3459 lines
147 KiB
3459 lines
147 KiB
;;; x86_64.ss
;;; Copyright 1984-2017 Cisco Systems, Inc.
;;; Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
;;; you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
;;; You may obtain a copy of the License at
;;; http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
;;; Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
;;; distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
;;; WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
;;; See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
;;; limitations under the License.
;;; SECTION 1: registers
(if-feature windows
[%tc %r14 #t 14]
[%sfp %r13 #t 13]
[%ap %rdi #t 7]
[%ac0 %rbp #t 5]
[%xp %r12 #t 12]
[%ts %rax %Cretval #f 0]
[%td %rbx #t 3]
[%ac1 %r10 %deact #f 10]
[%yp %r11 #f 11]
[%cp %r15 #t 15]
[#;%ret %rsi #t 6]
[ %rcx %Carg1 #f 1]
[ %rdx %Carg2 #f 2]
[ %r8 %Carg3 #f 8]
[ %r9 %Carg4 #f 9])
[%Cfparg1 %Cfpretval #f 0]
[%Cfparg2 #f 1]
[%Cfparg3 #f 2]
[%Cfparg4 #f 3]
[%flreg1 #f 4] ; xmm 0-5 are caller-save
[%flreg2 #f 5] ; xmm 6-15 are callee-save
[%sp #t 4]))
[%tc %r14 #t 14]
[%sfp %r13 #t 13]
[%ap %r9 %Carg6 #f 9]
[%ac0 %rbp #t 5]
[%xp %r12 #t 12]
[%ts %rax %Cretval #f 0]
[%td %rbx #t 3]
[%ac1 %r10 %deact #f 10]
[%yp %r11 #f 11]
[%cp %r15 #t 15]
[#;%ret %r8 %Carg5 #f 8]
[ %rdi %Carg1 #f 7]
[ %rsi %Carg2 #f 6]
[ %rdx %Carg3 #f 2]
[ %rcx %Carg4 #f 1])
[%Cfparg1 %Cfpretval #f 0]
[%Cfparg2 #f 1]
[%Cfparg3 #f 2]
[%Cfparg4 #f 3]
[%Cfparg5 #f 4]
[%Cfparg6 #f 5]
[%Cfparg7 #f 6]
[%Cfparg8 #f 7]
[%flreg1 #f 8]
[%flreg2 #f 9]
[%sp #t 4])))
;;; SECTION 2: instructions
(module (md-handle-jump) ; also sets primitive handlers
(import asm-module)
(define-syntax seq
(lambda (x)
(syntax-case x ()
[(_ e ... ex)
(with-syntax ([(t ...) (generate-temporaries #'(e ...))])
#'(let ([t e] ...)
(with-values ex
[(x*) (cons* t ... x*)]
[(x* p) (values (cons* t ... x*) p)]))))])))
; don't bother with literal@? check since lvalues can't be literals
(define lmem? mref?)
(define mem?
(lambda (x)
(or (lmem? x) (literal@? x))))
(define real-imm32?
(lambda (x)
(nanopass-case (L15c Triv) x
[(immediate ,imm)
(constant-case ptr-bits
[(32) #t] ; allows 2^31...2^32-1 per immediate?
[(64) (signed-32? imm)])] ; 2^31...2^32-1 aren't 32-bit values on 64-bit machines
[else #f])))
(define negatable-real-imm32?
(lambda (x)
(nanopass-case (L15c Triv) x
[(immediate ,imm) (<= #x-7FFFFFFF imm #x7FFFFFFF)]
[else #f])))
(define lvalue->ur
(lambda (x k)
(if (mref? x)
(let ([u (make-tmp 'u)])
(set-ur=mref u x)
(k u)))
(k x))))
(define mref->mref
(lambda (a k)
(define return
(lambda (x0 x1 imm)
(k (with-output-language (L15d Triv) `(mref ,x0 ,x1 ,imm)))))
(nanopass-case (L15c Triv) a
[(mref ,lvalue0 ,lvalue1 ,imm)
(lvalue->ur lvalue0
(lambda (x0)
(lvalue->ur lvalue1
(lambda (x1)
(if (signed-32? imm)
(return x0 x1 imm)
(let ([u (make-tmp 'u)])
(build-set! ,u (immediate ,imm))
(if (eq? x1 %zero)
(return x0 u 0)
(build-set! ,u (asm ,null-info ,asm-add ,u ,x1))
(return x0 u 0))))))))))])))
(define mem->mem
(lambda (a k)
[(literal@? a)
(let ([u (make-tmp 'u)])
(build-set! ,u ,(literal@->literal a))
(k (with-output-language (L15d Lvalue) `(mref ,u ,%zero 0)))))]
[else (mref->mref a k)])))
(define-syntax coercible?
(syntax-rules ()
[(_ ?a ?aty*)
(let ([a ?a] [aty* ?aty*])
(or (memq 'ur aty*)
(or (and (memq 'imm32 aty*) (imm32? a))
(and (memq 'imm aty*) (imm? a))
(and (memq 'zero aty*) (imm0? a))
(and (memq 'real-imm32 aty*) (real-imm32? a))
(and (memq 'negatable-real-imm32 aty*) (negatable-real-imm32? a))
(and (memq 'mem aty*) (mem? a)))))]))
(define-syntax coerce-opnd ; passes k something compatible with aty*
(syntax-rules ()
[(_ ?a ?aty* ?k)
(let ([a ?a] [aty* ?aty*] [k ?k])
[(and (memq 'mem aty*) (mem? a)) (mem->mem a k)]
[(and (memq 'imm32 aty*) (imm32? a)) (k (imm->imm a))]
[(and (memq 'imm aty*) (imm? a)) (k (imm->imm a))]
[(and (memq 'zero aty*) (imm0? a)) (k (imm->imm a))]
[(and (memq 'real-imm32 aty*) (real-imm32? a)) (k (imm->imm a))]
[(and (memq 'negatable-real-imm32 aty*) (negatable-real-imm32? a)) (k (imm->imm a))]
[(memq 'ur aty*)
[(ur? a) (k a)]
[(imm? a)
(let ([u (make-tmp 'u)])
(build-set! ,u ,(imm->imm a))
(k u)))]
[(mem? a)
(mem->mem a
(lambda (a)
(let ([u (make-tmp 'u)])
(build-set! ,u ,a)
(k u)))))]
[else (sorry! 'coerce-opnd "unexpected operand ~s" a)])]
[else (sorry! 'coerce-opnd "cannot coerce ~s to ~s" a aty*)]))]))
(define set-ur=mref
(lambda (ur mref)
(mref->mref mref
(lambda (mref)
(build-set! ,ur ,mref)))))
(define-who extract-imm
(lambda (e)
(nanopass-case (L15d Triv) e
[(immediate ,imm) imm]
[else (sorry! who "~s is not an immediate" e)])))
(define md-handle-jump
(lambda (t)
(with-output-language (L15d Tail)
(nanopass-case (L15c Triv) t
(if (mem? lvalue)
(mem->mem lvalue
(lambda (mref)
(values '() `(jump ,mref))))
(values '() `(jump ,lvalue)))]
[(literal ,info)
(guard (and (not (info-literal-indirect? info))
(memq (info-literal-type info) '(entry library-code))))
(values '() `(jump (literal ,info)))]
[(label-ref ,l ,offset)
(values '() `(jump (label-ref ,l ,offset)))]
(let ([tmp (make-tmp 'utmp)])
(with-output-language (L15d Effect) `(set! ,(make-live-info) ,tmp ,t))
`(jump ,tmp)))]))))
(define-syntax define-instruction
(lambda (x)
(define acsame-mem
(lambda (c a b bty* k)
#`(lambda (c a b)
(if (and (lmem? c) (same? a c) (coercible? b '#,bty*))
(coerce-opnd b '#,bty*
(lambda (b)
(mem->mem c
(lambda (c)
(#,k c b)))))
(next c a b)))))
(define-who acsame-ur
(lambda (c a b bty* k)
#`(lambda (c a b)
(if (and (same? a c) (coercible? b '#,bty*))
(coerce-opnd b '#,bty*
(lambda (b)
[(ur? c) (#,k c b)]
[(mref? c)
(nanopass-case (L15c Triv) c
[(mref ,lvalue0 ,lvalue1 ,imm)
; TODO: does this use too many registers? (no longer special casing fv x0, x1 case)
(lvalue->ur lvalue0
(lambda (x0)
(lvalue->ur lvalue1
(lambda (x1)
(let ([u1 (make-tmp 'u)])
(if (signed-32? imm)
(build-set! ,u1 (mref ,x0 ,x1 ,imm))
(#,k u1 b)
(build-set! (mref ,x0 ,x1 ,imm) ,u1))
(let ([u2 (make-tmp 'u)])
(build-set! ,u2 ,imm)
(build-set! ,x1 (asm ,null-info ,asm-add ,x1 ,u2))
(build-set! ,u1 (mref ,x0 ,x1 0))
(#,k u1 b)
(build-set! (mref ,x0 ,x1 0) ,u1)))))))))])]
; can't be literal@ since literals can't be lvalues
[else (sorry! '#,(datum->syntax #'* who) "unexpected operand ~s" c)])))
(next c a b)))))
(define make-value-clause
(lambda (fmt)
(syntax-case fmt (mem ur xp)
[(op (c mem) (a ?c) (b bty* ...))
(bound-identifier=? #'?c #'c)
(acsame-mem #'c #'a #'b #'(bty* ...) #'(lambda (c b) (rhs c c b)))]
[(op (c ur) (a ?c) (b bty* ...))
(bound-identifier=? #'?c #'c)
(acsame-ur #'c #'a #'b #'(bty* ...) #'(lambda (c b) (rhs c c b)))]
[(op (c mem) (a aty* ...) (b ?c))
(bound-identifier=? #'?c #'c)
(acsame-mem #'c #'b #'a #'(aty* ...) #'(lambda (c a) (rhs c a c)))]
[(op (c ur) (a aty* ...) (b ?c))
(bound-identifier=? #'?c #'c)
(acsame-ur #'c #'b #'a #'(aty* ...) #'(lambda (c a) (rhs c a c)))]
[(op (c mem) (a aty ...) (b bty ...))
#`(lambda (c a b)
(if (and (lmem? c) (coercible? a '(aty ...)) (coercible? b '(bty ...)))
(coerce-opnd b '(bty ...)
(lambda (b)
(coerce-opnd a '(aty ...)
(lambda (a)
(mref->mref c (lambda (c) (rhs c a b)))))))
(next c a b)))]
[(op (c ur) (a aty ...) (b bty ...))
#`(lambda (c a b)
(if (and (coercible? a '(aty ...)) (coercible? b '(bty ...)))
(coerce-opnd b '(bty ...)
(lambda (b)
(coerce-opnd a '(aty ...)
(lambda (a)
(if (ur? c)
(rhs c a b)
(let ([u (make-tmp 'u)])
(rhs u a b)
(mref->mref c
(lambda (c)
(build-set! ,c ,u))))))))))
(next c a b)))]
; four-operand case below can require four unspillables
[(op (c ur) (a ur) (b ur) (d dty ...))
(not (memq 'mem (datum (dty ...))))
#`(lambda (c a b d)
(if (coercible? d '(dty ...))
(coerce-opnd d '(dty ...)
(lambda (d)
(coerce-opnd a '(ur)
(lambda (a)
(coerce-opnd b '(ur)
(lambda (b)
(if (ur? c)
(rhs c a b d)
(let ([u (make-tmp 'u)])
(rhs u a b d)
(mref->mref c
(lambda (c)
(build-set! ,c ,u))))))))))))
(next c a b d)))]
[(op (c mem) (a ?c))
(bound-identifier=? #'?c #'c)
#`(lambda (c a)
(if (and (lmem? c) (same? c a))
(mem->mem c
(lambda (c)
(rhs c c)))
(next c a)))]
[(op (c ur) (a ?c))
(bound-identifier=? #'?c #'c)
#`(lambda (c a)
(if (same? a c)
(if (ur? c)
(rhs c c)
(mem->mem c
(lambda (c)
(let ([u (make-tmp 'u)])
(build-set! ,u ,c)
(rhs u u)
(build-set! ,c ,u))))))
(next c a)))]
[(op (c mem) (a aty ...))
#`(lambda (c a)
(if (and (lmem? c) (coercible? a '(aty ...)))
(coerce-opnd a '(aty ...)
(lambda (a)
(mem->mem c
(lambda (c)
(rhs c a)))))
(next c a)))]
[(op (c ur) (a aty ...))
#`(lambda (c a)
(if (coercible? a '(aty ...))
(coerce-opnd a '(aty ...)
(lambda (a)
(if (ur? c)
(rhs c a)
(mem->mem c
(lambda (c)
(let ([u (make-tmp 'u)])
(rhs u a)
(build-set! ,c ,u))))))))
(next c a)))]
[(op (c ur))
#`(lambda (c)
(if (ur? c)
(rhs c)
(mem->mem c
(lambda (c)
(let ([u (make-tmp 'u)])
(rhs u)
(build-set! ,c ,u)))))))]
[(op (c mem))
#`(lambda (c)
(if (lmem? c)
(mem->mem c
(lambda (c)
(rhs c)))
(next c)))])))
(define-who make-pred-clause
(lambda (fmt)
(syntax-case fmt ()
[(op (a aty ...) ...)
#`(lambda (a ...)
(if (and (coercible? a '(aty ...)) ...)
#,(let f ([a* #'(a ...)] [aty** #'((aty ...) ...)])
(if (null? a*)
#'(rhs a ...)
#`(coerce-opnd #,(car a*) '#,(car aty**)
(lambda (#,(car a*)) #,(f (cdr a*) (cdr aty**))))))
(next a ...)))])))
(define-who make-effect-clause
(lambda (fmt)
(syntax-case fmt ()
[(op (a aty ...) ...)
#`(lambda (a ...)
(if (and (coercible? a '(aty ...)) ...)
#,(let f ([a* #'(a ...)] [aty** #'((aty ...) ...)])
(if (null? a*)
#'(rhs a ...)
#`(coerce-opnd #,(car a*) '#,(car aty**)
(lambda (#,(car a*)) #,(f (cdr a*) (cdr aty**))))))
(next a ...)))])))
(syntax-case x (definitions)
[(k context (sym ...) (definitions defn ...) [(op (a aty ...) ...) ?rhs0 ?rhs1 ...] ...)
; potentially unnecessary level of checking, but the big thing is to make sure
; the number of operands expected is the same on every clause of define-instruction
(and (not (null? #'(op ...)))
(andmap identifier? #'(sym ...))
(andmap identifier? #'(op ...))
(andmap identifier? #'(a ... ...))
(andmap identifier? #'(aty ... ... ...)))
(with-implicit (k info return with-output-language)
(with-syntax ([((opnd* ...) . ignore) #'((a ...) ...)])
(define make-proc
(lambda (make-clause)
(let f ([op* #'(op ...)]
[fmt* #'((op (a aty ...) ...) ...)]
[arg* #'((a ...) ...)]
[rhs* #'((?rhs0 ?rhs1 ...) ...)])
(if (null? op*)
#'(lambda (opnd* ...)
(sorry! name "no match found for ~s" (list opnd* ...)))
#`(let ([next #,(f (cdr op*) (cdr fmt*) (cdr arg*) (cdr rhs*))]
[rhs (lambda #,(car arg*)
(let ([#,(car op*) name])
#,@(car rhs*)))])
#,(make-clause (car fmt*)))))))
(unless (let ([a** #'((a ...) ...)])
(let* ([a* (car a**)] [len (length a*)])
(andmap (lambda (a*) (fx= (length a*) len)) (cdr a**))))
(syntax-error x "mismatched instruction arities"))
[(free-identifier=? #'context #'value)
#`(let ([fvalue (lambda (name)
(lambda (info opnd* ...)
defn ...
(with-output-language (L15d Effect)
(#,(make-proc make-value-clause) opnd* ...))))])
(safe-assert (eq? (primitive-type (%primitive sym)) 'value))
(primitive-handler-set! (%primitive sym) (fvalue 'sym)))
[(free-identifier=? #'context #'pred)
#`(let ([fpred (lambda (name)
(lambda (info opnd* ...)
defn ...
(with-output-language (L15d Pred)
(#,(make-proc make-pred-clause) opnd* ...))))])
(safe-assert (eq? (primitive-type (%primitive sym)) 'pred))
(primitive-handler-set! (%primitive sym) (fpred 'sym)))
[(free-identifier=? #'context #'effect)
#`(let ([feffect (lambda (name)
(lambda (info opnd* ...)
defn ...
(with-output-language (L15d Effect)
(#,(make-proc make-effect-clause) opnd* ...))))])
(safe-assert (eq? (primitive-type (%primitive sym)) 'effect))
(primitive-handler-set! (%primitive sym) (feffect 'sym)))
[else (syntax-error #'context "unrecognized context")])))]
[(k context (sym ...) cl ...) #'(k context (sym ...) (definitions) cl ...)]
[(k context sym cl ...) (identifier? #'sym) #'(k context (sym) (definitions) cl ...)])))
; x is not the same as z in any clause that follows a clause where (x z)
; and y is coercible to one of its types, however:
; WARNING: do not assume that if x isn't the same as z then x is independent
; of z, since x might be an mref with z as it's base or index
(define-instruction value (-)
[(op (z mem) (x z) (y ur imm32))
`(set! ,(make-live-info) ,z (asm ,info ,asm-sub ,x ,y))]
[(op (z mem) (x zero) (y z))
`(set! ,(make-live-info) ,z (asm ,info ,asm-negate ,y))]
[(op (z ur) (x z) (y ur mem imm32))
`(set! ,(make-live-info) ,z (asm ,info ,asm-sub ,x ,y))]
[(op (z ur) (x zero) (y ur))
`(set! ,(make-live-info) ,z ,y)
`(set! ,(make-live-info) ,z (asm ,info ,asm-negate ,z)))]
[(op (z ur) (x ur mem imm32) (y z))
`(set! ,(make-live-info) ,z (asm ,info ,asm-sub-negate ,y ,x))]
[(op (z ur) (x ur) (y negatable-real-imm32))
`(move-related ,z ,x)
`(set! ,(make-live-info) ,z (asm ,info ,(asm-lea1 (- (extract-imm y))) ,x)))]
[(op (z ur) (x mem imm32) (y ur))
(let ([t (make-tmp 'u)])
`(set! ,(make-live-info) ,t ,y)
`(set! ,(make-live-info) ,t (asm ,info ,asm-sub-negate ,t ,x))
`(set! ,(make-live-info) ,z ,t)))]
[(op (z ur) (x ur) (y ur mem imm32))
(let ([t (make-tmp 'u)])
`(set! ,(make-live-info) ,t ,x)
`(set! ,(make-live-info) ,t (asm ,info ,asm-sub ,t ,y))
`(set! ,(make-live-info) ,z ,t)))])
(define-instruction value (-/ovfl -/eq) ; must set condition codes, so can't use lea or sub-negate
[(op (z mem) (x z) (y ur imm32))
`(set! ,(make-live-info) ,z (asm ,info ,asm-sub ,x ,y))]
[(op (z mem) (x zero) (y z))
`(set! ,(make-live-info) ,z (asm ,info ,asm-negate ,y))]
[(op (z ur) (x z) (y ur mem imm32))
`(set! ,(make-live-info) ,z (asm ,info ,asm-sub ,x ,y))]
[(op (z ur) (x zero) (y ur))
`(set! ,(make-live-info) ,z ,y)
`(set! ,(make-live-info) ,z (asm ,info ,asm-negate ,z)))]
[(op (z ur) (x ur) (y ur mem imm32))
(let ([t (make-tmp 'u)])
`(set! ,(make-live-info) ,t ,x)
`(set! ,(make-live-info) ,t (asm ,info ,asm-sub ,t ,y))
`(set! ,(make-live-info) ,z ,t)))])
(define-instruction value (+)
[(op (z mem) (x z) (y ur imm32))
`(set! ,(make-live-info) ,z (asm ,info ,asm-add ,z ,y))]
[(op (z mem) (x ur imm32) (y z))
`(set! ,(make-live-info) ,z (asm ,info ,asm-add ,z ,x))]
[(op (z ur) (x z) (y ur mem imm32))
`(set! ,(make-live-info) ,z (asm ,info ,asm-add ,z ,y))]
[(op (z ur) (x ur mem imm32) (y z))
`(set! ,(make-live-info) ,z (asm ,info ,asm-add ,z ,x))]
[(op (z ur) (x ur) (y real-imm32))
`(move-related ,z ,x)
`(set! ,(make-live-info) ,z (asm ,info ,(asm-lea1 (extract-imm y)) ,x)))]
[(op (z ur) (x real-imm32) (y ur))
`(move-related ,z ,y)
`(set! ,(make-live-info) ,z (asm ,info ,(asm-lea1 (extract-imm x)) ,y)))]
[(op (z ur) (x ur) (y mem imm32))
(let ([t (make-tmp 'u)])
`(set! ,(make-live-info) ,t ,x)
`(set! ,(make-live-info) ,t (asm ,info ,asm-add ,t ,y))
`(set! ,(make-live-info) ,z ,t)))]
[(op (z ur) (x mem imm32) (y ur))
(let ([t (make-tmp 'u)])
`(set! ,(make-live-info) ,t ,y)
`(set! ,(make-live-info) ,t (asm ,info ,asm-add ,t ,x))
`(set! ,(make-live-info) ,z ,t)))]
[(op (z ur) (x ur) (y ur))
`(move-related ,z ,y)
`(move-related ,z ,x)
`(set! ,(make-live-info) ,z (asm ,info ,(asm-lea2 0) ,x ,y)))])
(define-instruction value (+/ovfl +/carry) ; must set condition codes, so can't use lea
[(op (z mem) (x z) (y ur imm32))
`(set! ,(make-live-info) ,z (asm ,info ,asm-add ,z ,y))]
[(op (z mem) (x ur imm32) (y z))
`(set! ,(make-live-info) ,z (asm ,info ,asm-add ,z ,x))]
[(op (z ur) (x z) (y ur mem imm32))
`(set! ,(make-live-info) ,z (asm ,info ,asm-add ,z ,y))]
[(op (z ur) (x ur mem imm32) (y z))
`(set! ,(make-live-info) ,z (asm ,info ,asm-add ,z ,x))]
[(op (z ur) (x ur) (y mem imm32))
(let ([t (make-tmp 'u)])
`(set! ,(make-live-info) ,t ,x)
`(set! ,(make-live-info) ,t (asm ,info ,asm-add ,t ,y))
`(set! ,(make-live-info) ,z ,t)))]
[(op (z ur) (x mem imm32) (y ur))
(let ([t (make-tmp 'u)])
`(set! ,(make-live-info) ,t ,y)
`(set! ,(make-live-info) ,t (asm ,info ,asm-add ,t ,x))
`(set! ,(make-live-info) ,z ,t)))]
[(op (z ur) (x ur) (y ur))
(let ([t (make-tmp 'u)])
`(set! ,(make-live-info) ,t ,x)
`(set! ,(make-live-info) ,t (asm ,info ,asm-add ,t ,y))
`(set! ,(make-live-info) ,z ,t)))])
(define-instruction value (* */ovfl) ; */ovfl must set multiply-overflow flag on overflow
[(op (z ur) (x z) (y ur mem))
`(set! ,(make-live-info) ,z (asm ,info ,asm-mul ,z ,y))]
[(op (z ur) (x ur mem) (y z))
`(set! ,(make-live-info) ,z (asm ,info ,asm-mul ,z ,x))]
[(op (z ur) (x ur mem) (y imm32))
`(set! ,(make-live-info) ,z (asm ,info ,asm-muli ,x ,y))]
[(op (z ur) (x imm32) (y ur mem))
`(set! ,(make-live-info) ,z (asm ,info ,asm-muli ,y ,x))]
[(op (z ur) (x ur) (y ur))
(let ([t (make-tmp 'u)])
`(set! ,(make-live-info) ,t ,x)
`(set! ,(make-live-info) ,t (asm ,info ,asm-mul ,t ,y))
`(set! ,(make-live-info) ,z ,t)))])
(define-instruction value (/)
(define go
(lambda (z x y)
(let ([urax (make-precolored-unspillable 'urax %rax)]
[urdx (make-precolored-unspillable 'urdx %rdx)])
(with-output-language (L15d Effect)
`(set! ,(make-live-info) ,urax ,x)
`(set! ,(make-live-info) ,urdx (asm ,null-info ,asm-sext-rax->rdx ,urax))
`(set! ,(make-live-info) ,urax (asm ,null-info ,asm-div ,urax ,urdx ,y))
`(set! ,(make-live-info) ,z ,urax)))))))
[(op (z mem) (x ur mem imm) (y ur mem)) (go z x y)]
[(op (z ur) (x ur mem imm) (y ur mem)) (go z x y)])
(define-instruction value (logand logor logxor)
[(op (z mem) (x z) (y ur imm32))
`(set! ,(make-live-info) ,z (asm ,info ,(asm-addop op) ,z ,y))]
[(op (z mem) (x ur imm32) (y z))
`(set! ,(make-live-info) ,z (asm ,info ,(asm-addop op) ,z ,x))]
[(op (z ur) (x z) (y ur mem imm32))
`(set! ,(make-live-info) ,z (asm ,info ,(asm-addop op) ,z ,y))]
[(op (z ur) (x ur mem imm32) (y z))
`(set! ,(make-live-info) ,z (asm ,info ,(asm-addop op) ,z ,x))]
[(op (z ur) (x ur) (y mem imm32))
(let ([t (make-tmp 'u)])
`(set! ,(make-live-info) ,t ,x)
`(set! ,(make-live-info) ,t (asm ,info ,(asm-addop op) ,t ,y))
`(set! ,(make-live-info) ,z ,t)))]
[(op (z ur) (x ur mem imm32) (y ur))
(let ([t (make-tmp 'u)])
`(set! ,(make-live-info) ,t ,y)
`(set! ,(make-live-info) ,t (asm ,info ,(asm-addop op) ,t ,x))
`(set! ,(make-live-info) ,z ,t)))])
(define-instruction value (lognot)
[(op (z mem) (x z))
`(set! ,(make-live-info) ,z (asm ,info ,asm-lognot ,x))]
[(op (z ur) (x z))
`(set! ,(make-live-info) ,z (asm ,info ,asm-lognot ,x))]
[(op (z ur) (x ur mem imm32))
`(set! ,(make-live-info) ,z ,x)
`(set! ,(make-live-info) ,z (asm ,info ,asm-lognot ,z)))])
; TODO: use lea for certain constant shifts when x != z
(define-instruction value (sll srl sra)
(define go
(lambda (info op z x y)
(let ([urcx (make-precolored-unspillable 'urcx %rcx)])
(with-output-language (L15d Effect)
`(set! ,(make-live-info) ,urcx ,y)
`(set! ,(make-live-info) ,z (asm ,info ,(asm-shiftop op) ,x ,urcx))))))))
[(op (z mem) (x z) (y imm32))
`(set! ,(make-live-info) ,z (asm ,info ,(asm-shiftop op) ,x ,y))]
;; NB: need to return in these cases?
[(op (z mem) (x z) (y ur mem imm)) (go info op z x y)]
[(op (z ur) (x z) (y imm32))
`(set! ,(make-live-info) ,z (asm ,info ,(asm-shiftop op) ,x ,y))]
[(op (z ur) (x z) (y ur mem imm)) (go info op z x y)]
[(op (z ur) (x ur mem imm32) (y imm32))
(let ([t (make-tmp 'u)])
`(set! ,(make-live-info) ,t ,x)
`(set! ,(make-live-info) ,t (asm ,info ,(asm-shiftop op) ,t ,y))
`(set! ,(make-live-info) ,z ,t)))]
[(op (z ur) (x ur mem imm32) (y ur mem imm))
(let ([t (make-tmp 'u)])
`(set! ,(make-live-info) ,t ,x)
(go info op t t y)
`(set! ,(make-live-info) ,z ,t)))])
(define-instruction value move
[(op (z mem) (x ur imm32))
`(set! ,(make-live-info) ,z ,x)]
[(op (z ur) (x ur mem imm))
; NOTE: risc arch's will need to deal with limitations on imm
`(set! ,(make-live-info) ,z ,x)])
(define-instruction value lea1
[(op (z ur) (x ur))
(let ([offset (info-lea-offset info)])
(if (signed-32? offset)
`(set! ,(make-live-info) ,z (asm ,info ,(asm-lea1 (info-lea-offset info)) ,x))
(let ([u (make-tmp 'u)])
`(set! ,(make-live-info) ,u (immediate ,offset))
`(set! ,(make-live-info) ,z (asm ,info ,(asm-lea2 0) ,x ,u))))))])
(define-instruction value lea2
[(op (z ur) (x ur) (y ur))
(let ([offset (info-lea-offset info)])
(if (signed-32? offset)
`(set! ,(make-live-info) ,z (asm ,info ,(asm-lea2 (info-lea-offset info)) ,x ,y))
(let ([u (make-tmp 'u)])
`(set! ,(make-live-info) ,u (immediate ,offset))
`(set! ,(make-live-info) ,u (asm ,null-info ,asm-add ,u ,y))
`(set! ,(make-live-info) ,z (asm ,info ,(asm-lea2 0) ,x ,u))))))])
(define-instruction value (sext8 sext16 sext32 zext8 zext16 zext32)
[(op (z ur) (x ur mem)) `(set! ,(make-live-info) ,z (asm ,info ,(asm-move/extend op) ,x))])
(define-instruction value (load)
(define maybe-swap
(lambda (info z expr)
(with-output-language (L15d Effect)
(if (info-load-swapped? info)
`(set! ,(make-live-info) ,z (asm ,info ,(asm-swap (info-load-type info)) ,z)))
[(op (z ur) (x ur) (y ur) (w imm32))
(maybe-swap info z
`(set! ,(make-live-info) ,z (asm ,info ,(asm-load (info-load-type info)) ,x ,y ,w)))]
[(op (z ur) (x ur) (y ur) (w ur))
(maybe-swap info z
(if (eq? y %zero)
`(set! ,(make-live-info) ,z (asm ,info ,(asm-load (info-load-type info)) ,x ,w (immediate 0)))
(let ([u (make-tmp 'u)])
`(set! ,(make-live-info) ,u (asm ,null-info ,(asm-lea2 0) ,y ,w))
`(set! ,(make-live-info) ,z (asm ,info ,(asm-load (info-load-type info)) ,x ,u (immediate 0)))))))])
(define-instruction effect (store)
(define maybe-swap
(lambda (info w k)
(with-output-language (L15d Effect)
(if (info-load-swapped? info)
(let ([u (make-tmp 'u)])
`(set! ,(make-live-info) ,u ,w)
`(set! ,(make-live-info) ,u (asm ,info ,(asm-swap (info-load-type info)) ,u))
(k u)))
(k w))))))
[(op (x ur) (y ur) (z imm32) (w ur real-imm32))
(maybe-swap info w
(lambda (w)
`(asm ,info ,(asm-store (info-load-type info)) ,x ,y ,z ,w)))]
[(op (x ur) (y ur) (z ur) (w ur real-imm32))
(maybe-swap info w
(lambda (w)
(if (eq? y %zero)
`(asm ,info ,(asm-store (info-load-type info)) ,x ,z (immediate 0) ,w)
(let ([u (make-tmp 'u)])
`(set! ,(make-live-info) ,u (asm ,null-info ,(asm-lea2 0) ,y ,z))
`(asm ,info ,(asm-store (info-load-type info)) ,x ,u (immediate 0) ,w))))))])
(define-instruction effect (load-single->double load-double->single)
[(op (x ur) (y ur) (z imm32))
`(asm ,info ,(asm-fl-cvt op (info-loadfl-flreg info)) ,x ,y ,z)])
(define-instruction effect (store-single->double)
[(op (x ur) (y ur) (z imm32))
`(asm ,info ,(asm-store-single->double (info-loadfl-flreg info)) ,x ,y ,z)])
(define-instruction effect (store-single store-double)
[(op (x ur) (y ur) (z imm32))
`(asm ,info ,(asm-fl-store op (info-loadfl-flreg info)) ,x ,y ,z)])
(define-instruction effect (load-double load-single)
[(op (x ur) (y ur) (z imm32))
`(asm ,info ,(asm-fl-load op (info-loadfl-flreg info)) ,x ,y ,z)])
(define-instruction value (get-double)
[(op (z ur))
`(set! ,(make-live-info) ,z
(asm ,info ,(asm-get-double (info-loadfl-flreg info))))])
(define-instruction effect (flt)
[(op (x mem ur) (y ur)) `(asm ,info ,asm-flt ,x ,y)])
(define-instruction effect (fl+ fl- fl/ fl*)
[(op (x ur) (y ur) (z ur)) `(asm ,info ,(asm-flop-2 op) ,x ,y ,z)])
(define-instruction effect (flsqrt)
[(op (x ur) (y ur)) `(asm ,info ,asm-flsqrt ,x ,y)])
(define-instruction effect inc-cc-counter
[(op (x ur) (y imm32 ur) (z imm32 ur)) `(asm ,info ,asm-inc-cc-counter ,x ,y ,z)])
(define-instruction effect inc-profile-counter
[(op (x ur mem) (y imm32 ur)) `(asm ,info ,asm-inc-profile-counter ,x ,y)])
(define-instruction value (trunc)
[(op (z ur) (x ur)) `(set! ,(make-live-info) ,z (asm ,info ,asm-trunc ,x))])
(define-instruction value get-tc
[(op (z ur))
; always used with %rax as the lhs. we take advantage of this to use z also
; as the jump temp (rax is assumed by linker's x86_64_set_jump)
(safe-assert (eq? z %rax))
`(set! ,(make-live-info) ,z (asm ,info ,asm-get-tc))])
(define-instruction value activate-thread
[(op (z ur))
(safe-assert (eq? z %rax)) ; see get-tc
`(set! ,(make-live-info) ,z (asm ,info ,asm-activate-thread))])
(define-instruction effect deactivate-thread
`(asm ,info ,asm-deactivate-thread)])
(define-instruction effect unactivate-thread
[(op (x ur))
(safe-assert (eq? x %Carg1))
`(asm ,info ,asm-unactivate-thread ,x)])
; TODO: risc architectures will have to take info-asmlib-save-ra? into account
(define-instruction value asmlibcall
[(op (z ur))
(let ([urax (make-precolored-unspillable 'urax %rax)]) ; rax is assumed by linker's x86_64_set_jump
`(set! ,(make-live-info) ,urax (asm ,null-info ,asm-kill))
`(set! ,(make-live-info) ,z (asm ,info ,(asm-library-call (info-asmlib-libspec info)) ,urax ,(info-kill*-live*-live* info) ...))))])
(define-instruction effect asmlibcall!
(let ([urax (make-precolored-unspillable 'urax %rax)]) ; rax is assumed by linker's x86_64_set_jump
`(set! ,(make-live-info) ,urax (asm ,null-info ,asm-kill))
`(asm ,info ,(asm-library-call (info-asmlib-libspec info)) ,urax ,(info-kill*-live*-live* info) ...)))])
(safe-assert (reg-callee-save? %tc)) ; no need to save-restore
(define-instruction effect (c-simple-call)
(let ([urax (make-precolored-unspillable 'urax %rax)]) ; rax is assumed by linker's x86_64_set_jump
`(set! ,(make-live-info) ,urax (asm ,null-info ,asm-kill))
`(asm ,info ,(asm-c-simple-call (info-c-simple-call-entry info)) ,urax)))])
(define-instruction value pop
[(op (z ur)) `(set! ,(make-live-info) ,z (asm ,info ,asm-pop))])
(define-instruction pred (fl= fl< fl<=)
[(op (x ur) (y ur))
(let ([info (make-info-condition-code op #t #f)]) ; NB: reversed? flag is assumed to be #t
(values '() `(asm ,info ,(asm-fl-relop info) ,x ,y)))])
(define-instruction pred (eq? u< < > <= >=)
; the idea (following from the intel x86/x86_64 documentation)
; is that we want to squeeze this into a CMP that allows one of
; the following formats:
; CMP r/m, imm
; CMP r/m, r
; CMP r, r/m
; the last format we may want to drop, since it uses a different
; format from the one above it, but is interchangeable with it,
; if we reverse the operands.
[(op (x mem) (y ur imm32))
(let ([info (make-info-condition-code op #f #t)])
(values '() `(asm ,info ,(asm-relop info) ,x ,y)))]
[(op (x ur) (y mem))
(let ([info (make-info-condition-code op #t #t)])
(values '() `(asm ,info ,(asm-relop info) ,y ,x)))]
[(op (x imm32) (y ur mem))
(let ([info (make-info-condition-code op #t #t)])
(values '() `(asm ,info ,(asm-relop info) ,y ,x)))]
[(op (x ur) (y ur imm32))
(let ([info (make-info-condition-code op #f #t)])
(values '() `(asm ,info ,(asm-relop info) ,x ,y)))])
(define-instruction pred (condition-code)
[(op) (values '() `(asm ,info ,(asm-condition-code info)))])
(let* ([info-cc-eq (make-info-condition-code 'eq? #f #t)]
[asm-eq (asm-relop info-cc-eq)])
(define-instruction pred (type-check?)
[(op (x ur mem) (mask imm32 ur) (type imm32 ur))
(let ([tmp (make-tmp 'u)])
(with-output-language (L15d Effect)
`(set! ,(make-live-info) ,tmp ,x)
`(set! ,(make-live-info) ,tmp (asm ,null-info ,asm-logand ,tmp ,mask))))
`(asm ,info-cc-eq ,asm-eq ,tmp ,type)))])
(define-instruction pred (logtest log!test)
[(op (x mem) (y ur imm32))
(values '() `(asm ,info-cc-eq ,(asm-logtest (eq? op 'log!test) info-cc-eq) ,x ,y))]
[(op (x ur imm32) (y mem))
(values '() `(asm ,info-cc-eq ,(asm-logtest (eq? op 'log!test) info-cc-eq) ,y ,x))]
[(op (x imm32) (y ur))
(values '() `(asm ,info-cc-eq ,(asm-logtest (eq? op 'log!test) info-cc-eq) ,y ,x))]
[(op (x ur) (y ur imm32))
(values '() `(asm ,info-cc-eq ,(asm-logtest (eq? op 'log!test) info-cc-eq) ,x ,y))])
(define-instruction pred (lock!)
[(op (x ur) (y ur) (w imm32))
(let ([uts (make-precolored-unspillable 'uts %ts)])
(nanopass-case (L15d Triv) w
[(immediate ,imm)
(with-output-language (L15d Effect)
`(set! ,(make-live-info) ,uts (immediate 1))
`(set! ,(make-live-info) ,uts
(asm ,info ,asm-exchange ,uts
(mref ,x ,y ,imm)))))])
`(asm ,info-cc-eq ,asm-eq ,uts (immediate 0))))]))
(define-instruction effect (locked-incr!)
[(op (x ur) (y ur) (w imm32))
`(asm ,info ,asm-locked-incr ,x ,y ,w)])
(define-instruction effect (locked-decr!)
[(op (x ur) (y ur) (w imm32))
`(asm ,info ,asm-locked-decr ,x ,y ,w)])
(define-instruction effect (cas)
[(op (x ur) (y ur) (w imm32) (old ur) (new ur))
(let ([urax (make-precolored-unspillable 'urax %rax)])
(with-output-language (L15d Effect)
`(set! ,(make-live-info) ,urax ,old)
;; NB: may modify %rax:
`(asm ,info ,asm-locked-cmpxchg ,x ,y ,w ,urax ,new))))])
(define-instruction effect (pause)
[(op) `(asm ,info ,asm-pause)])
(define-instruction value read-performance-monitoring-counter
[(op (z ur) (x ur mem imm))
(safe-assert (eq? z %rax))
(safe-assert (and (info-kill*? info) (memq %rdx (info-kill*-kill* info))))
(let ([urcx (make-precolored-unspillable 'urcx %rcx)])
`(set! ,(make-live-info) ,urcx ,x)
`(set! ,(make-live-info) ,z (asm ,info ,asm-read-performance-monitoring-counter ,urcx))))])
(define-instruction value read-time-stamp-counter
[(op (z ur))
(safe-assert (eq? z %rax))
(safe-assert (and (info-kill*? info) (memq %rdx (info-kill*-kill* info))))
`(set! ,(make-live-info) ,z (asm ,info ,asm-read-time-stamp-counter))])
; NB: shouldn't need to list (info-kill*-live*-live* info) ... here, since we've already
; NB: computed spillable/register live sets
(define-instruction effect (c-call)
[(op (x ur mem)) `(asm ,info ,asm-indirect-call ,x ,(info-kill*-live*-live* info) ...)])
(define-instruction effect (push)
[(op (x ur)) `(asm ,info ,asm-push ,x)])
(define-instruction effect save-flrv
[(op) `(asm ,info ,asm-save-flrv)])
(define-instruction effect restore-flrv
[(op) `(asm ,info ,asm-restore-flrv)])
(define-instruction effect invoke-prelude
; align sp on 16-byte boundary, taking into account 8-byte
; return address already pushed by caller
`(set! ,(make-live-info) ,%sp (asm ,info ,asm-sub ,%sp (immediate 8)))
`(set! ,(make-live-info) ,%tc ,%Carg1))])
;;; SECTION 3: assembler
(module asm-module (; required exports
asm-move asm-move/extend asm-load asm-store asm-swap asm-library-call asm-library-jump
asm-mul asm-muli asm-addop asm-add asm-sub asm-negate asm-sub-negate
asm-pop asm-shiftop asm-sll asm-logand asm-lognot
asm-logtest asm-fl-relop asm-relop asm-push asm-indirect-jump asm-literal-jump
asm-direct-jump asm-return-address asm-jump asm-conditional-jump asm-data-label asm-rp-header
asm-lea1 asm-lea2 asm-indirect-call asm-condition-code
asm-fl-cvt asm-fl-store asm-fl-load asm-flt asm-trunc asm-div
asm-exchange asm-pause asm-locked-incr asm-locked-decr asm-locked-cmpxchg
asm-flop-2 asm-flsqrt asm-c-simple-call
asm-save-flrv asm-restore-flrv asm-return asm-c-return asm-size
asm-enter asm-foreign-call asm-foreign-callable
asm-inc-cc-counter asm-read-time-stamp-counter asm-read-performance-monitoring-counter
; threaded version specific
asm-get-tc asm-activate-thread asm-deactivate-thread asm-unactivate-thread
; machine dependent exports
asm-sext-rax->rdx asm-store-single->double asm-kill asm-get-double)
(define ax-register?
[(x) (record-case x [(reg) r #t] [else #f])]
[(x reg) (record-case x [(reg) r (eq? r reg)] [else #f])]))
(define ax-ea-reg-code
(lambda (ea)
(record-case ea
[(reg) r (reg-mdinfo r)]
[else (sorry! 'ax-ea-reg-code "ea=~s" ea)])))
(define ax-imm-data
(lambda (ea)
(record-case ea
[(imm) (n) n]
[else ($oops 'assembler-internal "ax-imm-data ea=~s" ea)])))
; define-op sets up assembly op macros--
; suffixes are a sub-list of (b w l 1)--
; the opcode, the size (byte word, long, quad), and all other expressions
; are passed to the specified handler--
; for prefix 'p' and each suffix 's' a macro of the form 'ps' is set up--
; if no suffix is specified the prefix is defined as a macro
(define-syntax define-op
(lambda (x)
(syntax-case x ()
[(k prefix (suffix ...) handler e ...)
(let ([suffix* (datum (suffix ...))])
(unless (andmap (lambda (x) (memq x '(b w l *))) suffix*)
(syntax-error x (format "invalid suffix list ~s" suffix*)))
(with-syntax ([(op ...) (map (lambda (x)
(if (eq? x '*)
(construct-name #'k "asmop-" #'prefix)
(construct-name #'k "asmop-" #'prefix x)))
[(size ...) (map (lambda (x)
(case x [(b) #'byte] [(w) #'word] [(l) #'long] [(*) #'quad]))
(define-syntax op
(syntax-rules ()
[(_ mneu arg (... ...))
(handler 'mneu 'size e ... arg (... ...))]))
[(k op handler e ...)
(with-syntax ([op (construct-name #'k "asmop-" #'op)])
#'(define-syntax op
(syntax-rules ()
[(_ mneu arg (... ...))
(handler 'mneu e ... arg (... ...))])))])))
(define-syntax emit
(lambda (x)
(syntax-case x ()
[(k op x ...)
(with-syntax ([emit-op (construct-name #'k "asmop-" #'op)])
#'(emit-op op x ...))])))
;;; note that the assembler isn't clever--you must be very explicit about
;;; which flavor you want, and there are a few new varieties introduced
;;; (commented-out opcodes are not currently used by the assembler--
;;; spaces are left to indicate possible size extensions)
(define-op asl (*) unary-op #b1101001 #b100) ; shifts by CL
(define-op lsr (*) unary-op #b1101001 #b101) ; shifts by CL
(define-op asr (*) unary-op #b1101001 #b111) ; shifts by CL
(define-op asli (*) shifti-op #b1100000 #b100)
(define-op lsri (*) shifti-op #b1100000 #b101)
(define-op asri (*) shifti-op #b1100000 #b111)
(define-op addi (#;b *) addi-op #b100000 #b000)
(define-op subi (#;b *) addi-op #b100000 #b101)
(define-op cmpi (b *) addi-op #b100000 #b111)
(define-op ori (#;b *) logi-op #b001)
(define-op andi (b *) logi-op #b100)
(define-op xori (#;b *) logi-op #b110)
(define-op testi (b *) testi-op #b1111011 #b000)
(define-op movi (b w l *) movi-op #b000)
(define-op mov (b w l *) binary-op #b100010)
(define-op movsb mulq-op #b10111110)
(define-op movsw mulq-op #b10111111)
(define-op movsl quad-op #b01100011)
(define-op movzb mulq-op #b10110110)
(define-op movzw mulq-op #b10110111)
(define-op add (#;b *) binary-op #b000000)
(define-op or (#;b *) binary-op #b000010)
(define-op and (#;b *) binary-op #b001000)
(define-op sub (#;b *) binary-op #b001010)
(define-op xor (#;b *) binary-op #b001100)
(define-op test (#;b *) test-op #b1000010)
(define-op cmp (#;b *) binary-op #b001110)
(define-op xchg (#;b *) xchg-op #b1000011)
(define-op bswap (#;l *) bswap-op)
(define-op divsax (*) unary-op #b1111011 #b111)
#;(define-op mulsax (*) unary-op #b1111011 #b100)
(define-op muls mulq-op #b10101111)
(define-op mulsi muliq-op #b01101001)
(define-op lea quad-op #b10001101)
(define-op pop push-op #b01011)
(define-op push push-op #b01010)
(define-op pushi pushi-op)
(define-op pushf byte-op #b10011100)
(define-op popf byte-op #b10011101)
#;(define-op nop byte-op #b10010000)
(define-op ret byte-op #b11000011)
(define-op extad quad-byte-op #b10011001) ; extend rax to rdx
(define-op rdtsc two-byte-op #b1111 #b00110001) ; read time-stamp counter
(define-op rdpmc two-byte-op #b1111 #b00110011) ; read performance monitoring counter
(define-op pause two-byte-op #b11110011 #b10010000) ; equivalent to rep nop
(define-op dec (#;b *) unary-op #b1111111 #b001)
(define-op inc (#;b *) unary-op #b1111111 #b000)
(define-op neg (b *) unary-op #b1111011 #b011) ; was commented out in x86_64macros
(define-op not (#;b *) unary-op #b1111011 #b010)
(define-op locked-dec (#;b *) locked-unary-op #b1111111 #b001)
(define-op locked-inc (#;b *) locked-unary-op #b1111111 #b000)
(define-op locked-cmpxchg (*) locked-cmpxchg-op)
; also do inc-reg dec-reg
; the following are forms of the call instruction and push the return address
(define-op call jump-op #b010) ; reg/mem indirect
#;(define-op bsrl branch-always-op long #b11101000) ; pc-relative
(define-op bsr bsr-op)
; the following are forms of the jmp instruction
(define-op jmp jump-op #b100) ; reg/mem indirect
(define-op bra bra-op)
(define-op bvs branch-op #b0000) ; jump on overflow
(define-op bvc branch-op #b0001) ; jump on not overflow
(define-op bcs branch-op #b0010) ; jump on below (carry set)
(define-op bcc branch-op #b0011) ; jump on not below (carry clear)
(define-op beq branch-op #b0100) ; jump on equal
(define-op bne branch-op #b0101) ; jump on not equal
(define-op bls branch-op #b0110) ; jump on less or same (below or equal)
(define-op bhi branch-op #b0111) ; jump on higher (above)
(define-op blt branch-op #b1100) ; jump on less than
(define-op bge branch-op #b1101) ; jump on greater than or equal
(define-op ble branch-op #b1110) ; jump on less than or equal
(define-op bgt branch-op #b1111) ; jump on greater than
; SSE2 instructions
(define-op sse.addsd sse-op1 #xF2 #x58 0)
(define-op sse.andpd sse-op1 #x66 #x54 0)
(define-op sse.cvtss2sd sse-op1 #xF3 #x5A 0)
(define-op sse.cvtsd2ss sse-op1 #xF2 #x5A 0)
(define-op sse.cvttsd2si sse-op1 #xF2 #x2C 1)
(define-op sse.cvtsi2sd sse-op1 #xF2 #x2A 1)
(define-op sse.divsd sse-op1 #xF2 #x5E 0)
(define-op sse.movd sse-op2 #x66 #x6E #x7E 1)
(define-op sse.movsd sse-op2 #xF2 #x10 #x11 0)
(define-op sse.movss sse-op2 #xF3 #x10 #x11 0)
(define-op sse.mulsd sse-op1 #xF2 #x59 0)
(define-op sse.sqrtsd sse-op1 #xF2 #x51 0)
(define-op sse.subsd sse-op1 #xF2 #x5C 0)
(define-op sse.ucomisd sse-op1 #x66 #x2E 0)
(define-op sse.xorpd sse-op1 #x66 #x57 0)
(define sse-op1
(lambda (op prefix-code op-code w source dest-reg code*)
(emit-code (op source dest-reg code*)
(build byte prefix-code)
(ax-ea-rex w source dest-reg #f)
(build byte #x0F)
(build byte op-code)
(ax-ea-modrm-reg source dest-reg)
(ax-ea-sib source)
(ax-ea-addr-disp source))))
(define sse-op2
(lambda (op prefix-code dstreg-op-code srcreg-op-code w source dest code*)
[(ax-register? source)
(emit-code (op source dest code*)
(build byte prefix-code)
(ax-ea-rex w dest source #f)
(build byte #x0F)
(build byte srcreg-op-code)
(ax-ea-modrm-reg dest source)
(ax-ea-sib dest)
(ax-ea-addr-disp dest))]
[(ax-register? dest)
(emit-code (op source dest code*)
(build byte prefix-code)
(ax-ea-rex w source dest #f)
(build byte #x0F)
(build byte dstreg-op-code)
(ax-ea-modrm-reg source dest)
(ax-ea-sib source)
(ax-ea-addr-disp source))]
($oops 'assembler-internal "sse-op2 source=~s dest=~s" source dest)])))
(define mulq-op
; used for movs/movz as well as mulsq
(lambda (op op-code source-ea dest-reg code*)
(emit-code (op source-ea dest-reg code*)
(ax-ea-rex 1 source-ea dest-reg 'quad)
(build byte #b00001111)
(build byte op-code)
(ax-ea-modrm-reg source-ea dest-reg)
(ax-ea-sib source-ea)
(ax-ea-addr-disp source-ea))))
(define muliq-op
(lambda (op op-code imm-data source-ea dest-reg code*)
(emit-code (op imm-data source-ea dest-reg code*)
(ax-ea-rex 1 source-ea dest-reg 'quad)
(build byte op-code)
(ax-ea-modrm-reg source-ea dest-reg)
(ax-ea-sib source-ea)
(ax-ea-addr-disp source-ea)
(build long (ax-imm-data imm-data)))))
(define quad-op
(lambda (op op-code source-ea dest-reg code*)
(emit-code (op source-ea dest-reg code*)
(ax-ea-rex 1 source-ea dest-reg 'quad)
(build byte op-code)
(ax-ea-modrm-reg source-ea dest-reg)
(ax-ea-sib source-ea)
(ax-ea-addr-disp source-ea))))
(define test-op
(lambda (op size op-code source-ea reg code*)
(emit-code (op source-ea reg code*)
(ax-ea-rex (if (eq? size 'quad) 1 0) source-ea reg size)
(build byte
[1 op-code]
[0 (ax-size-code size)]))
(ax-ea-modrm-reg source-ea reg)
(ax-ea-sib source-ea)
(ax-ea-addr-disp source-ea))))
(define unary-op
(lambda (op size op-code ttt-code dest-ea code*)
(emit-code (op dest-ea code*)
(ax-ea-rex (if (eq? size 'quad) 1 0) dest-ea #f size)
(build byte
[1 op-code]
[0 (ax-size-code size)]))
(ax-ea-modrm-ttt dest-ea ttt-code)
(ax-ea-sib dest-ea)
(ax-ea-addr-disp dest-ea))))
(define locked-unary-op
(lambda (op size op-code ttt-code dest-ea code*)
(emit-code (op dest-ea code*)
(build byte #xf0) ; lock prefix
(ax-ea-rex (if (eq? size 'quad) 1 0) dest-ea #f size)
(build byte
[1 op-code]
[0 (ax-size-code size)]))
(ax-ea-modrm-ttt dest-ea ttt-code)
(ax-ea-sib dest-ea)
(ax-ea-addr-disp dest-ea))))
(define locked-cmpxchg-op
(lambda (op size dest-ea new-reg code*)
(emit-code (op dest-ea new-reg code*)
(build byte #xf0) ; lock prefix
(ax-ea-rex (if (eq? size 'quad) 1 0) dest-ea new-reg size)
(build byte #x0f)
(build byte
[1 #b1011000]
[0 (ax-size-code size)]))
(ax-ea-modrm-reg dest-ea new-reg)
(ax-ea-sib dest-ea)
(ax-ea-addr-disp dest-ea)))))
(define pushi-op
(lambda (op imm-ea code*)
(if (ax-range? -128 imm-ea 127)
(emit-code (op imm-ea code*)
(build byte 106)
(ax-ea-imm-data 'byte imm-ea))
(emit-code (op imm-ea code*)
(build byte 104)
(ax-ea-imm-data 'long imm-ea)))))
; imm-data can be either an (imm n) or else a (literal size addr) record.
(define testi-op
(lambda (op size op-code ttt-code imm-ea dest-ea code*)
(emit-code (op imm-ea dest-ea code*)
(ax-ea-rex (if (eq? size 'quad) 1 0) dest-ea #f size)
(build byte
[1 op-code]
[0 (ax-size-code size)]))
(ax-ea-modrm-ttt dest-ea ttt-code)
(ax-ea-sib dest-ea)
(ax-ea-addr-disp dest-ea)
(ax-ea-imm-data size imm-ea))))
(define logi-op
(lambda (op size ttt-code imm-ea dest-ea code*)
(if (and (eq? size 'quad)
(record-case imm-ea
[(imm) (n) (<= -128 n 127)]
[else #f]))
(emit-code (op imm-ea dest-ea code*)
(ax-ea-rex 1 dest-ea #f size)
(build byte
[1 #b1000001]
[0 (ax-size-code size)]))
(ax-ea-modrm-ttt dest-ea ttt-code)
(ax-ea-sib dest-ea)
(ax-ea-addr-disp dest-ea)
(ax-ea-imm-data 'byte imm-ea))
(emit-code (op imm-ea dest-ea code*)
(ax-ea-rex 1 dest-ea #f size)
(build byte
[1 #b1000000]
[0 (ax-size-code size)]))
(ax-ea-modrm-ttt dest-ea ttt-code)
(ax-ea-sib dest-ea)
(ax-ea-addr-disp dest-ea)
(ax-ea-imm-data size imm-ea)))))
(define addi-op
(lambda (op size op-code ttt-code imm-ea dest-ea code*)
(if (and (eq? size 'quad)
(record-case imm-ea
[(imm) (n) (<= -128 n 127)]
[else #f]))
(emit-code (op imm-ea dest-ea code*)
(ax-ea-rex 1 dest-ea #f size)
(build byte
[2 op-code]
[1 1]
[0 (ax-size-code size)]))
(ax-ea-modrm-ttt dest-ea ttt-code)
(ax-ea-sib dest-ea)
(ax-ea-addr-disp dest-ea)
(ax-ea-imm-data 'byte imm-ea))
(emit-code (op imm-ea dest-ea code*)
(ax-ea-rex (if (eq? size 'quad) 1 0) dest-ea #f size)
(build byte
[2 op-code]
[1 0]
[0 (ax-size-code size)]))
(ax-ea-modrm-ttt dest-ea ttt-code)
(ax-ea-sib dest-ea)
(ax-ea-addr-disp dest-ea)
(ax-ea-imm-data size imm-ea)))))
(define movi-op
(lambda (op size ttt-code imm-ea dest-ea code*)
[(and (eq? size 'quad)
(record-case dest-ea [(reg) stuff #t] [else #f])
(not (ax-range? #x-80000000 imm-ea #x7fffffff)))
(emit-code (op imm-ea dest-ea code*)
(ax-ea-rex 1 dest-ea #f 'quad)
(build byte
[4 #b1011]
[3 (ax-size-code size)]
[0 (fxlogand (ax-ea-reg-code dest-ea) 7)]))
(ax-ea-imm-data 'full-quad imm-ea))]
(emit-code (op imm-ea dest-ea code*)
(and (eq? size 'word) (build byte 102))
(ax-ea-rex (if (eq? size 'quad) 1 0) dest-ea #f size)
(build byte
[1 #b1100011]
[0 (ax-size-code size)]))
(ax-ea-modrm-ttt dest-ea ttt-code)
(ax-ea-sib dest-ea)
(ax-ea-addr-disp dest-ea)
(ax-ea-imm-data size imm-ea))])))
;;; always need byte immediate data for shift ops
(define shifti-op
(lambda (op size op-code ttt-code imm-ea dest-ea code*)
(emit-code (op imm-ea dest-ea code*)
(ax-ea-rex (if (eq? size 'quad) 1 0) dest-ea #f size)
(build byte
[1 op-code]
[0 (ax-size-code size)]))
(ax-ea-modrm-ttt dest-ea ttt-code)
(ax-ea-sib dest-ea)
(ax-ea-addr-disp dest-ea)
(ax-ea-imm-data 'byte imm-ea))))
(define binary-op
(lambda (op size op-code source dest code*)
[(ax-register? source)
(emit-code (op source dest code*)
(and (eq? size 'word) (build byte 102))
(ax-ea-rex (if (eq? size 'quad) 1 0) dest source size)
(build byte
[2 op-code]
[1 0]
[0 (ax-size-code size)]))
(ax-ea-modrm-reg dest source)
(ax-ea-sib dest)
(ax-ea-addr-disp dest))]
[(ax-register? dest)
(emit-code (op source dest code*)
(and (eq? size 'word) (build byte 102))
(ax-ea-rex (if (eq? size 'quad) 1 0) source dest size)
(build byte
[2 op-code]
[1 1]
[0 (ax-size-code size)]))
(ax-ea-modrm-reg source dest)
(ax-ea-sib source)
(ax-ea-addr-disp source))]
($oops 'assembler-internal "binary-op source=~s dest=~s" source dest)])))
(define xchg-op
(lambda (op size op-code source dest code*)
[(ax-register? source)
(emit-code (op source dest code*)
(ax-ea-rex (if (eq? size 'quad) 1 0) dest source size)
(build byte
[1 op-code]
[0 (ax-size-code size)]))
(ax-ea-modrm-reg dest source)
(ax-ea-sib dest)
(ax-ea-addr-disp dest))]
[(ax-register? dest)
(emit-code (op source dest code*)
(ax-ea-rex (if (eq? size 'quad) 1 0) source dest size)
(build byte
[1 op-code]
[0 (ax-size-code size)]))
(ax-ea-modrm-reg source dest)
(ax-ea-sib source)
(ax-ea-addr-disp source))]
($oops 'assembler-internal "xchg-op source=~s dest=~s" source dest)])))
(define branch-op
(lambda (op condition-code disp code*)
(record-case disp
[(label) (offset l)
(if (and (fixnum? offset) (fx<= -128 offset 127))
(emit-code (op disp code*)
(build byte
[4 7]
[0 condition-code]))
(build byte offset))
(emit-code (op disp code*)
(build byte 15)
(build byte
[4 8]
[0 condition-code]))
(build long offset)))]
(emit-code (op disp code*)
(build byte 15)
(build byte
[4 8]
[0 condition-code]))
(ax-ea-branch-disp disp))])))
(define jump-op
(lambda (op ttt-code dest-ea code*)
(emit-code (op dest-ea code*)
(ax-ea-rex 0 dest-ea #f 'quad)
(build byte 255)
(ax-ea-modrm-ttt dest-ea ttt-code)
(ax-ea-sib dest-ea)
(ax-ea-addr-disp dest-ea))))
(define bra-op
(lambda (op disp code*)
(record-case disp
[(label) (offset l)
(if (and (fixnum? offset) (fx<= -128 offset 127))
(emit-code (op disp code*)
(build byte #b11101011)
(build byte offset))
(emit-code (op disp code*)
(build byte #b11101001)
(build long offset)))]
(emit-code (op disp code*)
(build byte #b11101001)
(ax-ea-branch-disp disp))])))
;; TODO: not useful on x86_64?
(define bsr-op
(lambda (op disp code*)
(emit-code (op disp code*)
(build byte #b11101000)
(if (pair? disp)
(ax-ea-branch-disp disp)
(build long disp)))))
(define byte-op
(lambda (op op-code code*)
(emit-code (op code*)
(build byte op-code))))
(define two-byte-op
(lambda (op op-code1 op-code2 code*)
(emit-code (op code*)
(build byte op-code1)
(build byte op-code2))))
(define bswap-op
(lambda (op size reg code*)
(unless (ax-register? reg)
($oops 'assembler-internal "(bswap-op) ~s is not a real register" reg))
(emit-code (op reg code*)
(ax-ea-rex (if (eq? size 'quad) 1 0) reg #f size)
(build byte #b00001111)
(build byte
[3 #b11001]
[0 (fxlogand (ax-ea-reg-code reg) 7)]))))))
(define quad-byte-op
(lambda (op op-code code*)
(emit-code (op code*)
(build byte #x48) ; rex prefix w/rex.w bit set
(build byte op-code))))
(define push-op
(lambda (op op-code reg code*)
(unless (ax-register? reg)
($oops 'assembler-internal "(push-op) ~s is not a real register" reg))
(emit-code (op reg code*)
(ax-ea-rex 0 reg #f 'quad)
(build byte
[3 op-code]
[0 (fxlogand (ax-ea-reg-code reg) 7)]))))))
(define-syntax emit-code
(lambda (x)
(define build-maybe-cons*
(lambda (e* e-ls)
(if (null? e*)
#`(let ([t #,(car e*)] [ls #,(build-maybe-cons* (cdr e*) e-ls)])
(if t (cons t ls) ls)))))
(syntax-case x ()
[(_ (op opnd ... ?code*) chunk ...)
(build-maybe-cons* #'(chunk ...)
#'(aop-cons* `(asm ,op ,opnd ...) ?code*))])))
(define-who ax-size-code
(lambda (x)
(case x
[(byte) 0]
[(word) 1]
[(long) 1]
[(quad) 1]
[else (sorry! who "invalid size ~s" x)])))
(define-syntax build
(syntax-rules ()
[(_ x e)
(and (memq (datum x) '(byte word long quad)) (integer? (datum e)))
(quote (x . e))]
[(_ x e)
(memq (datum x) '(byte word long quad))
(cons 'x e)]))
(define-syntax byte-fields
(syntax-rules ()
[(byte-fields (n e) ...)
(andmap fixnum? (datum (n ...)))
(fx+ (fxsll e n) ...)]))
(define ax-ea-rex
(lambda (w ea maybe-reg size)
(define (rex-required? x)
; rex prefix is required to access lsb of RSP, RBP, RSI, RDI
; (and R8-R15, but they require rex prefix anyway)
(and (eq? size 'byte)
(record-case x
[(reg) r (fx<= 4 (reg-mdinfo r) 7)]
[else #f])))
(define (rex.r)
(if maybe-reg
(record-case maybe-reg
[(reg) r (fxsrl (reg-mdinfo r) 3)]
[else ($oops 'assembler-internal "maybe-reg=~s" maybe-reg)])
(define (build-rex x b)
(let ([b (build byte
[4 #b0100]
[3 w]
[2 (rex.r)]
[1 x]
[0 b]))])
(and (or (not (fx= (cdr b) #x40))
(rex-required? ea)
(and maybe-reg (rex-required? maybe-reg)))
(record-case ea
[(index) (size index-reg base-reg)
(fxsrl (reg-mdinfo index-reg) 3)
(fxsrl (reg-mdinfo base-reg) 3))]
[(riprel) stuff (build-rex 0 0)]
[(disp) (size reg) (build-rex 0 (fxsrl (reg-mdinfo reg) 3))]
[(reg) r (build-rex 0 (fxsrl (reg-mdinfo r) 3))]
[else ($oops 'assembler-internal "ax-ea-rex ea ~s" ea)])))
(define ax-ea-addr-disp
(lambda (dest-ea)
(record-case dest-ea
[(index) (size index-reg base-reg)
[(and (fxzero? size) (not (eq? base-reg %rbp)) (not (eq? base-reg %r13))) #f]
[(ax-byte-size? size) (build byte size)]
[else (build long size)])]
[(riprel) (disp) (build long disp)]
[(disp) (size reg)
[(and (fxzero? size) (not (eq? reg %rbp)) (not (eq? reg %r13))) #f] ; indirect
[(ax-byte-size? size) (build byte size)]
[else (build long size)])]
[(reg) r #f]
[else ($oops 'assembler-internal "ax-ea-addr-disp dest-ea=~s" dest-ea)])))
(define ax-ea-sib
(let ([ax-ss-index-base
(lambda (index-reg base-reg)
(build byte
[6 #b00] ; 2 bits, scaled by bytes.
[3 index-reg] ; 3 bits, index register.
[0 base-reg])))]) ; 3 bits, base register.
(lambda (dest-ea)
(record-case dest-ea
[(index) (size index-reg base-reg)
(ax-ss-index-base (fxlogand (reg-mdinfo index-reg) 7)
(fxlogand (reg-mdinfo base-reg) 7))]
[(riprel) stuff #f]
[(disp) (size reg)
(and (or (eq? reg %sp) (eq? reg %r12))
(ax-ss-index-base #b100 #b100))]
[(reg) r #f]
[else ($oops 'assembler-internal "ax-ea-sib dest-ea=~s" dest-ea)]))))
(define ax-ea-modrm-reg
(lambda (dest-ea reg)
(ax-ea-modrm-ttt dest-ea (fxlogand (ax-ea-reg-code reg) 7))))
(define ax-ea-modrm-ttt
(lambda (mod ttt r/m)
(build byte
[6 mod] ; 2 bits
[3 ttt] ; 3 bits
[0 r/m])))] ; 3 bits
[ax-r/m ; 3 bits
(lambda (dest-ea)
(record-case dest-ea
[(index) (size index-reg base-reg) #b100]
[(riprel) stuff #b101]
[(disp) (size reg) (fxlogand (reg-mdinfo reg) 7)]
[(reg) r (fxlogand (reg-mdinfo r) 7)]
[else ($oops 'assembler-internal
"ax-r/m dest-ea=~s" dest-ea)]))]
[ax-mod ; 2 bits
(lambda (dest-ea)
(record-case dest-ea
[(index) (size index-reg base-reg)
[(and (fxzero? size) (not (eq? base-reg %rbp)) (not (eq? base-reg %r13))) #b00]
[(ax-byte-size? size) #b01]
[else #b10])]
[(riprel) stuff #b00]
[(disp) (size reg)
[(and (fxzero? size) (not (eq? reg %rbp)) (not (eq? reg %r13))) #b00] ; indirect
[(ax-byte-size? size) #b01]
[else #b10])]
[(reg) r #b11]
[else ($oops 'assembler-internal "ax-mod dest-ea ~s" dest-ea)]))])
(lambda (dest-ea ttt)
(ax-mod-ttt-r/m (ax-mod dest-ea) ttt (ax-r/m dest-ea)))))
(define ax-ea-imm-data
(lambda (size imm-data)
(case size
(record-case imm-data
[(literal) stuff (cons 'abs stuff)]
[(funcrel) stuff (cons 'funcrel (ax-ea-imm-data 'quad stuff))] ; added, not sure if this works for x86_64
[(imm) (n) (cons 'quad n)]
[else ($oops 'assembler-internal
"ax-ea-imm-data size=~s imm-data=~s" size imm-data)])]
(record-case imm-data
[(imm) (n) (cons (if (eq? size 'quad) 'long size) n)]
[else ($oops 'assembler-internal
"ax-ea-imm-data size=~s imm-data=~s" size imm-data)])])))
(define ax-byte-size?
(lambda (n)
(<= -128 n 127)))
(define ax-range?
(lambda (low x high)
(record-case x
[(imm) (n) (<= low n high)]
[else #f])))
(define ax-ea-branch-disp
(lambda (dest-ea)
(record-case dest-ea
[(literal) stuff (cons 'rel stuff)]
[else ($oops 'assembler-internal
"ax-ea-branch-disp dest-ea=~s" dest-ea)])))
(define asm-size
(lambda (x)
(case (car x)
[(asm x86_64-jump x86_64-call) 0]
[(byte) 1]
[(word) 2]
[(long) 4]
[else 8])))
(define-who asm-move
(lambda (code* dest src)
(Trivit (dest src)
(record-case src
[(imm) (n)
(if (and (eqv? n 0) (record-case dest [(reg) r #t] [else #f]))
(emit xor dest dest code*)
(emit movi src dest code*))]
[(literal) stuff (emit movi src dest code*)]
[else (emit mov src dest code*)]))))
(define-who asm-move/extend
(lambda (op)
(lambda (code* dest src)
(Trivit (dest src)
(case op
[(sext8) (emit movsb src dest code*)]
[(sext16) (emit movsw src dest code*)]
[(sext32) (emit movsl src dest code*)]
[(zext8) (emit movzb src dest code*)]
[(zext16) (emit movzw src dest code*)]
[(zext32) (emit movl src dest code*)]
[else (sorry! who "unexpected op ~s" op)])))))
(define asm-fl-cvt
(lambda (op flreg)
(lambda (code* base index offset)
(let ([src (build-mem-opnd base index offset)])
(case op
[(load-single->double) (emit sse.cvtss2sd src (cons 'reg flreg) code*)]
[(load-double->single) (emit sse.cvtsd2ss src (cons 'reg flreg) code*)])))))
(define asm-store-single->double
(lambda (flreg)
(lambda (code* base index offset)
(let ([dest (build-mem-opnd base index offset)] [flreg (cons 'reg flreg)])
(emit sse.cvtss2sd flreg flreg
(emit sse.movsd flreg dest code*))))))
(define asm-fl-store
(lambda (op flreg)
(lambda (code* base index offset)
(let ([dest (build-mem-opnd base index offset)])
(case op
[(store-single) (emit sse.movss (cons 'reg flreg) dest code*)]
[(store-double) (emit sse.movsd (cons 'reg flreg) dest code*)])))))
(define asm-fl-load
(lambda (op flreg)
(lambda (code* base index offset)
(let ([src (build-mem-opnd base index offset)])
(case op
[(load-single) (emit sse.movss src (cons 'reg flreg) code*)]
[(load-double) (emit sse.movsd src (cons 'reg flreg) code*)])))))
(define asm-get-double
(lambda (flreg)
(lambda (code* dst)
(emit sse.movd (cons 'reg flreg) (cons 'reg dst) code*))))
(define asm-flt
(lambda (code* src flonumreg)
(Trivit (src)
(let ([dest `(disp ,(constant flonum-data-disp) ,flonumreg)]
[flreg (cons 'reg %flreg1)])
(emit sse.cvtsi2sd src flreg
(emit sse.movsd flreg dest code*))))))
(define asm-flop-2
(lambda (op)
(lambda (code* src1 src2 dest)
(let ([src1 `(disp ,(constant flonum-data-disp) ,src1)]
[src2 `(disp ,(constant flonum-data-disp) ,src2)]
[dest `(disp ,(constant flonum-data-disp) ,dest)])
(let ([code* (emit sse.movsd (cons 'reg %flreg1) dest code*)])
(let ([code* (case op
[(fl+) (emit sse.addsd src2 (cons 'reg %flreg1) code*)]
[(fl-) (emit sse.subsd src2 (cons 'reg %flreg1) code*)]
[(fl*) (emit sse.mulsd src2 (cons 'reg %flreg1) code*)]
[(fl/) (emit sse.divsd src2 (cons 'reg %flreg1) code*)])])
(emit sse.movsd src1 (cons 'reg %flreg1) code*)))))))
(define asm-flsqrt
(lambda (code* src dest)
(let ([src `(disp ,(constant flonum-data-disp) ,src)]
[dest `(disp ,(constant flonum-data-disp) ,dest)])
(emit sse.sqrtsd src (cons 'reg %flreg1)
(emit sse.movsd (cons 'reg %flreg1) dest code*)))))
(define asm-trunc
(lambda (code* dest flonumreg)
(Trivit (dest)
(let ([src `(disp ,(constant flonum-data-disp) ,flonumreg)])
(emit sse.cvttsd2si src dest code*)))))
(define asm-load
(lambda (type)
(lambda (code* dest base index offset)
(Trivit (dest)
(let ([src (build-mem-opnd base index offset)])
(case type
[(integer-64 unsigned-64) (emit mov src dest code*)]
[(integer-32) (emit movsl src dest code*)]
[(unsigned-32) (emit movl src dest code*)] ; clears upper 32 bits of destination register
[(integer-16) (emit movsw src dest code*)]
[(unsigned-16) (emit movzw src dest code*)]
[(integer-8) (emit movsb src dest code*)]
[(unsigned-8) (emit movzb src dest code*)]
[else (sorry! 'asm-load "unexpected mref type ~s" type)]))))))
(define asm-store
(lambda (type)
(lambda (code* base index offset src)
(define imm8 (lambda (n) `(imm ,(modulo n #x100))))
(define imm16 (lambda (n) `(imm ,(modulo n #x10000))))
(Trivit (src)
(let ([dest (build-mem-opnd base index offset)])
(record-case src
[(imm) (n)
(case type
[(integer-64 unsigned-64) (emit movi src dest code*)]
[(integer-32 unsigned-32) (emit movil src dest code*)]
[(integer-16 unsigned-16) (emit moviw (imm16 n) dest code*)]
[(integer-8 unsigned-8) (emit movib (imm8 n) dest code*)]
[else (sorry! 'asm-store "unexpected mset! type ~s" type)])]
[(literal) stuff
(case type
[(integer-64 unsigned-64) (emit movi src dest code*)]
[(integer-32 unsigned-32) (emit movil src dest code*)]
[(integer-16 unsigned-16) (emit moviw src dest code*)]
[(integer-8 unsigned-8) (emit movib src dest code*)]
[else (sorry! 'asm-store "unexpected mset! type ~s" type)])]
(case type
[(integer-64 unsigned-64) (emit mov src dest code*)]
[(integer-32 unsigned-32) (emit movl src dest code*)]
[(integer-16 unsigned-16) (emit movw src dest code*)]
[(integer-8 unsigned-8) (emit movb src dest code*)]
[else (sorry! 'asm-store "unexpected mset! type ~s" type)])]))))))
(define asm-swap
(lambda (type)
(lambda (code* dest src)
(Trivit (dest)
(safe-assert (equal? (Triv->rand src) dest))
(emit bswap dest
(case type
[(integer-16) (emit asri '(imm 48) dest code*)]
[(unsigned-16) (emit lsri '(imm 48) dest code*)]
[(integer-32) (emit asri '(imm 32) dest code*)]
[(unsigned-32) (emit lsri '(imm 32) dest code*)]
[(integer-64 unsigned-64) code*]
[else ($oops 'assembler-internal "unexpected asm-swap type argument ~s" type)]))))))
(define asm-mul
(lambda (code* dest src0 src1)
(Trivit (dest src1)
(safe-assert (equal? (Triv->rand src0) dest))
(emit muls src1 dest code*))))
(define asm-div
(lambda (code* dest-rax src-rax src-rdx src2)
(Trivit (src2)
(safe-assert (and (eq? dest-rax %rax) (eq? src-rax %rax) (eq? src-rdx %rdx)))
(emit divsax src2 code*))))
(define asm-sext-rax->rdx
(lambda (code* dest-rdx src-rax)
(safe-assert (and (eq? dest-rdx %rdx) (eq? src-rax %rax)))
(emit extad code*)))
(define asm-muli
(lambda (code* dest src0 src1)
(Trivit (dest src0 src1)
(emit mulsi src1 src0 dest code*))))
(define-who asm-addop
(lambda (op)
(case op
[(+) asm-add]
[(logand) asm-logand]
[(logor) asm-logor]
[(logxor) asm-logxor]
[else ($oops who "unsupported op ~s" op)])))
(define asm-add
(lambda (code* dest src0 src1)
(Trivit (dest src1)
(safe-assert (equal? (Triv->rand src0) dest))
(record-case src1
[(imm literal) stuff (emit addi src1 dest code*)]
[else (emit add src1 dest code*)]))))
(define asm-read-performance-monitoring-counter
(lambda (code* dest src)
; rdx is an implied dest and included in info's kill list
(safe-assert (eq? dest %rax))
(safe-assert (eq? src %rcx))
(emit rdpmc code*)))
(define asm-read-time-stamp-counter
(lambda (code* dest)
; rdx is an implied dest and included in info's kill list
(safe-assert (eq? dest %rax))
(emit rdtsc code*)))
(define asm-inc-profile-counter
(lambda (code* dest src)
(Trivit (dest src)
(record-case src
[(imm) (n) (if (eqv? n 1) (emit inc dest code*) (emit addi src dest code*))]
[else (emit add src dest code*)]))))
(define-who asm-inc-cc-counter
(lambda (code* base offset val)
(let ([dest (nanopass-case (L16 Triv) offset
[(immediate ,imm) `(disp ,imm ,base)]
[,x `(index 0 ,x ,base)]
[else ($oops who "unexpected increment offset ~s" offset)])])
(nanopass-case (L16 Triv) val
[(immediate ,imm)
(if (fx= imm 1)
(emit inc dest code*)
(emit addi `(imm ,imm) dest code*))]
[,x (emit add (cons 'reg x) dest code*)]
[else ($oops who "unsupported increment ~s" val)]))))
(define asm-sub
(lambda (code* dest src0 src1)
(Trivit (dest src1)
(safe-assert (equal? (Triv->rand src0) dest))
(record-case src1
[(imm literal) stuff (emit subi src1 dest code*)]
[else (emit sub src1 dest code*)]))))
(define asm-negate
(lambda (code* dest src)
(Trivit (dest)
(safe-assert (equal? (Triv->rand src) dest))
(emit neg dest code*))))
(define asm-sub-negate
(lambda (code* dest src0 src1)
(Trivit (dest src1)
(safe-assert (equal? (Triv->rand src0) dest))
(let ([code* (emit neg dest code*)])
(record-case src1
[(imm literal) stuff (emit subi src1 dest code*)]
[else (emit sub src1 dest code*)])))))
(define asm-pop
(lambda (code* dest)
(Trivit (dest)
(emit pop dest code*))))
(define asm-return
(lambda ()
(emit addi '(imm 8) (cons 'reg %sp)
(emit ret '()))))
(define asm-c-return
(lambda (info)
(emit ret '())))
(define asm-locked-incr
(lambda (code* base index offset)
(let ([dest (build-mem-opnd base index offset)])
(emit locked-inc dest code*))))
(define asm-locked-decr
(lambda (code* base index offset)
(let ([dest (build-mem-opnd base index offset)])
(emit locked-dec dest code*))))
(define asm-locked-cmpxchg
(lambda (code* base index offset old-v new-v)
(let ([dest (build-mem-opnd base index offset)])
(emit locked-cmpxchg dest (cons 'reg new-v) code*))))
(define asm-pause
(lambda (code*)
(emit pause code*)))
(define asm-exchange
(lambda (code* dest src0 src1)
(Trivit (dest src1)
(safe-assert (equal? (Triv->rand src0) dest))
(emit xchg src1 dest code*))))
(define-who asm-shiftop
(lambda (op)
(case op
[(sll) asm-sll]
[(srl) asm-srl]
[(sra) asm-sra]
[else ($oops who "unsupported op ~s" op)])))
(define asm-sll
(lambda (code* dest src0 src1)
(Trivit (dest src1)
(safe-assert (equal? (Triv->rand src0) dest))
(record-case src1
[(imm literal) stuff (emit asli src1 dest code*)]
(safe-assert (ax-register? src1 %rcx))
(emit asl dest code*)]))))
(define asm-srl
(lambda (code* dest src0 src1)
(Trivit (dest src1)
(safe-assert (equal? (Triv->rand src0) dest))
(record-case src1
[(imm literal) stuff (emit lsri src1 dest code*)]
(safe-assert (ax-register? src1 %rcx))
(emit lsr dest code*)]))))
(define asm-sra
(lambda (code* dest src0 src1)
(Trivit (dest src1)
(safe-assert (equal? (Triv->rand src0) dest))
(record-case src1
[(imm literal) stuff (emit asri src1 dest code*)]
(safe-assert (ax-register? src1 %rcx))
(emit asr dest code*)]))))
(define asm-logand
(lambda (code* dest src0 src1)
(Trivit (dest src1)
(safe-assert (equal? (Triv->rand src0) dest))
(record-case src1
[(imm literal) stuff (emit andi src1 dest code*)]
[else (emit and src1 dest code*)]))))
(define asm-logor
(lambda (code* dest src0 src1)
(Trivit (dest src1)
(safe-assert (equal? (Triv->rand src0) dest))
(record-case src1
[(imm literal) stuff (emit ori src1 dest code*)]
[else (emit or src1 dest code*)]))))
(define asm-logxor
(lambda (code* dest src0 src1)
(Trivit (dest src1)
(safe-assert (equal? (Triv->rand src0) dest))
(record-case src1
[(imm literal) stuff (emit xori src1 dest code*)]
[else (emit xor src1 dest code*)]))))
(define asm-lognot
(lambda (code* dest src)
(Trivit (dest)
(safe-assert (equal? (Triv->rand src) dest))
(emit not dest code*))))
(define asm-lea1
(lambda (offset)
(rec asm-lea1-internal
(lambda (code* dest src)
(if (eq? src dest)
(Trivit (dest)
(emit addi `(imm ,offset) dest code*))
(Trivit (dest)
(emit lea `(disp ,offset ,src) dest code*)))))))
(define asm-lea2
(lambda (offset)
(rec asm-lea2-internal
(lambda (code* dest src1 src2)
[(and (eq? src1 dest) (fx= offset 0))
(Trivit (dest src2)
(emit add src2 dest code*))]
[(and (eq? src2 dest) (fx= offset 0))
(Trivit (dest src1)
(emit add src1 dest code*))]
(Trivit (dest)
(emit lea `(index ,offset ,src1 ,src2)
dest code*))])))))
(define asm-logtest
(lambda (i? info)
(lambda (l1 l2 offset x y)
(Trivit (x y)
(record-case x
[(disp reg index literal@) stuff #t]
[else #f]))
(record-case y
[(imm) (n)
(if (and (fixnum? n)
(fx= (fxlogand n #xff) n)
(record-case x
[(reg) r #t]
; counting on little-endian byte order
[(disp index) stuff #t]))
(emit testib y x '())
(emit testi y x '()))]
[(literal) stuff (emit testi y x '())]
[else (emit test x y '())])
(let-values ([(l1 l2) (if i? (values l2 l1) (values l1 l2))])
(asm-conditional-jump info l2 l1 offset)))))))
(define asm-fl-relop
(lambda (info)
(lambda (l1 l2 offset x y)
(let ([x `(disp ,(constant flonum-data-disp) ,x)]
[y `(disp ,(constant flonum-data-disp) ,y)])
(emit sse.movsd y (cons 'reg %flreg1)
(emit sse.ucomisd x (cons 'reg %flreg1) '())))
(asm-conditional-jump info l1 l2 offset)))))
(define asm-relop
(lambda (info)
(rec asm-relop-internal
(lambda (l1 l2 offset x y)
(Trivit (x y)
(record-case x
[(reg disp index) ignore #t]
[else #f]))
(record-case y
[(imm literal) stuff (emit cmpi y x '())]
[else (emit cmp y x '())])
(asm-conditional-jump info l1 l2 offset)))))))
(define asm-condition-code
(lambda (info)
(rec asm-check-flag-internal
(lambda (l1 l2 offset)
(values '() (asm-conditional-jump info l1 l2 offset))))))
; TODO: should this also handle pushil?
(define asm-push
(lambda (code* x)
(Trivit (x)
(emit push x code*))))
(define asm-save-flrv
(lambda (code*)
; save float return value in case we're calling into C
; from the foreign-procedure return path to allocate a flonum
; return value. need 16 bytes rather than 8 to maintain
; 16-byte stack alignment
(emit subi '(imm 16) (cons 'reg %sp)
(emit sse.movsd (cons 'reg %Cfpretval) `(disp 0 ,%sp) code*))))
(define asm-restore-flrv
(lambda (code*)
(emit sse.movsd `(disp 0 ,%sp) (cons 'reg %Cfpretval)
(emit addi '(imm 16) (cons 'reg %sp) code*))))
(define asm-library-jump
(lambda (l)
(asm-helper-jump '()
`(x86_64-jump ,(constant code-data-disp) (library-code ,(libspec-label-libspec l))))))
(define asm-library-call
(lambda (libspec)
(let ([target `(x86_64-call ,(constant code-data-disp) (library-code ,libspec))])
(rec asm-asm-call-internal
(lambda (code* jmp-reg . ignore)
(asm-helper-call code* target jmp-reg))))))
(define asm-c-simple-call
(lambda (entry)
(rec asm-c-simple-call-internal
(lambda (code* jmp-reg)
(let ([sp-opnd (cons 'reg %sp)])
(if (fx= entry (lookup-c-entry Sreturn))
; pretend S_generic_invoke called Sreturn directly by wiping out
; pad added by invoke-prelude and jumping rather than calling
(emit addi '(imm 8) sp-opnd
(asm-helper-jump code* `(x86_64-jump 0 (entry ,entry))))
(let ([target `(x86_64-call 0 (entry ,entry))])
(if-feature windows
; must leave room for callee to store argument registers,
; even if there are no arguments
(emit subi '(imm 32) sp-opnd
(asm-helper-call (emit addi '(imm 32) sp-opnd code*) target jmp-reg))
(asm-helper-call code* target jmp-reg)))))))))
(define asm-get-tc
(let ([target `(x86_64-call 0 (entry ,(lookup-c-entry get-thread-context)))])
(lambda (code* jmp-reg) ; dest is ignored, since it is always the first C argument (rax in this case)
(asm-helper-call code* target jmp-reg))))
(define asm-activate-thread
(let ([target `(x86_64-call 0 (entry ,(lookup-c-entry activate-thread)))])
(lambda (code* jmp-reg)
(asm-helper-call code* target jmp-reg))))
(define asm-deactivate-thread
(let ([target `(x86_64-call 0 (entry ,(lookup-c-entry deactivate-thread)))])
(lambda (code*)
(asm-helper-call code* target %rax))))
(define asm-unactivate-thread
(let ([target `(x86_64-call 0 (entry ,(lookup-c-entry unactivate-thread)))])
(lambda (code* arg-reg)
(asm-helper-call code* target %rax))))
(define asm-indirect-call
(lambda (code* t . ignore)
; NB: c-call is already required to be a register or memory operand, so
; no need to build a relocation entry.
(Trivit (t)
(emit call t code*))))
(define asm-direct-jump
(lambda (l offset)
(asm-helper-jump '() (make-funcrel 'x86_64-jump l offset))))
(define asm-literal-jump
(lambda (info)
(asm-helper-jump '()
`(x86_64-jump ,(info-literal-offset info)
(,(info-literal-type info) ,(info-literal-addr info))))))
(define asm-indirect-jump
(lambda (t)
(Trivit (t)
(safe-assert (record-case t [(imm) (n) (signed-32? n)] [else #t]))
(emit jmp t '()))))
(define-who asm-return-address
(lambda (dest l incr-offset next-addr)
(make-rachunk dest l incr-offset next-addr
(or (cond
[(local-label-offset l) =>
(lambda (offset)
(let ([disp (fx- next-addr (fx- offset incr-offset))])
(and (signed-32? disp)
(Trivit (dest)
(emit lea `(riprel ,disp) dest '())))))]
[else #f])
(asm-move '() dest (with-output-language (L16 Triv) `(label-ref ,l ,incr-offset)))))))
(define asm-jump
(lambda (l next-addr)
(make-gchunk l next-addr
[(local-label-offset l) =>
(lambda (offset)
(let ([disp (fx- next-addr offset)])
(safe-assert (signed-32? disp))
(if (fx= disp 0)
(emit bra `(label ,disp ,l) '()))))]
; label must be somewhere above. generate something so that a hard loop
; doesn't get dropped. this also has some chance of being the right size
; for the final branch instruction.
(emit bra `(label 0 ,l) '())]))))
(define-who asm-conditional-jump
(lambda (info l1 l2 next-addr)
(define get-disp-opnd
(lambda (next-addr l)
[(and (local-label? l) (local-label-offset l)) =>
(lambda (offset)
(let ([disp (fx- next-addr offset)])
(safe-assert (signed-32? disp))
(values disp `(label ,disp ,l))))]
[else (values 0 `(label 0 ,l))])))
(safe-assert (and (local-label? l1) (local-label? l2)))
(let ([type (info-condition-code-type info)]
[reversed? (info-condition-code-reversed? info)])
(make-cgchunk info l1 l2 next-addr
(let ()
(define-syntax pred-case
(lambda (x)
(define build-bop-seq
(lambda (bop opnd1 opnd2 l2 body)
#`(let ([code* (emit #,bop #,opnd1 code*)])
(let-values ([(disp #,opnd2) (get-disp-opnd (fx+ next-addr (asm-size* code*)) #,l2)])
(define handle-or
(lambda (e opnd l)
(syntax-case e (or)
[(or bop1 bop2)
(build-bop-seq #'bop2 opnd opnd l
#`(emit bop1 #,opnd code*))]
[bop #`(emit bop #,opnd code*)])))
(define handle-reverse
(lambda (e opnd l)
(syntax-case e (r?)
[(r? c1 c2) #`(if reversed? #,(handle-or #'c1 opnd l) #,(handle-or #'c2 opnd l))]
[_ (handle-or e opnd l)])))
(define handle-inverse
(lambda (e)
(syntax-case e (i?)
[(i? c1 c2)
[(fx= disp1 0) #,(handle-reverse #'c1 #'opnd2 #'l2)]
[(fx= disp2 0) #,(handle-reverse #'c2 #'opnd1 #'l1)]
[else #,(build-bop-seq #'bra #'opnd2 #'opnd1 #'l1
(handle-reverse #'c2 #'opnd1 #'l1))])]
[_ #`(cond ; treating e as c1: inverted condition, branching to false label
[(fx= disp1 0) #,(handle-reverse e #'opnd2 #'l2)]
[else #,(build-bop-seq #'bra #'opnd1 #'opnd2 #'l2
(handle-reverse e #'opnd2 #'l2))])])))
(syntax-case x ()
[(_ [(pred ...) cl-body] ...)
(with-syntax ([(cl-body ...) (map handle-inverse #'(cl-body ...))])
#'(let ([code* '()])
(let-values ([(disp1 opnd1) (get-disp-opnd next-addr l1)]
[(disp2 opnd2) (get-disp-opnd next-addr l2)])
(case type
[(pred ...) cl-body] ...
[else ($oops who "~s branch type is currently unsupported" type)]))))])))
[(eq?) (i? bne beq)]
[(u<) (i? (r? bls bcc) (r? bhi bcs))]
[(<) (i? (r? ble bge) (r? bgt blt))]
[(<=) (i? (r? blt bgt) (r? bge ble))]
[(>) (i? (r? bge ble) (r? blt bgt))]
[(>=) (i? (r? bgt blt) (r? ble bge))]
[(overflow multiply-overflow) (i? bvc bvs)]
[(carry) (i? bcc bcs)]
; unordered: zf,pf,cf <- 111; gt: 000; lt: 001; eq: 100
; reversed & inverted: !(fl< y x) = !(fl> x y) iff zf = 1 & cf = 1
[(fl<) bls]
; reversed & inverted: !(fl<= y x) = !(fl>= x y) iff cf = 1
[(fl<=) bcs]
; inverted: !(fl= x y) iff zf = 0 or cf (or pf) = 1
[(fl=) (or bne bcs)]))))))
(define asm-data-label
(lambda (code* l offset func code-size)
(let ([rel (make-funcrel 'abs l offset)])
(cons* rel (aop-cons* `(asm "mrv point:" ,rel) code*)))))
(define asm-helper-jump
(lambda (code* reloc)
(let ([jmp-reg (cons 'reg %ts)])
(emit movi '(imm #xffffffff) jmp-reg
(emit jmp jmp-reg
(asm-helper-relocation code* reloc))))))
(define asm-kill
(lambda (code* dest)
(define asm-helper-call
(lambda (code* reloc jmp-reg)
(emit movi '(imm #xffffffff) (cons 'reg jmp-reg)
(emit call (cons 'reg jmp-reg)
(asm-helper-relocation code* reloc)))))
(define asm-helper-relocation
(lambda (code* reloc)
(cons* reloc (aop-cons* `(asm "relocation:" ,reloc) code*))))
(define asm-rp-header
(let ([mrv-error `(abs ,(constant code-data-disp)
(library-code ,(lookup-libspec values-error)))])
(lambda (code* mrvl fs lpm func code-size)
(let ([size (constant-case ptr-bits [(32) 'long] [(64) 'quad])])
(if (target-fixnum? lpm)
`(,size . ,(fix lpm))
`(abs 0 (object ,lpm)))
(aop-cons* `(asm livemask: ,(format "~b" lpm))
(aop-cons* `(asm code-top-link)
`(,size . ,fs)
(aop-cons* `(asm "frame size:" ,fs)
(if mrvl
(asm-data-label code* mrvl 0 func code-size)
(aop-cons* `(asm "mrv point:" ,mrv-error)
(define-syntax asm-enter
(lambda (x)
(syntax-case x ()
[(k e)
(with-implicit (k %seq %inline)
; adjust to 16-byte boundary, accounting for 8-byte return address pushed by call
(set! ,%sp ,(%inline - ,%sp (immediate 8)))
(module (asm-foreign-call asm-foreign-callable)
(if-feature windows
(define make-vint (lambda () (vector %Carg1 %Carg2 %Carg3 %Carg4)))
(define make-vfp (lambda () (vector %Cfparg1 %Cfparg2 %Cfparg3 %Cfparg4))))
(define make-vint (lambda () (vector %Carg1 %Carg2 %Carg3 %Carg4 %Carg5 %Carg6)))
(define make-vfp (lambda () (vector %Cfparg1 %Cfparg2 %Cfparg3 %Cfparg4 %Cfparg5 %Cfparg6 %Cfparg7 %Cfparg8)))))
(define (align n size)
(fxlogand (fx+ n (fx- size 1)) (fx- size)))
(define (classify-type type)
(nanopass-case (Ltype Type) type
[(fp-ftd& ,ftd) (classify-eightbytes ftd)]
[else #f]))
(define (classified-size type)
(nanopass-case (Ltype Type) type
[(fp-ftd& ,ftd) ($ftd-size ftd)]
[else #f]))
;; classify-eightbytes: returns '(memory) or a nonemtpy list of 'integer/'sse
(if-feature windows
;; Windows: either passed in one register or not
(define (classify-eightbytes ftd)
[($ftd-compound? ftd)
(if (memv ($ftd-size ftd) '(1 2 4 8))
[(eq? 'float (caar ($ftd->members ftd)))
[else '(integer)]))
;; Non-Windows: SYSV ABI is a more general classification of
;; 8-byte segments into 'integer, 'sse, or 'memory modes
(define (classify-eightbytes ftd)
(define (merge t1 t2)
[(eq? t1 t2) t1]
[(eq? t1 'no-class) t2]
[(eq? t2 'no-class) t1]
[(eq? t1 'memory) 'memory]
[(eq? t2 'memory) 'memory]
[else 'integer]))
[(or (> ($ftd-size ftd) 16) ; more than 2 eightbytes => passed in memory
(fx= 0 ($ftd-size ftd)))
(let ([classes (make-vector (fxsrl (align ($ftd-size ftd) 8) 3) 'no-class)])
(let loop ([mbrs ($ftd->members ftd)])
[(null? mbrs)
(vector->list classes)]
(let ([kind (caar mbrs)]
[size (cadar mbrs)]
[offset (caddar mbrs)])
[(not (fx= offset (align offset size)))
;; misaligned
(let* ([pos (fxsrl offset 3)]
[class (vector-ref classes pos)]
[new-class (merge class (if (eq? kind 'float) 'sse 'integer))])
[(eq? new-class 'memory)
(vector-set! classes pos new-class)
(loop (cdr mbrs))]))]))])))])))
(define (count v l)
[(null? l) 0]
[(eq? (car l) v) (fx+ 1 (count v (cdr l)))]
[else (count v (cdr l))]))
;; A result is put in registers if it has up to two
;; eightbytes, each 'integer or 'sse. On Windows,
;; `result-classes` always has only one item.
(define (result-fits-in-registers? result-classes)
(and result-classes
(not (eq? 'memory (car result-classes)))
(or (null? (cdr result-classes))
(null? (cddr result-classes)))))
;; An argument is put in registers depending on how many
;; registers are left
(define (pass-here-by-stack? classes iint ints ifp fps)
(or (eq? 'memory (car classes))
(fx> (fx+ iint ints) 6)
(fx> (fx+ ifp fps) 8)))
(module (push-registers pop-registers push-registers-size)
(define (move-registers regs load?)
(define vfp (make-vfp))
(define (fp-reg? reg)
(let loop ([i (fx- (vector-length vfp) 1)])
(or (eq? reg (vector-ref vfp i))
(and (fx> i 0) (loop (fx- i 1))))))
(with-output-language (L13 Effect)
(let loop ([regs regs] [offset 0])
(let* ([reg (car regs)]
[e (cond
[(fp-reg? reg)
`(inline ,(make-info-loadfl reg) ,(if load? %load-double %store-double) ,%sp ,%zero (immediate ,offset))]
[load? `(set! ,reg ,(%mref ,%sp ,offset))]
[else `(set! ,(%mref ,%sp ,offset) ,reg)])]
[regs (cdr regs)])
(if (null? regs)
`(seq ,e ,(loop regs (fx+ offset 8))))))))
(define (push-registers-size regs)
(align (fx* 8 (length regs)) 16))
(define (push-registers regs)
(with-output-language (L13 Effect)
(set! ,%sp ,(%inline - ,%sp (immediate ,(push-registers-size regs))))
,(move-registers regs #f))))
(define (pop-registers regs)
(with-output-language (L13 Effect)
,(move-registers regs #t)
(set! ,%sp ,(%inline + ,%sp (immediate ,(push-registers-size regs))))))))
(define (as-c-call e)
(if-feature windows
(with-output-language (L13 Effect)
(set! ,%sp ,(%inline - ,%sp (immediate 32)))
(set! ,%sp ,(%inline + ,%sp (immediate 32)))))
(define asm-foreign-call
(with-output-language (L13 Effect)
(letrec ([load-double-stack
(lambda (offset)
(lambda (x) ; requires var
(inline ,(make-info-loadfl %flreg1) ,%load-double ,x ,%zero ,(%constant flonum-data-disp))
(inline ,(make-info-loadfl %flreg1) ,%store-double ,%sp ,%zero (immediate ,offset)))))]
(lambda (offset)
(lambda (x) ; requires var
(inline ,(make-info-loadfl %flreg1) ,%load-double->single ,x ,%zero ,(%constant flonum-data-disp))
(inline ,(make-info-loadfl %flreg1) ,%store-single ,%sp ,%zero (immediate ,offset)))))]
(lambda (offset)
(lambda (rhs) ; requires rhs
`(set! ,(%mref ,%sp ,offset) ,rhs)))]
(lambda (fpreg)
(lambda (x) ; requires var
`(inline ,(make-info-loadfl fpreg) ,%load-double ,x ,%zero ,(%constant flonum-data-disp))))]
(lambda (fpreg ireg)
(lambda (x) ; requires var
(inline ,(make-info-loadfl fpreg) ,%load-double ,x ,%zero ,(%constant flonum-data-disp))
(set! ,ireg (inline ,(make-info-loadfl fpreg) ,%get-double)))))]
(lambda (fpreg)
(lambda (x) ; requires var
`(inline ,(make-info-loadfl fpreg) ,%load-double->single ,x ,%zero ,(%constant flonum-data-disp))))]
(lambda (type ireg)
(lambda (x)
[(nanopass-case (Ltype Type) type [(fp-integer ,bits) (fx= bits 32)] [else #f])
; original code generated movil or movl
(nanopass-case (L13 Rhs) x
[,t `(set! ,ireg ,(%inline zext32 ,t))]
; here we use ireg twice to get around needing a temporary when
; x is a non-triv right-hand-side
[else (%seq (set! ,ireg ,x) (set! ,ireg ,(%inline zext32 ,ireg)))])]
[else `(set! ,ireg ,x)])))]
(lambda (offset len)
(lambda (x) ; requires var
(let loop ([offset offset] [x-offset 0] [len len])
[(= len 0) `(nop)]
[(>= len 8)
(set! ,(%mref ,%sp ,offset) (inline ,(make-info-load 'integer-64 #f)
,%load ,x ,%zero (immediate ,x-offset)))
,(loop (fx+ offset 8) (fx+ x-offset 8) (fx- len 8)))]
[(>= len 4)
(set! ,(%mref ,%sp ,offset) (inline ,(make-info-load 'integer-32 #f)
,%load ,x ,%zero (immediate ,x-offset)))
,(loop (fx+ offset 4) (fx+ x-offset 4) (fx- len 4)))]
[(>= len 2)
(set! ,(%mref ,%sp ,offset) (inline ,(make-info-load 'integer-16 #f)
,%load ,x ,%zero (immediate ,x-offset)))
,(loop (fx+ offset 2) (fx+ x-offset 2) (fx- len 2)))]
`(set! ,(%mref ,%sp ,offset) (inline ,(make-info-load 'integer-8 #f)
,%load ,x ,%zero (immediate ,x-offset)))]))))]
(lambda (classes size unsigned? iint ifp vint vfp)
(lambda (x) ; requires var
(let loop ([size size] [iint iint] [ifp ifp] [classes classes] [x-offset 0])
[(null? classes) `(nop)]
[(eq? 'sse (car classes))
[(fx= size 4)
;; Must be the last element
`(inline ,(make-info-loadfl (vector-ref vfp ifp)) ,%load-single ,x ,%zero (immediate ,x-offset))]
(inline ,(make-info-loadfl (vector-ref vfp ifp)) ,%load-double ,x ,%zero (immediate ,x-offset))
,(loop (fx- size 8) iint (fx+ ifp 1) (cdr classes) (fx+ x-offset 8)))])]
;; Remaining cases are integers:
[(>= size 8)
(set! ,(vector-ref vint iint) (inline ,(make-info-load 'integer-64 #f)
,%load ,x ,%zero (immediate ,x-offset)))
,(loop (fx- size 8) (fx+ iint 1) ifp (cdr classes) (fx+ x-offset 8)))]
;; Remaining cases must be the last element
(let loop ([reg (vector-ref vint iint)] [size size] [x-offset x-offset])
[(= size 4)
`(set! ,reg (inline ,(make-info-load (if unsigned? 'unsigned-32 'integer-32) #f)
,%load ,x ,%zero (immediate ,x-offset)))]
[(= size 2)
`(set! ,reg (inline ,(make-info-load (if unsigned? 'unsigned-16 'integer-16) #f)
,%load ,x ,%zero (immediate ,x-offset)))]
[(= size 1)
`(set! ,reg (inline ,(make-info-load (if unsigned? 'unsigned-8 'integer-8) #f)
,%load ,x ,%zero (immediate ,x-offset)))]
[(> size 4)
;; 5, 6, or 7: multiple steps to avoid reading too many bytes
(let ([tmp %rax]) ;; ?? ok to use %rax?
,(loop reg (fx- size 4) (fx+ x-offset 4))
(set! ,reg ,(%inline sll ,reg (immediate 32)))
,(loop tmp 4 x-offset)
(set! ,reg ,(%inline + ,reg ,tmp))))]
;; 3: multiple steps to avoid reading too many bytes
(let ([tmp %rax]) ;; ?? ok to use %rax?
,(loop reg (fx- size 2) (fx+ x-offset 2))
(set! ,reg ,(%inline sll ,reg (immediate 16)))
,(loop tmp 2 x-offset)
(set! ,reg ,(%inline + ,reg ,tmp))))]))]))))]
(lambda (ints ir vr regs)
[(fx= 0 ints) regs]
(add-regs (fx- ints 1) (fx+ ir 1) vr
(cons (vector-ref vr ir) regs))]))]
(lambda (types vint vfp)
(if-feature windows
(let loop ([types types] [locs '()] [regs '()] [fp-regs '()] [i 0] [isp 0])
(if (null? types)
(values isp 0 locs regs fp-regs)
(nanopass-case (Ltype Type) (car types)
(if (< i 4)
(let ([reg (vector-ref vint i)])
(loop (cdr types)
(cons (load-double-reg2 (vector-ref vfp i) reg) locs)
(cons reg regs) (cons (vector-ref vfp i) fp-regs) (fx+ i 1) isp))
(loop (cdr types)
(cons (load-double-stack isp) locs)
regs fp-regs i (fx+ isp 8)))]
(if (< i 4)
(loop (cdr types)
(cons (load-single-reg (vector-ref vfp i)) locs)
regs (cons (vector-ref vfp i) fp-regs) (fx+ i 1) isp)
(loop (cdr types)
(cons (load-single-stack isp) locs)
regs fp-regs i (fx+ isp 8)))]
[(fp-ftd& ,ftd)
[(memv ($ftd-size ftd) '(1 2 4 8))
;; pass as value in register or as value on the stack
[(< i 4)
;; pass as value in register
[(and (not ($ftd-compound? ftd))
(eq? 'float (caar ($ftd->members ftd))))
;; float or double
(loop (cdr types)
(cons (load-content-regs '(sse) ($ftd-size ftd) #t i i vint vfp) locs)
(add-regs 1 i vint regs) (add-regs 1 i vfp fp-regs) (fx+ i 1) isp)]
;; integer
(loop (cdr types)
(cons (load-content-regs '(integer) ($ftd-size ftd) ($ftd-unsigned? ftd) i i vint vfp) locs)
(add-regs 1 i vint regs) fp-regs(fx+ i 1) isp)])]
;; pass as value on the stack
(loop (cdr types)
(cons (load-content-stack isp ($ftd-size ftd)) locs)
regs fp-regs i (fx+ isp (align ($ftd-size ftd) 8)))])]
;; pass by reference in register or by reference on the stack
[(< i 4)
;; pass by reference in a register
(let ([reg (vector-ref vint i)])
(loop (cdr types)
(cons (load-int-reg (car types) reg) locs)
(cons reg regs) fp-regs (fx+ i 1) isp))]
;; pass by reference on the stack
(loop (cdr types)
(cons (load-int-stack isp) locs)
regs fp-regs i (fx+ isp 8))])])]
(if (< i 4)
(let ([reg (vector-ref vint i)])
(loop (cdr types)
(cons (load-int-reg (car types) reg) locs)
(cons reg regs) fp-regs
(fx+ i 1) isp))
(loop (cdr types)
(cons (load-int-stack isp) locs)
regs fp-regs i (fx+ isp 8)))])))
(let loop ([types types] [locs '()] [regs '()] [fp-regs '()] [iint 0] [ifp 0] [isp 0])
(if (null? types)
(values isp ifp locs regs fp-regs)
(nanopass-case (Ltype Type) (car types)
(if (< ifp 8)
(loop (cdr types)
(cons (load-double-reg (vector-ref vfp ifp)) locs)
regs (cons (vector-ref vfp ifp) fp-regs) iint (fx+ ifp 1) isp)
(loop (cdr types)
(cons (load-double-stack isp) locs)
regs fp-regs iint ifp (fx+ isp 8)))]
(if (< ifp 8)
(loop (cdr types)
(cons (load-single-reg (vector-ref vfp ifp)) locs)
regs (cons (vector-ref vfp ifp) fp-regs) iint (fx+ ifp 1) isp)
(loop (cdr types)
(cons (load-single-stack isp) locs)
regs fp-regs iint ifp (fx+ isp 8)))]
[(fp-ftd& ,ftd)
(let* ([classes (classify-eightbytes ftd)]
[ints (count 'integer classes)]
[fps (count 'sse classes)])
[(pass-here-by-stack? classes iint ints ifp fps)
;; pass on the stack
(loop (cdr types)
(cons (load-content-stack isp ($ftd-size ftd)) locs)
regs fp-regs iint ifp (fx+ isp (align ($ftd-size ftd) 8)))]
;; pass in registers
(loop (cdr types)
(cons (load-content-regs classes ($ftd-size ftd) ($ftd-unsigned? ftd) iint ifp vint vfp) locs)
(add-regs ints iint vint regs) (add-regs fps ifp vfp fp-regs)
(fx+ iint ints) (fx+ ifp fps) isp)]))]
(if (< iint 6)
(let ([reg (vector-ref vint iint)])
(loop (cdr types)
(cons (load-int-reg (car types) reg) locs)
(cons reg regs) fp-regs
(fx+ iint 1) ifp isp))
(loop (cdr types)
(cons (load-int-stack isp) locs)
regs fp-regs iint ifp (fx+ isp 8)))])))))])
(define (add-deactivate adjust-active? t0 live* result-live* e)
(let ([save-and-restore
(lambda (regs e)
[(null? regs) e]
[else (%seq ,(push-registers regs) ,e ,(pop-registers regs))]))])
(set! ,%deact ,t0)
,(save-and-restore (cons %deact live*) (as-c-call (%inline deactivate-thread)))
,(save-and-restore result-live* (as-c-call `(set! ,%rax ,(%inline activate-thread))))))]
[else e]))
(define (add-save-fill-target fill-result-here? frame-size locs)
;; The callee isn't expecting a pointer to fill with the result.
;; Stash the pointer as an extra argument, and then when the
;; function returns, we'll move register content for the result
;; into the pointer's target
(values (fx+ frame-size (constant ptr-bytes))
(append locs
(lambda (x) ; requires var
`(set! ,(%mref ,%sp ,frame-size) ,x)))))]
(values frame-size locs)]))
(define (add-fill-result c-call saved-offset classes size)
(let loop ([classes classes] [offset 0] [iregs (reg-list %rax %rdx)] [fpregs (reg-list %Cfparg1 %Cfparg2)] [size size])
[(null? classes)
(set! ,%rcx ,(%mref ,%sp ,saved-offset)))]
[(eq? 'sse (car classes))
,(loop (cdr classes) (fx+ offset 8) iregs (cdr fpregs) (fx- size 8))
,(case size
[(4) `(inline ,(make-info-loadfl (car fpregs)) ,%store-single ,%rcx ,%zero (immediate ,offset))]
[else `(inline ,(make-info-loadfl (car fpregs)) ,%store-double ,%rcx ,%zero (immediate ,offset))]))]
,(loop (cdr classes) (fx+ offset 8) (cdr iregs) fpregs (fx- size 8))
,(let ([ireg (car iregs)])
(case size
[(1) `(inline ,(make-info-load 'integer-8 #f) ,%store
,%rcx ,%zero (immediate ,offset) ,ireg)]
[(2) `(inline ,(make-info-load 'integer-16 #f) ,%store
,%rcx ,%zero (immediate ,offset) ,ireg)]
[(3) (%seq
(inline ,(make-info-load 'integer-16 #f) ,%store
,%rcx ,%zero (immediate ,offset) ,ireg)
(set! ,ireg ,(%inline srl ,ireg (immediate 16)))
(inline ,(make-info-load 'integer-8 #f) ,%store
,%rcx ,%zero (immediate ,(fx+ 2 offset)) ,ireg))]
[(4) `(inline ,(make-info-load 'integer-32 #f) ,%store
,%rcx ,%zero (immediate ,offset) ,ireg)]
[(5 6 7) (%seq
(inline ,(make-info-load 'integer-32 #f) ,%store
,%rcx ,%zero (immediate ,offset) ,ireg)
(set! ,ireg ,(%inline srl ,ireg (immediate 32)))
,(case size
`(inline ,(make-info-load 'integer-8 #f) ,%store
,%rcx ,%zero (immediate ,(fx+ 4 offset)) ,ireg)]
`(inline ,(make-info-load 'integer-16 #f) ,%store
,%rcx ,%zero (immediate ,(fx+ 4 offset)) ,ireg)]
(inline ,(make-info-load 'integer-16 #f) ,%store
,%rcx ,%zero (immediate ,(fx+ 4 offset)) ,ireg)
(set! ,ireg ,(%inline srl ,ireg (immediate 16)))
(inline ,(make-info-load 'integer-8 #f) ,%store
,%rcx ,%zero (immediate ,(fx+ 6 offset)) ,ireg))]))]
[else `(set! ,(%mref ,%rcx ,offset) ,ireg)])))])))
(define (get-result-regs fill-result-here? result-type result-classes)
(if fill-result-here?
(let loop ([classes result-classes] [iregs (reg-list %rax %rdx)] [fpregs (reg-list %Cfparg1 %Cfparg2)])
[(null? classes) '()]
[(eq? 'sse (car classes))
(cons (car fpregs) (loop (cdr classes) iregs (cdr fpregs)))]
(cons (car iregs) (loop (cdr classes) (cdr iregs) fpregs))]))
(nanopass-case (Ltype Type) result-type
[(fp-double-float) (list %Cfpretval)]
[(fp-single-float) (list %Cfpretval)]
[(fp-void) '()]
[else (list %rax)])))
(define returnem
(lambda (frame-size locs ccall r-loc)
; need to maintain 16-byte alignment, ignoring the return address
; pushed by call instruction, which counts as part of callee's frame
; tc is callee-save; no need to save
(let ([frame-size (logand (+ frame-size 15) -16)])
(values (lambda ()
(if (fx= frame-size 0)
`(set! ,%sp ,(%inline - ,%sp (immediate ,frame-size)))))
(reverse locs)
(lambda ()
(if (fx= frame-size 0)
`(set! ,%sp ,(%inline + ,%sp (immediate ,frame-size)))))))))
(lambda (info)
(safe-assert (reg-callee-save? %tc)) ; no need to save-restore
(let* ([conv* (info-foreign-conv* info)]
[arg-type* (info-foreign-arg-type* info)]
[result-type (info-foreign-result-type info)]
[result-classes (classify-type result-type)]
[result-size (classified-size result-type)]
[fill-result-here? (result-fits-in-registers? result-classes)]
[adjust-active? (if-feature pthreads (memq 'adjust-active conv*) #f)])
(with-values (do-args (if fill-result-here? (cdr arg-type*) arg-type*) (make-vint) (make-vfp))
(lambda (frame-size nfp locs live* fp-live*)
(with-values (add-save-fill-target fill-result-here? frame-size locs)
(lambda (frame-size locs)
(returnem frame-size locs
(lambda (t0)
(let* ([t (if adjust-active? %deact t0)] ; need a register if `adjust-active?`
(add-deactivate adjust-active? t0 (append fp-live* live*)
(get-result-regs fill-result-here? result-type result-classes)
(if-feature windows
(set! ,%sp ,(%inline - ,%sp (immediate 32)))
(inline ,(make-info-kill*-live* (reg-list %rax %rdx) live*) ,%c-call ,t)
(set! ,%sp ,(%inline + ,%sp (immediate 32))))
;; System V ABI varargs functions require count of fp regs used in %al register.
;; since we don't know if the callee is a varargs function, we always set it.
(set! ,%rax (immediate ,nfp))
(inline ,(make-info-kill*-live* (reg-list %rax %rdx) (cons %rax live*)) ,%c-call ,t))))])
(add-fill-result c-call (fx- frame-size (constant ptr-bytes)) result-classes result-size)]
[else c-call])))
(nanopass-case (Ltype Type) result-type
(lambda (lvalue)
`(inline ,(make-info-loadfl %Cfpretval) ,%store-double ,lvalue ,%zero
,(%constant flonum-data-disp)))]
(lambda (lvalue)
`(inline ,(make-info-loadfl %Cfpretval) ,%store-single->double ,lvalue ,%zero
,(%constant flonum-data-disp)))]
[(fp-integer ,bits)
(case bits
[(8) (lambda (lvalue) `(set! ,lvalue ,(%inline sext8 ,%rax)))]
[(16) (lambda (lvalue) `(set! ,lvalue ,(%inline sext16 ,%rax)))]
[(32) (lambda (lvalue) `(set! ,lvalue ,(%inline sext32 ,%rax)))]
[(64) (lambda (lvalue) `(set! ,lvalue ,%rax))]
[else ($oops 'assembler-internal
"unexpected asm-foreign-procedures fp-integer size ~s"
[(fp-unsigned ,bits)
(case bits
[(8) (lambda (lvalue) `(set! ,lvalue ,(%inline zext8 ,%rax)))]
[(16) (lambda (lvalue) `(set! ,lvalue ,(%inline zext16 ,%rax)))]
[(32) (lambda (lvalue) `(set! ,lvalue ,(%inline zext32 ,%rax)))]
[(64) (lambda (lvalue) `(set! ,lvalue ,%rax))]
[else ($oops 'assembler-internal
"unexpected asm-foreign-procedures fp-unsigned size ~s"
[else (lambda (lvalue) `(set! ,lvalue ,%rax))])))))))))))
(define asm-foreign-callable
Frame Layout
| |
| incoming stack args |
| |
+---------------------------+ <- 16-byte boundary
| |
| space for register args | four quads
sp+80/96: | |
+---------------------------+ <- 16-byte boundary
| incoming return address | one quad
incoming sp: +---------------------------+
sp+72: | active state | zero or two quads
| |
| callee-save registers | RBX, RBP, RDI, RSI, R12, R13, R14, R15 (8 quads)
| |
| pad word / indirect space | one quad
sp+0: +---------------------------+<- 16-byte boundary
Frame Layout
| |
| incoming stack args |
sp+192: | |
+---------------------------+ <- 16-byte boundary
| incoming return address | one quad
sp+176: | pad word / active state | one quad
| indirect result space | two quads
sp+160: | (for & results via regs) |
+---------------------------+<- 16-byte boundary
| |
| saved register args | space for Carg*, Cfparg* (14 quads)
sp+48: | |
+---------------------------+<- 16-byte boundary
| |
| callee-save registers | RBX, RBP, R12, R13, R14, R15 (6 quads)
| |
sp+0: +---------------------------+<- 16-byte boundary
(with-output-language (L13 Effect)
(let ()
(define load-double-stack
(lambda (offset)
(lambda (x) ; requires var
(inline ,(make-info-loadfl %flreg1) ,%load-double ,%sp ,%zero (immediate ,offset))
(inline ,(make-info-loadfl %flreg1) ,%store-double ,x ,%zero ,(%constant flonum-data-disp))))))
(define load-single-stack
(lambda (offset)
(lambda (x) ; requires var
(inline ,(make-info-loadfl %flreg1) ,%load-single->double ,%sp ,%zero (immediate ,offset))
(inline ,(make-info-loadfl %flreg1) ,%store-double ,x ,%zero ,(%constant flonum-data-disp))))))
(define load-int-stack
(lambda (type offset)
(lambda (lvalue)
(nanopass-case (Ltype Type) type
[(fp-integer ,bits)
(case bits
[(8) `(set! ,lvalue (inline ,(make-info-load 'integer-8 #f) ,%load ,%sp ,%zero (immediate ,offset)))]
[(16) `(set! ,lvalue (inline ,(make-info-load 'integer-16 #f) ,%load ,%sp ,%zero (immediate ,offset)))]
[(32) `(set! ,lvalue (inline ,(make-info-load 'integer-32 #f) ,%load ,%sp ,%zero (immediate ,offset)))]
[(64) `(set! ,lvalue ,(%mref ,%sp ,offset))]
[else ($oops 'assembler-internal
"unexpected load-int-stack fp-integer size ~s"
[(fp-unsigned ,bits)
(case bits
[(8) `(set! ,lvalue (inline ,(make-info-load 'unsigned-8 #f) ,%load ,%sp ,%zero (immediate ,offset)))]
[(16) `(set! ,lvalue (inline ,(make-info-load 'unsigned-16 #f) ,%load ,%sp ,%zero (immediate ,offset)))]
[(32) `(set! ,lvalue (inline ,(make-info-load 'unsigned-32 #f) ,%load ,%sp ,%zero (immediate ,offset)))]
[(64) `(set! ,lvalue ,(%mref ,%sp ,offset))]
[else ($oops 'assembler-internal
"unexpected load-int-stack fp-unsigned size ~s"
[else `(set! ,lvalue ,(%mref ,%sp ,offset))]))))
(define load-stack-address
(lambda (offset)
(lambda (lvalue) ; requires lvalue
`(set! ,lvalue ,(%inline + ,%sp (immediate ,offset))))))
(define save-arg-regs
(lambda (types)
(define vint (make-vint))
(define vfp (make-vfp))
(if-feature windows
(let f ([types types] [i 0] [isp 8])
(if (or (null? types) (fx= i 4))
(nanopass-case (Ltype Type) (car types)
(if (< i 4)
(inline ,(make-info-loadfl (vector-ref vfp i)) ,%store-double
,%sp ,%zero (immediate ,isp))
,(f (cdr types) (fx+ i 1) (fx+ isp 8)))
(f (cdr types) i isp))]
(if (< i 4)
(inline ,(make-info-loadfl (vector-ref vfp i)) ,%store-single
,%sp ,%zero (immediate ,isp))
,(f (cdr types) (fx+ i 1) (fx+ isp 8)))
(f (cdr types) i isp))]
[(fp-ftd& ,ftd)
[(memv ($ftd-size ftd) '(1 2 4 8))
;; receive as value in register or on the stack
[(< i 4)
;; receive in register
[(and (not ($ftd-compound? ftd))
(eq? 'float (caar ($ftd->members ftd))))
;; float or double
(inline ,(make-info-loadfl (vector-ref vfp i)) ,%store-double
,%sp ,%zero (immediate ,isp))
,(f (cdr types) (fx+ i 1) (fx+ isp 8)))]
;; integer
(set! ,(%mref ,%sp ,isp) ,(vector-ref vint i))
,(f (cdr types) (fx+ i 1) (fx+ isp 8)))])]
;; receive by value on the stack
(f (cdr types) i isp)])]
;; receive by reference in register or on the stack
[(< i 4)
;; receive by reference in register
(set! ,(%mref ,%sp ,isp) ,(vector-ref vint i))
,(f (cdr types) (fx+ i 1) (fx+ isp 8)))]
;; receive by reference on the stack
(f (cdr types) i isp)])])]
(if (< i 4)
(set! ,(%mref ,%sp ,isp) ,(vector-ref vint i))
,(f (cdr types) (fx+ i 1) (fx+ isp 8)))
(f (cdr types) i isp))])))
(let f ([types types] [iint 0] [ifp 0] [isp 48])
(if (or (null? types) (and (fx>= iint 6) (fx>= ifp 8)))
(nanopass-case (Ltype Type) (car types)
(if (< ifp 8)
(inline ,(make-info-loadfl (vector-ref vfp ifp)) ,%store-double
,%sp ,%zero (immediate ,isp))
,(f (cdr types) iint (fx+ ifp 1) (fx+ isp 8)))
(f (cdr types) iint ifp isp))]
(if (< ifp 8)
(inline ,(make-info-loadfl (vector-ref vfp ifp)) ,%store-single
,%sp ,%zero (immediate ,isp))
,(f (cdr types) iint (fx+ ifp 1) (fx+ isp 8)))
(f (cdr types) iint ifp isp))]
[(fp-ftd& ,ftd)
(let* ([classes (classify-eightbytes ftd)]
[ints (count 'integer classes)]
[fps (count 'sse classes)])
[(pass-here-by-stack? classes iint ints ifp fps)
;; receive on the stack
(f (cdr types) iint ifp isp)]
;; receive via registers
(let reg-loop ([classes classes] [iint iint] [ifp ifp] [isp isp])
[(null? classes)
(f (cdr types) iint ifp isp)]
[(eq? (car classes) 'sse)
(inline ,(make-info-loadfl (vector-ref vfp ifp)) ,%store-double
,%sp ,%zero (immediate ,isp))
,(reg-loop (cdr classes) iint (fx+ ifp 1) (+ isp 8)))]
(set! ,(%mref ,%sp ,isp) ,(vector-ref vint iint))
,(reg-loop (cdr classes) (fx+ iint 1) ifp (+ isp 8)))]))]))]
(if (< iint 6)
(set! ,(%mref ,%sp ,isp) ,(vector-ref vint iint))
,(f (cdr types) (fx+ iint 1) ifp (fx+ isp 8)))
(f (cdr types) iint ifp isp))]))))))
(define do-stack
(lambda (types adjust-active?)
; risp is where incoming register args are stored
; sisp is where incoming stack args are stored
(if-feature windows
(let f ([types types] [locs '()] [isp (if adjust-active? 96 80)])
(if (null? types)
(f (cdr types)
(nanopass-case (Ltype Type) (car types)
[(fp-double-float) (load-double-stack isp)]
[(fp-single-float) (load-single-stack isp)]
[(fp-ftd& ,ftd)
[(memq ($ftd-size ftd) '(1 2 4 8))
;; passed by value
(load-stack-address isp)]
;; passed by reference
(load-int-stack (car types) isp)])]
[else (load-int-stack (car types) isp)])
(fx+ isp 8))))
(let f ([types types]
[locs '()]
[iint 0]
[ifp 0]
[risp 48]
[sisp 192])
(if (null? types)
(nanopass-case (Ltype Type) (car types)
(if (= ifp 8)
(f (cdr types)
(cons (load-double-stack sisp) locs)
iint ifp risp (fx+ sisp 8))
(f (cdr types)
(cons (load-double-stack risp) locs)
iint (fx+ ifp 1) (fx+ risp 8) sisp))]
(if (= ifp 8)
(f (cdr types)
(cons (load-single-stack sisp) locs)
iint ifp risp (fx+ sisp 8))
(f (cdr types)
(cons (load-single-stack risp) locs)
iint (fx+ ifp 1) (fx+ risp 8) sisp))]
[(fp-ftd& ,ftd)
(let* ([classes (classify-eightbytes ftd)]
[ints (count 'integer classes)]
[fps (count 'sse classes)])
[(pass-here-by-stack? classes iint ints ifp fps)
;; receive on the stack
(f (cdr types)
(cons (load-stack-address sisp) locs)
iint ifp risp (fx+ sisp ($ftd-size ftd)))]
;; receive via registers; `save-args-regs` has saved
;; the registers in a suitable order so that the data
;; is contiguous on the stack
(f (cdr types)
(cons (load-stack-address risp) locs)
(fx+ iint ints) (fx+ ifp fps) (fx+ risp (fx* 8 (fx+ ints fps))) sisp)]))]
(if (= iint 6)
(f (cdr types)
(cons (load-int-stack (car types) sisp) locs)
iint ifp risp (fx+ sisp 8))
(f (cdr types)
(cons (load-int-stack (car types) risp) locs)
(fx+ iint 1) ifp (fx+ risp 8) sisp))]))))))
(define (do-result result-type result-classes adjust-active?)
(nanopass-case (Ltype Type) result-type
[(fp-ftd& ,ftd)
[(result-fits-in-registers? result-classes)
;; Copy content of result area on stack into
;; the integer and floating-point registers
(let loop ([result-classes result-classes]
[offset (if-feature windows 0 160)]
[int* (list %rax %rdx)]
[fp* (list %Cfpretval %Cfparg2)]
[accum '()]
[live* '()]
[fp-live* '()])
[(null? result-classes)
(values (lambda ()
(if (pair? (cdr accum)) `(seq ,(car accum) ,(cadr accum)) (car accum)))
[(eq? (car result-classes) 'integer)
(loop (cdr result-classes)
(fx+ offset 8)
(cdr int*)
(cons `(set! ,(car int*) ,(%mref ,%sp ,offset))
(cons (car int*) live*)
[(eq? (car result-classes) 'sse)
(loop (cdr result-classes)
(fx+ offset 8)
(cdr fp*)
(cons `(inline ,(make-info-loadfl (car fp*)) ,%load-double ,%sp ,%zero (immediate ,offset))
(cons (car fp*) fp-live*))]))]
(values (lambda ()
;; Return pointer that was filled; destination was the first argument
`(set! ,%Cretval ,(%mref ,%sp ,(if-feature windows (if adjust-active? 96 80) 48))))
(list %Cretval)
(lambda (x)
`(inline ,(make-info-loadfl %Cfpretval) ,%load-double ,x ,%zero ,(%constant flonum-data-disp)))
(list %Cfpretval))]
(lambda (x)
`(inline ,(make-info-loadfl %Cfpretval) ,%load-double->single ,x ,%zero ,(%constant flonum-data-disp)))
(list %Cfpretval))]
(values (lambda () `(nop))
(values (lambda (x)
`(set! ,%Cretval ,x))
(list %Cretval)
(define (unactivate result-regs)
(let ([e `(seq
(set! ,%Carg1 ,(%mref ,%sp ,(+ (push-registers-size result-regs) (if-feature windows 72 176))))
,(as-c-call (%inline unactivate-thread ,%Carg1)))])
(if (null? result-regs)
,(push-registers result-regs)
,(pop-registers result-regs)))))
(lambda (info)
(let ([conv* (info-foreign-conv* info)]
[arg-type* (info-foreign-arg-type* info)]
[result-type (info-foreign-result-type info)])
(let* ([result-classes (classify-type result-type)]
[adjust-active? (if-feature pthreads (memq 'adjust-active conv*) #f)]
[synthesize-first? (and result-classes
(result-fits-in-registers? result-classes))]
[locs (do-stack (if synthesize-first? (cdr arg-type*) arg-type*) adjust-active?)])
(let-values ([(get-result result-regs result-fp-regs) (do-result result-type result-classes adjust-active?)])
(lambda ()
,(if-feature windows
,(let ([e (save-arg-regs arg-type*)])
(if adjust-active?
(set! ,%sp ,(%inline - ,%sp (immediate 16))))
,(%inline push ,%rbx)
,(%inline push ,%rbp)
,(%inline push ,%rdi)
,(%inline push ,%rsi)
,(%inline push ,%r12)
,(%inline push ,%r13)
,(%inline push ,%r14)
,(%inline push ,%r15)
(set! ,%sp ,(%inline - ,%sp (immediate 8))))
(set! ,%sp ,(%inline - ,%sp (immediate 136)))
,(%inline push ,%rbx)
,(%inline push ,%rbp)
,(%inline push ,%r12)
,(%inline push ,%r13)
,(%inline push ,%r14)
,(%inline push ,%r15)
,(save-arg-regs arg-type*)))
,(if-feature pthreads
((lambda (e)
(if adjust-active?
,(as-c-call `(set! ,%rax ,(%inline activate-thread)))
(set! ,(%mref ,%sp ,(if-feature windows 72 176)) ,%rax)
(set! ,%rax ,(%inline get-tc))
(set! ,%tc ,%rax)))
`(set! ,%tc (literal ,(make-info-literal #f 'entry (lookup-c-entry thread-context) 0))))))
(let ([locs (reverse locs)])
(if synthesize-first?
(cons (load-stack-address (if-feature windows 0 160)) ; space on stack for results to be returned via registers
(lambda ()
(define callee-save-regs
(if-feature windows
(list %rbx %rbp %rdi %rsi %r12 %r13 %r14 %r15)
(list %rbx %rbp %r12 %r13 %r14 %r15)))
(in-context Tail
((lambda (e)
(if adjust-active?
,(unactivate (append result-fp-regs result-regs))
,(if-feature windows
((lambda (e)
(if adjust-active?
(%seq ,e (set! ,%sp ,(%inline + ,%sp (immediate 16))))
(set! ,%sp ,(%inline + ,%sp (immediate 8)))
(set! ,%r15 ,(%inline pop))
(set! ,%r14 ,(%inline pop))
(set! ,%r13 ,(%inline pop))
(set! ,%r12 ,(%inline pop))
(set! ,%rsi ,(%inline pop))
(set! ,%rdi ,(%inline pop))
(set! ,%rbp ,(%inline pop))
(set! ,%rbx ,(%inline pop))))
(set! ,%r15 ,(%inline pop))
(set! ,%r14 ,(%inline pop))
(set! ,%r13 ,(%inline pop))
(set! ,%r12 ,(%inline pop))
(set! ,%rbp ,(%inline pop))
(set! ,%rbx ,(%inline pop))
(set! ,%sp ,(%inline + ,%sp (immediate 136)))))
(asm-c-return ,null-info ,callee-save-regs ... ,result-regs ...))))))))))))))