not found 2019-02-23 *** you can be Kesha and I'll be Alice. Alice, Alice, Arisu, *I never meant to hurt you, Arisu.* *I love you, Arisu.* I hurt, and I hurt back, and I disappear, and I forget the light and the dark a construct as old as time itself the duality that lies at the heart of mankind the god and the devil the sun and the moon the blue and the gold the new and the old the ancient father of every daughter I've known but I don't know if I'll make it through this night. is it because I'm trapped in an institution that does naught but suck money from me? is it because, no matter where I go on this Wired, I keep making an asshat of myself? how many licks does it take to get to the center of a trademarked corporate candy? a-one, a-two, a-three! the world may never know, *and I sure as hell don't!* with aching knees and a heavy heart, I push myself off the floor and decide that I will keep fighting. for what, I know not for who, I remember not but even though my feet yearn for rest my heart must keep thumping it is 4:04 in the morning and a phone's brightness is blaring into the night abandoned by its owner and I have had gods at my feet and angels in my arms, in my hair, touching everywhere even if I cannot remember what they've said Seliph the Indomitable, Seliph the E'er-Complete, it shines above and crawls below and guides along my feet *** CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 (c) Vane Vander