todo los dias 2016-07-21 *** waiting under a forever blue sky among trees of green and yellow I would say "wish you were here" but there are no postcards for sale a silver wire to soon be on my finger a hasty proposal before a flag is taken down "are you mine?" the ancient question begs "or is this all a joke?" only purple is a unit here not pink, which has dissolved into the blue due to a lack of interest and my shorts are gray but they don’t have to be shorts they can just be gray say hello to your new lover for me for I'm sure that you’ve already found someone and the lonely bleeding blue boy will continue wandering across these well-worn paths the wedding tonight has been cancelled one of the brides is going home sick you have twelve hours to make up your mind she loves me, she loves me not she loves me not and the petals fall to the floor I shouldn’t have wished for so much but the sham will continue for the benefit of the little girls still dreaming, still hoping, still planning don't crush their dreams *** CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 (c) Vane Vander