the rebirth of memory 2018-10-02 *** a little girl collapses in the middle of a hallway surrounded by black mirrors of all shapes and sizes each one a different face, a person gone out of contact herself forever escaped from her memory for what do you weep, little child? how long will you scream at the walls? for what have you surrendered your right to your own head and given your puppet strings to someone else to contort as they please? do you fear for the future? do you wish you had the energy to fight for a better future? or perhaps turn your back on industrial society and blaze a path all for yourself? she lifted her head I cannot hear myself think I cannot think of the words to say I only know that I speak, not to be heard but to know that someone is listening but it is not worth anything if nobody is listening a long time ago, I had a premonition of an event that I dubbed "the death of memory" a catastrophic event where I would essentially die and a great deal of things important to me would suddenly perish and I would be reborn unrecognizable scorned but ultimately free I once thought it would be when I moved roots violently ripped out of the ground and transplanted elsewhere almost all my friends gone in the blink of an eye never to be heard from again but it has been almost two years and I feel more trapped than ever so what if I was reincarnated? so what if we knew each other in a past life? it is not my life's purpose to mindlessly click on things it is not my life's purpose to slave away for a corporate machine's wealth it is not my life's purpose to give someone else the keys to my happiness and the keys to my fate it is not my life's purpose to scream at the walls and expect anything other than an echo to call *** CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 (c) Vane Vander