1943 lines
67 KiB
1943 lines
67 KiB
#! /usr/bin/scheme --program
;;; html-prep.ss
;;; Copyright (c) 1998-2016 R. Kent Dybvig and Oscar Waddell
;;; Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
;;; copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"),
;;; to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation
;;; the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense,
;;; and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the
;;; Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
;;; The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
;;; all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
;;; TODO
;;; * fix paragraph handling
;;; * verify compliance of generated documents
;;; * resolve multicolumn bug --- see ./multicolumn-bug.stex
;;; - I commented out lots of stuff that Kent added and it seems to
;;; work for the one example I care about at the moment (right now
;;; I'm just trying to get Assignment 14 out by hook or by crook)
;;; * move stuff now unique to html-prep.ss from preplib.ss
;;; * add ability to insert arbitrary content into header
;;; * update documentation
;;; html-prep now consults the TEXINPUTS environment variable to
;;; locate .hcls files.
;;; primitive commands (latex standard first, then extensions)
;;; &
;;; \&
;;; ~
;;; -- (en-dash)
;;; --- (em-dash)
;;; \'e, \'o
;;; \"{<letter>}
;;; \c{<letter>}
;;; \\[ignored]
;;; \<space>
;;; $ ... $ (see below)
;;; { ... } (groups)
;;; \begingroup ... \endgroup
;;; \bgroup ... \egroup
;;; %<comment>
;;; \[ ... \] (see below)
;;; \begin{eqnarray*} ... \end{eqnarray*} (see below)
;;; \begin{divertoutput}[i] ... \end{divertoutput}
;;; i selects a currently opened file:
;;; 0 first file opened, 1 second file, ...
;;; or -1 most recent, -2 next most recent, ...
;;; \begin{verbatim} ... \end{verbatim}
;;; \bf
;;; \bibitem
;;; \cite{...}
;;; \emph{...}
;;; \epsfbox{...}
;;; \genlab
;;; \hindex{label}{stuff} (see below)
;;; \include{filename}
;;; \input{filename}
;;; \index{stuff} (see below)
;;; \it
;;; \label{...}
;;; \pagebreak[n]
;;; \pageref[class]{...}
;;; \ref[class]{...}
;;; \usepackage{...} ; implicit .hsty suffix
;;; \vskip (remainder of line ignored!)
;;; \def
;;; \newenvironment
;;; \renewenvironment
;;; \newif
;;; \newcounter
;;; \setcounter
;;; \addtocounter
;;; \stepcounter
;;; \tt
;;; \closehtmlfile
;;; \closerawfile
;;; \currentoutputfile
;;; \headerstuff{stuff} (raw stuff between <head></head>
;;; \documenttitle[formats]{title}
;;; \hpageref[class]{label}{text} (pageref link around text)
;;; \href[class]{label}{text} (ref link around text)
;;; \hardspaces
;;; \rawinput{filename} (inserts raw html from filename)
;;; \makeindex
;;; \openhtmlfile
;;; \openrawfile
;;; \raw{...}
;;; \geq{...}
;;; \leq{...}
;;; \neq{...}
;;; \equiv{...}
;;; \LARGE
;;; \Large
;;; \large
;;; \small
;;; \footnotesize
;;; \tiny
;;; Within $ ... $, \[ ... \], \begin{eqnarray*} ... \end{eqnarray*}
;;; user-defined macros are not presently expanded
;;; \index and \hindex syntax
;;; \index{levels} or \index{levels|pageformat}
;;; \hindex{label}{levels} or \hindex{label}{levels|pageformat}
;;; levels --> level
;;; --> level!levels
;;; level --> keyentry (key and entry same)
;;; level --> key@entry (separate key and entry)
;;; index and hindex entries follow makeindex 2.13 syntax except that
;;; the special characters !, @, |, ", and \ are freely allowed within
;;; embeded {, } pairs in the "actual entry" portion of a level (the
;;; portion following @, if any). a modified version of makeindex 2.13
;;; that supports this extension (with the -d [allow delimited special
;;; chars] flag) is available here as well.
(import (except (chezscheme) open-input-file) (dsm) (preplib) (script))
(define math-directory (make-parameter "math"))
(define push-ofile
(lambda (op ofiles)
(current-ofile op)
(cons op ofiles)))
(define pop-ofile
(lambda (ofiles)
(let ([ofiles (cdr ofiles)])
(current-ofile (and (not (null? ofiles)) (car ofiles)))
(define get-counter-value
(lambda (count)
(getprop count 'counter #f)))
(define set-counter-value!
(lambda (count value)
(putprop count 'counter value)))
(define add-subcounter!
(lambda (counter subcounter)
(putprop counter 'subcounters
(cons subcounter (getprop counter 'subcounters '())))))
(define subcounters
(lambda (counter)
(getprop counter 'subcounters '())))
(define tex-file-name
(lambda (fn)
(if (or (string=? (format "~a.tex" (path-root fn)) fn)
(file-exists? fn))
(format "~a.tex" fn))))
(define open-html-file
(lambda (ip title)
(define next-count
(lambda (root)
[(assoc root (output-file-counters)) =>
(lambda (a)
(let ([n (+ (cdr a) 1)])
(set-cdr! a n)
(cons (cons root 0) (output-file-counters)))
; generate sequence of names foo.html, foo_1.html, foo_2.html, ...
(let ([op (let ([fn (let ([root (path-root (port-name (current-ifile)))])
(let ([n (next-count root)])
(if (= n 0)
(format "~a.html" root)
(format "~a_~d.html" root n))))])
(open-output-file fn 'replace))])
(fprintf op "<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN\"\n \"http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd\">")
(fprintf op "<!-- DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE-->~%")
(fprintf op "<!-- Edit the .tex version instead-->~%~%")
(fprintf op "<html>~%")
(fprintf op "<head>~%<title>~a</title>~%" title)
(when (header-stuff) (display (header-stuff) op))
(when (style-sheet)
(fprintf op "<link href=\"~a\" rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\">\n"
(fprintf op "</head>~%<body>~%")
(define close-html-port
(lambda (p)
(fprintf p "</body>~%")
(fprintf p "</html>~%")
(close-output-port p)))
(define get-cite
(lambda (key)
(or (getprop key 'cite)
(warningf #f "bib entry ~a not found" key)
(define put-label!
(lambda (name type value)
(putprop name type value)))
(define get-label
(lambda (name type)
(or (getprop name type)
(warningf #f "label (~a) ~a undefined" type name)
(define read-aux-file
(lambda (fn)
(let ([ip (open-input-file fn)])
(parameterize ([current-ifile ip])
(let loop ([newline? #f])
(state-case (c (read-char ip))
[(#\newline) (loop #t)]
(when newline?
(let ([cmd (read-command ip)])
(case cmd
(let ([cmd (read-command ip)])
(case cmd
(read-aux-file (read-bracketed-text ip))]))]
(let* ([key (read-bracketed-text ip)]
[cite (read-bracketed-text ip)])
(putprop (string->symbol key) 'cite cite))]
(let* ([name (read-bracketed-text ip)]
[ref (begin (read-open-brace ip)
(read-bracketed-text ip))]
[pageref (read-bracketed-text ip)])
(put-label! (string->symbol name) 'pageref pageref))])))
(loop #f)]
[(eof) (close-port ip)]
[else (loop #f)]))))))
;; structures
(define-structure (index-entry url keys texts pageno pageformat prefix))
(define s$
(lambda (ip op) ; within $...$
(let ([s (let ([buf (open-output-string)])
(let loop ()
(state-case (c (read-char ip))
[(#\$) (get-output-string buf)]
[(eof) (unexpected-eof "within $ ... $")]
[(#\newline) (write-char #\space buf) (loop)]
[else (write-char c buf) (loop)])))])
(emit-math s op))))
(define (scomment ip op hard-spaces)
(state-case (c (read-char ip))
[(eof #\newline)
(unless hard-spaces
(let eat-spaces ()
(state-case (c (peek-char ip))
[(#\space #\tab) (read-char ip) (eat-spaces)]
[else (void)])))]
[else (scomment ip op hard-spaces)]))
(define seqnarray*
(lambda (ip op) ; within \begin{eqnarray*} ... \end{eqnarray*}
(let ([s (let ([buf (open-output-string)])
(let loop ()
(state-case (c (read-char ip))
(let ([cmd (read-command ip)])
(case cmd
(read-open-brace ip)
(if (equal? (read-bracketed-text ip 1) "eqnarray*")
(get-output-string buf)
(input-error "expected \\end{eqnarray*}"))]
(fprintf buf "\\~a" cmd)
[(eof) (unexpected-eof "within eqnarray*")]
[else (write-char c buf) (loop)])))])
(punt-to-latex (format "\\begin{eqnarray*}~a\\end{eqnarray*}" s) op))))
(define smathdisplay
(lambda (ip op) ; within \[ ... \]
(let ([s (let ([buf (open-output-string)])
(let loop ()
(state-case (c (read-char ip))
(let ([cmd (read-command ip)])
(case cmd ;[
[(|]|) (get-output-string buf)]
(fprintf buf "\\~a" cmd)
[(eof) (unexpected-eof "within \\[ ... \\]")]
[else (write-char c buf) (loop)])))])
(emit-math s op))))
(define emit-math
(lambda (s op)
[(htmlmath (open-input-string s) #f) =>
(lambda (html) (display html op))]
[else (punt-to-latex (format "$~a$" s) op)])))
(define htmlmath
(lambda (ip compact?)
(let ([buf (open-output-string)])
(let loop ([unary? #t])
(state-case (c (read-char ip))
(let ([cmd (read-command ip)])
(case cmd
(fprintf buf "~a" cmd)
(loop #t)]
(fprintf buf "~a" cmd)
(loop #f)]
[(|,| |;|)
(loop unary?)]
(fprintf buf (if (or compact? unary?) "·" " · "))
(loop #t)]
(fprintf buf "...")
(loop #f)]
(fprintf buf (if (or compact? unary?) ">" " > "))
(loop #t)]
(fprintf buf (if (or compact? unary?) "<" " < "))
(loop #t)]
[(ge geq)
(fprintf buf (if (or compact? unary?) "≥" " ≥ "))
(loop #t)]
[(le leq)
(fprintf buf (if (or compact? unary?) "≤" " ≤ "))
(loop #t)]
[(ne neq)
(fprintf buf (if (or compact? unary?) "≠" " ≠ "))
(loop #t)]
(fprintf buf (if (or compact? unary?) "≡" " ≡ "))
(loop #t)]
(fprintf buf "log")
(loop #t)]
(fprintf buf (if (or compact? unary?) "±" " ± "))
(loop #t)]
(fprintf buf (if (or compact? unary?) "÷" " ÷ "))
(loop #t)]
(fprintf buf (if (or compact? unary?) "×" " × "))
(loop #t)]
[else #f]))]
[(#\{) (loop unary?)]
[(#\}) (loop unary?)]
(state-case (c (read-char ip))
[(htmlmath (open-input-string (read-bracketed-text ip 1)) #t) =>
(lambda (html)
(fprintf buf "<sub>~a</sub>" html)
(loop #f))]
[else #f])]
[(eof) #f]
[else (fprintf buf "<sub>~a</sub>" c) (loop #f)])]
(state-case (c (read-char ip))
[(htmlmath (open-input-string (read-bracketed-text ip 1)) #t) =>
(lambda (html)
(fprintf buf "<sup>~a</sup>" html)
(loop #f))]
[else #f])]
[(eof) #f]
[else (fprintf buf "<sup>~a</sup>" c) (loop #f)])]
[((#\a - #\z) (#\A - #\Z))
(fprintf buf "<i>")
(let loop ([c c])
(write-char c buf)
(state-case (c (peek-char ip))
[((#\a - #\z) (#\A - #\Z)) (read-char ip) (loop c)]
[else (void)]))
(fprintf buf "</i>")
(loop #f)]
[(#\<) (fprintf buf (if (or compact? unary?) "<" " < ")) (loop #t)]
[(#\>) (fprintf buf (if (or compact? unary?) ">" " > ")) (loop #t)]
[(#\= #\+ #\-)
(fprintf buf (if (or compact? unary?) "~c" " ~c ") c)
(loop #t)]
[(#\/ #\( #\[ #\,) (write-char c buf) (loop #t)]
[((#\0 - #\9) #\. #\) #\] #\! #\| #\')
(write-char c buf) (loop #f)]
[(#\space) (loop unary?)]
[(#\newline) (write-char c buf) (loop #t)]
[(eof) (get-output-string buf)]
[else (input-error "unexpected character ~s in math mode" c)])))))
(define punt-to-latex
(lambda (s op)
(define latex-header
\\input mathmacros % Kent wanted it moved back up here for some reason.
%\\input mathmacros % I had moved it for a good reason that I don't recall.
(define latex-trailer
[(assoc s (latex-cache)) =>
(lambda (a)
(fprintf op "<img src=\"~a\" alt=\"<graphic>\">" (cdr a)))]
(let* ([fn (math-file-name)]
[texfn (format "~a.tex" fn)]
[giffn (format "~a.gif" fn)])
(fprintf op "<img src=\"~a\" alt=\"<graphic>\">" giffn)
(latex-cache (cons (cons s (format "~a" giffn)) (latex-cache)))
; don't rewrite file unless different to avoid need to remake gif file
(let ([s (format "~a~a~a" latex-header s latex-trailer)])
(unless (guard (c [else #f])
(equal? s (call-with-port (open-input-file texfn) get-string-all)))
(call-with-port (open-output-file texfn 'replace)
(lambda (texop) (display s texop))))))])))
(define math-file-name
(let ([seq -1])
(lambda ()
(set! seq (+ seq 1))
(format "~a/~d" (math-directory) seq))))
(define haux-put-label
(lambda (label type url)
(write `(putprop ',label ',type ,url) (haux-op))
(newline (haux-op))))
(define current-ofile-name
(lambda ()
(if (current-ofile)
(port-name (current-ofile))
(define slabel
[(label text) (slabel label text (gensym))]
[(label text tag)
(let ([url (format "~a#~a" (current-ofile-name) tag)])
(haux-put-label label 'pageref-url url)
(when (current-ref-label)
(haux-put-label label 'ref (car (current-ref-label)))
(haux-put-label label 'ref-url (cdr (current-ref-label)))))
(format "<a name=\"~a\">~a</a>" tag text)]))
(define sindex
; 1. read contents of \index{} form
; separate at !s into 1 or more levels plus page format after |, if
; present; separate levels at @ into sort key and text, if present
; recognize quoted/escaped characters in the input
; 2. look up pageno & url corresponding
; 3. cons entry on to index-entries
(lambda (ip op lab)
(lambda () (parse-index ip #f))
(lambda (levels page-format)
(let ([keys (map (lambda (level) (or (car level) (cdr level)))
[texts (map cdr levels)]
[pageno (get-label lab 'pageref)]
[url (get-label lab 'pageref-url)])
(cons (make-index-entry url keys texts pageno page-format "")
(define smakeindex
; insert indexspace between letters?
; links per starting letter?
(lambda (op)
(define print-page
(lambda (entry)
(let ([pageno (format "\\raw{<a class=index href=\"~a\">}~a~a\\raw{</a>}"
(index-entry-url entry)
(index-entry-prefix entry)
(index-entry-pageno entry))]
[pageformat (index-entry-pageformat entry)])
(if (string=? pageformat "")
(fprintf op ", ~a" pageno)
(fprintf op ", \\~a{~a}" pageformat pageno)))))
(define see?
(lambda (pageformat)
(and (fx> (string-length pageformat) 3)
(string=? (substring pageformat 0 3) "see"))))
(define remove-dups
; remove dup even if url is different, which it usually will be.
; to avoid entries like "begin, 51, 51". if they're on the same
; page in the printed version, they'll be close enough in the
; electronic version. remove duplicate "see" pageformat entries
; regardless of the page and url.
(lambda (ls)
(if (null? ls)
(let f ([ls (cdr ls)] [prev (car ls)])
(if (null? ls)
(list prev)
(let ([x (car ls)])
(if (let ([xpageformat (index-entry-pageformat x)])
(and (see? xpageformat)
(string=? (index-entry-pageformat prev) xpageformat)))
(f (cdr ls) prev)
(if (and (equal? (index-entry-texts x)
(index-entry-texts prev))
(string=? (index-entry-prefix x)
(index-entry-prefix prev))
(string=? (index-entry-pageno x)
(index-entry-pageno prev)))
(if (string=? (index-entry-pageformat x)
(index-entry-pageformat prev))
(f (cdr ls) prev)
(if (string=? (index-entry-pageformat prev) "")
(f (cdr ls) x)
(if (string=? (index-entry-pageformat x) "")
(f (cdr ls) prev)
(errorf #f
"conflicting page formats for ~s and ~s"
x prev))))
(cons prev (f (cdr ls) x))))))))))
(define print-item
(lambda (entry texts level)
(let f ([texts texts] [level level])
(if (null? texts)
(print-page entry)
(fprintf op "~% \\")
(do ([i level (- i 1)]) ((= i 0)) (display "sub" op))
(fprintf op "item ~a" (car texts))
(f (cdr texts) (+ level 1)))))))
(define see-cmp
(lambda (xpageformat ypageformat)
(if (see? xpageformat)
(if (see? ypageformat)
(str-cmp xpageformat ypageformat)
(if (see? ypageformat)
(guard (c [else #f])
(let ([seed-entries (call-with-port (open-input-file "in.hidx") read)])
(index-entries (append seed-entries (index-entries)))))
(parameterize ([print-vector-length #f])
(let ([out.hidx (open-output-file "out.hidx" 'replace)])
(fprintf out.hidx "(~%") ;)
(lambda (x) (fprintf out.hidx "~s~%" x))
(index-entries)) ;(
(fprintf out.hidx ")~%")))
(fprintf op "\\begin{theindex}~%")
(let ([ls (sort (lambda (x y)
; sort based on each key. if the keys compare equal,
; sort based on text. if the text is equal, sort based
; on the remaining keys and texts. for matching
; keys and texts, push "see" formats to the back, then
; sort on prefix, pageno, and url
(let f ([xkeys (index-entry-keys x)]
[xtexts (index-entry-texts x)]
[ykeys (index-entry-keys y)]
[ytexts (index-entry-texts y)])
[(null? xkeys)
(or (not (null? ykeys))
(case (see-cmp (index-entry-pageformat x) (index-entry-pageformat y))
[(<) #t]
[(>) #f]
(case (str-cmp (index-entry-prefix x)
(index-entry-prefix y))
[(<) #t]
[(>) #f]
(let ([nx (pageno->number (index-entry-pageno x))]
[ny (pageno->number (index-entry-pageno y))])
[(< nx ny) #t]
[(> nx ny) #f]
(str-cmp (index-entry-url x)
(index-entry-url y))]))])]))]
[(null? ykeys) #f]
(case (str-cmp (car xkeys) (car ykeys))
[(<) #t]
[(>) #f]
; separate different texts with same keys
(case (str-cmp (car xtexts) (car ytexts))
[(<) #t]
[(>) #f]
[else (f (cdr xkeys) (cdr xtexts)
(cdr ykeys) (cdr ytexts))])])])))
(let loop ([ls (remove-dups ls)] [last-texts '()])
(unless (null? ls)
(let* ([entry (car ls)] [texts (index-entry-texts entry)])
(let f ([texts texts] [last-texts last-texts] [level 0])
(if (null? last-texts)
(if (null? texts)
(print-page entry)
(print-item entry texts level))
(if (eq? (str-cmp (car texts) (car last-texts)) '=)
(f (cdr texts) (cdr last-texts) (+ level 1))
(print-item entry texts level))))
(loop (cdr ls) texts)))))
(fprintf op "\\end{theindex}~%")))
(define pageno->number
(lambda (s)
(let ([sip (open-input-string s)])
(let loop ([a -10000])
(state-case (c (read-char sip))
(state-case (c (peek-char sip))
[(#\v) (read-char sip) (loop (+ a 4))]
[(#\x) (read-char sip) (loop (+ a 9))]
[else (loop (+ a 1))])]
(state-case (c (peek-char sip))
[(#\x) (read-char sip) (loop (+ a 5))]
[else (loop (+ a 5))])]
[(#\x) (loop (+ a 10))]
[(eof) a]
[else (or (string->number s) -1)])))))
(define char-table
(let ([s (make-string 256 #\nul)])
(define fill!
(lambda (i ls)
(unless (null? ls)
(lambda (c) (string-set! s (char->integer c) (integer->char i)))
(if (char? (car ls)) (list (car ls)) (car ls)))
(fill! (+ i 1) (cdr ls)))))
(fill! 1 '(
#\! #\" #\# #\$ #\% #\& #\' #\( #\) #\* #\+ #\, #\- #\. #\/ #\:
#\; #\< #\= #\> #\? #\@ #\[ #\\ #\] #\^ #\_ #\` #\{ #\| #\} #\~
#\0 #\1 #\2 #\3 #\4 #\5 #\6 #\7 #\8 #\9
(#\A #\a) (#\B #\b) (#\C #\c) (#\D #\d) (#\E #\e) (#\F #\f)
(#\G #\g) (#\H #\h) (#\I #\i) (#\J #\j) (#\K #\k) (#\L #\l)
(#\M #\m) (#\N #\n) (#\O #\o) (#\P #\p) (#\Q #\q) (#\R #\r)
(#\S #\s) (#\T #\t) (#\U #\u) (#\V #\v) (#\W #\w) (#\X #\x)
(#\Y #\y) (#\Z #\z)))
(define char-cvt
; place all non-alphabetic characters up front; commonize upper and
; lower case characters
(lambda (c)
(string-ref char-table (char->integer c))))
(define str-cmp
; returns <, =, > if x<y, =y, >y
(lambda (s1 s2)
(let ([n1 (string-length s1)] [n2 (string-length s2)])
(let f ([i 0])
(if (fx= i n2)
(if (fx= i n1) '= '>)
(if (fx= i n1)
(let ([c1 (char-cvt (string-ref s1 i))]
[c2 (char-cvt (string-ref s2 i))])
(if (char<? c1 c2)
(if (char=? c1 c2) (f (fx+ i 1)) '>)))))))))
(define push-undo
(lambda (p undos)
(cons (cons p (car undos)) (cdr undos))))
(define-syntactic-monad P
ip ; current input port
op ; current output port
def-env ; definition environment
pending ; stack of pending latex "environments"
groups ; stack of pending groups
ips ; input port stack; does not include ip
ops ; output port stack; does not include op
ifiles ; stack of input files [(cons ip ips) w/o string ports]
ofiles ; stack of output files [(cons op ops) w/o string ports]
rawfiles ; assocation list of name, raw output-file pairs
hard-spaces ; if #t, treat spaces as ~
eofconts ; stack of continuations to call on eof
undos ; stack of lists of undo procs to call when group ends
column ; current column in current table
columns ; stack of current column in pending tables
colfmt ; column format for current table
colfmts ; stack of column formats for pending tables
convert-quotes ; if #t, converts `` and '' to " and -- to -
(define sinclude
(P lambda (fn)
(let ([new-ip
(guard (c [else (warningf #f "cannot open ~a" fn) #f])
(open-input-file fn))])
(if new-ip
(P s0
([ip new-ip]
[ips (cons ip ips)]
[eofconts (cons s0 eofconts)]
[ifiles (push-ifile new-ip ifiles)]))
(P s0)))))
(define sbegingroup
(P lambda (g)
(P s0
([groups (cons g groups)]
[def-env (cons '() def-env)]
[undos (cons '() undos)]))))
(define sundo
(lambda (ls)
(if (null? ls)
(P lambda ()
(P (car ls) () (sundo (cdr ls)))))))
(define sendgroup
(P lambda (g)
(unless (eq? (car groups) g)
(input-error "unmatched ~a"
(if (eq? g 'bgroup) "close brace or egroup" "endgroup")))
(P (sundo (car undos))
([groups (cdr groups)]
[def-env (cdr def-env)]
[undos (cdr undos)]))))
(define snewcommand
(P lambda (cmd)
(define iota
(lambda (i n)
(if (> i n) '() (cons i (iota (+ i 1) n)))))
(let* ([argcnt-str (read-optional-arg ip)]
[argcnt (if argcnt-str (string->number argcnt-str) 0)]
[opt (read-optional-arg ip)]
[template (read-bracketed-text ip)])
(unless (and argcnt (<= (if opt 1 0) argcnt 9))
(input-error "invalid argument count ~a" argcnt-str))
(let ([pattern (if opt (cons opt (iota 2 argcnt)) (iota 1 argcnt))])
(set-def! cmd def-env #f
(P lambda ()
(P s0
([ip (open-input-string
(expand-template template
(read-args ip pattern cmd) cmd))]
[ips (cons ip ips)]
[eofconts (cons s0 eofconts)]))))))
(P s0)))
(define snewenvironment
(P lambda (cmd)
(define iota
(lambda (i n)
(if (> i n) '() (cons i (iota (+ i 1) n)))))
(let* ([argcnt-str (read-optional-arg ip)]
[argcnt (if argcnt-str (string->number argcnt-str) 0)]
[opt (read-optional-arg ip)]
[b (begin (suppress-white-space ip) (read-bracketed-text ip))]
[e (begin (suppress-white-space ip) (read-bracketed-text ip))])
(unless (and argcnt (<= (if opt 1 0) argcnt 9))
(input-error "invalid argument count ~a" argcnt-str))
(let ([pattern (if opt (cons opt (iota 2 argcnt)) (iota 1 argcnt))])
(set-def! cmd def-env #f
(P lambda ()
(P s0
([ip (open-input-string
(expand-template b
(read-args ip pattern cmd) cmd))]
[ips (cons ip ips)]
[eofconts (cons s0 eofconts)]
[pending (cons cmd pending)])))))
(let ([endcmd (string->symbol (format "end~a" cmd))])
(set-def! endcmd def-env #f
(P lambda ()
(P s0 ([ip (open-input-string e)]
[ips (cons ip ips)]
[eofconts (cons (P lambda ()
(check-pending (car pending) cmd)
(P s0 ([pending (cdr pending)])))
(P s0)))
(define check-pending
(lambda (expected actual)
(unless (eq? expected actual)
(input-error "expected \\end{~a}, got \\end{~a} or \\end~a"
(define process-string
(P lambda (s k)
(P s0
([ip (open-input-string s)]
[ips (cons ip ips)]
[eofconts (cons (P lambda ()
(P k
([op (car ops)] [ops (cdr ops)])
(get-output-string op)))
[op (open-output-string)]
[ops (cons op ops)]))))
(define new-conditional
(lambda (ifcmd def-env default cmdtrue cmdfalse)
(define scan-if
(let ([buf (open-output-string)])
(lambda (ip def-env hard-spaces)
(let loop ([depth 0] [then-part #f])
(state-case (c (read-char ip))
(let ([cmd (read-command ip)])
[(conditional? cmd def-env)
(fprintf buf "\\~a" cmd)
(loop (+ depth 1) then-part)]
[(and (= depth 0) (eq? cmd 'else))
(if then-part
(input-error "extra \\else found")
(loop depth (get-output-string buf)))]
[(eq? cmd 'fi)
(if (= depth 0)
(if then-part
(values then-part (get-output-string buf))
(values (get-output-string buf) ""))
(fprintf buf "\\~a" cmd)
(loop (- depth 1) then-part)))]
(fprintf buf "\\~a" cmd)
(loop depth then-part)]))]
(scomment ip buf hard-spaces)
(loop depth then-part)]
(fprintf buf "{~a}" (read-bracketed-text ip 1))
(loop depth then-part)]
[(#\}) (input-error "unmatched } within \\if ... \\fi")]
[(eof) (input-error
"unexpected end-of-file within \\if ... \\fi")]
[else (write-char c buf) (loop depth then-part)])))))
(let ([cell (cons default (void))])
(set-def! ifcmd def-env #t
(P lambda ()
(lambda () (scan-if ip def-env hard-spaces))
(lambda (then-part else-part)
(let ([part (if (car cell) then-part else-part)])
(P s0 ([ip (open-input-string part)]
[ips (cons ip ips)]
[eofconts (cons s0 eofconts)])))))))
(when cmdtrue
(set-def! cmdtrue def-env #f
(P lambda ()
(set-car! cell #t)
(P s0))))
(when cmdfalse
(set-def! cmdfalse def-env #f
(P lambda ()
(set-car! cell #f)
(P s0)))))))
(define (sraw ip op)
(state-case (c (read-char ip))
(state-case (c2 (peek-char ip))
(write-char (read-char ip) op)]
[else (write-char #\\ op)])
(sraw ip op)]
[(eof) (void)]
[else (write-char c op) (sraw ip op)]))
(define snewif
(lambda (ip def-env)
(state-case (c (read-char ip))
(let ([ifcmd (read-command ip)])
(let ([ifcmd-str (symbol->string ifcmd)])
(unless (and (> (string-length ifcmd-str) 2)
(string=? (substring ifcmd-str 0 2) "if"))
(input-error "invalid conditional name ~a" ifcmd))
(let ([cmd (substring ifcmd-str 2 (string-length ifcmd-str))])
(new-conditional ifcmd def-env #f
(string->symbol (string-append cmd "true"))
(string->symbol (string-append cmd "false"))))))]
[else (input-error "unexpected character following \\newif")])))
(define-syntax numbering-command
(syntax-rules ()
[(_ who fmt)
(global-def who (snumber 'who fmt))]))
(define snumber
(lambda (who fmt)
(P lambda ()
(let* ([counter (string->symbol (read-bracketed-text ip))]
[value (get-counter-value counter)])
(unless value
(input-error "unknown counter in \\~a{~a}" who counter))
(display (fmt (get-counter-value counter)) op))
(P s0))))
(define s0
(P lambda ()
(state-case (c (read-char ip))
(let ([cmd (read-command ip)])
[(get-def cmd def-env) =>
(lambda (proc)
(unless (command-symbol? cmd)
(if hard-spaces
(let loop () ; squeeze out only empty lines
(state-case (c (peek-char ip))
[(#\newline) (read-char ip) (loop)]
[(#\%) (read-char ip) (scomment ip op hard-spaces) (loop)]
[else (void)]))
(suppress-white-space ip)))
(P proc))]
[else (unexpected-command cmd)]))]
[(#\space #\tab)
(if hard-spaces (display " " op) (write-char c op))
(P s0)]
(display " " op)
(P s0)]
(if convert-quotes
; emit - for -- and --- for ---. IE4 and older versions of netscape
; can't handle the proper HTML en-dash and em-dash encodings.
(if (eqv? (peek-char ip) #\-)
(read-char ip)
(if (eqv? (peek-char ip) #\-)
(read-char ip)
(display "---" op)) ; should be —
(display "-" op))) ; should be –
(write-char c op))
(write-char c op))
(P s0)]
[(#\<) (fprintf op "<") (P s0)]
[(#\>) (fprintf op ">") (P s0)]
(s$ ip op)
(P s0)]
[(#\%) (scomment ip op hard-spaces) (P s0)]
[(#\{) (P sbegingroup () 'group)]
[(#\}) (P sendgroup () 'group)]
[(#\` #\')
(if (and convert-quotes (eqv? (peek-char ip) c))
(begin (read-char ip) (write-char #\" op))
(write-char c op))
(P s0)]
(write-char c op)
(when (let loop ([par? #f]) ; insert par for multiple blank lines
(state-case (c (peek-char ip))
[(#\newline) (read-char ip) (write-char c op) (loop #t)]
[(#\space #\tab)
(if hard-spaces
(begin (read-char ip) (write-char c op) (loop par?)))]
[(#\%) (read-char ip) (scomment ip op hard-spaces) (loop par?)]
[else par?]))
(fprintf op "<p>~%"))
(P s0)]
[(#\&) (P sampersand ())]
(close-input-port ip)
(if (null? ips)
(P (car eofconts)
([ip (car ips)]
[ips (cdr ips)]
[ifiles (if (eq? ip (car ifiles)) (pop-ifile ifiles) ifiles)]
[eofconts (cdr eofconts)])))]
[else (write-char c op) (P s0)])))
; rudimentary table support
(define-record table (col-format border?))
(define silenced? #f)
(define parse-col-format
(lambda (s)
(let ([ip (open-input-string s)])
(let loop ([ls '()] [border? #f])
(state-case (c (read-char ip))
(unless silenced?
(set! silenced? #t)
(warningf 'tabular "support for rules in HTML tables is imprecise"))
(loop ls #t)]
[(#\c) (loop (cons " align=\"center\"" ls) border?)]
[(#\l) (loop (cons " align=\"left\"" ls) border?)]
[(#\r) (loop (cons " align=\"right\"" ls) border?)]
(warningf 'tabular "ignoring @{~a} for now" (read-bracketed-text ip))
(loop ls border?)]
[(eof) (make-table (list->vector (reverse ls)) border?)]
[else (input-error (format "unexpected column format specifier ~a" c))])))))
(define emit-td
(P lambda (k)
(fprintf (car ops) "<TD nowrap~a>~a</TD>"
(vector-ref (table-col-format colfmt) column)
(get-output-string op))
(case (car pending)
(P k ([pending (cdr pending)]
[colfmt (car colfmts)]
[colfmts (cdr colfmts)]))]
[(tabular) (P k ())]
[else (errorf 'html-prep.ss "emit-td somehow invoked with invalid pending ~s" (car pending))])))
(define sampersand
(P lambda ()
(case (car pending)
[(tabular multicolumn)
(P emit-td ()
(P lambda ()
(let ([column (+ column 1)])
(when (>= column (vector-length (table-col-format colfmt)))
(unread-char #\& ip)
(input-error "Extra alignment character &"))
(P s0 ([op (open-output-string)] [column column])))))]
[else (input-error "Misplaced or extra alignment tab character &")])))
(define scr
(P lambda ()
(read-optional-arg ip) ; waste bracketed skip amount, if any
(case (car pending)
[(tabular multicolumn)
(P emit-td ()
(P lambda ()
(display "</TR><TR>" (car ops))
(P s0 ([column 0]))))]
(display "<br>\n" op)
(P s0)])))
(define header-stuff (make-parameter #f))
(define style-sheet (make-parameter #f))
(define current-ofile (make-parameter #f)) ; for slabel
(define current-ref-label (make-parameter #f))
(define document-title (make-parameter #f))
(define index-entries (make-parameter #f))
(define latex-cache (make-parameter #f))
(define output-file-counters (make-parameter #f))
(define haux-op (make-parameter #f))
(define jobname (make-parameter #f))
(define go
(lambda (fn)
(define bit-sink
(let ()
(define make-bit-sink-port
(lambda ()
(define handler
(lambda (msg . args)
(record-case (cons msg args)
[block-write (p s n) (void)]
[clear-output-port (p) (set-port-output-index! p 0)]
[close-port (p)
(set-port-output-size! p 0)
(mark-port-closed! p)]
[flush-output-port (p) (set-port-output-index! p 0)]
[port-name (p) "bit-sink port"]
[write-char (c p) (set-port-output-index! p 0)]
[else (errorf 'bit-sink-port "operation ~s not handled"
(let ([len 1024])
(let ([p (make-output-port handler (make-string len))])
(jobname fn)
(let ([ip (open-input-file (tex-file-name fn))])
; preplib parameters
(parameterize ([current-ifile #f]
[genlab-prefix "h"]
[genlab-counters '()])
; local parameters
(parameterize ([header-stuff #f]
[style-sheet #f]
[current-ofile #f]
[current-ref-label #f]
[document-title "Untitled Document"]
[index-entries '()]
[latex-cache '()]
[output-file-counters '()]
[haux-op bit-sink])
(P s0
([ip ip]
[op bit-sink]
[def-env '()]
[pending '(top)]
[groups '(top)]
[ips '()]
[ops '()]
[ifiles (push-ifile ip '())]
[ofiles '()]
[rawfiles '()]
[hard-spaces #f]
[eofconts (list s0)]
[undos (list '())]
[column #f] ; need flow-sensitive static analysis
[columns '()]
[colfmt #f] ; need flow-sensitive static analysis
[colfmts '()]
[convert-quotes #t])))))))
(global-def def
(P lambda ()
(let* ([cmd (state-case (c (read-char ip))
[(#\\) (read-command ip)]
[else (input-error "invalid \\def syntax")])]
[pattern (read-def-pattern ip)]
[template (read-bracketed-text ip)])
(set-def! cmd def-env #f
(P lambda ()
(P s0
([ip (open-input-string
(expand-template template
(read-args ip pattern cmd) cmd))]
[ips (cons ip ips)]
[eofconts (cons s0 eofconts)]))))
(P s0))))
(global-def let
(P lambda ()
(let* ([cmd (state-case (c (read-char ip))
[(#\\) (read-command ip)]
[else (input-error "invalid \\let syntax")])]
[rhs (state-case (c (read-char ip))
[(#\=) (state-case (c (read-char ip))
[(#\\) (read-command ip)]
[else (input-error "invalid \\let right-hand side")])]
[else (input-error "expected = after \\let")])])
(set-def! cmd def-env #f (get-def rhs def-env))
(P s0))))
(global-def edef
(P lambda ()
(let* ([cmd (state-case (c (read-char ip))
[(#\\) (read-command ip)]
[else (input-error "invalid \\def syntax")])]
[pattern (read-def-pattern ip)]
[template (read-bracketed-text ip)])
(P process-string () template
(P lambda (template)
(set-def! cmd def-env #f
(P lambda ()
(P s0
([ip (open-input-string
(expand-template template
(read-args ip pattern cmd) cmd))]
[ips (cons ip ips)]
[eofconts (cons s0 eofconts)]))))
(P s0))))))
(global-def newcommand
(P lambda ()
(read-open-brace ip)
(read-back-slash ip)
(let ([cmd (read-command ip)])
(read-close-brace ip)
(when (get-def cmd def-env)
(input-error "\\newcommand: \\~a already defined" cmd))
(P snewcommand () cmd))))
(global-def renewcommand
(P lambda ()
(read-open-brace ip)
(read-back-slash ip)
(let ([cmd (read-command ip)])
(read-close-brace ip)
(unless (get-def cmd def-env)
(input-error "\\renewcommand: \\~a undefined" cmd))
(P snewcommand () cmd))))
(global-def newenvironment
(P lambda ()
(let ([cmd (string->symbol (read-bracketed-text ip))])
(when (get-def cmd def-env)
(input-error "\\newenvironment: \\~a already defined" cmd))
(P snewenvironment () cmd))))
(global-def renewenvironment
(P lambda ()
(let ([cmd (string->symbol (read-bracketed-text ip))])
(unless (get-def cmd def-env)
(input-error "\\renewenvironment: \\~a undefined" cmd))
(P snewenvironment () cmd))))
(global-def begin
(P lambda ()
(let ([cmd (string->symbol (read-bracketed-text ip))])
[(get-def cmd def-env) => (lambda (proc) (P proc))]
[else (input-error "undefined command \\begin{~a}" cmd)]))))
(global-def end
(P lambda ()
(let* ([cmd (string->symbol (read-bracketed-text ip))]
[endcmd (string->symbol (format "end~a" cmd))])
[(get-def endcmd def-env) => (lambda (proc) (P proc))]
[else (input-error "undefined command \\end{~a}" cmd)]))))
(global-def eqnarray* ; no endeqnarray*---we finish the job here
(P lambda ()
(fprintf op "<p>~%")
(seqnarray* ip op)
(fprintf op "<p>~%")
(P s0 ())))
(global-def divertoutput
(P lambda ()
(let* ([level-str (or (read-optional-arg ip) "0")]
[level (let ([i (string->number level-str)])
(and (fixnum? i)
(let ([n (length ofiles)])
(and (fixnum? i)
(if (fx< -1 i n)
(fx- n i 1)
(and (fx<= (- n) i -1)
(fx- -1 i)))))))])
[level (P s0 ([op (list-ref ofiles level)] [ops (cons op ops)]))]
[(assoc level-str rawfiles) =>
(lambda (a)
(P s0 ([op (cdr a)] [ops (cons op ops)])))]
[else (input-error (format "invalid divertoutput file ~a" level-str))]))))
(global-def enddivertoutput
(P lambda ()
(P s0 ([op (car ops)] [ops (cdr ops)]))))
(global-def begingroup
(P lambda ()
(P sbegingroup () 'begingroup)))
(global-def endgroup
(P lambda ()
(P sendgroup () 'begingroup)))
(global-def bgroup
(P lambda ()
(P sbegingroup () 'bgroup)))
(global-def egroup
(P lambda ()
(P sendgroup () 'bgroup)))
(global-def |[| ;]
(P lambda ()
(fprintf op "<p>~%")
(smathdisplay ip op)
(fprintf op "<p>~%")
(P s0)))
(global-def raw
(P lambda ()
(sraw (open-input-string (read-bracketed-text ip)) op)
(P s0)))
(global-def jobname
(P lambda ()
(display (jobname) op)
(P s0)))
(global-def newif
(P lambda ()
(snewif ip def-env)
(P s0)))
(numbering-command arabic (lambda (n) n))
(numbering-command alph
(lambda (n)
(when (> n 26)
(input-error "counter value ~a too large for \\alph" n))
(string-ref "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" (- n 1))))
(numbering-command Alph
(lambda (n)
(when (> n 26)
(input-error "counter value ~a too large for \\Alph" n))
(global-def newcounter
(P lambda ()
(let* ([name-str (read-bracketed-text ip)]
[counter (string->symbol name-str)]
[within (read-optional-arg ip)])
(when (get-counter-value counter)
(input-error "newcounter of existing counter ~a" counter))
(when within
(let ([within (string->symbol within)])
(unless (get-counter-value within)
(input-error "newcounter of ~a within unknown counter ~a"
counter within))
(add-subcounter! within counter)))
(set-counter-value! counter 0)
(set-def! (string->symbol (string-append "the" name-str)) def-env #f
(P lambda ()
(display (get-counter-value counter) op)
(P s0))))
(P s0)))
(global-def setcounter
(P lambda ()
(let* ([counter (string->symbol (read-bracketed-text ip))]
[num-str (read-bracketed-text ip)]
[old-value (get-counter-value counter)]
[new-value (string->number num-str)])
(unless old-value
(input-error "setcounter of unknown counter ~a" counter))
(unless new-value
(input-error "invalid setcounter value ~a" num-str))
(set-counter-value! counter new-value))
(P s0)))
(global-def addtocounter
(P lambda ()
(let* ([counter (string->symbol (read-bracketed-text ip))]
[num-str (read-bracketed-text ip)]
[old-value (get-counter-value counter)]
[incr (string->number num-str)])
(unless old-value
(input-error "addtocounter of unknown counter ~a" counter))
(unless incr
(input-error "invalid addtocounter increment ~a" num-str))
(set-counter-value! counter (+ old-value incr)))
(P s0)))
(global-def stepcounter
(P lambda ()
(let* ([counter (string->symbol (read-bracketed-text ip))]
[old-value (get-counter-value counter)])
(unless old-value
(input-error "\\stepcounter of unknown counter ~a" counter))
(set-counter-value! counter (+ old-value 1))
(lambda (x) (set-counter-value! x 0))
(subcounters counter)))
(P s0)))
(global-def refstepcounter
(P lambda ()
(let* ([counter (string->symbol (read-bracketed-text ip))]
[old-value (get-counter-value counter)])
(unless old-value
(input-error "\\refstepcounter of unknown counter ~a" counter))
(set-counter-value! counter (+ old-value 1))
(lambda (x) (set-counter-value! x 0))
(subcounters counter))
(P process-string () (format "\\the~a" counter)
(P lambda (s)
(let ([tag (gensym)])
(cons s (format "~a#~a" (current-ofile-name) tag)))
(fprintf op "<a name=\"~a\"></a>" tag))
(P s0))))))
(global-def pagebreak
(P lambda ()
(read-optional-arg ip) ; ignore [...]
(P s0)))
(global-def verbatim ; no endverbatim---we finish the job here
(P lambda ()
(define escape-char
(lambda (c)
(case c
[(#\space #\tab #\newline #\return) (write-char c op)]
[(#\<) (fprintf op "<")]
[(#\>) (fprintf op ">")]
[(#\&) (fprintf op "&")]
[else (write-char c op)])))
(display "<pre>" op)
(let loop ()
(state-case (c (read-char ip))
(let ([cmd (read-command ip)])
(case cmd
(state-case (c (read-char ip))
(let ([what (read-alpha-command ip)])
(if (and (eq? what 'verbatim) (eqv? (peek-char ip) #\}))
(read-char ip)
(fprintf op "\\end{~a" what)
[(eof) (unexpected-eof "within verbatim environment")]
[else (fprintf op "\\end") (escape-char c) (loop)])]
[else (fprintf op "\\~a" cmd) (loop)]))]
[(eof) (unexpected-eof "within verbatim environment")]
[else (escape-char c) (loop)]))
(fprintf op "</pre>~%")
(P s0 ())))
(global-def |'|
(P lambda ()
(state-case (c (read-char ip))
[(#\e) (fprintf op "é")]
[(#\o) (fprintf op "ó")]
[else (input-error "invalid \\' command \\'~a" c)])
(P s0)))
(global-def |"| ; \"{<letter>}
(P lambda ()
(let ([arg (read-bracketed-text ip)])
(unless (= (string-length arg) 1)
(input-error "invalid \\\" argument ~s" arg))
(let ([c (string-ref arg 0)])
(case c
[(#\a #\e #\i #\o #\u #\y #\A #\E #\I #\O #\U)
(fprintf op "&~auml;" c)]
[else (input-error "invalid \\\" command \\\"{~a}" c)])))
(P s0)))
(global-def |c| ; \c{<letter>}
(P lambda ()
(let ([arg (read-bracketed-text ip)])
(unless (= (string-length arg) 1)
(input-error "invalid \\c argument ~s" arg))
(let ([c (string-ref arg 0)])
(case c
[(#\c #\C) (fprintf op "&~acedil;" c)]
[else (input-error "invalid \\c command \\c{~a}" c)])))
(P s0)))
(global-def ss
(P lambda ()
(fprintf op "ß")
(P s0)))
(global-def vskip
(P lambda ()
; it's a pain to parse tex amounts, so we choose to ignore
; everything up to the next line break instead...watch out!
(let ([op (open-output-string)])
(let f ()
(state-case (c (read-char ip))
[(#\newline eof)
(warningf 'vskip "discarded text: ~a" (get-output-string op))
(P s0)]
[else (write-char c op) (f)])))))
(global-def large
(P lambda ()
(fprintf op "<span style=\"font-size: large\">")
(P s0
([undos (push-undo
(P lambda (next) (fprintf op "</span>") (P next))
(global-def Large
(P lambda ()
(fprintf op "<span style=\"font-size: x-large\">")
(P s0
([undos (push-undo
(P lambda (next) (fprintf op "</span>") (P next))
(global-def LARGE
(P lambda ()
(fprintf op "<span style=\"font-size: xx-large\">")
(P s0
([undos (push-undo
(P lambda (next) (fprintf op "</span>") (P next))
(global-def small
(P lambda ()
(fprintf op "<span style=\"font-size: small\">")
(P s0
([undos (push-undo
(P lambda (next) (fprintf op "</span>") (P next))
(global-def footnotesize
(P lambda ()
(fprintf op "<span style=\"font-size: x-small\">")
(P s0
([undos (push-undo
(P lambda (next) (fprintf op "</span>") (P next))
(global-def tiny
(P lambda ()
(fprintf op "<span style=\"font-size: xx-small\">")
(P s0
([undos (push-undo
(P lambda (next) (fprintf op "</span>") (P next))
(global-def normalsize
(P lambda ()
(fprintf op "<span style=\"font-size: medium\">")
(P s0
([undos (push-undo
(P lambda (next) (fprintf op "</span>") (P next))
(global-def tt
(P lambda ()
(fprintf op "<tt>")
(P s0
([convert-quotes #f]
[undos (push-undo
(P lambda (next)
(fprintf op "</tt>")
(P next ([convert-quotes #t])))
(global-def bf
(P lambda ()
(fprintf op "<b>")
(P s0
([undos (push-undo
(P lambda (next) (fprintf op "</b>") (P next))
(global-def it
(P lambda ()
(fprintf op "<i>")
(P s0
([undos (push-undo
(P lambda (next) (fprintf op "</i>") (P next))
(global-def hardspaces
(P lambda ()
(let ([old-hs hard-spaces])
(P s0
([hard-spaces #t]
[undos (push-undo
(P lambda (next) (P next ([hard-spaces old-hs])))
(global-def include
(P lambda ()
(P process-string () (read-bracketed-text ip)
(P lambda (fn)
(P sinclude () (format "~a.tex" fn))))))
(global-def input
(P lambda ()
(P process-string () (read-bracketed-text ip)
(P lambda (fn)
(P sinclude () (tex-file-name fn))))))
(global-def rawinput
(P lambda ()
(P process-string () (read-bracketed-text ip)
(P lambda (fn)
(call-with-port (guard (c [else (warningf #f "cannot open ~a" fn) #f])
(open-input-file fn))
(lambda (raw-ip)
(let loop ()
(let ([c (read-char raw-ip)])
(unless (eof-object? c)
(write-char c op)
(P s0)))))
(global-def label
(P lambda ()
(P process-string () (read-bracketed-text ip)
(P lambda (s)
(display (slabel (string->symbol s) "" s) op)
(P s0)))))
(global-def href
(P lambda ()
(let ([class (read-optional-arg ip)])
(P process-string () (read-bracketed-text ip)
(P lambda (lab)
(P process-string () (read-bracketed-text ip)
(P lambda (text)
(let ([name (string->symbol lab)])
(fprintf op "<a ~@[class=~a ~]href=\"~a\">~a</a>"
(get-label name 'ref-url)
(P s0)))))))))
(global-def hpageref
(P lambda ()
(let ([class (read-optional-arg ip)])
(P process-string () (read-bracketed-text ip)
(P lambda (lab)
(P process-string () (read-bracketed-text ip)
(P lambda (text)
(let ([name (string->symbol lab)])
(fprintf op "<a ~@[class=~a ~]href=\"~a\">~a</a>"
(get-label name 'pageref-url)
(P s0)))))))))
(global-def ref
(P lambda ()
(let ([class (read-optional-arg ip)])
(P process-string () (read-bracketed-text ip)
(P lambda (s)
(let ([name (string->symbol s)])
(fprintf op "<a ~@[class=~a ~]href=\"~a\">~a</a>"
(get-label name 'ref-url)
(get-label name 'ref)))
(P s0))))))
(global-def pageref
(P lambda ()
(let ([class (read-optional-arg ip)])
(P process-string () (read-bracketed-text ip)
(P lambda (s)
(let ([name (string->symbol s)])
(fprintf op "<a ~@[class=~a ~]href=\"~a\">~a</a>"
(get-label name 'pageref-url)
(get-label name 'pageref)))
(P s0))))))
(global-def cite
(P lambda ()
(write-char #\[ op)
(let ([keys (let ([sip (open-input-string (read-bracketed-text ip))]
[buf (open-output-string)])
(let loop ()
(state-case (c (read-char sip))
(let ([key (get-output-string buf)])
(cons key (loop)))]
(list (get-output-string buf))]
(write-char c buf)
(do ([keys keys (cdr keys)] [sep "" ","])
((null? keys) (write-char #\] op))
(let ([key (string->symbol (car keys))])
(fprintf op "~a<a class=citation href=\"~a\">~a</a>"
sep (get-label key 'pageref-url) (get-cite key)))))
(P s0)))
(global-def epsfbox
(P lambda ()
(fprintf op "<p>~%")
(punt-to-latex (format "\\input{epsf.sty}\\epsfbox{~a}" (read-bracketed-text ip)) op)
(fprintf op "<p>~%")
(P s0)))
(global-def bibitem
(P lambda ()
(let ([key (string->symbol (read-bracketed-text ip))])
(fprintf op "<p>[~a] " (slabel key (get-cite key))))
(P s0)))
(global-def openhtmlfile
(P lambda ()
(P process-string () (read-bracketed-text ip)
(P lambda (title)
(let ([new-op (open-html-file (car ifiles) title)])
(P s0
([op new-op]
[ops (cons op ops)]
[ofiles (push-ofile new-op ofiles)])))))))
(global-def closehtmlfile
(P lambda ()
(unless (and (not (null? ofiles)) (eq? op (car ofiles)))
(input-error "invalid context for \\closehtmlfile"))
(close-html-port op)
(P s0 ([op (car ops)] [ops (cdr ops)] [ofiles (pop-ofile ofiles)]))))
(global-def openrawfile
(P lambda ()
(let ([name (read-bracketed-text ip)])
(P process-string () (read-bracketed-text ip)
(P lambda (path)
(P s0 ([rawfiles (cons (cons name (open-output-file path 'replace))
(global-def closerawfile
(P lambda ()
(let ([name (read-bracketed-text ip)])
[(assoc name rawfiles) =>
(lambda (a)
(close-output-port (cdr a))
(P s0 ([rawfiles (remq a rawfiles)])))]
[else (input-error "unrecognized raw file" name)]))))
(global-def genlab
(P lambda ()
(display (genlab) op)
(P s0)))
(global-def hindex
(P lambda ()
(P process-string () (read-bracketed-text ip)
(P lambda (s)
(read-open-brace ip)
(sindex ip op (string->symbol s))
(P s0)))))
(global-def index
(P lambda ()
(let ([lab (genlab)])
(display (slabel lab "") op)
(read-open-brace ip)
(sindex ip op lab)
(P s0))))
(global-def makeindex
(P lambda ()
(let ([buf (open-output-string)])
(smakeindex buf)
(P s0 ([ip (open-input-string (get-output-string buf))]
[ips (cons ip ips)]
[eofconts (cons s0 eofconts)])))))
(global-def documentclass
(P lambda ()
(read-optional-arg ip)
(P sinclude ()
(with-source-path 'documentclass
(format "~a.hcls" (read-bracketed-text ip))
(lambda (x)
(printf "using ~a~%" x)
(global-def document
(P lambda ()
(let ([root (path-root (port-name (car ifiles)))])
(let ([auxfn (format "~a.aux" root)] [hauxfn (format "~a.haux" root)])
(guard (c [else (warningf #f "missing or incomplete aux file")])
(read-aux-file (format "~a.aux" root)))
(guard (c [else (warningf #f "missing or incomplete haux file")])
(load hauxfn))
(haux-op (open-output-file hauxfn 'replace))))
(P s0
([ip (open-input-string
(format "\\openhtmlfile{\\raw{~a}}" (document-title)))]
[ips (cons ip ips)]
[eofconts (cons s0 eofconts)]))))
(global-def enddocument
(P lambda ()
(for-each close-output-port (map cdr rawfiles))
(P s0
([ip (open-input-string "\\closehtmlfile")]
[ips (cons ip ips)]
[eofconts (cons s0 eofconts)]))))
(global-def headerstuff
(P lambda ()
(header-stuff (read-bracketed-text ip))
(P s0)))
(global-def documenttitle
(P lambda ()
(let ([fmt (read-optional-arg ip)])
(P process-string () (read-bracketed-text ip)
(P lambda (title)
(global-def thetitle (P lambda () (display title op) (P s0)))
(style-sheet fmt)
(document-title title)
(P s0))))))
(global-def |{|
(P lambda ()
(display "{" op)
(P s0)))
(global-def |}|
(P lambda ()
(display "}" op)
(P s0)))
(global-def | |
(P lambda ()
(display (if hard-spaces " " #\space) op)
(P s0)))
(global-def |\| scr)
(global-def usepackage
(P lambda ()
(let ([filename (string-append (read-bracketed-text ip) ".hsty")])
(P sinclude ()
(or (ormap
(lambda (p)
(let ([path (string-append p "/" filename)])
(and (file-exists? path) path)))
(format "hprep style file ~s not found in TEXINPUTS"
(global-def year
(P lambda ()
(let* ([s (date-and-time)] [len (string-length s)])
(display (substring s (- len 4) len) op))
(P s0)))
(global-def url
(P lambda ()
(define display-url
(lambda (s op)
(let ([n (string-length s)])
(let loop ([i 0] [escape? #f])
(unless (fx= i n)
(loop (fx+ i 1)
(let ([c (string-ref s i)])
(or (and (not escape?) (char=? c #\\))
(begin (write-char c op) #f)))))))))
(display-url (read-bracketed-text ip) op)
(P s0)))
(let ()
(global-def tabular
(P lambda ()
(let ([s (read-bracketed-text ip)])
(let ([col-format (parse-col-format s)])
(if (table-border? col-format)
"<TABLE border=\"1\"><TR>"
(P s0 ([op (open-output-string)]
[ops (cons op ops)]
[column 0] ; could collapse these
[columns (cons column columns)]
[colfmt col-format]
[colfmts (cons colfmt colfmts)]
[pending (cons 'tabular pending)]))))))
(global-def endtabular
(P lambda ()
(P emit-td ()
(P lambda ()
(check-pending (car pending) 'tabular)
(display "</TR></TABLE>" (car ops))
(P s0 ([op (car ops)]
[ops (cdr ops)]
[column (car columns)]
[columns (cdr columns)]
[colfmt (car colfmts)]
[colfmts (cdr colfmts)]
[pending (cdr pending)]))))))
(global-def multicolumn
(P lambda ()
(let ([span
(or (string->number (read-bracketed-text ip))
(input-error "number expected"))]
[v (table-col-format colfmt)])
(unless (integer? span)
(input-error "invalid \\multicolumn span"))
(unless (<= 1 span (- (vector-length v) column))
(format "\\multicolumn span ~s out of range for ~s column table"
span (vector-length v))))
(let* ([s (read-bracketed-text ip)]
[fmt (parse-col-format s)])
(unless (= 1 (vector-length (table-col-format fmt)))
(input-error (format "invalid \\multicolumn format ~a" s)))
(P s0 ([ip (open-input-string (read-bracketed-text ip))]
[ips (cons ip ips)]
(let ([newsize (- (vector-length v) span -1)])
(let ([new (make-vector newsize)])
(do ([i 0 (+ i 1)])
((= i newsize) (make-table new (table-border? colfmt)))
(vector-set! new i
[(< i column) (vector-ref v i)]
[(= i column)
(format " colspan=\"~a\"~a" span
(vector-ref (table-col-format fmt) 0))]
[else (vector-ref v (+ i span -1))])))))]
[colfmts (cons colfmt colfmts)]
[pending (cons 'multicolumn pending)]
[eofconts (cons s0 eofconts)]))))))
(command-line-case (command-line)
[((keyword --help)) (usage)]
[((flags [--mathdir mathdir $ (math-directory mathdir)])
filename* ...)
(for-each go
(let ([found (find-filename "html-prep.tex")])
(if found
(cons found filename*)