the urban witch 2016-12-12 *** a little girl climbs up the steps to my house her head full of words and her hand full of flowers hastily arranged into a bouquet today is the day she knocks on my door "can I come inside for a minute?" her hair is waving in the wind so I say yes and let her in there are flowers on her dress hand-stitched by her grandmother her eyes are dry from the long walk water cures almost all "why ever did you come to visit me, the urban witch from the city? this place is asleep and not even I can wake it up." she looks up through full lashes "Christmas is fast approaching and I need a present for mommy for she has been sick all these years." I show her to my shelf and let her pick out a box gold and trimmed with gaudy ribbons her mother will love it *** CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 (c) Vane Vander