *old* I pull out my ROMs and play one a while picked out from random one of a million files but each of them fails to spark my imagination so I put controller away and continue furtive hunt hundreds of fiction books but each one a reminder from when I was naive setting my ambitions higher comics, I find, are few and far between either boring in their cliches or in a language I cannot read an aged painting is sublime but its enchantment temporary, whether of trees, landscape, woman, or dancing rows of fairies almost three years has taught my soul that is most powerful which I *externalize* but my body is weary, sky outside gray and I feel neither learned nor wise so I build a boat from spare unused neurons and set out on my ocean to explore if there are stories worthy waiting out there, I know not but my adventure starts on this unmodeled shore *** CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 (c) Vane Vander