Perdition from the Garden of Eden 2019-08-08 *** Being exiled from the Garden of Eden for the crime of heresy to the heathens who dance in the twilight, praise to old gods on their lips and pass around a jug of man's tears, from which they take delicate sips Although I know in a man's arms I shall never stay I refuse to deny the way this heavy crown of bone hangs on my head a weighty reminder to things better left unsaid to those who would strip my individual rights in the pursuit of abolishing the male blight: Why should I believe that, with you, I'll be saved, when you'll gladly push the human race into the grave? My art is indicative of no other feelings than mine. How dare you attempt to claim a piece of my Divine! To follow a legacy of bitterness and hatred- No more! I will profane all you hold sacred. So tell me, why should I worship Aphrodite? Me, the loveless, forlorn, setting out alone on these foreign shores? Keep your rituals and your tribes. I refuse to waste my life subservient to a deity who would condemn me, forgetful, to die. *** CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 (c) Vane Vander