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2 years ago
;;; Copyright 2017 Cisco Systems, Inc.
;;; Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
;;; you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
;;; You may obtain a copy of the License at
;;; Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
;;; distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
;;; WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
;;; See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
;;; limitations under the License.
;;; See for origins of
;;; some of the monadic combinators.
;;; Authors: Jon Rossie, Kent Dybvig
;;; The define-grammar form produces a parser:
;;; parser : token-stream -> ((Tree token-stream) ...)
;;; If the return value is the empty list, a parse error occurred.
;;; If the return value has multiple elements, the parse was ambiguous.
;;; The token-stream in each (Tree token-stream) is the tail of the
;;; input stream that begins with the last token consumed by the parse.
;;; This gives the consumer access to both the first and last token,
;;; allowing it to determine cheaply the extent of the parse, including
;;; source locations if source information is attached to the tokens.
;;; Internally, backtracking occurs whenever a parser return value
;;; has multiple elements.
;;; This code should be included into a lexical context that supplies:
;;; token-bfp : token -> token's beginning file position
;;; token-efp : token -> token's ending file position
;;; meta constant? : syntax-object -> boolean
;;; sep->parser : sep -> parser
;;; constant->parser : constant -> parser
;;; make-src : bfp x efp -> src. bfp > efp => no tokens consumed.
;;; See for an example.
(module (define-grammar
is sat item peek seq ++ +++ many many+ ?
parse-consumed-all? parse-result-value parse-result-unused
(import (streams))
(define grammar-trace (make-parameter #f))
(define-record-type parse-result
(nongenerative parse-result)
(sealed #t)
(fields value unused))
;; to enable $trace-is to determine the ending file position (efp) of a parse
;; form, the input stream actually points to the preceding token rather than
;; to the current token. the next few routines establish, maintain, and deal
;; with that invariant.
(define make-top-level-parser
(lambda (parser)
(lambda (inp)
(parser (stream-cons 'dummy-token inp)))))
(define preceding-token
(lambda (inp)
(stream-car inp)))
(define current-token
(lambda (inp)
(stream-car (stream-cdr inp))))
(define remaining-tokens
(lambda (inp)
(stream-cdr inp)))
(define no-more-tokens?
(lambda (inp)
(stream-null? (stream-cdr inp))))
(define parse-consumed-all?
(lambda (res)
(no-more-tokens? (parse-result-unused res))))
;; A parser generator
(define result
(lambda (v)
;; this is a parser that ignores its input and produces v
(lambda (inp)
(stream (make-parse-result v inp)))))
;; A parse that always generates a parse error
(define zero
(lambda (inp)
;; For a non-empty stream, successfully consume the first element
(define item
(lambda (inp)
[(no-more-tokens? inp) '()]
(stream (make-parse-result (current-token inp) (remaining-tokens inp)))])))
(define (peek p)
(lambda (inp)
(stream-map (lambda (pr)
(make-parse-result (parse-result-value pr) inp))
(p inp))))
(define bind
(lambda (parser receiver)
(lambda (inp)
(let ([res* (parser inp)])
(stream-map (lambda (res)
((receiver (parse-result-value res))
(parse-result-unused res)))
;; monad comprehensions
(define-syntax is-where ; used by is and trace-is
(lambda (x)
(syntax-case x (where <-)
[(_ expr (where)) #'expr]
[(_ expr (where [x <- p] clauses ...))
#'(bind p (lambda (x) (is-where expr (where clauses ...))))]
[(_ expr (where pred clauses ...))
#'(if pred (is-where expr (where clauses ...)) zero)]
[(_ expr where-clause) (syntax-error #'where-clause)])))
(indirect-export is-where bind)
(define-syntax is
(syntax-rules ()
[(_ expr where-clause) (is-where (result expr) where-clause)]))
(indirect-export is is-where)
(module (trace-is)
(define ($trace-is name proc head)
(lambda (unused)
(let ([res (proc (token-bfp (current-token head)) (token-efp (preceding-token unused)))])
(when (and name (grammar-trace)) (printf "<<~s = ~s~%" name res))
(stream (make-parse-result res unused)))))
(define-syntax trace-is
(syntax-rules ()
[(_ name proc-expr where-clause)
(lambda (inp) ((is-where ($trace-is 'name proc-expr inp) where-clause) inp))]))
(indirect-export trace-is $trace-is))
(define (seq2 p q) (is (cons x y) (where [x <- p] [y <- q])))
(define seq
(lambda p*
(let loop ([p* p*])
[(null? p*) (result '())]
[else (seq2 (car p*) (loop (cdr p*)))]))))
(define (sat pred) (is x (where [x <- item] (pred x))))
(define ++ ;; introduce ambiguity
(lambda (p q)
(lambda (inp)
(stream-append2 (p inp)
(lambda ()
(q inp))))))
(define (many+ p) (is (cons x xs) (where [x <- p] [xs <- (many p)])))
(define (many p) (++ (many+ p) (result '())))
(define (? p) (++ (sat p) (result #f)))
(define (sepby1 p sep)
(is (cons x xs)
[x <- p]
[xs <- (many (is y (where [_ <- sep] [y <- p])))])))
(define (sepby p sep) (++ (sepby1 p sep) (result '())))
(define (bracket open p close) (is x (where [_ <- open] [x <- p] [_ <- close])))
(define (optional p default)
(lambda (inp)
(let ([res (p inp)])
(if (stream-null? res)
(stream (make-parse-result default inp))
(define (first p)
(lambda (inp)
(let ([res (p inp)])
(if (stream-null? res)
(stream (stream-car res))))))
(define (+++ p q) (first (++ p q))) ;; choose first match, cut backtracking
(define-syntax infix-expression-parser
(lambda (x)
(syntax-case x ()
[(_ ((L/R ?op-parser) ...) ?term-parser ?receiver)
(with-syntax ([(op-parser ...) (generate-temporaries #'(?op-parser ...))])
#`(let ([op-parser ?op-parser] ... [term-parser (lambda (inp) (?term-parser inp))] [receiver ?receiver])
#,(let f ([ls #'((L/R op-parser) ...)])
(if (null? ls)
#`(let ([next #,(f (cdr ls))])
#,(syntax-case (car ls) (LEFT RIGHT)
[(LEFT op-parser)
#'(let ()
(define-record-type frob (nongenerative) (sealed #t) (fields op y efp))
(trace-is binop-left (lambda (bfp ignore-this-efp)
(lambda (x f) (receiver bfp (frob-efp f) (frob-op f) x (frob-y f)))
x f*))
[x <- next]
[f* <- (rec this
(is (cons f f*)
[f <- (trace-is binop-left-tail (lambda (bfp efp) (make-frob op y efp))
[op <- op-parser]
[y <- next]))]
[f* <- this]))
[(RIGHT op-parser)
#'(rec this
(trace-is binop-right (lambda (bfp efp) (receiver bfp efp op x y))
[x <- next]
[op <- op-parser]
[y <- this]))
(define (format-inp inp)
(if (no-more-tokens? inp)
(format "(~s ...)" (current-token inp))))
(define-syntax define-grammar
(lambda (x)
(define-record-type grammar
(sealed #t)
(fields title paragraph* section*))
(define-record-type section
(sealed #t)
(fields title paragraph* suppressed? clause*))
(define-record-type clause
(fields id alias* before-paragraph* after-paragraph*))
(define-record-type regular-clause
(sealed #t)
(parent clause)
(fields prod*))
(define-record-type binop-clause
(sealed #t)
(parent clause)
(fields level* term receiver)
(lambda (pargs->new)
(lambda (nt alias* before-paragraph* after-paragraph* level* term src? receiver)
((pargs->new nt alias* before-paragraph* after-paragraph*) level* term
#`(lambda (bfp efp op x y)
#,(if src?
#`(#,receiver (make-src bfp efp) op x y)
#`(#,receiver op x y))))))))
(define-record-type terminal-clause
(sealed #t)
(fields term*))
(define-record-type terminal
(sealed #t)
(fields parser alias* paragraph*))
(define-record-type production
(sealed #t)
(fields name paragraph* elt* receiver)
(let ()
(define (check-elts elt*)
(for-each (lambda (elt) (unless (elt? elt) (errorf 'make-production "~s is not an elt" elt))) elt*))
(lambda (new)
[(name elt* receiver)
(check-elts elt*)
(new name #f elt* receiver)]
[(name paragraph* elt* receiver)
(check-elts elt*)
(new name paragraph* elt* receiver)])))))
(define-record-type elt
(define-record-type sep-elt
(sealed #t)
(parent elt)
(fields +? elt sep))
(define-record-type opt-elt
(sealed #t)
(parent elt)
(fields elt default))
(define-record-type kleene-elt
(sealed #t)
(parent elt)
(fields +? elt))
(define-record-type constant-elt
(sealed #t)
(parent elt)
(fields k))
(define-record-type id-elt
(sealed #t)
(parent elt)
(fields id))
(define paragraph?
(lambda (x)
(syntax-case x (include)
[(include filename) (string? (datum filename))]
[(str ...) (andmap string? (datum (str ...)))])))
(define (gentemp) (datum->syntax #'* (gensym)))
(define (elt-temps elt*)
(for-each (lambda (elt) (unless (elt? elt) (errorf 'elt-temps "~s is not an elt" elt))) elt*)
(lambda (t* elt)
(if (constant-elt? elt) t* (cons (gentemp) t*)))
(define (left-factor clause*)
(define syntax-equal?
(lambda (x y)
(equal? (syntax->datum x) (syntax->datum y))))
(define (elt-equal? x y)
[(sep-elt? x)
(and (sep-elt? y)
(eq? (sep-elt-+? x) (sep-elt-+? y))
(elt-equal? (sep-elt-elt x) (sep-elt-elt y))
(syntax-equal? (sep-elt-sep x) (sep-elt-sep y)))]
[(opt-elt? x)
(and (opt-elt? y)
(elt-equal? (opt-elt-elt x) (opt-elt-elt y))
(syntax-equal? (opt-elt-default x) (opt-elt-default y)))]
[(kleene-elt? x)
(and (kleene-elt? y)
(eq? (kleene-elt-+? x) (kleene-elt-+? y))
(elt-equal? (kleene-elt-elt x) (kleene-elt-elt y)))]
[(constant-elt? x)
(and (constant-elt? y)
(syntax-equal? (constant-elt-k x) (constant-elt-k y)))]
[(id-elt? x)
(and (id-elt? y)
(syntax-equal? (id-elt-id x) (id-elt-id y)))]
[else #f]))
(let lp1 ([clause* clause*] [new-clause* '()])
(if (null? clause*)
(reverse new-clause*)
(let ([clause (car clause*)])
(let lp2 ([prod* (regular-clause-prod* clause)] [new-prod* '()] [clause* (cdr clause*)])
(if (null? prod*)
(lp1 clause* (cons (make-regular-clause (clause-id clause) (clause-alias* clause) '() '() (reverse new-prod*)) new-clause*))
(let ([prod (car prod*)] [prod* (cdr prod*)])
(let ([elt* (production-elt* prod)])
(if (null? elt*)
(lp2 prod* (cons prod new-prod*) clause*)
(let ([elt (car elt*)])
(let-values ([(haves have-nots) (partition
(lambda (prod)
(let ([elt* (production-elt* prod)])
(and (not (null? elt*))
(elt-equal? (car elt*) elt))))
(if (null? haves)
(lp2 prod* (cons prod new-prod*) clause*)
(let ([haves (cons prod haves)])
; "haves" start with the same elt. to cut down on the number of new
; nonterminals and receiver overhead, find the largest common prefix
(let ([prefix (cons elt
(let f ([elt** (map production-elt* haves)])
(let ([elt** (map cdr elt**)])
(if (ormap null? elt**)
(let ([elt (caar elt**)])
(if (andmap (lambda (elt*) (elt-equal? (car elt*) elt)) (cdr elt**))
(cons elt (f elt**))
(let ([t (gentemp)] [n (length prefix)] [t* (elt-temps prefix)])
(lp2 have-nots
(cons (make-production #f (append prefix (list (make-id-elt t)))
#`(lambda (bfp efp #,@t* p) (p bfp #,@t*)))
(cons (make-regular-clause t '() '() '()
(map (lambda (prod)
(let ([elt* (list-tail (production-elt* prod) n)])
(make-production (production-name prod) elt*
(let ([u* (elt-temps elt*)])
#`(lambda (bfp efp #,@u*)
(lambda (bfp #,@t*)
(#,(production-receiver prod) bfp efp #,@t* #,@u*)))))))
(define (make-env tclause* clause*)
(let ([env (make-hashtable (lambda (x) (symbol-hash (syntax->datum x))) free-identifier=?)])
(define (insert parser)
(lambda (name)
(let ([a (hashtable-cell env name #f)])
(when (cdr a) (syntax-error name "duplicate terminal/non-terminal name"))
(set-cdr! a parser))))
(lambda (tclause)
(lambda (term)
(let ([parser (terminal-parser term)])
(for-each (insert parser) (cons parser (terminal-alias* term)))))
(terminal-clause-term* tclause)))
(lambda (clause)
(let ([id (clause-id clause)])
(for-each (insert id) (cons id (clause-alias* clause)))))
(define (lookup id env)
(or (hashtable-ref env id #f)
(syntax-error id "unrecognized terminal or nonterminal")))
(define (render-markdown name grammar mdfn env)
(define (separators sep ls)
(if (null? ls)
(apply string-append
(cons (car ls)
(map (lambda (s) (format "~a~a" sep s)) (cdr ls))))))
(define (render-paragraph hard-leading-newline?)
(lambda (paragraph)
(define (md-text s)
(lambda (c ls)
(case c
[(#\\) (cons* c c ls)]
[else (cons c ls)]))
(string->list s))))
(syntax-case paragraph (include)
[(include filename)
(string? (datum filename))
(let ([text (call-with-port (open-input-file (datum filename)) get-string-all)])
(unless (equal? text "")
(if hard-leading-newline? (printf "\\\n") (newline))
(display-string text)))]
[(sentence ...)
(andmap string? (datum (sentence ...)))
(let ([sentence* (datum (sentence ...))])
(unless (null? sentence*)
(if hard-leading-newline? (printf "\\\n") (newline))
(printf "~a\n" (separators " " (map md-text sentence*)))))])))
(define (format-elt x)
[(sep-elt? x)
(let* ([one (format-elt (sep-elt-elt x))]
[sep (constant->markdown (syntax->datum (sep-elt-sep x)))]
[seq (format "~a&nbsp;&nbsp;~a&nbsp;&nbsp;`...`" one sep)])
(if (sep-elt-+? x)
(format "OPT(~a)" seq)))]
[(opt-elt? x)
(format "~a~~opt~~" (format-elt (opt-elt-elt x)))]
[(kleene-elt? x)
(let ([one (format-elt (kleene-elt-elt x))])
(if (kleene-elt-+? x)
(format "~a&nbsp;&nbsp;`...`" one)
(format "OPT(~a)" one)))]
[(constant-elt? x) (constant->markdown (syntax->datum (constant-elt-k x)))]
[(id-elt? x) (format "[*~s*](#~s)"
(syntax->datum (id-elt-id x))
(syntax->datum (lookup (id-elt-id x) env)))]
[else (errorf 'format-elt "unexpected elt ~s" x)]))
(define (render-elt x)
(printf "&nbsp;&nbsp;~a" (format-elt x)))
(define (render-production prod)
(unless (null? (production-elt* prod))
(printf " : ")
(for-each render-elt (production-elt* prod))
(printf "\n"))
(when (and (null? (production-elt* prod))
(not (null? (production-paragraph* prod))))
(errorf 'render-production "empty production must not have description: ~a" (production-paragraph* prod)))
(for-each (render-paragraph #t) (production-paragraph* prod)))
(define (render-clause clause)
(define (render-aliases alias*)
(unless (null? alias*)
(printf " \naliases: ~{*~a*~^, ~}\n" (map syntax->datum alias*))))
(if (terminal-clause? clause)
(lambda (term)
(printf "\n#### *~a* {#~:*~a}\n" (syntax->datum (terminal-parser term)))
(render-aliases (terminal-alias* term))
(for-each (render-paragraph #f) (terminal-paragraph* term)))
(terminal-clause-term* clause))
(let ([id (syntax->datum (clause-id clause))])
(printf "\n#### *~a* {#~:*~a}\n" id)
(render-aliases (clause-alias* clause))
(for-each (render-paragraph #f) (clause-before-paragraph* clause))
(printf "\nsyntax:\n")
(if (binop-clause? clause)
(let ([level* (binop-clause-level* clause)])
(let loop ([level* level*] [first? #t])
(unless (null? level*)
(let ([level (syntax->datum (car level*))] [level* (cdr level*)])
(let ([L/R (car level)] [op* (cdr level)])
(printf " : _~(~a~)-associative" L/R)
(if first?
(if (null? level*)
(printf ":_\n")
(printf ", highest precedence:_\n"))
(if (null? level*)
(printf ", lowest precedence:_\n")
(printf ":_\n")))
(lambda (op) (printf " : ~s ~a ~s\n" id (constant->markdown op) id))
(loop level* #f))))
(printf " : _leaves:_\n")
(printf " : ")
(render-elt (binop-clause-term clause))
(printf "\n"))
(for-each render-production (or (regular-clause-prod* clause) '())))
(for-each (render-paragraph #f) (clause-after-paragraph* clause)))))
(define (render-section section)
(unless (section-suppressed? section)
(printf "\n## ~a\n" (or (section-title section) "The section"))
(for-each (render-paragraph #f) (section-paragraph* section))
(for-each render-clause (section-clause* section))))
(with-output-to-file mdfn
(lambda ()
(printf "# ~a\n" (or (grammar-title grammar) "The grammar"))
(for-each (render-paragraph #f) (grammar-paragraph* grammar))
(for-each render-section (grammar-section* grammar)))
(module (parse-grammar)
(define parse-elt
(lambda (elt)
(syntax-case elt (SEP+ SEP* OPT K* K+)
[(SEP+ p sep) (make-sep-elt #t (parse-elt #'p) #'sep)]
[(SEP* p sep) (make-sep-elt #f (parse-elt #'p) #'sep)]
[(OPT p default) (make-opt-elt (parse-elt #'p) #'default)]
[(K+ p) (make-kleene-elt #t (parse-elt #'p))]
[(K* p) (make-kleene-elt #f (parse-elt #'p))]
[k (constant? #'k) (make-constant-elt #'k)]
[id (identifier? #'id) (make-id-elt #'id)]
[_ (syntax-error elt "invalid production element")])))
(define parse-production
(lambda (prod)
(define (finish name src? paragraph* elt* receiver)
(let ([elt* (map parse-elt elt*)])
(make-production name paragraph* elt*
(with-syntax ([(t ...) (elt-temps elt*)])
#`(lambda (bfp efp t ...)
#,(if src?
#`(#,receiver (make-src bfp efp) t ...)
#`(#,receiver t ...)))))))
(syntax-case prod (:: src =>)
[[name :: src elt ... => receiver]
(finish #'name #t '() #'(elt ...) #'receiver)]
[[name :: elt ... => receiver]
(finish #'name #f '() #'(elt ...) #'receiver)])))
(define (parse-terminal term)
(syntax-case term (DESCRIPTION)
[(parser (alias ...) (DESCRIPTION paragraph ...))
(and (identifier? #'parser) (andmap identifier? #'(alias ...)) (andmap paragraph? #'(paragraph ...)))
(make-terminal #'parser #'(alias ...) #'(paragraph ...))]
[(parser (alias ...))
(and (identifier? #'parser) (andmap identifier? #'(alias ...)))
(make-terminal #'parser #'(alias ...) '())]))
(define (parse-clause clause nt alias* before-paragraph* after-paragraph* stuff*)
(syntax-case stuff* (BINOP :: src =>)
[((BINOP src (level ...) term) => receiver)
(make-binop-clause nt alias* before-paragraph* after-paragraph* #'(level ...) (parse-elt #'term) #t #'receiver)]
[((BINOP (level ...) term) => receiver)
(make-binop-clause nt alias* before-paragraph* after-paragraph* #'(level ...) (parse-elt #'term) #f #'receiver)]
[(prod prods ...)
(make-regular-clause nt alias* before-paragraph* after-paragraph* (map parse-production #'(prod prods ...)))]
[else (syntax-error clause)]))
(define (parse-top top* knull kgrammar ksection kclause)
(if (null? top*)
(let ([top (car top*)] [top* (cdr top*)])
[(GRAMMAR title paragraph ...)
(andmap paragraph? #'(paragraph ...))
(kgrammar top* (datum title) #'(paragraph ...))]
[(SECTION SUPPRESSED title paragraph ...)
(andmap paragraph? #'(paragraph ...))
(ksection top* (datum title) #'(paragraph ...) #t)]
[(SECTION title paragraph ...)
(andmap paragraph? #'(paragraph ...))
(ksection top* (datum title) #'(paragraph ...) #f)]
[(TERMINALS term ...)
(kclause top* (make-terminal-clause (map parse-terminal #'(term ...))))]
[(TERMINALS term ...)
(kclause top* (make-terminal-clause (map parse-terminal #'(term ...))))]
[(nt (alias ...) (DESCRIPTION paragraph1 ...) stuff ... (DESCRIPTION paragraph2 ...))
(and (identifier? #'nt) (andmap identifier? #'(alias ...)) (andmap paragraph? #'(paragraph1 ...)) (andmap paragraph? #'(paragraph2 ...)))
(kclause top* (parse-clause top #'nt #'(alias ...) #'(paragraph1 ...) #'(paragraph2 ...) #'(stuff ...)))]
[(nt (alias ...) (DESCRIPTION paragraph ...) stuff ...)
(and (identifier? #'nt) (andmap identifier? #'(alias ...)) (andmap paragraph? #'(paragraph ...)))
(kclause top* (parse-clause top #'nt #'(alias ...) #'(paragraph ...) '() #'(stuff ...)))]
[(nt (alias ...) stuff ... (DESCRIPTION paragraph ...))
(and (identifier? #'nt) (andmap identifier? #'(alias ...)) (andmap paragraph? #'(paragraph ...)))
(kclause top* (parse-clause top #'nt #'(alias ...) '() #'(paragraph ...) #'(stuff ...)))]
[(nt (alias ...) stuff ...)
(and (identifier? #'nt) (andmap identifier? #'(alias ...)))
(kclause top* (parse-clause top #'nt #'(alias ...) '() '() #'(stuff ...)))]))))
(define (parse-grammar top*)
(define (misplaced-grammar-error top)
(syntax-error top "unexpected GRAMMAR element after other elements"))
(define (s1 top*) ; looking for GRAMMAR form, first SECTION form, or clause
(parse-top top*
(lambda () (make-grammar #f '() '()))
(lambda (top* title paragraph*)
(make-grammar title paragraph* (s2 top*)))
(lambda (top* title paragraph* suppressed?)
(make-grammar #f '()
(s3 top* title paragraph* suppressed? '() '())))
(lambda (top* clause)
(make-grammar #f '()
(s3 top* #f '() #f (list clause) '())))))
(define (s2 top*) ; looking for first SECTION form or clause
(parse-top top*
(lambda () '())
(lambda (title paragraph*) (misplaced-grammar-error (car top*)))
(lambda (top* title paragraph* suppressed?)
(s3 top* title paragraph* suppressed? '() '()))
(lambda (top* clause)
(s3 top* #f '() #f (list clause) '()))))
(define (s3 top* title paragraph* suppressed? rclause* rsection*) ; steady state: looking for remaining SECTION forms and clauses
(define (finish-section)
(cons (make-section title paragraph* suppressed? (reverse rclause*)) rsection*))
(parse-top top*
(lambda () (reverse (finish-section)))
(lambda (title paragraph*) (misplaced-grammar-error (car top*)))
(lambda (top* title paragraph* suppressed?)
(s3 top* title paragraph* suppressed? '() (finish-section)))
(lambda (top* clause)
(s3 top* title paragraph* suppressed? (cons clause rclause*) rsection*))))
(s1 top*)))
(define (go init-nts top* mddir)
(let ([grammar (parse-grammar top*)])
(let* ([clause* (apply append (map section-clause* (grammar-section* grammar)))]
[terminal-clause* (filter terminal-clause? clause*)]
[binop-clause* (filter binop-clause? clause*)]
[regular-clause* (left-factor (filter regular-clause? clause*))]
[env (make-env terminal-clause* (append binop-clause* regular-clause*))])
(define (elt-helper x)
[(sep-elt? x) #`(#,(if (sep-elt-+? x) #'sepby1 #'sepby) #,(elt-helper (sep-elt-elt x)) (sep->parser #,(sep-elt-sep x)))]
[(opt-elt? x) #`(optional #,(elt-helper (opt-elt-elt x)) #,(opt-elt-default x))]
[(kleene-elt? x) #`(#,(if (kleene-elt-+? x) #'many+ #'many) #,(elt-helper (kleene-elt-elt x)))]
[(constant-elt? x) #`(constant->parser '#,(constant-elt-k x))]
[(id-elt? x) (lookup (id-elt-id x) env)]
[else (errorf 'elt-helper "unhandled elt ~s\n" x)]))
(define (binop-helper clause)
#`[#,(clause-id clause)
#,(map (lambda (level)
(syntax-case level ()
[(L/R op1 ... op2)
(or (free-identifier=? #'L/R #'LEFT) (free-identifier=? #'L/R #'RIGHT))
#`(L/R #,(fold-right (lambda (op next) #`(++ (binop->parser '#,op) #,next)) #'(binop->parser 'op2) #'(op1 ...)))]))
(binop-clause-level* clause))
#,(elt-helper (binop-clause-term clause))
#,(binop-clause-receiver clause))])
(define (nt-helper clause)
#`[#,(clause-id clause)
#,(let f ([prod* (regular-clause-prod* clause)])
(if (null? prod*)
(let ([elt* (production-elt* (car prod*))])
(with-syntax ([name (production-name (car prod*))]
[(elt ...) elt*]
[receiver (production-receiver (car prod*))])
(with-syntax ([(x ...) (generate-temporaries elt*)])
(with-syntax ([([y _] ...) (filter (lambda (pr) (not (constant-elt? (cadr pr)))) #'([x elt] ...))])
(with-syntax ([(where-nt ...) (map elt-helper elt*)])
#`(+++ ;; use +++ if you don't ever need to backtrack to a previous production for the same non-terminal
(lambda (inp)
(when (and 'name (grammar-trace)) (printf ">>~s(~a)~%" 'name (format-inp inp)))
(let ([res ((trace-is name (lambda (bfp efp) (receiver bfp efp y ...)) (where [x <- where-nt] ...)) inp)])
(when (and 'name (grammar-trace))
(if (stream-null? res)
(printf "<<~s(~a) failed~%" 'name (format-inp inp))
(printf "<<~s(~a) succeeded~%" 'name (format-inp inp))))
#,(f (cdr prod*))))))))))])
(with-syntax ([(init-nt ...)
(syntax-case init-nts ()
[(id1 id2 ...) (andmap identifier? #'(id1 id2 ...)) #'(id1 id2 ...)]
[id (identifier? #'id) (list #'id)])])
(when mddir
(lambda (init-nt)
(let ([mdfn (format "~a/" mddir (syntax->datum init-nt))])
(render-markdown init-nt grammar mdfn env)))
#'(init-nt ...)))
(with-syntax ([((lhs rhs) ...)
(map binop-helper binop-clause*)
(map nt-helper regular-clause*))])
#'(module (init-nt ...)
(module M (init-nt ...) (define lhs rhs) ...)
(define init-nt
(let ()
(import M)
(make-top-level-parser init-nt)))
(syntax-case x (markdown-directory)
[(_ init-nts (markdown-directory mddir) top ...)
(string? (datum mddir))
(go #'init-nts #'(top ...) (datum mddir))]
[(_ init-nts top ...) (go #'init-nts #'(top ...) #f)])))
(indirect-export define-grammar