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2022-07-29 15:12:07 +02:00
;;; Copyright 1984-2017 Cisco Systems, Inc.
;;; Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
;;; you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
;;; You may obtain a copy of the License at
;;; Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
;;; distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
;;; WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
;;; See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
;;; limitations under the License.
(module ($cost-center)
(if-feature pthreads
(define-record-type ($cost-center $make-cost-center $cost-center?)
(mutable level)
(mutable instr-count)
(mutable alloc-count)
(mutable time-ns)
(mutable time-s)
(immutable mutex))
(nongenerative #{cost-center fgbx8g23emx4rf0txn2sr0-1})
(opaque #t)
(lambda (new)
(lambda ()
(new (make-thread-parameter 0) 0 0 0 0 (make-mutex))))))
(define-record-type ($cost-center $make-cost-center $cost-center?)
(mutable level)
(mutable instr-count)
(mutable alloc-count)
(mutable time-ns)
(mutable time-s))
(nongenerative #{cost-center fgbx8g23emx4rf0txn2sr0-2})
(opaque #t)
(lambda (new)
(lambda () (new 0 0 0 0 0))))))
(define-syntax cc-level
(lambda (x)
(syntax-case x ()
[(_ x)
(if-feature pthreads
#'(($cost-center-level x))
#'($cost-center-level x))])))
(define-syntax cc-level-set!
(lambda (x)
(syntax-case x ()
[(_ x v)
(if-feature pthreads
#'(($cost-center-level x) v)
#'($cost-center-level-set! x v))])))
(define $with-cost-center
(let ()
(define who 'with-cost-center)
(define-syntax with-mutex-if-threaded
(lambda (x)
(syntax-case x ()
[(_ mexp e0 e1 ...)
(if-feature pthreads
#'(with-mutex mexp e0 e1 ...)
#'(begin e0 e1 ...))])))
(define mod-
(lambda (x y)
(let ([r (- x y)])
(if (< r 0) (+ (expt 2 64) r) r))))
(lambda (timed? cc th)
(define-record-type saved
(sealed #t)
(fields (mutable alloc) (mutable intr) (mutable time)))
(unless ($cost-center? cc) ($oops who "~s is not a cost center" cc))
(unless (procedure? th) ($oops who "~s is not a procedure" th))
(let ([saved (make-saved 0 0 #f)])
(dynamic-wind #t
(lambda ()
(let ([level (cc-level cc)])
(cc-level-set! cc (fx+ level 1))
(when (fx= level 0)
(saved-alloc-set! saved ($object-ref 'unsigned-64 ($tc) (constant tc-alloc-counter-disp)))
(saved-intr-set! saved ($object-ref 'unsigned-64 ($tc) (constant tc-instr-counter-disp)))
(when timed? (saved-time-set! saved (current-time 'time-thread))))))
(lambda ()
(let ([level (cc-level cc)])
(cc-level-set! cc (fx- level 1))
(when (fx= level 1)
; grab time first -- to use up as little as possible
(let* ([curr-time (and timed? (current-time 'time-thread))]
[alloc-count (mod- ($object-ref 'unsigned-64 ($tc) (constant tc-alloc-counter-disp))
(saved-alloc saved))]
[instr-count (mod- ($object-ref 'unsigned-64 ($tc) (constant tc-instr-counter-disp))
(saved-intr saved))])
(with-mutex-if-threaded ($cost-center-mutex cc)
($cost-center-alloc-count-set! cc
(+ ($cost-center-alloc-count cc) alloc-count))
($cost-center-instr-count-set! cc
(+ ($cost-center-instr-count cc) instr-count))
(when timed?
(let ([saved-time (saved-time saved)])
(let-values ([(s ns) (let ([ns (- (time-nanosecond curr-time) (time-nanosecond saved-time))]
[s (- (time-second curr-time) (time-second saved-time))])
(if (< ns 0)
(values (- s 1) (+ ns (expt 10 9)))
(values s ns)))])
(let-values ([(s ns) (let ([ns (+ ($cost-center-time-ns cc) ns)]
[s (+ ($cost-center-time-s cc) s)])
(if (>= ns (expt 10 9))
(values (+ s 1) (- ns (expt 10 9)))
(values s ns)))])
($cost-center-time-s-set! cc s)
($cost-center-time-ns-set! cc ns)))))))))))))))
(set-who! cost-center-instruction-count
(lambda (cc)
(unless ($cost-center? cc) ($oops who "~s is not a cost center" cc))
($cost-center-instr-count cc)))
(set-who! cost-center-allocation-count
(lambda (cc)
(unless ($cost-center? cc) ($oops who "~s is not a cost center" cc))
(ash ($cost-center-alloc-count cc) (constant log2-ptr-bytes))))
(set-who! cost-center-time
(lambda (cc)
(unless ($cost-center? cc) ($oops who "~s is not a cost center" cc))
(make-time 'time-duration ($cost-center-time-ns cc) ($cost-center-time-s cc))))
(set-who! reset-cost-center!
(lambda (cc)
(unless ($cost-center? cc) ($oops who "~s is not a cost center" cc))
($cost-center-instr-count-set! cc 0)
($cost-center-alloc-count-set! cc 0)
($cost-center-time-s-set! cc 0)
($cost-center-time-ns-set! cc 0)))
(set! cost-center? (lambda (x) ($cost-center? x)))
(set! make-cost-center (lambda () ($make-cost-center)))
(set! with-cost-center
(rec with-cost-center
[(cc th) ($with-cost-center #f cc th)]
[(timed? cc th) ($with-cost-center timed? cc th)])))
(record-writer (record-type-descriptor $cost-center)
(lambda (x p wr)
(let ([ns ($cost-center-time-ns x)] [s ($cost-center-time-s x)])
(fprintf p "#<cost center~[~2*~:; t=~d.~9,'0d~]~[~:; i=~:*~s~]~[~:; a=~:*~s~]>"
(+ ns s) s ns
($cost-center-instr-count x)
($cost-center-alloc-count x))))))