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2022-07-29 15:12:07 +02:00
;;; Copyright 1984-2017 Cisco Systems, Inc.
;;; Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
;;; you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
;;; You may obtain a copy of the License at
;;; Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
;;; distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
;;; WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
;;; See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
;;; limitations under the License.
(mat string->symbol
(eq? (string->symbol "foo") 'foo)
(eq? (string->symbol "a") (string->symbol "a"))
(error? (string->symbol 3))
(error? (string->symbol 'a))
(mat gensym
(not (eq? (gensym "hi") 'hi))
(not (eq? (gensym "hi")
(gensym "hi")))
(equal? (symbol->string (gensym "hi")) "hi")
(error? (gensym '#(a b c)))
(mat gensym
(error? (gensym 'hitme!))
(error? (gensym 17))
(error? (gensym #f))
(error? (gensym 'hitme "a"))
(error? (gensym 17 "a"))
(error? (gensym #f "a"))
(error? (gensym "a" 'hitme))
(error? (gensym "a" 17))
(error? (gensym "a" #f))
(symbol? (gensym))
(gensym? (gensym))
(not (eq? (gensym) (gensym)))
(not (equal? (symbol->string (gensym)) (symbol->string (gensym))))
(parameterize ([gensym-count 1000] [gensym-prefix "xxx"])
(equal? (symbol->string (gensym)) "xxx1000"))
(error? (gensym-count -1))
(error? (gensym-count 'a))
(error? (gensym-count "3.4"))
(equal? (parameterize ([gensym-count 73]) (format "~a" (gensym)))
(let* ([g1 (with-input-from-string "#{pn1 un1}" read)] [g2 (gensym "pn1" "un1")])
(list (gensym? g1) (gensym? g2) (eq? g1 g2)))
'(#t #t #t))
(let* ([g1 (gensym "pn2" "un2")] [g2 (with-input-from-string "#{pn2 un2}" read)])
(list (gensym? g1) (gensym? g2) (eq? g1 g2)))
'(#t #t #t))
(mat gensym?
(gensym? (gensym "foo"))
(not (gensym? 'foo))
(not (gensym? (string->symbol "foo")))
(not (gensym? '(a b)))
(mat symbol->string
(equal? (symbol->string 'foo) "foo")
(equal? (symbol->string (string->symbol "hi")) "hi")
(equal? (symbol->string (gensym "hi there")) "hi there")
(error? (symbol->string 3))
(mat gensym->unique-string
(error? ; not a gensym
(gensym->unique-string "spam"))
(error? ; not a gensym
(gensym->unique-string 3))
(error? ; not a gensym
(gensym->unique-string 'spam))
(string? (gensym->unique-string (gensym)))
(gensym->unique-string '#{g0 e6sfz8u1obe67hsew4stu0-0})
(mat putprop-getprop
(begin (putprop 'xyz 'key 'value) (eq? (getprop 'xyz 'key) 'value))
(begin (putprop 'xyz 'key 'new-value) (eq? (getprop 'xyz 'key) 'new-value))
(begin (putprop 'xyz 'key #f) (not (getprop 'xyz 'key)))
(begin (putprop 'xyz 'key #t)
(remprop 'xyz 'key)
(not (getprop 'xyz 'key)))
(let ([g (gensym)] [flag (box 0)])
(and (eq? (getprop g 'a flag) flag)
(begin (putprop g 'a 'b)
(and (eq? (getprop g 'a) 'b)
(equal? (property-list g) '(a b))))))
(begin (putprop 'x 'a 'b)
(putprop 'x 'b 'c)
(eq? (getprop 'x (getprop 'x (getprop 'x '? 'a) 0) 1) 'c))
(error? (getprop 3 'key))
(error? (putprop "hi" 'key 'value))
(error? (property-list '(a b c)))