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2022-07-29 15:12:07 +02:00
#! ../bin/scheme --script
;;; Copyright 1984-2017 Cisco Systems, Inc.
;;; Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
;;; you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
;;; You may obtain a copy of the License at
;;; Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
;;; distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
;;; WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
;;; See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
;;; limitations under the License.
#;(optimize-level 3)
(collect-request-handler void)
(module M (eqht symht gen-set eq-set sym-set gen-ref eq-ref
sym-ref print-htstats)
(define (eqht) (make-eq-hashtable))
(define (symht) (make-hashtable symbol-hash eq?))
(define refsym* (oblist))
(define setsym*
(lambda (ls x i) (if (fx< (modulo i 10) 1) ls (cons x ls)))
(enumerate refsym*)))
(define gen-set
(lambda (ht n)
(do ([n n (fx- n 1)])
((fx= n 0) ht)
(lambda (x) (hashtable-set! ht x (list n)))
(define eq-set
(lambda (ht n)
(do ([n n (fx- n 1)])
((fx= n 0) ht)
(lambda (x) (eq-hashtable-set! ht x (list n)))
(define sym-set
(lambda (ht n)
(do ([n n (fx- n 1)])
((fx= n 0) ht)
(lambda (x) (symbol-hashtable-set! ht x (list n)))
(define maybe-car (lambda (x) (and x (car x))))
(define gen-ref
(lambda (ht n)
(let f ([n n] [x #f])
(if (fx= n 0)
(do ([sym* refsym* (cdr sym*)]
[x x (maybe-car (hashtable-ref ht (car sym*) #f))])
((null? sym*) (f (fx- n 1) x)))))))
(define eq-ref
(lambda (ht n)
(let f ([n n] [x #f])
(if (fx= n 0)
(do ([sym* refsym* (cdr sym*)]
[x x (maybe-car (eq-hashtable-ref ht (car sym*) #f))])
((null? sym*) (f (fx- n 1) x)))))))
(define sym-ref
(lambda (ht n)
(let f ([n n] [x #f])
(if (fx= n 0)
(do ([sym* refsym* (cdr sym*)]
[x x (maybe-car (symbol-hashtable-ref ht (car sym*) #f))])
((null? sym*) (f (fx- n 1) x)))))))
(define print-htstats
(let ()
(include "")
(lambda (ht)
(let ([ls** (map (if (eq-ht? ht)
(lambda (b)
(do ([b b (#%$tlc-next b)]
[ls '() (cons
(car (#%$tlc-keyval b))
((fixnum? b) ls)))
(lambda (ls) (map car ls)))
(vector->list (ht-vec ht)))])
(let* ([n* (map length ls**)] [len (length n*)])
(printf "min = ~d, max = ~d, avg = ~,2f, med = ~d, stddev = ~,2f\n"
(apply min n*) (apply max n*) (/ (apply + n*) len)
(list-ref (sort < n*) (quotient len 2))
(let* ([mu (/ (apply + n*) len)])
(/ (apply + (map (lambda (n) (expt (- n mu) 2)) n*))
"a max-size bucket: ~s\n"
(let ([n (apply max n*)])
(cdr (find
(lambda ( (= (car n))
(map cons n* ls**)))))))))))
(collect 0 1)
(let ()
(import M)
(define millis
(lambda (t)
(+ (* (time-second t) 1000)
(round (/ (time-nanosecond t) 1000000)))))
(define runs 10)
(define iterations 1000)
(define-syntax run
(syntax-rules ()
[(_ ?set ?ref ?make-ht)
(let ([set ?set] [ref ?ref] [make-ht ?make-ht])
(let loop ([runs runs] [st 0] [rt 0])
(if (fx= runs 0)
(printf "(time (~s ~s ~d) ~d)\n" '?set '?make-ht
iterations st)
(printf "(time (~s ~s ~d) ~d)\n" '?ref '?make-ht
iterations rt))
(let ([ht (make-ht)])
(let* ([st (begin
(collect 0 1)
(let ([t (current-time 'time-process)])
(set ht iterations)
(let ([t (time-difference
(current-time 'time-process)
(+ st (millis t)))))]
[rt (begin
(collect 0 1)
(let ([t (current-time 'time-process)])
(ref ht iterations)
(let ([t (time-difference
(current-time 'time-process)
(+ rt (millis t)))))])
(when (= runs 1) (print-htstats ht))
(loop (fx- runs 1) st rt))))))]))
(run gen-set gen-ref eqht)
(run gen-set gen-ref symht)
(run eq-set eq-ref eqht)
(run sym-set sym-ref symht))