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2022-07-29 15:12:07 +02:00
;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2018 Andrew W. Keep, R. Kent Dybvig
;;; See the accompanying file Copyright for details
(library (tests unit-tests)
(export run-unit-tests run-ensure-correct-identifiers run-maybe-tests
run-maybe-dots-tests run-language-dot-support run-maybe-unparse-tests
run-argument-name-matching run-error-messages run-pass-parser-unparser)
(import (rnrs)
(nanopass helpers)
(nanopass language)
(nanopass pass)
(nanopass parser)
(tests unit-test-helpers))
(define primitives '(car cdr cons + - =))
(define primitive? (lambda (x) (memq x primitives)))
(define variable? (lambda (x) (and (symbol? x) (not (primitive? x)))))
(define constant?
(lambda (x)
(or (number? x) (boolean? x) (string? x)
(and (pair? x) (constant? (car x)) (constant? (cdr x))))))
(define-language L0
(variable (x))
(constant (c))
(primitive (pr)))
(Expr (e)
(var x)
(quote c)
(begin e0 ... e1)
(if e0 e1 e2)
(lambda (x ...) e0 ... e1)
(let ([x e] ...) e0 ... e1)
(letrec ([x e] ...) e0 ... e1)
(primapp pr e1 ...)
(app e0 e1 ...)))
(define-record-type var
(fields sym ref set mset)
(lambda (new)
(lambda (sym)
(new sym #f #f #f)))))
(define-language LUNPARSE
(var (x)) => var-sym
(constant (c))
(primitive (pr)))
(Expr (e body)
(var x) => x
(quoted c) => (quote c)
(seq e0 e1) => (begin e0 e1)
(if e0 e1 e2)
(lambda (x ...) e0 ... e1)
(binding (x ...) (e ...) body0 ... body1) => (let ([x e] ...) body0 ... body1)
(recbinding (x ...) (e ...) body0 ... body1) => (letrec ([x e] ...) body0 ... body1)
(primapp pr e1 ...) => (pr e1 ...)
(app e0 e1 ...) => (e0 e1 ...)))
(define-language LBool
(boolean (b)))
(Expr (e)
(define-language LBoolLambda
(boolean (b))
(symbol (x)))
(Expr (e)
(lambda (x) e)
(and e0 e1)
(or e0 e1)
(not e)
(e0 e1))
(Value (v)
(test-suite unit-tests
(test with-output-language
'(var a)
(unparse-L0 (with-output-language L0 (in-context Expr `(var a)))))
'(let ([x '1] [y '2]) (primapp + (var x) (var y)))
(with-output-language L0
(in-context Expr
`(let ([x (quote 1)] [y (quote 2)])
(primapp + (var x) (var y)))))))
'(var a)
(unparse-L0 (with-output-language (L0 Expr) `(var a))))
'(let ([x '1] [y '2]) (primapp + (var x) (var y)))
(with-output-language (L0 Expr)
`(let ([x (quote 1)] [y (quote 2)])
(primapp + (var x) (var y)))))))
(test unparse-language
`(quoted 5)
(with-output-language (LUNPARSE Expr) `(quoted 5))
`(seq (quoted 7) (quoted 8))
(with-output-language (LUNPARSE Expr)
`(seq (quoted 7) (quoted 8)))
(let ([x.0 (make-var 'x.0)])
`(var ,x.0)
(with-output-language (LUNPARSE Expr) `(var ,x.0))
(let ([x.1 (make-var 'x.1)]
[x.2 (make-var 'x.2)]
[y.3 (make-var 'y.2)]
[x.4 (make-var 'x.4)]
[zero?.5 (make-var 'zero?.5)]
[*.6 (make-var '*.6)]
[f.7 (make-var 'f.7)])
`(recbinding (,zero?.5 ,*.6 ,f.7)
((lambda (,x.1) (primapp = (var ,x.1) (quoted 0)))
(lambda (,x.2 ,y.3)
(if (app (var ,zero?.5) (var ,x.2))
(quoted 0)
(if (primapp = (var ,x.2) (quoted 1))
(var ,y.3)
(primapp + (var ,y.3)
(app (var ,*.6)
(primapp - (var ,x.2) (quoted 1))
(var ,y.3))))))
(lambda (,x.4)
(if (app (var ,zero?.5) (var ,x.4))
(quoted 1)
(app (var ,*.6) (var ,x.4)
(app (var ,f.7)
(primapp - (var ,x.4) (quoted 1)))))))
(app (var ,f.7) (quoted 10)))
(with-output-language (LUNPARSE Expr)
(,zero?.5 ,*.6 ,f.7)
((lambda (,x.1) (primapp = (var ,x.1) (quoted 0)))
(lambda (,x.2 ,y.3)
(if (app (var ,zero?.5) (var ,x.2))
(quoted 0)
(if (primapp = (var ,x.2) (quoted 1))
(var ,y.3)
(primapp + (var ,y.3)
(app (var ,*.6)
(primapp - (var ,x.2) (quoted 1))
(var ,y.3))))))
(lambda (,x.4)
(if (app (var ,zero?.5) (var ,x.4))
(quoted 1)
(app (var ,*.6) (var ,x.4)
(app (var ,f.7)
(primapp - (var ,x.4) (quoted 1)))))))
(app (var ,f.7) (quoted 10)))) #t)))
'(quote 5)
(with-output-language (LUNPARSE Expr) `(quoted 5))
'(begin (quote 7) (quote 8))
(with-output-language (LUNPARSE Expr)
`(seq (quoted 7) (quoted 8)))
(let ([x.0 (make-var 'x.0)])
(with-output-language (LUNPARSE Expr) `(var ,x.0))
(let ([x.1 (make-var 'x.1)]
[x.2 (make-var 'x.2)]
[y.3 (make-var 'y.3)]
[x.4 (make-var 'x.4)]
[zero?.5 (make-var 'zero?.5)]
[*.6 (make-var '*.6)]
[f.7 (make-var 'f.7)])
'(letrec ([zero?.5 (lambda (x.1) (= x.1 '0))]
[*.6 (lambda (x.2 y.3)
(if (zero?.5 x.2)
(if (= x.2 '1)
(+ y.3 (*.6 (- x.2 '1) y.3)))))]
[f.7 (lambda (x.4)
(if (zero?.5 x.4)
(*.6 x.4 (f.7 (- x.4 '1)))))])
(f.7 '10))
(with-output-language (LUNPARSE Expr)
(,zero?.5 ,*.6 ,f.7)
((lambda (,x.1) (primapp = (var ,x.1) (quoted 0)))
(lambda (,x.2 ,y.3)
(if (app (var ,zero?.5) (var ,x.2))
(quoted 0)
(if (primapp = (var ,x.2) (quoted 1))
(var ,y.3)
(primapp + (var ,y.3)
(app (var ,*.6)
(primapp - (var ,x.2) (quoted 1))
(var ,y.3))))))
(lambda (,x.4)
(if (app (var ,zero?.5) (var ,x.4))
(quoted 1)
(app (var ,*.6) (var ,x.4)
(app (var ,f.7)
(primapp - (var ,x.4) (quoted 1)))))))
(app (var ,f.7) (quoted 10)))) #f)))
(test boolean-terminals
(let ()
(define-parser parse-LBool LBool)
(assert-equal? #t (parse-LBool #t)))
(let ()
(define-parser parse-LBool LBool)
(assert-equal? #f (parse-LBool #f)))
(let ()
(define-parser parse-LBool LBool)
(guard (c [else #t])
(assert-equal? 'a (parse-LBool 'a))))
(let ()
(define-parser parse-LBoolLambda LBoolLambda)
(assert-equal? #t (parse-LBoolLambda #t)))
(let ()
(define-parser parse-LBoolLambda LBoolLambda)
(assert-equal? #f (parse-LBoolLambda #f)))
(let ()
(define-parser parse-LBoolLambda LBoolLambda)
'(lambda (x) #f)
(parse-LBoolLambda '(lambda (x) #f)))))
(let ()
(define-parser parse-LBoolLambda LBoolLambda)
'(lambda (f) (f #f))
(parse-LBoolLambda '(lambda (f) (f #f))))))
(let ()
(define-parser parse-LBoolLambda LBoolLambda)
'(lambda (f) (not (f #f)))
(parse-LBoolLambda '(lambda (f) (not (f #f)))))))))
(define datum?
(lambda (x)
(or (number? x) (string? x) (symbol? x)
(and (pair? x) (datum? (car x)) (datum? (cdr x)))
(and (vector? x) (for-all datum? (vector->list x))))))
(define-language LVAR
(var (x))
(primitive (pr))
(datum (d)))
(Expr (e)
(var x)
(quote d)
(if e0 e1 e2)
(begin e0 ... e1)
(let ([x e] ...) e1)
(letrec ([x e] ...) e1)
(app e0 e1 ...)
(primapp pr e ...)))
(define-pass break-variable : LVAR (ir) -> LVAR ()
(define var? symbol?))
(Expr : Expr (ir) -> Expr ()
[(var ,x) (printf "found var: ~a\n" (var-sym x)) `(var ,x)]))
(test-suite ensure-correct-identifiers
(test accidental-variable?-capture
(lambda ()
(with-output-language (LVAR Expr)
`(var ,(make-var 'x))))))
"found var: x\n")))
(define-language Lmaybe
(boolean (b))
(integer (i)))
(Exp (e)
(Int i)
(Bool b)
(Bar (maybe i) e)
(Foo i (maybe e))))
(define-parser parse-Lmaybe Lmaybe)
(test-suite maybe-tests
(test maybe-parse/unparse
'(Int 72)
(unparse-Lmaybe (parse-Lmaybe '(Int 72))))
'(Bool #t)
(unparse-Lmaybe (parse-Lmaybe '(Bool #t))))
'(Bar 5 (Bool #t))
(unparse-Lmaybe (parse-Lmaybe '(Bar 5 (Bool #t)))))
'(Bar #f (Bool #t))
(unparse-Lmaybe (parse-Lmaybe '(Bar #f (Bool #t)))))
'(Foo 5 #f)
(unparse-Lmaybe (parse-Lmaybe '(Foo 5 #f))))
'(Foo 5 (Foo 4 (Foo 3 #f)))
(unparse-Lmaybe (parse-Lmaybe '(Foo 5 (Foo 4 (Foo 3 #f))))))
'(Foo 5 (Bar 3 (Foo 1 #f)))
(unparse-Lmaybe (parse-Lmaybe '(Foo 5 (Bar 3 (Foo 1 #f))))))
'(Foo 5 (Int 3))
(unparse-Lmaybe (parse-Lmaybe '(Foo 5 (Int 3))))))
(test maybe-with-output-language/unparse
'(Int 72)
(unparse-Lmaybe (with-output-language (Lmaybe Exp) `(Int 72))))
'(Bool #t)
(unparse-Lmaybe (with-output-language (Lmaybe Exp) `(Bool #t))))
'(Bar 5 (Bool #t))
(unparse-Lmaybe (with-output-language (Lmaybe Exp) `(Bar 5 (Bool #t)))))
'(Bar #f (Bool #t))
(unparse-Lmaybe (with-output-language (Lmaybe Exp) `(Bar #f (Bool #t)))))
'(Foo 5 #f)
(unparse-Lmaybe (with-output-language (Lmaybe Exp) `(Foo 5 #f))))
'(Foo 5 (Foo 4 (Foo 3 #f)))
(unparse-Lmaybe (with-output-language (Lmaybe Exp) `(Foo 5 (Foo 4 (Foo 3 #f))))))
'(Foo 5 (Bar 3 (Foo 1 #f)))
(unparse-Lmaybe (with-output-language (Lmaybe Exp) `(Foo 5 (Bar 3 (Foo 1 #f))))))
'(Foo 5 (Int 3))
(unparse-Lmaybe (with-output-language (Lmaybe Exp) `(Foo 5 (Int 3))))))
(test maybe-pass
(let ()
(define-pass add-one-int : Lmaybe (ir) -> Lmaybe ()
(Exp : Exp (ir) -> Exp ()
[(Int ,i) `(Int ,(fx+ i 1))]))
'(Int 4)
(unparse-Lmaybe (add-one-int (with-output-language (Lmaybe Exp) `(Int 3)))))
'(Foo 4 (Int 4))
(unparse-Lmaybe (add-one-int (with-output-language (Lmaybe Exp) `(Foo 4 (Int 3))))))
'(Foo 4 (Foo 5 (Int 3)))
(unparse-Lmaybe (add-one-int (with-output-language (Lmaybe Exp) `(Foo 4 (Foo 5 (Int 2)))))))
'(Foo 3 #f)
(unparse-Lmaybe (add-one-int (with-output-language (Lmaybe Exp) `(Foo 3 #f)))))
'(Bar #f (Int 5))
(unparse-Lmaybe (add-one-int (with-output-language (Lmaybe Exp) `(Bar #f (Int 4))))))))
(let ()
(define-pass add-one : Lmaybe (ir) -> Lmaybe ()
(Exp : Exp (ir) -> Exp ()
[(Foo ,i ,[e?]) `(Foo ,(fx+ i 1) ,e?)]
[(Bar ,i? ,[e]) `(Bar ,(and i? (fx+ i? 1)) ,e)]
[(Int ,i) `(Int ,(fx+ i 1))]))
'(Int 4)
(unparse-Lmaybe (add-one (with-output-language (Lmaybe Exp) `(Int 3)))))
'(Foo 5 (Int 4))
(unparse-Lmaybe (add-one (with-output-language (Lmaybe Exp) `(Foo 4 (Int 3))))))
'(Foo 5 (Foo 6 (Int 3)))
(unparse-Lmaybe (add-one (with-output-language (Lmaybe Exp) `(Foo 4 (Foo 5 (Int 2)))))))
'(Foo 4 (Bar 6 (Foo 7 #f)))
(unparse-Lmaybe (add-one (with-output-language (Lmaybe Exp) `(Foo 3 (Bar 5 (Foo 6 #f)))))))
'(Foo 4 (Bar #f (Foo 7 #f)))
(unparse-Lmaybe (add-one (with-output-language (Lmaybe Exp) `(Foo 3 (Bar #f (Foo 6 #f)))))))))))
(define-language Lmaybe2
(boolean (b))
(integer (i)))
(Exp (e)
(Int i)
(Bool b)
(Bar (maybe i) ... e)
(Foo i (maybe e) ...)))
(define-parser parse-Lmaybe2 Lmaybe2)
(test-suite maybe-dots-tests
(test maybe-parse/unparse
'(Foo 3)
(unparse-Lmaybe2 (parse-Lmaybe2 '(Foo 3))))
'(Bar (Int 72))
(unparse-Lmaybe2 (parse-Lmaybe2 '(Bar (Int 72)))))
'(Int 72)
(unparse-Lmaybe2 (parse-Lmaybe2 '(Int 72))))
'(Bool #t)
(unparse-Lmaybe2 (parse-Lmaybe2 '(Bool #t))))
'(Bar 5 (Bool #t))
(unparse-Lmaybe2 (parse-Lmaybe2 '(Bar 5 (Bool #t)))))
'(Bar #f (Bool #t))
(unparse-Lmaybe2 (parse-Lmaybe2 '(Bar #f (Bool #t)))))
'(Bar #f 1 #f 2 #f 3 (Bool #t))
(unparse-Lmaybe2 (parse-Lmaybe2 '(Bar #f 1 #f 2 #f 3 (Bool #t)))))
'(Bar 1 #f 2 #f 3 #f (Bool #t))
(unparse-Lmaybe2 (parse-Lmaybe2 '(Bar 1 #f 2 #f 3 #f (Bool #t)))))
'(Foo 5 #f)
(unparse-Lmaybe2 (parse-Lmaybe2 '(Foo 5 #f))))
'(Foo 5 #f #f (Bar 3 (Foo 2 #f)) (Bool #t) #f #f (Int 2) #f)
(unparse-Lmaybe2 (parse-Lmaybe2 '(Foo 5 #f #f (Bar 3 (Foo 2 #f)) (Bool #t) #f #f (Int 2) #f))))
'(Foo 5 (Foo 4 (Foo 3 #f (Bool #t) (Int 3))))
(unparse-Lmaybe2 (parse-Lmaybe2 '(Foo 5 (Foo 4 (Foo 3 #f (Bool #t) (Int 3)))))))
'(Foo 5 (Bar 3 (Foo 1 (Bar 2 (Bool #t)) #f #f)))
(unparse-Lmaybe2 (parse-Lmaybe2 '(Foo 5 (Bar 3 (Foo 1 (Bar 2 (Bool #t)) #f #f))))))
'(Foo 5 (Int 3) (Bool #f))
(unparse-Lmaybe2 (parse-Lmaybe2 '(Foo 5 (Int 3) (Bool #f))))))
(test maybe-with-output-language/unparse
'(Foo 3)
(unparse-Lmaybe2 (with-output-language (Lmaybe2 Exp) `(Foo 3))))
'(Bar (Int 72))
(unparse-Lmaybe2 (with-output-language (Lmaybe2 Exp) `(Bar (Int 72)))))
'(Int 72)
(unparse-Lmaybe2 (with-output-language (Lmaybe2 Exp) `(Int 72))))
'(Bool #t)
(unparse-Lmaybe2 (with-output-language (Lmaybe2 Exp) `(Bool #t))))
'(Bar 5 (Bool #t))
(unparse-Lmaybe2 (with-output-language (Lmaybe2 Exp) `(Bar 5 (Bool #t)))))
'(Bar #f (Bool #t))
(unparse-Lmaybe2 (with-output-language (Lmaybe2 Exp) `(Bar #f (Bool #t)))))
'(Bar #f 1 #f 2 #f 3 (Bool #t))
(unparse-Lmaybe2 (with-output-language (Lmaybe2 Exp) `(Bar #f 1 #f 2 #f 3 (Bool #t)))))
'(Bar 1 #f 2 #f 3 #f (Bool #t))
(unparse-Lmaybe2 (with-output-language (Lmaybe2 Exp) `(Bar 1 #f 2 #f 3 #f (Bool #t)))))
'(Foo 5 #f)
(unparse-Lmaybe2 (with-output-language (Lmaybe2 Exp) `(Foo 5 #f))))
'(Foo 5 #f #f (Bar 3 (Foo 2 #f)) (Bool #t) #f #f (Int 2) #f)
(unparse-Lmaybe2 (with-output-language (Lmaybe2 Exp) `(Foo 5 #f #f (Bar 3 (Foo 2 #f)) (Bool #t) #f #f (Int 2) #f))))
'(Foo 5 (Foo 4 (Foo 3 #f (Bool #t) (Int 3))))
(unparse-Lmaybe2 (with-output-language (Lmaybe2 Exp) `(Foo 5 (Foo 4 (Foo 3 #f (Bool #t) (Int 3)))))))
'(Foo 5 (Bar 3 (Foo 1 (Bar 2 (Bool #t)) #f #f)))
(unparse-Lmaybe2 (with-output-language (Lmaybe2 Exp) `(Foo 5 (Bar 3 (Foo 1 (Bar 2 (Bool #t)) #f #f))))))
'(Foo 5 (Int 3) (Bool #f))
(unparse-Lmaybe2 (with-output-language (Lmaybe2 Exp) `(Foo 5 (Int 3) (Bool #f))))))
(test maybe-pass
(let ()
(define-pass add-one-int : Lmaybe2 (ir) -> Lmaybe2 ()
(Exp : Exp (ir) -> Exp ()
[(Int ,i) `(Int ,(fx+ i 1))]))
'(Int 4)
(unparse-Lmaybe2 (add-one-int (with-output-language (Lmaybe2 Exp) `(Int 3)))))
'(Foo 4 (Int 4) (Int 5) (Int 7) #f #f (Int 8))
(unparse-Lmaybe2 (add-one-int (with-output-language (Lmaybe2 Exp) `(Foo 4 (Int 3) (Int 4) (Int 6) #f #f (Int 7))))))
'(Foo 4 (Foo 5 (Int 3) #f (Int 4) (Int 5)))
(unparse-Lmaybe2 (add-one-int (with-output-language (Lmaybe2 Exp) `(Foo 4 (Foo 5 (Int 2) #f (Int 3) (Int 4)))))))
'(Foo 3 #f (Int 4))
(unparse-Lmaybe2 (add-one-int (with-output-language (Lmaybe2 Exp) `(Foo 3 #f (Int 3))))))
'(Bar 3 #f 4 #f (Int 4))
(unparse-Lmaybe2 (add-one-int (with-output-language (Lmaybe2 Exp) `(Bar 3 #f 4 #f (Int 3))))))))
(let ()
(define-pass add-one : Lmaybe2 (ir) -> Lmaybe2 ()
(Exp : Exp (ir) -> Exp ()
[(Foo ,i ,[e?*] ...) `(Foo ,(fx+ i 1) ,e?* ...)]
[(Bar ,i?* ... ,[e]) `(Bar ,(map (lambda (i?) (and i? (fx+ i? 1))) i?*) ... ,e)]
[(Int ,i) `(Int ,(fx+ i 1))]))
'(Int 4)
(unparse-Lmaybe2 (add-one (with-output-language (Lmaybe2 Exp) `(Int 3)))))
'(Foo 5 (Int 4) (Int 5) (Int 6) #f (Int 8))
(unparse-Lmaybe2 (add-one (with-output-language (Lmaybe2 Exp) `(Foo 4 (Int 3) (Int 4) (Int 5) #f (Int 7))))))
'(Foo 5 (Foo 6 (Int 3) (Bar 4 3 2 #f 1 (Foo 3 (Int 8) (Int 9)))))
(unparse-Lmaybe2 (add-one (with-output-language (Lmaybe2 Exp) `(Foo 4 (Foo 5 (Int 2) (Bar 3 2 1 #f 0 (Foo 2 (Int 7) (Int 8)))))))))
'(Foo 4 (Bar 6 #f 8 #f 9 (Foo 7 #f)) (Bool #t) #f)
(unparse-Lmaybe2 (add-one (with-output-language (Lmaybe2 Exp) `(Foo 3 (Bar 5 #f 7 #f 8 (Foo 6 #f)) (Bool #t) #f)))))
'(Foo 4 (Bar #f (Foo 7 #f)) (Bool #t) #f)
(unparse-Lmaybe2 (add-one (with-output-language (Lmaybe2 Exp) `(Foo 3 (Bar #f (Foo 6 #f)) (Bool #t) #f)))))))))
(define-language LMaybeNoBool
(symbol (x))
(number (n)))
(Expr (e)
(foo x (maybe n))
(bar (maybe e) x)
(num n)
(ref x)))
(define-language LMaybeListNoBool
(symbol (x))
(number (n)))
(Expr (e)
(foo ([x (maybe n)] ...) e)
(bar (maybe e) ... x)
(num n)
(ref x)))
(test-suite maybe-unparse-tests
(test maybe-unparse
(assert-equal? '(foo x 10)
(with-output-language (LMaybeNoBool Expr)
`(foo x 10))))
(assert-equal? '(bar (foo x #f) x)
(with-output-language (LMaybeNoBool Expr)
`(bar (foo x #f) x))))
(assert-equal? '(bar (bar (foo y #f) y) z)
(with-output-language (LMaybeNoBool Expr)
`(bar (bar (foo y #f) y) z))))
(assert-equal? '(bar (bar (bar #f x) y) z)
(with-output-language (LMaybeNoBool Expr)
`(bar (bar (bar #f x) y) z)))))
(test maybe-unparse-dots
(assert-equal? '(foo ([x 10] [y 12]) (ref x))
(with-output-language (LMaybeListNoBool Expr)
`(foo ([x 10] [y 12]) (ref x)))))
(assert-equal? '(foo ([x #f] [y 12] [z #f]) (ref y))
(with-output-language (LMaybeListNoBool Expr)
`(foo ([x #f] [y 12] [z #f]) (ref y)))))
(assert-equal? '(bar #f #f (num 10) (ref x) #f (foo ([x #f] [y 10] [z 5] [w #f]) (bar #f z)) #f w)
(with-output-language (LMaybeListNoBool Expr)
`(bar #f #f (num 10) (ref x) #f (foo ([x #f] [y 10] [z 5] [w #f]) (bar #f z)) #f w))))))
;; tests related to issue #7 on
(define-language LPairs
(symbol (x))
(null (n)))
(Expr (e)
(e0 . e1)))
(define-parser parse-LPairs LPairs)
(define-pass reverse-pairs : LPairs (p) -> LPairs ()
(Expr : Expr (p) -> Expr ()
[(,[e0] . ,[e1]) `(,e1 . ,e0)]))
(define-language LList
(symbol (x))
(null (n)))
(Expr (e)
(e0 ... . e1)))
(define-parser parse-LList LList)
(define-language LList2
(symbol (x))
(null (n)))
(Expr (e)
(e0 ... e1)))
(define-pass swap-parts : LList (e) -> LList ()
(Expr : Expr (e) -> Expr ()
[(,[e*] ... . ,[e])
`(,e ,e* ... . ())]))
;; example provided by Simon Stapleton via bug #7
(define-language Lx
(symbol (x)))
(Expr (e)
(lambda (x* ... . x) e)
(define (x x* ... . x1) e)
(define x e)))
(define-parser parse-Lx Lx)
(define-pass Px1 : Lx (ir) -> Lx ()
(Expr : Expr (ir) -> Expr()
[(define (,x ,x* ... . ,x1) ,[e])
`(define ,x (lambda (,x* ... . ,x1) ,e))]))
(test-suite language-dot-support
(test simple-dots
(unparse-LPairs (parse-LPairs '())))
(unparse-LPairs (parse-LPairs 'a)))
(unparse-LPairs (parse-LPairs '(a))))
'(a . b)
(unparse-LPairs (parse-LPairs '(a . b))))
'(a b c . d)
(unparse-LPairs (parse-LPairs '(a b c . d))))
'(((a b . c) d e) f . g)
(unparse-LPairs (parse-LPairs '(((a b . c) d e) f . g))))
(unparse-LPairs (with-output-language (LPairs Expr) `())))
(unparse-LPairs (with-output-language (LPairs Expr) `a)))
(unparse-LPairs (with-output-language (LPairs Expr) `(a))))
'(a . b)
(unparse-LPairs (with-output-language (LPairs Expr) `(a . b))))
'(a b c . d)
(unparse-LPairs (with-output-language (LPairs Expr) `(a b c . d))))
'(((a b . c) d e) f . g)
(unparse-LPairs (with-output-language (LPairs Expr) `(((a b . c) d e) f . g))))
'(() . a)
(unparse-LPairs (reverse-pairs (parse-LPairs '(a)))))
'(b . a)
(unparse-LPairs (reverse-pairs (parse-LPairs '(a . b)))))
'(((d . c) . b) . a)
(unparse-LPairs (reverse-pairs (parse-LPairs '(a b c . d)))))
'((g . f) ((() . e) . d) (c . b) . a)
(unparse-LPairs (reverse-pairs (parse-LPairs '(((a b . c) d e) f . g))))))
(test dot-after-ellipsis
(unparse-LList (parse-LList '())))
(unparse-LList (parse-LList 'x)))
'(a b c)
(unparse-LList (parse-LList '(a b c))))
'(a b c . d)
(unparse-LList (parse-LList '(a b c . d))))
'(((a b) (c d)) e . f)
(unparse-LList (parse-LList '(((a b) (c d)) e . f))))
(unparse-LList (with-output-language (LList Expr) `())))
(unparse-LList (with-output-language (LList Expr) `x)))
'(a b c)
(unparse-LList (with-output-language (LList Expr) `(a b c))))
'(a b c . d)
(unparse-LList (with-output-language (LList Expr) `(a b c . d))))
'(((a b) (c d)) e . f)
(unparse-LList (with-output-language (LList Expr) `(((a b) (c d)) e . f))))
'(() a b c)
(unparse-LList (swap-parts (with-output-language (LList Expr) `(a b c)))))
'(d a b c)
(unparse-LList (swap-parts (with-output-language (LList Expr) `(a b c . d)))))
'(f (() (() a b) (() c d)) e)
(unparse-LList (swap-parts (with-output-language (LList Expr) `(((a b) (c d)) e . f))))))
(test github-issue-7
(unparse-Lx (parse-Lx 'x)))
'(lambda (x . z) x)
(unparse-Lx (parse-Lx '(lambda (x . z) x))))
'(lambda (x y . z) x)
(unparse-Lx (parse-Lx '(lambda (x y . z) x))))
'(lambda x x)
(unparse-Lx (parse-Lx '(lambda x x))))
'(define (x y . z) z)
(unparse-Lx (parse-Lx '(define (x y . z) z))))
'(define x x)
(unparse-Lx (parse-Lx '(define x x))))
'(define (l m . n)
(define g
(lambda (x . z)
(lambda (a . b)
(lambda (c . d)
(unparse-Lx (parse-Lx '(define (l m . n)
(define g
(lambda (x . z)
(lambda (a . b)
(lambda (c . d)
(unparse-Lx (with-output-language (Lx Expr) `x)))
'(lambda (x . z) x)
(unparse-Lx (with-output-language (Lx Expr) `(lambda (x . z) x))))
'(lambda (x y . z) x)
(unparse-Lx (with-output-language (Lx Expr) `(lambda (x y . z) x))))
'(define (x y . z) z)
(unparse-Lx (with-output-language (Lx Expr) `(define (x y . z) z))))
'(lambda x x)
(unparse-Lx (with-output-language (Lx Expr) `(lambda x x))))
'(define x x)
(unparse-Lx (with-output-language (Lx Expr) `(define x x))))
'(define (l m . n)
(define g
(lambda (x . z)
(lambda (a . b)
(lambda (c . d)
(unparse-Lx (with-output-language (Lx Expr) `(define (l m . n)
(define g
(lambda (x . z)
(lambda (a . b)
(lambda (c . d)
'(define f (lambda (x . y) x))
(unparse-Lx (Px1 (parse-Lx '(define (f x . y) x)))))
'(define g (lambda (x y z . w) w))
(unparse-Lx (Px1 (parse-Lx '(define (g x y z . w) w)))))
'(define h (lambda (x y . z) (define i (lambda (a b c . d) d))))
(unparse-Lx (Px1 (parse-Lx '(define (h x y . z) (define (i a b c . d) d))))))
'(define f (lambda x (define g (lambda y x))))
(unparse-Lx (Px1 (parse-Lx '(define (f . x) (define (g . y) x))))))))
(define-language LMULTI
(var (x))
(primitive (pr))
(datum (d)))
(Expr (e)
(var x)
(primref pr)
(quote d)
(if e0 e1 e2)
(begin e0 ... e1)
(let ([x e] ...) e1)
(letrec ([x le] ...) e)
(app e0 e1 ...))
(LambdaExpr (le)
(lambda (x ...) e)
(case-lambda cl ...))
(CaseLambdaClause (cl)
(clause (x ...) e)))
(define-language L-error
(symbol (x)))
(Expr (e body)
(lambda (x* ...) body* ... body)
(let ([x* e*] ...) body* ... body)
(let-values ([(x** ...) e*] ...) body* ... body)
(e e* ...)))
(define test-file
(let ()
(define-syntax foo (lambda (x) (syntax-violation 'foo "unexpected call to foo" x)))
(source-information-source-file (syntax->source-information #'foo))))
(test-suite error-messages
(test run-time-error-messages
(format-error-message "Exception in with-output-language: expected list of symbol but received x in field x* of (lambda (x* ...) body* ... body) from expression ~s at line 872, char 23 of ~a" ''x test-file)
(with-output-language (L-error Expr)
`(lambda (,'x ...) z)))
(format-error-message "Exception in with-output-language: expected list of list of symbol but received x** in field x** of ~s from expression ~s at line 876, char 29 of ~a" '(let-values (((x** ...) e*) ...) body* ... body) ''x** test-file)
(with-output-language (L-error Expr)
`(let-values ([(,'x** ...) ,'(y)] ...) z)))
;; regression test for error reported by R. Kent Dybvig:
(define-language L
(symbol (x)))
(A (a) b)
(B (b) x))
(define-pass P1 : L (ir) -> L ()
(A : A (ir foo bar ignore) -> A ())
(B : B (ir foo bar) -> B ()
[else (printf "bar = ~s\n" bar) ir])
(A ir "I am not bar" "I am bar" "extra stuff"))
(define-pass P2 : L (ir) -> L ()
(A : A (ir foo bar ignore) -> A ())
(B : B (ir bar) -> B ()
[else (printf "bar = ~s\n" bar) ir])
(A ir "I am not bar" "I am bar" "extra stuff"))
(define-pass P3 : L (ir) -> L ()
(A : A (ir xxfoo xxbar ignore) -> A ())
(B : B (ir foo bar) -> B ()
[else (printf "bar = ~s\n" bar) ir])
(B2 : B (ir) -> B ()
[else (printf "calling B2\n") ir])
(A ir "I am not bar" "I am bar" "extra stuff"))
(define-pass P4 : L (ir) -> L ()
(A : A (ir) -> A ())
(B : B (ir [foo "I am not bar"] [bar "I am bar"]) -> B ()
[else (printf "bar = ~s\n" bar) ir])
(A ir))
(define-pass P5 : L (ir) -> L ()
(B : B (ir foo bar ignore) -> B ())
(symbol : symbol (ir foo bar) -> symbol ()
(printf "bar = ~s\n" bar)
(B ir "I am not bar" "I am bar" "extra stuff"))
(define-pass P6 : L (ir) -> L ()
(B : B (ir foo bar ignore) -> B ())
(symbol : symbol (ir bar) -> symbol ()
(printf "bar = ~s\n" bar)
(B ir "I am not bar" "I am bar" "extra stuff"))
(define-pass P7 : L (ir) -> L ()
(B : B (ir foo bar ignore) -> B ())
(symbol : symbol (ir xxfoo xxbar) -> symbol ()
(printf "bar = ~s\n" xxbar)
(symbol2 : symbol (ir) -> symbol ()
(printf "calling symbol2\n")
(B ir "I am not bar" "I am bar" "extra stuff"))
(define-pass P8 : L (ir) -> L ()
(B : B (ir) -> B ())
(symbol : symbol (ir [foo "I am not bar"] [bar "I am bar"]) -> symbol ()
(printf "bar = ~s\n" bar)
(B ir))
(define-pass P9 : L (ir foo bar ignore) -> L ()
(A : A (ir foo bar) -> A ()
[else (printf "bar = ~s\n" bar) ir]))
(define-pass P10 : L (ir foo bar ignore) -> L ()
(A : A (ir bar) -> A ()
[else (printf "bar = ~s\n" bar) ir]))
(define-pass P11 : L (ir foo bar ignore) -> L ()
(A : A (ir xxfoo xxbar) -> A ())
(A2 : A (ir) -> A ()
[else (printf "calling A2\n") ir]))
(define-pass P12 : L (ir) -> L ()
(A : A (ir [foo "I am not bar"] [bar "I am bar"]) -> A ()
[else (printf "bar = ~s\n" bar) ir]))
(test-suite argument-name-matching
(test sub-nonterminal-regression
"bar = \"I am bar\"\n"
(with-output-to-string (lambda () (P1 'q))))
"bar = \"I am bar\"\n"
(with-output-to-string (lambda () (P2 'q))))
"calling B2\n"
(with-output-to-string (lambda () (P3 'q))))
"bar = \"I am bar\"\n"
(with-output-to-string (lambda () (P4 'q)))))
(test sub-terminal-regression
"bar = \"I am bar\"\n"
(with-output-to-string (lambda () (P5 'q))))
"bar = \"I am bar\"\n"
(with-output-to-string (lambda () (P6 'q))))
"calling symbol2\n"
(with-output-to-string (lambda () (P7 'q))))
"bar = \"I am bar\"\n"
(with-output-to-string (lambda () (P8 'q)))))
(test sub-terminal-regression
"bar = \"I am bar\"\n"
(lambda () (P9 'q "I am not bar" "I am bar" "extra stuff"))))
"bar = \"I am bar\"\n"
(lambda () (P10 'q "I am not bar" "I am bar" "extra stuff"))))
"calling A2\n"
(lambda () (P11 'q "I am not bar" "I am bar" "extra stuff"))))
"bar = \"I am bar\"\n"
(lambda () (P12 'q))))))
(define (ski-combinator? x) (memq x '(S K I)))
(define-language Lski
(ski-combinator (C)))
(Expr (e)
(e0 e1)))
(define-language Llc
(symbol (x)))
(Expr (e)
(lambda (x) e)
(e0 e1)))
(define-pass ski->lc : Lski (ir) -> Llc ()
(define-syntax with-variables
(syntax-rules ()
[(_ (x* ...) body0 body1 ...)
(let* ([x* (make-variable 'x*)] ...) body0 body1 ...)]))
(define counter 0)
(define inc-counter
(lambda ()
(let ([count counter])
(set! counter (fx+ count 1))
(define make-variable
(lambda (x)
(format "~s.~s" x (inc-counter))))))
(Expr : Expr (e) -> Expr ()
[,C (case C
[(S) (with-variables (x y z)
`(lambda (,x)
(lambda (,y)
(lambda (,z)
((,x ,z) (,y ,z))))))]
[(K) (with-variables (x y)
`(lambda (,x)
(lambda (,y)
[(I) (with-variables (x)
`(lambda (,x) ,x))])]
[(,e0 ,e1)
(let* ([e0 (Expr e0)] [e1 (Expr e1)])
`(,e0 ,e1))]))
(define-pass ski-in : * (ir) -> Lski ()
(Expr : * (ir) -> Expr ()
[(memq ir '(S K I)) ir]
[(and (list? ir) (= (length ir) 2))
(let ([e0 (car ir)] [e1 (cdr ir)])
`(,(Expr e0) ,(Expr e1)))]
[else (errorf who "unrecognized ski input ~s" ir)]))
(Expr ir))
(define-pass lc-out : Llc (ir) -> * (sexpr)
(Expr : Expr (ir) -> * (sexpr)
[(lambda (,x) ,[sexpr]) `(lambda (,x) ,sexpr)]
[(,[sexpr0] ,[sexpr1]) `(,sexpr0 ,sexpr1)]
[,x x])
(Expr ir))
(test-suite pass-parser-unparser
(test pass-parsers
'((S K) I)
((pass-input-parser ski-in) '((S K) I)))
(with-output-language (Lski Expr)
`((S K) I))
((pass-input-parser ski->lc) '((S K) I)))
(with-output-language (Llc Expr)
`(lambda (x) (x x)))
((pass-input-parser lc-out) '(lambda (x) (x x)))))
(test pass-unparsers
'((S I) K)
((pass-output-unparser ski-in)
(with-output-language (Lski Expr)
`((S I) K))))
'((lambda (x) (x x)) (lambda (y) (y y)))
((pass-output-unparser ski->lc)
(with-output-language (Llc Expr)
`((lambda (x) (x x)) (lambda (y) (y y))))))
((pass-output-unparser lc-out) 'bob)))
(test pass-parser-unparser
'(((lambda (x.0) (lambda (y.1) x.0)) (lambda (x.2) x.2)) (lambda (x.3) x.3))
((pass-output-unparser ski->lc) (ski->lc ((pass-input-parser ski->lc) '((K I) I)))))))