1351 lines
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1351 lines
51 KiB
;;; print.ss
;;; Copyright 1984-2017 Cisco Systems, Inc.
;;; Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
;;; you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
;;; You may obtain a copy of the License at
;;; http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
;;; Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
;;; distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
;;; WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
;;; See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
;;; limitations under the License.
(eval-when (compile)
(define-constant cycle-node-max 1000)
(define-syntax decr
(lambda (x)
(syntax-case x ()
((_ x) (identifier? #'x) #'(and x (fx- x 1))))))
(define-syntax limit?
(syntax-rules ()
((_ x) (eq? x 0))))
) ;eval-when
;;; $make-graph-env is shared with pretty.ss
(define $make-graph-env)
(define record-writer
(let ([rw-ht #f] [cache '()])
(define default-record-writer
(lambda (x p wr)
(let ([rtd ($record-type-descriptor x)])
(cond ; keep in sync with wrhelp
[(record-type-opaque? rtd)
(fprintf p "#<~a>" (csv7:record-type-name rtd))]
[(record-type-descriptor? x)
(fprintf p "#<record type ~:s>" (record-type-uid x))]
[(record-constructor-descriptor? x)
(fprintf p "#<record constructor descriptor>")]
(display "#[" p)
; we use write instead of wr here so that the field doesn't get
; a reference (#n#) when print-graph is true.
(write (or (record-reader rtd) (record-type-uid rtd)) p)
(do ([flds (csv7:record-type-field-names rtd) (cdr flds)]
[i 0 (+ i 1)])
((null? flds))
(write-char #\space p)
(wr ((csv7:record-field-accessor rtd i) x) p))
(write-char #\] p)]))))
(unless (record-type-descriptor? rtd)
($oops 'record-writer "~s is not a record-type descriptor" rtd))
(if rw-ht
(or (eq-hashtable-ref rw-ht rtd #f)
(let ([proc (or (let f ([rtd rtd])
(let ([rtd (record-type-parent rtd)])
(and rtd
(or (eq-hashtable-ref rw-ht rtd #f)
(f rtd)))))
; cache the derived entry
(eq-hashtable-cell rw-ht rtd proc)
(set! cache (weak-cons rtd cache))
[(rtd proc)
(unless (record-type-descriptor? rtd)
($oops 'record-writer "~s is not a record-type descriptor" rtd))
(unless (or (procedure? proc) (eq? proc #f))
($oops 'record-writer "~s is not a procedure" proc))
(unless rw-ht (set! rw-ht (make-weak-eq-hashtable)))
; remove derived entries for rtd and any of its children
(set! cache
(let f ([cache cache])
[(null? cache) '()]
[(eq? (car cache) #!bwp) (f (cdr cache))]
[(let g ([x (car cache)])
(and x (or (eq? x rtd) (g (record-type-parent x)))))
(eq-hashtable-delete! rw-ht (car cache))
(f (cdr cache))]
[else (weak-cons (car cache) (f (cdr cache)))])))
(let ([a (eq-hashtable-cell rw-ht rtd proc)])
(unless (eq? (cdr a) proc) (set-cdr! a proc)))])))
(let ()
(define black-hole '#0=#0#)
(define hashable?
(lambda (x)
(if ($immediate? x)
(eq? x black-hole)
($object-in-heap? x)
(or (pair? x)
(vector? x)
(box? x)
(and ($record? x) (not (eq? x #!base-rtd)))
(fxvector? x)
(string? x)
(bytevector? x)
(gensym? x))))))
(define bit-sink
(let ([bsp #f])
(define make-bit-sink-port
(lambda ()
(define handler
(lambda (msg . args) ($oops 'bit-sink-port "operation ~s not handled" msg))
[(block-write p s n) (void)]
[(clear-output-port p) (set-textual-port-output-index! p 0)]
[(close-port p)
(set-textual-port-output-size! p 0)
(mark-port-closed! p)]
[(flush-output-port p) (set-textual-port-output-index! p 0)]
[(port-name p) "bit-sink port"]
[(write-char c p) (set-textual-port-output-index! p 0)]))
(make-output-port handler (make-string 1024))))
(lambda ()
(or bsp (let ([p (make-bit-sink-port)]) (set! bsp p) p)))))
(define (graph-env x lev len)
;; NOTE: if used as is in fasl.ss, fasl.ss will have to play
;; $last-new-vector-element game.
;; $make-graph-env takes an object, a print level, and a print
;; length, and returns a procedure whose first argument is a
;; message, one of 'tag, 'tag?, or 'count. If the message is
;; 'tag, one of #f, (mark . <n>), or (ref . <n>) is returned if
;; the second argument needs no tag, a mark tag, or a reference
;; tag. If the message is 'tag?, #f is returned iff the second
;; argument needs no tag. If the message is 'count, the number
;; of items needing tags is returned.
(let ([ht (make-eq-hashtable)] [count 0])
(let find-dupls ([x x] [lev lev] [lslen len])
(when (and (hashable? x) (not (limit? lev)))
(let ([a (eq-hashtable-cell ht x 'first)])
(case (cdr a)
(set-cdr! a #f)
[(pair? x)
(unless (limit? lslen)
(find-dupls (car x) (decr lev) len)
(find-dupls (cdr x) lev (decr lslen)))]
[(vector? x)
(unless (fx= (vector-length x) 0)
(let ([m (if (print-vector-length)
($last-new-vector-element vector-length vector-ref x)
(fx- (vector-length x) 1))]
[lev (decr lev)])
(let f ([i 0] [veclen len])
(unless (or (fx> i m) (limit? veclen))
(find-dupls (vector-ref x i) lev len)
(f (fx+ i 1) (decr veclen))))))]
[(and ($record? x) (not (eq? x #!base-rtd)))
(when (print-record)
((record-writer ($record-type-descriptor x)) x (bit-sink)
(lambda (x p)
(unless (and (output-port? p) (textual-port? p))
($oops 'write "~s is not a textual output port" p))
(find-dupls x (decr lev) len))))]
[(box? x) (find-dupls (unbox x) (decr lev) len)]
[(eq? x black-hole) (find-dupls x (decr lev) len)])]
(set! count (fx+ count 1))
(set-cdr! a #t)]))))
(and (not (fx= count 0))
(let ([next -1])
[(msg x)
(case msg
(and (hashable? x)
(let ([a (eq-hashtable-cell ht x #f)])
(case (cdr a)
[(#f) #f]
[(#t) (set! next (fx+ next 1))
(set-cdr! a `(ref . ,next))
`(mark . ,next)]
[else (cdr a)])))]
[(tag?) (eq-hashtable-ref ht x #f)])]
[(msg) (case msg [(count) count])])))))
(define (really-cyclic? x lev len)
(define cyclic?
(lambda (x curlev lstlen)
(if ($immediate? x)
(if (eq? x black-hole) (not lev) #f)
(and ($object-in-heap? x)
[(pair? x) (cyclic-structure? x curlev lstlen cyclic-pair?)]
[(vector? x) (cyclic-structure? x curlev 0 cyclic-vector?)]
[(and ($record? x) (not (eq? x #!base-rtd)))
(and (print-record)
(cyclic-structure? x curlev lstlen
(lambda (x curlev lstlen)
(lambda (k)
((record-writer ($record-type-descriptor x)) x (bit-sink)
(lambda (x p)
(unless (and (output-port? p) (textual-port? p))
($oops 'write "~s is not a textual output port" p))
(if (cyclic? x (fx+ curlev 1) 0)
(k #t))))
[(box? x) (cyclic-structure? x curlev 0 cyclic-box?)]
[else #f])))))
(define cyclic-structure?
(let ([ht (make-eq-hashtable)])
(lambda (x curlev lstlen sub-cyclic?)
(and (not (eq? curlev lev))
(let ([a (eq-hashtable-cell ht x #f)])
(let ([oldlev (cdr a)])
(if oldlev
(or (not (if (= oldlev curlev) len lev))
(sub-cyclic? x curlev lstlen))
(begin (set-cdr! a curlev)
(or (sub-cyclic? x curlev lstlen)
(begin (set-cdr! a #f) #f))))))))))
(define cyclic-pair?
(lambda (x curlev lstlen)
(and (not (eq? lstlen len))
(or (cyclic? (car x) (fx+ curlev 1) 0)
(cyclic? (cdr x) curlev (fx+ lstlen 1))))))
(define cyclic-vector?
(lambda (x curlev lstlen)
(let ([n (vector-length x)] [curlev (fx+ curlev 1)])
(let across ([i (fx- (if len (fxmin len n) n) 1)])
(and (fx>= i 0)
(or (cyclic? (vector-ref x i) curlev 0)
(across (fx- i 1))))))))
(define cyclic-box?
(lambda (x curlev lstlen)
(cyclic? (unbox x) (fx+ curlev 1) 0)))
(cyclic? x 0 0)
(define maybe-cyclic?
;; brain damaged---can go essentially forever on very large trees
;; should keep separate count, lev, and len variables
(lambda (x lev len)
(let down ([x x]
[xlev (if lev
(fxmin lev (constant cycle-node-max))
(constant cycle-node-max))])
[(fx= xlev 0) (or (not lev) (fx> lev (constant cycle-node-max)))]
[($immediate? x) (if (eq? x black-hole) (not lev) #f)]
(and ($object-in-heap? x)
[(pair? x)
(let across ([x x]
[xlen (if len
(fxmin len (constant cycle-node-max))
(constant cycle-node-max))])
[(fx= xlen 0)
(or (not len) (fx> len (constant cycle-node-max)))]
[(pair? x)
(or (down (car x) (fx- xlev 1))
(across (cdr x) (fx- xlen 1)))]
[else (down x (fx- xlev 1))]))]
[(vector? x)
(let ([n (vector-length x)])
(let across ([i (fx- (if len (fxmin len n) n) 1)])
(and (fx>= i 0)
(or (down (vector-ref x i) (fx- xlev 1))
(across (fx- i 1))))))]
[(and ($record? x) (not (eq? x #!base-rtd)))
(and (print-record)
(lambda (k)
((record-writer ($record-type-descriptor x)) x (bit-sink)
(lambda (x p)
(unless (and (output-port? p) (textual-port? p))
($oops 'write "~s is not a textual output port" p))
(if (down x (fx- xlev 1)) (k #t))))
[(box? x) (down (unbox x) (fx- xlev 1))]
[else #f]))]))))
(set! $make-graph-env
(lambda (who x lev len)
(and (if ($immediate? x)
(eq? x black-hole)
(and ($object-in-heap? x)
(or (pair? x) (vector? x) (box? x) (and ($record? x) (not (eq? x #!base-rtd))))))
(or (print-graph)
(and (not (and lev len))
(maybe-cyclic? x lev len)
(really-cyclic? x lev len)
(warningf who
"cycle detected; proceeding with (print-graph #t)")
(graph-env x lev len))))
;;; $last-new-vector-element is shared with read.ss and pretty.ss
(define $last-new-vector-element
; assumes vector has at least one element
(lambda (vlen vref x)
(let ([n (vlen x)])
(let ([y (vref x (fx- n 1))])
(do ([i (fx- n 2) (fx- i 1)])
((or (fx< i 0) (not (eqv? y (vref x i))))
(fx+ i 1)))))))
;;; $flonum->digits is exported to allow us to play around with formatted IO
(flonum->digits <flonum> <output radix> <mode> <position>)
<flonum> is the number you want to convert to digits.
<output radix> is the radix (usually 10) that you want the output
digits to be in
<mode> is one of:
'normal: this is used for "free format" printing. In normal
mode, the digits produced are the minimum number needed
to reproduce the internal representation. In this case,
<position> is ignored (pass in zero).
'absolute: this is for fixed-format floating point notation.
In this case, digit production is cut off (with
appropriate rounding) at position <position>. Negative
values of <position> specify positions to the right of
the radix point; positive values specify positions to the
'relative: this is for fixed-format exponential notation.
In this case, digit production is cut off (with
appropriate rounding) at position <position> relative
to the first digit. <position> must be negative.
Return Value:
In any of the modes, you receive an infinite list consisting of
* the sign represented by 1 for + and -1 for -
* the exponent
* the significant digits w/o trailing zeros
* a (possibly empty) sequence of -1's, and
* a (possibly empty) sequence of -2's.
The -1's should be printed as zeros if you need them; a -1 digit is
equivalent to zero except that it is not necessary to print it to
fully specify the number.
The -2's should be printed as hash marks (#) or something similar;
a -2 digit carries no information whatsoever, i.e., once you start
getting -2 digits, all precision is gone. For normalized IEEE
64-bit floats, -2 digits won't appear until after 15 or so other
digits. For denormalized floats, -2 digits may appear much sooner
(perhaps even starting with the second digit).
Positive floating point zero returns with (1 0 -1 ...). Negative
floating point returns with (1 0 -1 ...).
(define $flonum->digits)
(let ()
(define terminator-1 '#1=(-1 . #1#))
(define terminator-2 '#2=(-2 . #2#))
(define invlog2of
;; must be accurate to several decimal places
(let ([v (let ([ln2 (log 2)])
(let f ([n 36] [ls '()])
(if (fx= n 1)
(list->vector ls)
(f (fx- n 1) (cons (/ ln2 (log n)) ls)))))])
(lambda (x)
(vector-ref v (fx- x 2)))))
(define exptt
(let ([v (let f ([k 325] [ls '()])
(if (fx< k 0)
(list->vector ls)
(f (fx- k 1) (cons (expt 10 k) ls))))])
(lambda (ob k)
(if (and (fx= ob 10) (fx<= 0 k 320))
(vector-ref v k)
(expt ob k)))))
(define dragon4
;; ob is the base of the output representation
;; e is the exponent of the floating point number
;; f is the significand of the floating point number
;; p is the precision of the floating point number
;; cutoffmode is one of normal (no cutoff), absolute (for fixed
;; formats), or relative (for fixed exponential formats)
;; initialcutoffplace is the digit position where cutoff should occur
;; (in radix-ob digits)
;; when cutoffmode is relative, initialcutoffplace must be negative
;; internally, ruf, cop, r, s, m+, m- are roundupflag, cutoffplace,
;; R, S, M+, M- from original algorithm
(lambda (e f p ob cutoffmode initialcutoffplace)
(define estimate
(lambda (r s m- m+ ruf)
(let ([k (fx1+
(floor (- (* (fx+ (integer-length f) e -1)
(invlog2of ob))
[(> k 0)
(let ([scale (exptt ob k)])
(fixup k r (* s scale) m- m+ ruf))]
[(< k 0)
(let* ([scale (exptt ob (fx- k))]
[m- (* m- scale)])
(fixup k (* r scale) s m- (and m+ (ash m- 1)) ruf))]
(fixup k r s m- m+ ruf)]))))
(define fixup
(lambda (k r s m- m+ ruf)
(if ((if ruf >= >) (+ r (or m+ m-)) s)
(cutoffadjust0 (fx+ k 1) r (* s ob) m- m+ ruf)
(cutoffadjust0 k r s m- m+ ruf))))
(define cutoffadjust0
(lambda (k r s m- m+ ruf)
(case cutoffmode
[(normal) (generate0 k r s m- m+ ruf #f)]
(cutoffadjust k r s m- m+ ruf (fx- initialcutoffplace k))]
(when (fx>= initialcutoffplace 0)
($oops '$flonum->digits "nonnegative relative cutoffplace ~s"
(cutoffadjust k r s m- m+ ruf initialcutoffplace)]
($oops '$flonum->digits "invalid cutoffmode ~s"
(define cutoffadjust
(lambda (k r s m- m+ ruf a)
(let ([y (/ (if (fx>= a 0)
(* s (exptt ob a))
(/ s (exptt ob (fx- a)))) 2)])
(if (> y m-)
(if (ratnum? y)
(let* ([d (denominator y)]
[r (* r d)]
[s (* s d)]
[m- (numerator y)]
[m+ (and m+
(let ([new-m+ (* m+ d)])
(if (> new-m+ m-) new-m+ #f)))]
[ruf (or ruf (not m+))])
(fixup2 k r s m- m+ ruf (fx+ k a)))
(let* ([m- y]
[m+ (and m+ (if (> m+ y) m+ #f))]
[ruf (or ruf (not m+))])
(fixup2 k r s m- m+ ruf (fx+ k a))))
(generate0 k r s m- m+ ruf (fx+ k a))))))
(define fixup2
(lambda (k r s m- m+ ruf cop)
(if ((if ruf >= >) (+ r (or m+ m-)) s)
(cutoffadjust0 (fx+ k 1) r (* s ob) m- m+ ruf)
(generate0 k r s m- m+ ruf cop))))
(define generate0
(lambda (k r s m- m+ ruf cop)
(let ([k (fx- k 1)])
(cons k (generate k r s m- m+ ruf cop)))))
(define generate
(lambda (k r s m- m+ ruf cop)
(let* ([rob (* r ob)]
[q-r ($quotient-remainder rob s)]
[u (car q-r)]
[r (cdr q-r)]
[m- (* m- ob)]
[m+ (and m+ (ash m- 1))]
[low ((if ruf <= <) r m-)]
[high ((if ruf >= >) (+ r (or m+ m-)) s)])
(if (and (not low) (not high))
(cons u (generate (fx- k 1) r s m- m+ ruf cop))
(let ([d (cond [(and low (not high)) u]
[(and high (not low)) (fx+ u 1)]
[(< (ash r 1) s) u]
[else (fx+ u 1)])])
[(not cop) (cons d terminator-1)]
[(fx< k cop) terminator-1]
[(fx= k cop) (cons d terminator-1)]
[else (cons d
(if (fx= d u)
(generate1 k (+ r (or m+ m-)) s cop)
(generate1 k (- (+ r (or m+ m-)) s) s cop)))]))))))
; delta may be zero, in which case all digits are significant,
; even if we've been asked for 1,000,000 of them. This is due to
; our definition of (in)significant: "a digit is insignificant when
; it and all digits after it can be replaced by any base-B digits
; without altering the value of the number when input. In other
; words, a digit is insignificant if incrementing the preceding
; digit does not cause the number to fall outside the rounding
; range of v." For 1e23, which falls exactly midway between two
; fp numbers and reads as the next one down due to "unbiased rounding",
; if we add even a single 1 digit way down, we're pushed to the next
; higher (when read). For example:
; 100000000000000000000000.000000000000000000000000000000000000001
; reads as 1.0000000000000001e23. We probably don't get into this
; situation unless ruf is allowed to be true for absolute and relative
; modes below, since with ruf false, we won't try to print a number that
; is exactly half way between two floating-point numbers.
(define generate1
(lambda (k delta s cop)
(if (>= delta s)
(let ([rest (let ([k (fx- k 1)])
(if (fx= k cop)
(generate1 k (* delta ob) s cop)))])
(if (eq? rest terminator-1)
(cons -1 rest))))))
; we restrict ruf = true to cutoffmode normal so that we don't end
; up in the situation described above where delta is zero and we
; show an indefinite number of digits as significant.
(let ([b (and (fx> e -1074) (= f 4503599627370496))]
[ruf (and (eq? cutoffmode 'normal) (even? f))])
(if (fx>= e 0)
(let* ([r (ash f (if b (fx+ e 2) (fx+ e 1)))]
[m- (ash 1 e)]
[m+ (and b (ash m- 1))]
[s (if b 4 2)])
(estimate r s m- m+ ruf))
(let* ([r (ash f (if b 2 1))]
[s (ash 1 (if b (fx- 2 e) (fx- 1 e)))]
[m+ (and b 2)])
(estimate r s 1 m+ ruf))))))
(set! $flonum->digits
(lambda (x ob cutoffmode initialcutoffplace)
(let ([dx (if (flonum? x) (decode-float x) x)])
(let ([f (vector-ref dx 0)]
[e (vector-ref dx 1)]
[s (vector-ref dx 2)])
(cons s (if (= f 0)
(cons 0 terminator-1)
(dragon4 e f 53 ob cutoffmode initialcutoffplace)))))))
(define $write-pretty-quick)
(define write)
(define display)
(let ()
(define digit-char-table "0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ")
(define-syntax digit->char
(syntax-rules ()
((_ d) (string-ref digit-char-table d))))
(define wr
(lambda (x r lev len d? env p)
(let ([a (and env (env 'tag x))])
(if (not a)
(wrhelp x r lev len d? env p)
(record-case a
[(mark) n
(write-char #\# p)
(wrfixits n 10 p)
(write-char #\= p)
(wrhelp x r lev len d? env p)]
[(ref) n
(write-char #\# p)
(wrfixits n 10 p)
(write-char #\# p)])))))
(define wrhelp
(lambda (x r lev len d? env p)
(define void? (lambda (x) (eq? x (void))))
(define black-hole? (lambda (x) (eq? x '#3=#3#)))
(define base-rtd? (lambda (x) (eq? x #!base-rtd)))
(if-feature pthreads
(define $condition? thread-condition?)
(define $condition-name condition-name)
(define $mutex? mutex?)
(define $mutex-name mutex-name))
(define $condition? (lambda (x) #f))
(define $condition-name (lambda (x) #f))
(define $mutex? (lambda (x) #f))
(define $mutex-name (lambda (x) #f))))
[($immediate? x)
(type-case x
[(fixnum?) (wrfixnum x r d? p)]
[(null?) (display-string "()" p)]
[(boolean?) (display-string (if x "#t" "#f") p)]
[(char?) (if d? (write-char x p) (wrchar x p))]
[(eof-object?) (display-string "#!eof" p)]
[(bwp-object?) (display-string "#!bwp" p)]
[($unbound-object?) (display-string "#<unbound object>" p)]
[(void?) (display-string "#<void>" p)]
[(black-hole?) (wrblack-hole x r lev len d? env p)]
[else (display-string "#<garbage>" p)])]
[($object-in-heap? x)
(type-case x
[d? (display-string (symbol->string x) p)]
[(gensym? x)
(case (print-gensym)
(wrsymbol (symbol->string x) p)]
(display-string "#:" p)
(wrsymbol (symbol->string x) p)]
(let ((uname (gensym->unique-string x)))
(define string-prefix?
(lambda (x y)
(let ([n (string-length x)])
(and (fx<= n (string-length y))
(let prefix? ([i 0])
(or (fx= i n)
(and (char=? (string-ref x i) (string-ref y i))
(prefix? (fx+ i 1)))))))))
(wrsymbol (symbol->string x) p)
(display-string "." p)
(if (and $session-key (string-prefix? $session-key uname))
(display-string (substring uname (string-length $session-key) (string-length uname)) p)
(wrsymbol uname p #t)))]
(let ((uname (gensym->unique-string x)))
(display-string "#{" p)
(wrsymbol (symbol->string x) p)
(display-string " " p)
(wrsymbol uname p)
(display-string "}" p))])]
[else (wrsymbol (symbol->string x) p)])]
[(pair?) (wrpair x r lev len d? env p)]
[(string?) (if d? (display-string x p) (wrstring x p))]
[(vector?) (wrvector vector-length vector-ref #f x r lev len d? env p)]
[(fxvector?) (wrvector fxvector-length fxvector-ref "vfx" x r lev len d? env p)]
[(bytevector?) (wrvector bytevector-length bytevector-u8-ref "vu8" x r lev len d? env p)]
[(flonum?) (wrflonum #f x r d? p)]
; catch before record? case
(($condition-name x) =>
(lambda (name)
(display-string "#<condition " p)
(wrsymbol (symbol->string name) p)
(write-char #\> p)))
(else (display-string "#<condition>" p)))]
(($mutex-name x) =>
(lambda (name)
(display-string "#<mutex " p)
(wrsymbol (symbol->string name) p)
(write-char #\> p)))
(else (display-string "#<mutex>" p)))]
[(base-rtd?) (display-string "#!base-rtd" p)]
(if (print-record)
(if (limit? lev)
(display-string "#[...]" p)
((record-writer ($record-type-descriptor x)) x p
(lambda (x p)
(unless (and (output-port? p) (textual-port? p))
($oops 'write "~s is not a textual output port" p))
(wr x r (decr lev) len d? env p))))
(let ([rtd ($record-type-descriptor x)])
(cond ; keep in sync with default-record-writer
[(record-type-opaque? rtd)
(display-string "#<" p)
(display-string (csv7:record-type-name rtd) p)
(display-string ">" p)]
[(record-type-descriptor? x)
(display-string "#<record type " p)
(wrsymbol (symbol->string (record-type-uid x)) p)
(display-string ">" p)]
[(record-constructor-descriptor? x)
(display-string "#<record constructor descriptor>" p)]
(display-string "#<record of type " p)
(display-string (csv7:record-type-name rtd) p)
(display-string ">" p)])))]
[(bignum?) (wrbignum x r d? p)]
[(ratnum?) (wrratnum x r d? p)]
[($inexactnum?) (wrinexactnum x r d? p)]
[($exactnum?) (wrexactnum x r d? p)]
[(box?) (wrbox x r lev len d? env p)]
(if ($continuation? x)
(wrcontinuation x p)
(wrprocedure x p))]
[(port?) (wrport x p)]
[($code?) (wrcode x p)]
[($tlc?) (display-string "#<tlc>" p)]
[(thread?) (wrthread x p)]
[($rtd-counts?) (display-string "#<rtd-counts>" p)]
[else (display-string "#<garbage>" p)])]
[else (display-string "#<foreign>" p)])))
(module (wrprocedure wrcode)
(include "types.ss")
(define wrcodename
(lambda (x p)
[(let ([s ($code-name x)])
(and (string? s) s)) =>
(lambda (s)
(write-char #\space p)
(display-string s p))])
[(let ([info ($code-info x)])
(and (code-info? info) (code-info-src info))) =>
(lambda (src)
(fprintf p " at ~a:~a"
(path-last (source-file-descriptor-name (source-sfd src)))
(if (source-2d? src)
(format "~a.~a" (source-2d-line src) (source-2d-column src))
(source-bfp src))))])))
(define wrprocedure
(lambda (x p)
(display-string "#<procedure" p)
(wrcodename ($closure-code x) p)
(write-char #\> p)))
(define wrcode
(lambda (x p)
(display-string "#<code" p)
(wrcodename x p)
(write-char #\> p))))
(define wrthread
(lambda (x p)
(display-string "#<thread " p)
(let ([n (with-tc-mutex
(let ([tc ($thread-tc x)])
(and (not (eq? tc 0)) ($tc-field 'threadno tc))))])
(if n
(if (fixnum? n) (wrfixnum n 10 #t p) (wrbignum n 10 #t p))
(display "destroyed" p)))
(write-char #\> p)))
(define wrcontinuation
(lambda (x p)
[(eq? x $null-continuation)
(display-string "#<null continuation>" p)]
[(= ($continuation-stack-length x) (constant unscaled-shot-1-shot-flag))
(display-string "#<shot one-shot continuation>" p)]
(display-string "#<" p)
(unless (= ($continuation-stack-length x)
($continuation-stack-clength x))
(display-string "one-shot " p))
(let ([code ($continuation-return-code x)])
(if ($system-code? code)
(display-string "system continuation" p)
(display-string "continuation" p))
(let ([s ($code-name code)])
(when (string? s)
(display-string " in " p)
(display-string s p)))
(write-char #\> p))])))
(define wrblack-hole
(lambda (x r lev len d? env p)
(if (limit? lev)
(display-string "..." p)
(wr x r (decr lev) len d? env p))))
(define wrbox
(lambda (x r lev len d? env p)
(display-string "#&" p)
(if (limit? lev)
(display-string "..." p)
(wr (unbox x) r (decr lev) len d? env p))))
(define wrpair
(lambda (x r lev len d? env p)
(define inheap-pair?
(lambda (x)
; safe to do pair? check first here since pair is a primary type,
; hence pair? won't deference the possibly bogus foreign pointer
(and (pair? x) ($object-in-heap? x))))
(define abbreviations
'((quote . "'") (quasiquote . "`") (unquote . ",") (unquote-splicing . ",@")
(syntax . "#'") (quasisyntax . "#`") (unsyntax . "#,") (unsyntax-splicing . "#,@")))
[(and d? (inheap-pair? (cdr x)) (null? (cddr x)) (assq (car x) abbreviations)) =>
(lambda (a)
(display-string (cdr a) p)
(wr (cadr x) r lev len d? env p))]
(write-char #\( p)
(if (limit? lev)
(display-string "..." p)
(let loop ([x x] [n len])
(if (limit? n)
(display-string "..." p)
(wr (car x) r (decr lev) len d? env p)
[(and (inheap-pair? (cdr x))
(or d? (not env) (not (env 'tag? (cdr x)))))
(write-char #\space p)
(loop (cdr x) (decr n))]
[(null? (cdr x))]
(display-string " . " p)
(wr (cdr x) r (decr lev) len d? env p)])))))
(write-char #\) p)])))
(define wrvector
(lambda (vlen vref prefix x r lev len d? env p)
(let ([size (vlen x)] [pvl (and (not d?) (print-vector-length))])
(write-char #\# p)
(when pvl (wrfixits size 10 p))
(when prefix (display-string prefix p))
(write-char #\( p) ;)
(if (and (limit? lev) (not (fx= size 0)))
(display-string "..." p)
(unless (fx= size 0)
(let ([last (if pvl
($last-new-vector-element vlen vref x)
(fx- size 1))])
(let loop ([i 0] [n len])
(if (limit? n)
(display-string "..." p)
(begin (wr (vref x i) r (decr lev) len d? env p)
(unless (fx= i last)
(write-char #\space p)
(loop (fx+ i 1) (decr n))))))))) ;(
(write-char #\) p))))
(define wrport
(lambda (x p)
(let ([name (port-name x)])
(display-string "#<" p)
(when (binary-port? x) (display-string "binary " p))
(if (input-port? x)
(if (output-port? x)
(display-string "input/output port" p)
(display-string "input port" p))
(if (output-port? x)
(display-string "output port" p)
(display-string "port" p)))
(when (and (string? name) (not (eqv? name "")))
(write-char #\space p)
(display-string name p))
(write-char #\> p))))
(define wrfixits
[(n r p)
[(fx< n r) (write-char (digit->char n) p)]
(wrfixits (fx/ n r) r p)
(write-char (digit->char (fxremainder n r)) p)])]
[(n r d p)
[(fx< n r)
(do ([d d (fx- d 1)]) ((fx<= d 1)) (write-char #\0 p))
(write-char (digit->char n) p)]
(wrfixits (fx/ n r) r (fx- d 1) p)
(write-char (digit->char (fxremainder n r)) p)])]))
(define wrfixits-negative
;; would be (wrfixits (fx- -n) r p) except that (- -n) may not be a
;; fixnum, e.g., for n = (most-negative-fixnum) in two's complement
(lambda (-n r p)
[(fx> -n (fx- r)) (write-char (digit->char (fx- -n)) p)]
(wrfixits-negative (fx/ -n r) r p)
(write-char (digit->char (fx- (remainder -n r))) p)])))
(define wrbigits
(let ()
; divide-and-conquer, treating bignum as two ``big base'' bigits
; first base must be >= sqrt(n); base i+1 must be >= sqrt(base i)
; last base must be <= most-positive-fixnum
(define largest-fixnum-big-base
(let ([v (make-vector 37)])
(do ([b 2 (fx+ b 1)])
((fx= b 37) v)
(vector-set! v b
(let f ([bb b] [d 1])
(let ([bb^2 (* bb bb)])
(if (fixnum? bb^2)
(f bb^2 (* d 2))
(cons (cons bb d) '()))))))))
(define (big-bases n r)
(let ([iln/2 (bitwise-arithmetic-shift-right (+ (bitwise-length n) 1) 1)])
(let f ([bb* (vector-ref largest-fixnum-big-base r)])
(let ([bb (caar bb*)])
(if (> (bitwise-length bb) iln/2)
(f (cons (cons (* bb bb) (* (cdar bb*) 2)) bb*)))))))
(lambda (n r p)
(let f ([n n] [d 0] [bb* (big-bases n r)])
[(fixnum? n) (wrfixits n r d p)]
[(> (caar bb*) n) (f n d (cdr bb*))]
(let ([hi.lo ($quotient-remainder n (caar bb*))])
(f (car hi.lo) (- d (cdar bb*)) (cdr bb*))
(f (cdr hi.lo) (cdar bb*) (cdr bb*)))])))))
(define wrradix
(lambda (r p)
(case r
[(16) (display-string "#x" p)]
[(8) (display-string "#o" p)]
[(2) (display-string "#b" p)]
(write-char #\# p)
(wrfixits r 10 p)
(write-char #\r p)])))
(define wrinexactnum
(lambda (x r d? p)
(let ([x1 ($inexactnum-real-part x)] [x2 ($inexactnum-imag-part x)])
(wrflonum #f x1 r d? p)
(wrflonum #t x2 r #t p)
(write-char #\i p))))
(define wrexactnum
(lambda (x r d? p)
(let ([x1 ($exactnum-real-part x)] [x2 ($exactnum-imag-part x)])
(wrhelp x1 r #f #f d? #f p)
(unless (< x2 0) (write-char #\+ p))
(wrhelp x2 r #f #f #t #f p)
(write-char #\i p))))
(define wrratnum
(lambda (x r d? p)
(let ([n (numerator x)] [d (denominator x)])
(if (fixnum? n) (wrfixnum n r d? p) (wrbignum n r d? p))
(write-char #\/ p)
(if (fixnum? d) (wrfixits d r p) (wrbigits d r p)))))
(define wrbignum
(lambda (x r d? p)
(unless (or (fx= r 10) d?) (wrradix r p))
(wrbigits (if (< x 0) (begin (write-char #\- p) (- x)) x) r p)))
(define wrfixnum
(lambda (x r d? p)
(unless (or (fx= r 10) d?) (wrradix r p))
(if (fx< x 0)
(begin (write-char #\- p) (wrfixits-negative x r p))
(wrfixits x r p))))
(define wrflonum
(let ()
(define flonum-digit->char
(lambda (n)
(string-ref "#00123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ" (fx+ n 2))))
(define free-format
(lambda (e s p)
(when (fx< e 0)
(write-char #\0 p)
(write-char #\. p)
(let loop ([e e])
(when (fx< e -1)
(write-char #\0 p)
(loop (fx+ e 1)))))
(let loop ([u (car s)] [s (cdr s)] [e e])
(write-char (flonum-digit->char u) p)
(when (fx= e 0) (write-char #\. p))
(let ([u (car s)])
(when (or (fx>= u 0) (fx>= e 0))
(loop u (cdr s) (fx- e 1)))))))
(define free-format-exponential
(lambda (e s r p)
(write-char (flonum-digit->char (car s)) p)
(let ([s (cdr s)])
(unless (fx< (car s) 0) (write-char #\. p))
(let loop ([s s])
(let ([u (car s)])
(unless (fx< u 0)
(write-char (flonum-digit->char u) p)
(loop (cdr s))))))
(write-char #\e p)
(wrfixnum e r #t p)))
(define display-precision
(lambda (m p)
(write-char #\| p)
(if (fixnum? m) (wrfixits m 10 p) (wrbigits m 10 p))))
(lambda (force-sign x r d? p)
;;; R4RS & IEEE-1178 technically demand radix 10, but screw 'em
(if (exceptional-flonum? x)
(if ($nan? x)
(display-string "+nan.0" p)
(if (fl> x 0.0)
(display-string "+inf.0" p)
(display-string "-inf.0" p)))
(let ([dx (decode-float x)])
(unless (or (fx= r 10) d?) (wrradix r p))
(let ([ls ($flonum->digits dx r 'normal 0)])
(let ([s (car ls)] [e (cadr ls)] [ls (cddr ls)])
(if (fx< s 0)
(write-char #\- p)
(when force-sign (write-char #\+ p)))
(if (or (fx> r 10) (fx< -4 e 10))
(free-format e ls p)
(free-format-exponential e ls r p))))
[(print-precision) =>
(lambda (m)
(if (and (fixnum? m) (fx< m 53))
(display-precision (fxmax m (integer-length (vector-ref dx 0))) p)
(display-precision m p)))]
(let ([m (integer-length (vector-ref dx 0))])
(when (fx< 0 m 53) (display-precision m p)))]))))))
(define wrchar
(lambda (x p)
(define (r6rs-char-name x)
[(assq x '((#\nul . nul) (#\alarm . alarm) (#\backspace . backspace) (#\tab . tab)
(#\newline . newline) (#\vtab . vtab) (#\page . page) (#\return . return)
(#\esc . esc) (#\space . space) (#\delete . delete))) => cdr]
[else #f]))
(display-string "#\\" p)
[(if (print-char-name) (char-name x) (r6rs-char-name x)) =>
(lambda (name)
(display-string (symbol->string name) p))]
[(or (char<=? #\x21 x #\x7e)
(and (print-unicode)
(char>=? x #\x80)
(not (char=? x #\nel))
(not (char=? x #\ls))))
(write-char x p)]
(write-char #\x p)
(wrfixits (char->integer x) 16 p)])))
(define wrstring
(lambda (x p)
(write-char #\" p)
(let ([n (string-length x)])
(do ([i 0 (fx+ i 1)])
((fx= i n))
(let ([c (string-ref x i)])
[(memv c '(#\" #\\)) (write-char #\\ p) (write-char c p)]
[(or (char<=? #\x20 c #\x7e)
(and (print-unicode)
(char>=? c #\x80)
(not (char=? c #\nel))
(not (char=? c #\ls))))
(write-char c p)]
(case c
[(#\bel) (write-char #\\ p) (write-char #\a p)]
[(#\backspace) (write-char #\\ p) (write-char #\b p)]
[(#\newline) (write-char #\\ p) (write-char #\n p)]
[(#\page) (write-char #\\ p) (write-char #\f p)]
[(#\return) (write-char #\\ p) (write-char #\r p)]
[(#\tab) (write-char #\\ p) (write-char #\t p)]
[(#\vt) (write-char #\\ p) (write-char #\v p)]
(write-char #\\ p)
(write-char #\x p)
(wrfixits (char->integer c) 16 p)
(write-char #\; p)])]))))
(write-char #\" p)))
(module (wrsymbol)
; this is like the one used in read, but has no eof clause
(define-syntax state-case
(lambda (x)
(define state-case-test
(lambda (cvar k)
(with-syntax ((cvar cvar))
(syntax-case k (-)
(char? (datum char))
#'(char=? cvar char))
((char1 - char2)
(and (char? (datum char1)) (char? (datum char2)))
#'(char<=? char1 cvar char2))
(identifier? #'predicate)
#'(predicate cvar))))))
(define state-case-help
(lambda (cvar clauses)
(syntax-case clauses (else)
(((else exp1 exp2 ...))
#'(begin exp1 exp2 ...))
((((k ...) exp1 exp2 ...) . more)
(with-syntax (((test ...)
(map (lambda (k) (state-case-test cvar k))
#'(k ...)))
(rest (state-case-help cvar #'more)))
#'(if (or test ...) (begin exp1 exp2 ...) rest)))
(((k exp1 exp2 ...) . more)
(with-syntax ((test (state-case-test cvar #'k))
(rest (state-case-help cvar #'more)))
#'(if test (begin exp1 exp2 ...) rest))))))
(syntax-case x ()
((_ cvar more ...)
(identifier? #'cvar)
(state-case-help #'cvar #'(more ...))))))
(define (print-hex-char c p)
(write-char #\\ p)
(write-char #\x p)
(wrfixits (char->integer c) 16 p)
(write-char #\; p))
(define (s0 s p n)
(let ([c (string-ref s 0)])
(state-case c
[((#\a - #\z) (#\A - #\Z) #\* #\= #\< #\> #\/ #\! #\$ #\% #\& #\: #\? #\^ #\_ #\~)
(write-char c p)]
(if (and (fx= n 3) (char=? (string-ref s 1) #\.) (char=? (string-ref s 2) #\.))
(write-char #\. p)
(print-hex-char c p))]
(if (or (fx= n 1) (char=? (string-ref s 1) #\>))
(write-char #\- p)
(print-hex-char c p))]
[(#\+) (if (fx= n 1) (write-char #\+ p) (print-hex-char c p))]
[$constituent? (if (print-unicode) (write-char c p) (print-hex-char c p))]
[else (print-hex-char c p)]))
(s1 s p n 1))
(define (s1 s p n i)
(unless (fx= i n)
(let ([c (string-ref s i)])
(state-case c
[((#\a - #\z) (#\A - #\Z) #\- #\? (#\0 - #\9) #\* #\! #\= #\> #\< #\$ #\% #\& #\/ #\: #\^ #\_ #\~ #\+ #\. #\@)
(write-char c p)]
[$constituent? (if (print-unicode) (write-char c p) (print-hex-char c p))]
[$subsequent? (if (print-unicode) (write-char c p) (print-hex-char c p))]
[else (print-hex-char c p)]))
(s1 s p n (fx+ i 1))))
(define extended-identifier?
(let ()
(define-syntax state-machine
(lambda (x)
(syntax-case x ()
((_k start-state (name def (test e) ...) ...)
(with-implicit (_k s i n) ; support num4 kludge
#'(let ()
(define name
(lambda (s i n)
(if (= i n)
(let ([g (string-ref s i)])
(state-machine-help (s i n) g (test e) ... ))))) ...
(lambda (string)
(start-state string 0 (string-length string)))))))))
(define-syntax state-machine-help
(syntax-rules (else to skip)
[(_ (s i n) c [test (skip to x)] more ...)
(state-machine-help (s i n) c [test (x s i n)] more ...)]
[(_ (s i n) c [test (to x)] more ...)
(state-machine-help (s i n) c [test (x s (fx+ i 1) n)] more ...)]
[(_ (s i n) c [else e]) e]
[(_ (s i n) c [test e] more ...)
(if (state-machine-test c test)
(state-machine-help (s i n)c more ...))]))
(define-syntax state-machine-test
(syntax-rules (-)
[(_ c (char1 - char2))
(char<=? char1 c char2)]
[(_ c (e1 e2 ...))
(or (state-machine-test c e1) (state-machine-test c e2) ...)]
[(_ c char)
(char=? c char)]))
(state-machine start
(start #f ; start state
[((#\a - #\z) (#\A - #\Z)) (to sym)]
[(#\- #\+) (to num1)]
[(#\* #\= #\> #\<) (to sym)]
[(#\0 - #\9) (to num4)]
[#\. (to num2)]
[(#\{ #\}) (to brace)]
[else (skip to sym)])
(num1 #t ; seen + or -
[(#\0 - #\9) (to num4)]
[#\. (to num3)]
[(#\i #\I) (to num5)]
[else (skip to sym)])
(num2 #f ; seen .
[(#\0 - #\9) (to num4)]
[else (skip to sym)])
(num3 #f ; seen +. or -.
[(#\0 - #\9) (to num4)]
[else (skip to sym)])
(num4 #f ; seen digit, +digit, -digit, or .digit
[else ; kludge
(if (number? ($str->num s n 10 #f #f)) ; grabbing private s and n
(sym s i n))]) ; really (skip to sym)
(num5 #f ; bars: seen +i, -i, +I, or -I
[else (skip to sym)])
(sym #t ; safe symbol
[((#\a - #\z) (#\A - #\Z) #\- #\? (#\0 - #\9) #\* #\! #\= #\> #\< #\+ #\/)
(to sym)]
[((#\nul - #\space) #\( #\) #\[ #\] #\{ #\} #\" #\' #\` #\, #\; #\" #\\ #\|)
[else (to sym)])
(brace #t ; { or }
[else #f]))))
(define wrsymbol
[(s p) (wrsymbol s p #f)]
[(s p tail?)
(let ([n (string-length s)])
(if tail?
(s1 s p n 0)
(if (fx= n 0)
(display-string "||" p)
(if (and (print-extended-identifiers) (extended-identifier? s))
(display-string s p)
(s0 s p n)))))])))
(set! $write-pretty-quick
(lambda (x lev len env p)
(wrhelp x (print-radix) lev len #f env p)))
(let ()
(define (do-write x p who)
(when (port-closed? p)
($oops who "not permitted on closed port ~s" p))
(let ([lev (print-level)] [len (print-length)])
(let ([env ($make-graph-env who x lev len)])
(wr x (print-radix) lev len #f env p))))
(set-who! write
[(x p)
(unless (and (output-port? p) (textual-port? p))
($oops 'write "~s is not a textual output port" p))
(do-write x p who)]
[(x) (do-write x (current-output-port) who)]))
(set-who! put-datum
(lambda (p x)
(unless (and (output-port? p) (textual-port? p))
($oops who "~s is not a textual output port" p))
(do-write x p who))))
(let ()
(define (do-display x p who)
(when (port-closed? p)
($oops who "not permitted on closed port ~s" p))
(wr x (print-radix) #f #f #t #f p))
(set-who! display
[(x p)
(unless (and (output-port? p) (textual-port? p))
($oops 'display "~s is not a textual output port" p))
(do-display x p who)]
[(x) (do-display x (current-output-port) who)])))
) ;let
(define print-gensym
(lambda (x) (if (memq x '(pretty pretty/suffix)) x (and x #t)))))
(define print-record ($make-thread-parameter #t (lambda (x) (and x #t))))
(define print-graph ($make-thread-parameter #f (lambda (x) (and x #t))))
(define print-level
(lambda (x)
(unless (or (not x) (and (fixnum? x) (fx>= x 0)))
($oops 'print-level "~s is not a nonnegative fixnum or #f" x))
(define print-length
(lambda (x)
(unless (or (not x) (and (fixnum? x) (fx>= x 0)))
($oops 'print-length "~s is not a nonnegative fixnum or #f" x))
(define print-radix
(lambda (x)
(unless (and (fixnum? x) (fx<= 2 x 36))
($oops 'print-radix "~s is not between 2 and 36" x))
(define print-brackets ($make-thread-parameter #t (lambda (x) (and x #t))))
(define print-unicode ($make-thread-parameter #t (lambda (x) (and x #t))))
(define print-char-name ($make-thread-parameter #f (lambda (x) (and x #t))))
(define print-vector-length ($make-thread-parameter #f (lambda (x) (and x #t))))
(define print-extended-identifiers ($make-thread-parameter #f (lambda (x) (and x #t))))
(define print-precision
(lambda (x)
(unless (or (not x) (and (fixnum? x) (fx> x 0)) (and (bignum? x) ($bigpositive? x)))
($oops 'print-precision "~s is not a positive exact integer or #f" x))