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2 years ago
;;; Copyright 1984-2017 Cisco Systems, Inc.
;;; Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
;;; you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
;;; You may obtain a copy of the License at
;;; Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
;;; distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
;;; WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
;;; See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
;;; limitations under the License.
;;; vector and sorting functions
(let ()
(define ($vector->list v n)
(let loop ([i (fx- n 1)] [ls '()])
(if (fx> i 0)
(fx- i 2)
(list* (vector-ref v (fx- i 1)) (vector-ref v i) ls))
(if (fx= i 0) (cons (vector-ref v 0) ls) ls))))
(define ($list->vector ls n)
(let ([v (make-vector n)])
(let loop ([ls ls] [i 0])
(unless (null? ls)
(vector-set! v i (car ls))
(let ([ls (cdr ls)])
(unless (null? ls)
(vector-set! v (fx+ i 1) (car ls))
(loop (cdr ls) (fx+ i 2))))))
(define ($vector-copy! v1 v2 n)
(if (fx<= n 10)
(let loop ([i (fx- n 1)])
[(fx> i 0)
(vector-set! v2 i (vector-ref v1 i))
(let ([i (fx- i 1)]) (vector-set! v2 i (vector-ref v1 i)))
(loop (fx- i 2))]
[(fx= i 0) (vector-set! v2 i (vector-ref v1 i))]))
($ptr-copy! v1 (constant vector-data-disp) v2
(constant vector-data-disp) n)))
(define ($vector-copy v1 n)
(let ([v2 (make-vector n)])
($vector-copy! v1 v2 n)
(set! vector->list
(lambda (v)
(unless (vector? v)
($oops 'vector->list "~s is not a vector" v))
($vector->list v (vector-length v))))
(set! list->vector
(lambda (ls)
($list->vector ls ($list-length ls 'list->vector))))
(set! vector-copy
(lambda (v)
(unless (vector? v)
($oops 'vector-copy "~s is not a vector" v))
($vector-copy v (vector-length v))))
(set-who! vector->immutable-vector
(lambda (v)
[(immutable-vector? v) v]
[(eqv? v '#()) ($tc-field 'null-immutable-vector ($tc))]
(unless (vector? v) ($oops who "~s is not a vector" v))
(let ([v2 (vector-copy v)])
($vector-set-immutable! v2)
(set-who! vector-fill!
(lambda (v obj)
(unless (mutable-vector? v) ($oops who "~s is not a mutable vector" v))
(let ([n (vector-length v)])
(do ([i 0 (fx+ i 1)])
((fx= i n))
(vector-set! v i obj)))))
(set! fxvector->list
(lambda (v)
(unless (fxvector? v)
($oops 'fxvector->list "~s is not an fxvector" v))
(let loop ([i (fx- (fxvector-length v) 1)] [l '()])
(if (fx> i 0)
(fx- i 2)
(list* (fxvector-ref v (fx- i 1)) (fxvector-ref v i) l))
(if (fx= i 0) (cons (fxvector-ref v 0) l) l)))))
(set! list->fxvector
(lambda (x)
(let ([v (make-fxvector ($list-length x 'list->fxvector))])
(do ([ls x (cdr ls)] [i 0 (fx+ i 1)])
((null? ls) v)
(let ([n (car ls)])
(unless (fixnum? n)
($oops 'list->fxvector "~s is not a fixnum" n))
(fxvector-set! v i n))))))
(set! fxvector-copy
(lambda (fxv1)
(unless (fxvector? fxv1)
($oops 'fxvector-copy "~s is not an fxvector" fxv1))
(let ([n (fxvector-length fxv1)])
(let ([fxv2 (make-fxvector n)])
(if (fx<= n 10)
(let loop ([i (fx- n 1)])
[(fx> i 0)
(fxvector-set! fxv2 i (fxvector-ref fxv1 i))
(let ([i (fx- i 1)]) (fxvector-set! fxv2 i (fxvector-ref fxv1 i)))
(loop (fx- i 2))]
[(fx= i 0) (fxvector-set! fxv2 i (fxvector-ref fxv1 i))]))
($ptr-copy! fxv1 (constant fxvector-data-disp) fxv2
(constant fxvector-data-disp) n))
(set-who! fxvector->immutable-fxvector
(lambda (v)
[(immutable-fxvector? v) v]
[(eqv? v '#vfx()) ($tc-field 'null-immutable-fxvector ($tc))]
(unless (fxvector? v) ($oops who "~s is not a fxvector" v))
(let ([v2 (fxvector-copy v)])
($fxvector-set-immutable! v2)
(set! vector-map
[(p v)
(unless (procedure? p) ($oops 'vector-map "~s is not a procedure" p))
(unless (vector? v) ($oops 'vector-map "~s is not a vector" v))
(#3%vector-map p v)]
[(p u v)
(unless (procedure? p) ($oops 'vector-map "~s is not a procedure" p))
(unless (vector? u) ($oops 'vector-map "~s is not a vector" u))
(unless (vector? v) ($oops 'vector-map "~s is not a vector" v))
(let ([n (vector-length u)])
(unless (fx= (vector-length v) n)
($oops 'vector-map "lengths of input vectors ~s and ~s differ" u v))
(let f ([i (fx- n 1)])
(if (fx> i 0)
(let ([x1 (p (vector-ref u i) (vector-ref v i))]
[x2 (let ([j (fx- i 1)])
(p (vector-ref u j) (vector-ref v j)))])
(let ([vout (f (fx- i 2))])
(vector-set! vout i x1)
(vector-set! vout (fx- i 1) x2)
(make-vector n
(if (fx= i 0)
(p (vector-ref u 0) (vector-ref v 0))
[(p u . v*)
(unless (procedure? p) ($oops 'vector-map "~s is not a procedure" p))
(unless (vector? u) ($oops 'vector-map "~s is not a vector" u))
(for-each (lambda (v) (unless (vector? v) ($oops 'vector-map "~s is not a vector" v))) v*)
(let ([n (vector-length u)])
(lambda (v)
(unless (fx= (vector-length v) n)
($oops 'vector-map "lengths of input vectors ~s and ~s differ" u v)))
(let f ([i (fx- n 1)])
(if (fx> i 0)
(let ([x1 (apply p
(vector-ref u i)
(map (lambda (v) (vector-ref v i)) v*))]
[x2 (let ([j (fx- i 1)])
(apply p
(vector-ref u j)
(map (lambda (v) (vector-ref v j)) v*)))])
(let ([vout (f (fx- i 2))])
(vector-set! vout i x1)
(vector-set! vout (fx- i 1) x2)
(make-vector n
(if (fx= i 0)
(apply p
(vector-ref u 0)
(map (lambda (v) (vector-ref v 0)) v*))
(set! vector-for-each
[(p v)
(unless (procedure? p) ($oops 'vector-for-each "~s is not a procedure" p))
(unless (vector? v) ($oops 'vector-for-each "~s is not a vector" v))
(#3%vector-for-each p v)]
[(p u v)
(unless (procedure? p) ($oops 'vector-for-each "~s is not a procedure" p))
(unless (vector? u) ($oops 'vector-for-each "~s is not a vector" u))
(unless (vector? v) ($oops 'vector-for-each "~s is not a vector" v))
(let ([n (vector-length u)])
(unless (fx= (vector-length v) n)
($oops 'vector-for-each "lengths of input vectors ~s and ~s differ" u v))
(unless (fx= n 0)
(let loop ([i 0])
(let ([j (fx+ i 1)])
(if (fx= j n)
(p (vector-ref u i) (vector-ref v i))
(p (vector-ref u i) (vector-ref v i))
(loop j)))))))]
[(p u . v*)
(unless (procedure? p) ($oops 'vector-for-each "~s is not a procedure" p))
(unless (vector? u) ($oops 'vector-for-each "~s is not a vector" u))
(for-each (lambda (v) (unless (vector? v) ($oops 'vector-for-each "~s is not a vector" v))) v*)
(let ([n (vector-length u)])
(lambda (v)
(unless (fx= (vector-length v) n)
($oops 'vector-for-each "lengths of input vectors ~s and ~s differ" u v)))
(unless (fx= n 0)
(let loop ([i 0])
(let ([j (fx+ i 1)])
(if (fx= j n)
(apply p (vector-ref u i) (map (lambda (v) (vector-ref v i)) v*))
(apply p (vector-ref u i) (map (lambda (v) (vector-ref v i)) v*))
(loop j)))))))]))
(let ()
(module (dovsort!)
;; dovsort! is a modified version of Olin Shiver's code for opportunistic
;; vector merge sort, based on a version found in the MzScheme Version 360
;; source code, which contains the following copyright notice.
;; This code is
;; Copyright (c) 1998 by Olin Shivers.
;; The terms are: You may do as you please with this code, as long as
;; you do not delete this notice or hold me responsible for any outcome
;; related to its use.
;; Blah blah blah. Don't you think source files should contain more lines
;; of code than copyright notice?
;; This merge sort is "opportunistic" -- the leaves of the merge tree are
;; contiguous runs of already sorted elements in the vector. In the best
;; case -- an already sorted vector -- it runs in linear time. Worst case
;; is still O(n lg n) time.
;; RKD: performance is a bit worse on average than a straightforward
;; merge-sort for random input vectors, but speed for sorted or mostly
;; sorted vectors is much better.
;; RKD: The following issues with the original code have been addressed:
;; - tail-len is bound but not used.
;; - len is computed before it is known to be needed; it would be
;; (marginally) better to remove the binding for len and replace
;; (= pfxlen len) with (= pfxlen (- r l)).
;; - In the %vector-merge-sort! loop computing pfxlen2, (fx<= j pfxlen)
;; should be (fx<= j*2 pfxlen); otherwise pfxlen2 is actually the first
;; power of two greater than pfxlen. Fixing this improved performance by
;; about 20% for sort using predicate < for a list of 10^6 random
;; integers between 0 and 1000. (pfxlen2 computation later flushed
;; entirely; just using pfxlen, which is simpler and usually faster.)
;; - The temp need not be a copy of the input vector, just a vector of
;; the appropriate length.
(define (merge elt< target v1 v2 l len1 len2)
; assumes target != v1, but v2 may be v1 or target
; merge v1[l,l+len1-1] and v2[l+len1,l+len1+len2-1] into target[l,l+len1+len2-1]
(let* ([r1 (fx+ l len1)] [r2 (fx+ r1 len2)])
(let lp ([i l] [j l] [x (vector-ref v1 l)] [k r1] [y (vector-ref v2 r1)])
(if (elt< y x)
(let ([k (fx+ k 1)])
(vector-set! target i y)
(if (fx< k r2)
(lp (fx+ i 1) j x k (vector-ref v2 k))
(vblit v1 j target (fx+ i 1) r1)))
(let ([j (fx+ j 1)])
(vector-set! target i x)
(if (fx< j r1)
(lp (fx+ i 1) j (vector-ref v1 j) k y)
(unless (eq? v2 target)
(vblit v2 k target (fx+ i 1) r2))))))))
(define (vblit fromv j tov i n)
(let lp ([j j] [i i])
(vector-set! tov i (vector-ref fromv j))
(let ([j (fx+ j 1)])
(unless (fx= j n) (lp j (fx+ i 1))))))
(define (getrun elt< v l r) ; assumes l < r
(let lp ([i (fx+ l 1)] [x (vector-ref v l)])
(if (fx= i r)
(fx- i l)
(let ([y (vector-ref v i)])
(if (elt< y x) (fx- i l) (lp (fx+ i 1) y))))))
(define (dovsort! elt< v0 n)
(let ([temp0 (make-vector n)])
(define (recur l want)
; sort v0[l,l+len-1] for some len where 0 < want <= len <= (n-l).
; that is, sort *at least* want elements in v0 starting at index l.
; may put the result into either v0[l,l+len-1] or temp0[l,l+len-1].
; does not alter either vector outside this range. returns two
; values: the number of values sorted and the vector holding the
; sorted values.
(let lp ([pfxlen (getrun elt< v0 l n)] [v v0] [temp temp0])
; v[l,l+pfxlen-1] holds a sorted version of v0[l,l+pfxlen-1]
(if (or (fx>= pfxlen want) (fx= pfxlen (fx- n l)))
(values pfxlen v)
(let-values ([(outlen outvec) (recur (fx+ l pfxlen) pfxlen)])
(merge elt< temp v outvec l pfxlen outlen)
(lp (fx+ pfxlen outlen) temp v)))))
; return v0 or temp0 containing sorted values
(let-values ([(outlen outvec) (recur 0 n)]) outvec))))
(define (dolsort elt< ls n)
[(fx= n 1) (cons (car ls) '())]
[(fx= n 2)
(let ([x (car ls)] [y (cadr ls)])
(if (elt< y x) (list y x) (list x y)))]
(let ([i (fxsrl n 1)])
(dolmerge elt<
(dolsort elt< ls i)
(dolsort elt< (list-tail ls i) (fx- n i))))]))
(define (dolmerge elt< ls1 ls2)
[(null? ls1) ls2]
[(null? ls2) ls1]
[(elt< (car ls2) (car ls1))
(cons (car ls2) (dolmerge elt< ls1 (cdr ls2)))]
[else (cons (car ls1) (dolmerge elt< (cdr ls1) ls2))]))
(define (dolsort! elt< ls n loc)
(if (fx= n 1)
(begin (set-cdr! ls '()) ls)
(let ([i (fxsrl n 1)])
(let ([tail (list-tail ls i)])
(dolmerge! elt<
(dolsort! elt< ls i loc)
(dolsort! elt< tail (fx- n i) loc)
(define (dolmerge! elt< ls1 ls2 loc)
(let loop ([ls1 ls1] [ls2 ls2] [loc loc])
[(null? ls1) (set-cdr! loc ls2)]
[(null? ls2) (set-cdr! loc ls1)]
[(elt< (car ls2) (car ls1))
(set-cdr! loc ls2)
(loop ls1 (cdr ls2) ls2)]
[else (set-cdr! loc ls1) (loop (cdr ls1) ls2 ls1)]))
(cdr loc))
(set-who! vector-sort
(lambda (elt< v)
(unless (procedure? elt<) ($oops who "~s is not a procedure" elt<))
(unless (vector? v) ($oops who "~s is not a vector" v))
(let ([n (vector-length v)])
(if (fx<= n 1) v (dovsort! elt< ($vector-copy v n) n)))))
(set-who! vector-sort!
(lambda (elt< v)
(unless (procedure? elt<) ($oops who "~s is not a procedure" elt<))
(unless (mutable-vector? v) ($oops who "~s is not a mutable vector" v))
(let ([n (vector-length v)])
(unless (fx<= n 1)
(let ([outvec (dovsort! elt< v n)])
(unless (eq? outvec v)
($vector-copy! outvec v n)))))))
(set-who! list-sort
(lambda (elt< ls)
(unless (procedure? elt<) ($oops who "~s is not a procedure" elt<))
(let ([n ($list-length ls who)])
(if (fx< n 25)
(if (fx<= n 1) ls (dolsort elt< ls n))
($vector->list (dovsort! elt< ($list->vector ls n) n) n)))))
(set-who! sort
(lambda (elt< ls)
(unless (procedure? elt<) ($oops who "~s is not a procedure" elt<))
(let ([n ($list-length ls who)])
(if (fx< n 25)
(if (fx<= n 1) ls (dolsort elt< ls n))
($vector->list (dovsort! elt< ($list->vector ls n) n) n)))))
(set-who! merge
(lambda (elt< ls1 ls2)
(unless (procedure? elt<)
($oops who "~s is not a procedure" elt<))
($list-length ls1 who)
($list-length ls2 who)
(dolmerge elt< ls1 ls2)))
(set-who! sort!
(lambda (elt< ls)
(unless (procedure? elt<) ($oops who "~s is not a procedure" elt<))
(let ([n ($list-length ls who)])
(if (fx< n 25)
(if (fx<= n 1) ls (dolsort! elt< ls n (list '())))
(let ([v (dovsort! elt< ($list->vector ls n) n)])
(let loop ([ls ls] [i 0])
(unless (null? ls)
(set-car! ls (vector-ref v i))
(let ([ls (cdr ls)])
(unless (null? ls)
(set-car! ls (vector-ref v (fx+ i 1)))
(loop (cdr ls) (fx+ i 2))))))
(set-who! merge!
(lambda (elt< ls1 ls2)
(unless (procedure? elt<)
($oops who "~s is not a procedure" elt<))
($list-length ls1 who)
($list-length ls2 who)
(dolmerge! elt< ls1 ls2 (list '())))))