CORNER WITCH 2020-04-06 *** what would you do with a magic cloak that come three twirls would turn you into a bird blue? I'd escape out my bedroom window and let the wind take me where it will whether past the horizon or back to my windowsill to watch the sky's fiery chariot plunge down low but there's nowhere far I could go no hope of bringing along my things with legs like easily-snapped twigs that bleed lost promises into the snow and Pernicious does not as much sway as the wind tousling the trees' hair to convince me to abandon everything and seek her bosom in hopes all will turn out okay and what would Eternal Mother say when I turn up at her door not to sing of her animals, but to come one forevermore? to abandon my voice, a sin *** CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 (c) Vane Vander