;;; examples.ms
;;; Copyright 1984-2017 Cisco Systems, Inc.
;;; Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
;;; you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
;;; You may obtain a copy of the License at
;;; http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
;;; Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
;;; distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
;;; WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
;;; See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
;;; limitations under the License.

;;; define *examples-directory* in Makefile
(define-syntax examples-mat
  (syntax-rules ()
    [(_ name (file ...) expr ...)
       (mat name
           (parameterize ((source-directories (cons *examples-directory* (source-directories))))
             (load (format "~a/~a.ss" *examples-directory* file))
         expr ...)
       (mat name
           (parameterize ((source-directories (cons *examples-directory* (source-directories))))
             (load (format "~a/~a.so" *examples-directory* file))
         expr ...))]))

(define load-example
       (load (format "~a/~a.ss" *examples-directory* str))
      [(str eval)
       (load (format "~a/~a.ss" *examples-directory* str) eval)

(define (example-file file) (format "~a/~a" *mats-dir* file))

(define file=?
   (lambda (fn1 fn2)
      (let ([p1 (open-input-file fn1)] [p2 (open-input-file fn2)])
         (let loop ()
            (let ([c1 (read-char p1)] [c2 (read-char p2)])
               (if (eof-object? c1)
                     (close-port p1)
                     (close-port p2)
                     (eof-object? c2))
                   (and (not (eof-object? c2))
                        (char=? c1 c2)

(examples-mat def-edit ("def" "edit")
   (begin (def fact (lambda (x) (if (zero? x) 1 (* x (fact ( x 1))))))
          (procedure? fact))
   (equal? (ls-def) '(fact))
   (let ([in (open-input-string "3 3 4 3 2 (ib 1 -) t")]
         [out (open-output-string)])
      (and (eqv? (parameterize ([current-input-port in]
                                [current-output-port out])
                    (ed-def fact))
           (equal? (get-output-string out)
"(def fact (lambda (...) (...)))
edit> (lambda (x) (if (...) 1 (...)))
edit> (if (zero? x) 1 (* x (...)))
edit> (* x (fact (...)))
edit> (fact (x 1))
edit> (x 1)
edit> (- x 1)
edit> (def fact (lambda (...) (...)))
   (eqv? (fact 30) 265252859812191058636308480000000)

(examples-mat fact ("fact")
   (eqv? (fact 30) 265252859812191058636308480000000)

(examples-mat fatfib ("fatfib")
   (eqv? (fatfib 10) 89)

(examples-mat fib ("fib")
   (begin (printf "***** expect trace of (fib 4):~%")
          (eqv? (fib 4) 5))

(examples-mat freq ("freq")
   ;; freq.in and freq.out come from example in TSPL
   (begin (delete-file "testfile.freq" #f) #t)
   (begin (frequency (example-file "freq.in") "testfile.freq")
          (file=? "testfile.freq" (example-file "freq.out")))

;-------- freq.in: --------
;Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers;
;A peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked.
;If Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers,
;Where's the peck of pickled peppers Peter Piper picked?

;-------- freq.out: --------
;1       A
;1       If
;4       Peter
;4       Piper
;1       Where
;2       a
;4       of
;4       peck
;4       peppers
;4       picked
;4       pickled
;1       s
;1       the

; "interpret" can't handle all Chez core forms
;(mat interpret
;   (and (eq? (getprop 'interpret '*type*) 'primitive)
;        (begin (remprop 'interpret '*type*) #t))
;   (load-example "interpret")
;   (load-example "interpret" interpret)
;   (load-example "fatfib" interpret)
;   (eqv? (fatfib 4) 5)
;   (begin (putprop 'interpret '*type* 'primitive) #t)
; )

(examples-mat m4 ("m4")
   (begin (m4 "testfile.m4" (example-file "m4test.in"))
          (file=? (example-file "m4test.out") "testfile.m4"))

(examples-mat macro ("macro")
   (begin (macro xxxxxx (lambda (x) `',x)) #t)
   (equal? (xxxxxx 3) '(xxxxxx 3))

(examples-mat matrix ("matrix")
  ;; examples from TSPL2:
  (equal? (mul 3 4) 12)
  (equal? (mul 1/2 '#(#(1 2 3))) '#(#(1/2 1 3/2)))
  (equal? (mul -2
               '#(#(3 -2 -1)
                  #(-3 0 -5)
                  #(7 -1 -1))) '#(#(-6 4 2)
                                  #(6 0 10)
                                  #(-14 2 2)))
  (equal? (mul '#(#(1 2 3))
               '#(#(2 3)
                  #(3 4)
                  #(4 5))) '#(#(20 26)))
  (equal? (mul '#(#(2 3 4)
                  #(3 4 5))
               '#(#(1) #(2) #(3))) '#(#(20) #(26)))
  (equal? (mul '#(#(1 2 3)
                  #(4 5 6))
               '#(#(1 2 3 4)
                  #(2 3 4 5)
                  #(3 4 5 6))) '#(#(14 20 26 32)
                                  #(32 47 62 77)))

(examples-mat object ("object")
   (begin (define-object (summit x)
             ([y 3])
             ([getx (lambda () x)]
              [sumxy (lambda () (+ x y))]
              [setx (lambda (v) (set! x v))]))
          (procedure? summit))
   (begin (define a (summit 1)) (procedure? a))
   (eq? (send-message a getx) 1)
   (eq? (send-message a sumxy) 4)
   (begin (send-message a setx 13)
          (eq? (send-message a sumxy) 16))
   ;; examples from TSPL:
   (begin (define-object (kons kar kdr)
             ([get-car (lambda () kar)]
              [get-cdr (lambda () kdr)]
              [set-car! (lambda (x) (set! kar x))]
              [set-cdr! (lambda (x) (set! kdr x))]))
          (procedure? kons))
   (begin (define p (kons 'a 'b)) (procedure? p))
   (eq? (send-message p get-car) 'a)
   (eq? (send-message p get-cdr) 'b)
   (begin (send-message p set-cdr! 'c)
          (eq? (send-message p get-cdr) 'c))
   (begin (define-object (kons kar kdr pwd)
             ([get-car (lambda () kar)]
              [get-cdr (lambda () kar)]
                 (lambda (x p)
                    (when (string=? p pwd)
                        (set! kar x)))]
                 (lambda (x p)
                    (when (string=? p pwd)
                        (set! kar x)))]))
          (procedure? kons))
   (begin (define p1 (kons 'a 'b "magnificent")) (procedure? p1))
   (begin (send-message p1 set-car! 'c "magnificent")
          (eq? (send-message p1 get-car) 'c))
   (begin (send-message p1 set-car! 'd "please")
          (eq? (send-message p1 get-car) 'c))
   (begin (define p2 (kons 'x 'y "please")) (procedure? p2))
   (begin (send-message p2 set-car! 'z "please")
          (eq? (send-message p2 get-car) 'z))
   (begin (define-object (kons kar kdr)
             ([count 0])
               (lambda ()
                  (set! count (+ count 1))
               (lambda ()
                  (set! count (+ count 1))
               (lambda () count)]))
          (procedure? kons))
   (begin (define p (kons 'a 'b)) (procedure? p))
   (eq? (send-message p get-car) 'a)
   (eq? (send-message p get-cdr) 'b)
   (eq? (send-message p accesses) '2)
   (eq? (send-message p get-cdr) 'b)
   (eq? (send-message p accesses) '3)

(examples-mat power ("power")
  (eqv? (power 1/2 3) 1/8)

(examples-mat rabbit ("rabbit")
   (begin (printf "***** expect rabbit output:~%")
          (rabbit 3)

(examples-mat rsa ("rsa")
   (begin (printf "***** expect rsa output:~%")
          (make-user bonzo)
          (make-user bobo)
          (make-user tiger)
   (equal? (send "hi there" bonzo bobo) "hi there")
   (equal? (send "hi there to you" bobo bonzo) "hi there to you")
   (not (equal? (decrypt (encrypt "hi there" bonzo bobo) tiger)
                "hi there"))

(define stream->list
   (lambda (s)
      (if (procedure? s)
          (cons (car s) (stream->list (cdr s))))))

(examples-mat scons ("scons")
   (eqv? (stream-ref factlist 3) 6)
   (equal? (stream->list factlist) '(1 1 2 6))
   (eqv? (stream-ref factlist 10) 3628800)
   (equal? (stream->list factlist)
           '(1 1 2 6 24 120 720 5040 40320 362880 3628800))
   (eqv? (stream-ref fiblist 3) 3)
   (equal? (stream->list fiblist) '(1 1 2 3))
   (eqv? (stream-ref fiblist 5) 8)
   (equal? (stream->list fiblist) '(1 1 2 3 5 8))

(examples-mat setof ("setof")
   (equal? (set-of x (x in '(a b c))) '(a b c))
   (equal? (set-of x (x in '(1 2 3 4)) (even? x)) '(2 4))
   (equal? (set-of (cons x y) (x in '(1 2 3)) (y is (* x x)))
           '((1 . 1) (2 . 4) (3 . 9)))
   (equal? (set-of (cons x y) (x in '(a b)) (y in '(1 2)))
           '((a . 1) (a . 2) (b . 1) (b . 2)))

(examples-mat unify ("unify")
   ;; examples from TSPL:
   (eq? (unify 'x 'y) 'y)
   (equal? (unify '(f x y) '(g x y)) "clash")
   (equal? (unify '(f x (h)) '(f (h) y)) '(f (h) (h)))
   (equal? (unify '(f (g x) y) '(f y x)) "cycle")
   (equal? (unify '(f (g x) y) '(f y (g x))) '(f (g x) (g x)))

(examples-mat fft ("fft")
  (equal? (dft '(0 0 0 0)) '(0 0 0 0))
  (equal? (dft '(2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0)) '(8.0 0.0-0.0i 0.0 0.0+0.0i))
  (equal? (dft '(+2.i +2.i +2.i +2.i)) '(+0.0+8.0i 0.0+0.0i 0.0+0.0i 0.0+0.0i))

(examples-mat compat ("compat")
   (eqv? (define! defined-with-define! (lambda () defined-with-define!))
   (let ((p defined-with-define!))
     (set! defined-with-define! 0)
     (eqv? (p) 0))

   (eqv? (defrec! defined-with-defrec! (lambda () defined-with-defrec!))
   (let ((p defined-with-defrec!))
     (set! defined-with-defrec! 0)
     (eqv? (p) p))

   (eqv? (begin0 1 2 3 4) 1)

   (equal? (recur f ((ls '(a b c)) (new '()))
             (if (null? ls) new (f (cdr ls) (cons (car ls) new))))
           '(c b a))

   (equal? (tree-copy '()) '())
   (equal? (tree-copy 'a) 'a)
   (equal? (tree-copy '(a)) '(a))
   (equal? (tree-copy '(a (b c) . d)) '(a (b c) . d))
   (let* ((p1 '((a . b) c)) (p2 (car p1)) (p3 (cdr p1)))
       (let ((c1 (tree-copy p1)))
               (or (memq c1 (list p1 p2 p3))
                   (memq (car c1) (list p1 p2 p3))
                   (memq (cdr c1) (list p1 p2 p3))))))

   (= *most-positive-short-integer*

   (= *most-negative-short-integer*

   (eof-object? *eof*)

   (eq? short-integer? fixnum?)
   (eq? big-integer? bignum?)
   (eq? ratio? ratnum?)
   (eq? float? flonum?)

   (eq? bound? top-level-bound?)
   (eq? global-value top-level-value)
   (eq? set-global-value! set-top-level-value!)
   (eq? define-global-value define-top-level-value)
   (eq? symbol-value top-level-value)
   (eq? set-symbol-value! set-top-level-value!)

   (eq? put putprop)
   (eq? get getprop)

   (eq? copy-list list-copy)
   (eq? copy-tree tree-copy)
   (eq? copy-string string-copy)
   (eq? copy-vector vector-copy)

   (eq? intern string->symbol)
   (eq? symbol-name symbol->string)
   (eq? make-temp-symbol gensym)
   (eq? temp-symbol? gensym?)
   (eq? string->uninterned-symbol gensym)
   (eq? uninterned-symbol? gensym?)

   (eq? compile-eval compile)

   (eq? closure? procedure?)

   (eq? =? =)
   (eq? <? <)
   (eq? >? >)
   (eq? <=? <=)
   (eq? >=? >=)

   (eq? float exact->inexact)
   (eq? rational inexact->exact)

   (eq? char-equal? char=?)
   (eq? char-less? char<?)
   (eq? string-equal? string=?)
   (eq? string-less? string<?)

   (eq? flush-output flush-output-port)
   (eq? clear-output clear-output-port)
   (eq? clear-input clear-input-port)

   (eq? mapcar map)
   (eq? mapc for-each)
   (eq? true #t)
   (eq? false #f)
   (eq? t #t)
   (eq? nil '())

   (eq? macro-expand expand)

    (eq? (cull negative? '()) '())
    (let ((x (list -1 2 -3 -3 1 -5 2 6)))
            (equal? (cull pair? x) '())
            (equal? (cull negative? x) '(-1 -3 -3 -5))
            (equal? x '(-1 2 -3 -3 1 -5 2 6))))

    (eq? (cull! negative? '()) '())
    (let ((x (list -1 2 -3 -3 1 -5 2 6)))
            (equal? (cull! pair? x) '())
            (equal? (cull! negative? x) '(-1 -3 -3 -5))))

    (eq? (mem (lambda (x) #t) '()) #f)
    (let ((x '(a b c)))
            (equal? (mem (lambda (x) (eq? x 'a)) x) x)
            (equal? (mem (lambda (x) (eq? x 'b)) x) (cdr x))
            (equal? (mem (lambda (x) (eq? x 'c)) x) (cddr x))
            (equal? (mem (lambda (x) (eq? x 'd)) x) #f)))
    (let ((x '(1 -2 3)))
            (equal? (mem negative? x) (cdr x))
            (equal? (mem positive? x) x)
            (equal? (mem pair? x) #f)))

    (eq? (rem (lambda (x) #t) '()) '())
    (let ((x (list 1 -2 3)))
            (equal? (rem negative? x) '(1 3))
            (equal? x '(1 -2 3))))
    (let ((x (list 1 -2 3)))
            (equal? (rem positive? x) '(-2))
            (equal? x '(1 -2 3))))

    (eq? (rem! (lambda (x) #t) '()) '())
    (let ((x (list 1 -2 3))) (equal? (rem! negative? x) '(1 3)))
    (let ((x (list 1 -2 3))) (equal? (rem! positive? x) '(-2)))

    (eq? (ass (lambda (x) #t) '()) #f)
    (let ((a (list -1)) (b (list 2)) (c (list 3)))
        (let ((l (list a b c)))
                (equal? (ass negative? l) a)
                (equal? (ass positive? l) b)
                (equal? (ass (lambda (x) (= x 3)) l) c)
                (equal? (ass pair? l) #f))))

    (equal? (decode-float 0.0) '#(0 0 1))
    (let ((x (decode-float (inexact 2/3))))
        (define ~=
          (let ([*fuzz* .0001])
             (lambda (x y)
                (and (flonum? x)
                     (flonum? y)
                     (<= (abs (- x y)) *fuzz*)))))
        (~= (inexact (* (vector-ref x 2)
                               (vector-ref x 0)
                               (expt 2 (vector-ref x 1))))
            (inexact 2/3)))

    (let ((x (box 3)))
        (and (equal? (swap-box! x 4) 3) (equal? (unbox x) 4)))

  (begin (define-macro! fudge (a (b . c) d) `(quote (,a ,b ,c ,d)))
         (equal? (fudge + (- . *) /) '(+ - * /)))

 ; tests from MichaelL@frogware.com, testing the changes he suggested
  (let ()
    (define-macro test-1 (val)
    (equal? 'x (test-1 x)))
  (let ()
    (define-macro (test-1 val)
    (equal? 'x (test-1 x)))
  (let ()
    (define-macro test-2 (val)
    (equal? '(x) (test-2 x)))
  (let ()
    (define-macro (test-2 val)
    (equal? '(x) (test-2 x)))
  (let ([xyz '(x y z)])
    (define-macro test-3 (val)
    (equal? '(x y z) (test-3 xyz)))
  (let ([xyz '(x y z)])
    (define-macro (test-3 val)
    (equal? '(x y z) (test-3 xyz)))
  (let ()
    (define-macro test-4 (val)
      (let ([test-function (lambda (x)
                               (symbol->string x)
        `'(,(test-function val))))
    (equal? '(xyz!!!) (test-4 xyz)))
  (let ()
    (define-macro (test-4 val)
      (let ([test-function (lambda (x)
                               (symbol->string x)
        `'(,(test-function val))))
    (equal? '(xyz!!!) (test-4 xyz))) 
  (let ()
    (define-macro test-5 (this . that)
      `'(,this ,that))
    (equal? '(x (y z)) (test-5 x y z)))
  (let ()
    (define-macro (test-5 this . that)
      `'(,this ,that))
    (equal? '(x (y z)) (test-5 x y z)))
  (let ()
    (define-macro test-6 (this . that)
      `'(,this ,@that))
    (equal? '(x y z) (test-6 x y z)))
  (let ()
    (define-macro (test-6 this . that)
      `'(,this ,@that))
    (equal? '(x y z) (test-6 x y z)))
  (let ()
    (defmacro test-1 (val)
    (equal? 'x (test-1 x)))
  (let ()
    (defmacro (test-1 val)
    (equal? 'x (test-1 x)))
  (let ()
    (defmacro test-2 (val)
    (equal? '(x) (test-2 x)))
  (let ()
    (defmacro (test-2 val)
    (equal? '(x) (test-2 x)))
  (let ([xyz '(x y z)])
    (defmacro test-3 (val)
    (equal? '(x y z) (test-3 xyz)))
  (let ([xyz '(x y z)])
    (defmacro (test-3 val)
    (equal? '(x y z) (test-3 xyz)))
  (let ()
    (defmacro test-4 (val)
      (let ([test-function (lambda (x)
                               (symbol->string x)
        `'(,(test-function val))))
    (equal? '(xyz!!!) (test-4 xyz)))
  (let ()
    (defmacro (test-4 val)
      (let ([test-function (lambda (x)
                               (symbol->string x)
        `'(,(test-function val))))
    (equal? '(xyz!!!) (test-4 xyz)))
  (let ()
    (defmacro test-5 (this . that)
      `'(,this ,that))
    (equal? '(x (y z)) (test-5 x y z)))
  (let ()
    (defmacro (test-5 this . that)
      `'(,this ,that))
    (equal? '(x (y z)) (test-5 x y z)))
  (let ()
    (defmacro test-6 (this . that)
      `'(,this ,@that))
    (equal? '(x y z) (test-6 x y z)))
  (let ()
    (defmacro (test-6 this . that)
      `'(,this ,@that))
    (equal? '(x y z) (test-6 x y z)))

  (begin (define-struct! caramel x y z) (eqv? (caramel-x (caramel 1 2 3)) 1))

(examples-mat ez-grammar-test ("ez-grammar-test")
    (with-output-to-string ez-grammar-test)
    "8 tests ran\n")