nomadic 2019-01-11 *** for as long as I can remember I've always been afflicted with wanderlust from the very beginning wandering in waist-high grass in the train yard threatening to run away to become lost in the titan machines, slowly rusting towards their demise given my father's blessing and you were there when the doldrums started when I met that accursed brown tumult of hair starting the first sparks to stoke the flame that would eventually become me every day I told you I wanted to run away and you never listened, did you? or maybe you just listened too hard. we thought Neocities would be a fresh start given a world of our own instead of cookie-cutter templates then Lucine made a scene and with light the shards teemed and freedom just became another pipe dream. whether from a genuine need for rebirth or easily-triggered boredom, pervading through it seems I am destined to never stand still to never settle down in one place either grow or not forever leaving behind link rot for the next safe place, I have always sought *** CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 (c) Vane Vander