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(library (nanopass experimental)
datum? dots? maybe? syntax? exact-integer?
Lnp-source unparse-Lnp-source
Lcomplete unparse-Lcomplete
language-information make-language-information
language-information-language language-information-annotated-language
Llanguage unparse-Llanguage
Lannotated unparse-Lannotated Lannotated? Lannotated-Defn? Lannotated-Terminal? Lannotated-Nonterminal?
star? modifier?
Lpass-src unparse-Lpass-src
Lpass unparse-Lpass)
(import (rnrs) (nanopass) (nanopass helpers) (nanopass prefix-matcher)
(only (chezscheme) box box? set-box! unbox make-parameter
record-constructor-descriptor? eq-hashtable-update!))
(define-syntax experimental-language
(lambda (x) (syntax-violation 'experimental-language "misplaced aux keyword" x)))
(define (datum? x) #t)
(define (dots? x) (eq? (syntax->datum x) '...))
(define (maybe? x) (eq? (syntax->datum x) 'maybe))
(define (syntax? x) #t) ;; could be slightly more perscriptive, and check for raw symbols
(define (exact-integer? x) (and (integer? x) (exact? x)))
(define-language Lnp-source
(syntax (stx)) => syntax->datum
(identifier (id)) => syntax->datum
(datum (handler))
(dots (dots))
(null (null)))
(Defn (def)
(define-language id cl* ...))
(Clause (cl)
(extends id)
(entry id)
(nongenerative-id id)
(terminals term* ...)
(id (id* ...) prod prod* ...))
(Terminal (term)
(+ base-term* ...)
(- base-term* ...))
(BaseTerminal (base-term)
(=> (=> simple-term handler)
(=> simple-term handler)))
(SimpleTerminal (simple-term)
(id (id* ...)))
(Production (prod)
(define-pass parse-np-source : * (stx who) -> Lnp-source ()
(define (parse-terminals stx)
(let f ([stx stx])
(syntax-case stx ()
[() '()]
[_ (let-values ([(t stx) (Terminal stx #t)])
(cons t (f stx)))])))
(define (parse-base-terminals stx)
(let f ([stx stx])
(syntax-case stx ()
[() '()]
[_ (let-values ([(t stx) (Terminal stx #f)])
(cons t (f stx)))]))))
(Defn : * (stx) -> Defn ()
(syntax-case stx ()
[(_ ?id ?cl ...)
(identifier? #'?id)
`(define-language ,#'?id ,(map Clause #'(?cl ...)) ...)]
[_ (syntax-violation who "invalid syntax" stx)]))
(Clause : * (stx) -> Clause ()
(syntax-case stx (extends entry terminals nongenerative-id)
[(extends ?id) (identifier? #'?id) `(extends ,#'?id)]
[(entry ?id) (identifier? #'?id) `(entry ,#'?id)]
[(nongenerative-id ?id) (identifier? #'?id) `(nongenerative-id ,#'?id)]
[(terminals ?term* ...) `(terminals ,(parse-terminals #'(?term* ...)) ...)]
[(?id (?id* ...) ?prod ?prod* ...)
(and (identifier? #'?id) (for-all identifier? #'(?id* ...)))
`(,#'?id (,#'(?id* ...) ...) ,#'?prod ,#'(?prod* ...) ...)]
[x (syntax-violation who "unrecognized language clause" stx #'x)]))
(Terminal : * (stx ext-okay?) -> Terminal (stx)
(syntax-case stx ()
[((=> (?id (?id* ...)) ?handler) . ?rest)
(and (double-arrow? #'=>) (identifier? #'?id) (for-all identifier? #'(?id* ...)))
(values `(=> (,#'?id (,#'(?id* ...) ...)) ,#'?handler) #'?rest)]
[((?id (?id* ...)) => ?handler . ?rest)
(and (double-arrow? #'=>) (identifier? #'?id) (for-all identifier? #'(?id* ...)))
(values `(=> (,#'?id (,#'(?id* ...) ...)) ,#'?handler) #'?rest)]
[((?id (?id* ...)) . ?rest)
(and (identifier? #'?id) (for-all identifier? #'(?id* ...)))
(values `(,#'?id (,#'(?id* ...) ...)) #'?rest)]
[((+ ?term* ...) . ?rest)
(and ext-okay? (plus? #'+))
(values `(+ ,(parse-base-terminals #'(?term* ...)) ...) #'?rest)]
[((- ?term* ...) . ?rest)
(and ext-okay? (minus? #'-))
(values `(- ,(parse-base-terminals #'(?term* ...)) ...) #'?rest)]
[x (syntax-violation who "unrecognized terminal clause" stx #'x)]))
(Defn stx))
(define-language Lcomplete
(extends Lnp-source)
(Clause (cl)
(- (extends id)
(id (id* ...) prod prod* ...))
(+ (id (id* ...) prod* ...))) ;; really the requirement remains, but is enforced in pass
(Terminal (term)
(- base-term
(+ base-term* ...)
(- base-term* ...))
(+ simple-term
(=> (=> simple-term handler)
(=> simple-term handler))))
(BaseTerminal (base-term)
(- simple-term
(=> (=> simple-term handler)
(=> simple-term handler))))
(Production (prod)
(- stx)
(+ pattern
(=> (=> pattern0 pattern1)
(=> pattern0 pattern1))
(=> (-> pattern handler)
(-> pattern handler))))
(Pattern (pattern)
(+ id
(maybe id)
(pattern0 dots . pattern1)
(pattern0 . pattern1)
(define-record-type language-information
(fields language annotated-language))
(define-pass handle-language-extension : Lnp-source (lang who rho) -> Lcomplete ()
(define (language-extension? cl*)
(fold-left (lambda (ext? cl)
(nanopass-case (Lnp-source Clause) cl
[(extends ,id) id]
[else ext?]))
#f cl*))
(define parse-productions
[(stx) (parse-productions stx '())]
[(stx prod*)
(let f ([stx stx])
(syntax-case stx ()
[() prod*]
[_ (let-values ([(prod stx) (FinishProd stx)])
(cons prod (f stx)))]))]))
(define (extend-clauses cl* base-lang)
(nanopass-case (Lannotated Defn) base-lang
[(define-language ,id ,ref ,id? ,rtd ,rcd ,tag-mask (,term* ...) ,nt* ...)
(let loop ([cl* cl*] [term* term*] [nt* nt*] [new-term* '()] [new-cl* '()])
(if (null? cl*)
(with-output-language (Lcomplete Clause)
(lambda (new-term* term)
(cons (rewrite-annotated-term term) new-term*))
new-term* term*)
(fold-left (lambda (new-cl* nt) (cons (rewrite-annotated-nt nt) new-cl*)) new-cl* nt*))
(let-values ([(term* nt* new-cl* new-term*)
(ExtendClause (car cl*) term* nt* new-cl* new-term*)])
(loop (cdr cl*) term* nt* new-term* new-cl*))))]))
(define-pass rewrite-annotated-term : (Lannotated Terminal) (ir) -> (Lcomplete Terminal) ()
(Terminal : Terminal (ir) -> Terminal ()
[(,id (,id* ...) ,b ,handler? ,pred)
(if handler?
`(=> (,id (,id* ...)) ,handler?)
`(,id (,id* ...)))]))
(define-pass rewrite-production : (Lannotated Production) (ir) -> (Lcomplete Production) ()
(Production : Production (ir) -> Production ()
(define (finish-prod pattern pretty-prod?)
(if pretty-prod?
(nanopass-case (Lannotated PrettyProduction) pretty-prod?
[(procedure ,handler) `(-> ,pattern ,handler)]
[(pretty ,pattern0) `(=> ,pattern ,(Pattern pattern0))])
[(production ,[pattern] ,pretty-prod? ,rtd ,tag ,pred ,maker ,field* ...)
(finish-prod pattern pretty-prod?)]
[(terminal ,[pattern] ,pretty-prod?)
(finish-prod pattern pretty-prod?)]
[(nonterminal ,[pattern] ,pretty-prod?)
(finish-prod pattern pretty-prod?)]
[else (errorf who "unexpected Production ~s" (unparse-Lannotated ir))])
(Reference : Reference (ir) -> Pattern ()
[(term-ref ,id0 ,id1 ,b) id0]
[(nt-ref ,id0 ,id1 ,b) id0])
(Pattern : Pattern (ir) -> Pattern ()
[,id id]
[,ref (Reference ref)]
[(maybe ,[pattern]) `(maybe ,pattern)]
[(,[pattern0] ,dots . ,[pattern1]) `(,pattern0 ,dots . ,pattern1)]
[(,[pattern0] . ,[pattern1]) `(,pattern0 . ,pattern1)]
[,null null]))
(define-pass rewrite-annotated-nt : (Lannotated Nonterminal) (ir) -> (Lcomplete Clause) ()
(Nonterminal : Nonterminal (ir) -> Clause ()
[(,id (,id* ...) ,b ,rtd ,rcd ,tag ,pred ,all-pred ,all-term-pred ,prod* ...)
`(,id (,id* ...) ,(map rewrite-production prod*) ...)]))
(define (extend-terminals term* old-term* new-term*)
(let loop ([term* term*] [old-term* old-term*] [new-term* new-term*])
(if (null? term*)
(values old-term* new-term*)
(let-values ([(new-term* old-term*)
(ExtendTerminal (car term*) new-term* old-term*)])
(loop (cdr term*) old-term* new-term*)))))
(define (extend-productions stx* old-prod*)
(let f ([stx* stx*])
(if (null? stx*)
(values '() old-prod*)
(let-values ([(new-prod* old-prod*) (f (cdr stx*))])
(ExtendProd (car stx*) new-prod* old-prod*))))
(lambda (prod* old-prod*)
(lambda (prod* old-prod)
(cons (rewrite-production old-prod) prod*))
prod* old-prod*))))
(define (remove-productions stx old-prod*)
(let loop ([stx stx] [old-prod* old-prod*])
(syntax-case stx ()
[() old-prod*]
[_ (with-values (RemoveProd stx old-prod*) loop)])))
(define (remove-terminal id0 id0* old-term*)
(let f ([old-term* old-term*])
(if (null? old-term*)
(errorf who "could not find terminal matching (~s ~s)" (syntax->datum id0) (map syntax->datum id0*))
(let ([old-term (car old-term*)] [old-term* (cdr old-term*)])
(nanopass-case (Lannotated Terminal) old-term
[(,id (,id* ...) ,b ,handler? ,pred)
(if (and (eq? (syntax->datum id) (syntax->datum id0))
(equal? (syntax->datum id*) (syntax->datum id0*)))
(cons old-term (f old-term*)))])))))
(define-pass syntax-matches? : (Lannotated Production) (pat stx) -> * (boolean?)
(define (identifier-matches? id stx)
(and (identifier? stx)
(eq? (syntax->datum id) (syntax->datum stx)))))
(Production : Production (ir stx) -> * (boolean?)
[(production ,[b?] ,pretty-prod? ,rtd ,tag ,pred ,maker ,field* ...) b?]
[(terminal ,[b?] ,pretty-prod?) b?]
[(nonterminal ,[b?] ,pretty-prod?) b?])
(Reference : Reference (ir stx) -> * (boolean?)
[(term-ref ,id0 ,id1 ,b) (identifier-matches? id0 stx)]
[(nt-ref ,id0 ,id1 ,b) (identifier-matches? id0 stx)])
(Pattern : Pattern (pat stx) -> * (boolean?)
[,id (identifier-matches? id stx)]
[,ref (Reference ref stx)]
[(maybe ,[b?]) b?]
[(,pattern0 ,dots . ,pattern1)
(syntax-case stx ()
[(p0 dots . p1) (dots? #'dots)
(and (Pattern pattern0 #'p0) (Pattern pattern1 #'p1))]
[_ #f])]
[(,pattern0 . ,pattern1)
(syntax-case stx ()
[(p0 . p1) (and (Pattern pattern0 #'p0) (Pattern pattern1 #'p1))]
[_ #f])]
(syntax-case stx ()
[() #t]
[_ #f])])
(Production pat stx))
(define (remove-prod stx old-prod*)
(let f ([old-prod* old-prod*])
(if (null? old-prod*)
(syntax-violation who "unable to find matching old production" stx)
(let ([old-prod (car old-prod*)] [old-prod* (cdr old-prod*)])
(if (syntax-matches? old-prod stx)
(cons old-prod (f old-prod*)))))))
(define (find-matching-nt id old-nt*)
(let f ([old-nt* old-nt*])
(if (null? old-nt*)
(values '() '())
(let ([old-nt (car old-nt*)] [old-nt* (cdr old-nt*)])
(nanopass-case (Lannotated Nonterminal) old-nt
[(,id0 (,id* ...) ,b ,rtd ,rcd ,tag ,pred ,all-pred ,all-term-pred ,prod* ...)
(if (eq? (syntax->datum id0) (syntax->datum id))
(values old-nt* prod*)
(let-values ([(old-nt* prod*) (f old-nt*)])
(values (cons old-nt old-nt*) prod*)))])))))
(Defn : Defn (def) -> Defn ()
[(define-language ,id ,cl* ...)
`(define-language ,id
[(language-extension? cl*) =>
(lambda (base-lang-id)
(extend-clauses cl*
(lookup-language rho base-lang-id))))]
[else (map FinishClause cl*)])
(FinishClause : Clause (cl) -> Clause ()
[(terminals ,[FinishTerminal : term* -> term*] ...) `(terminals ,term* ...)]
[(,id (,id* ...) ,prod ,prod* ...)
`(,id (,id* ...) ,(parse-productions (cons prod prod*)) ...)])
(FinishTerminal : Terminal (term) -> Terminal ()
[(+ ,base-term* ...) (errorf who "unexpected terminal extension clause ~s" (unparse-Lnp-source term))]
[(- ,base-term* ...) (errorf who "unexpected terminal extension clause ~s" (unparse-Lnp-source term))])
(FinishProd : syntax (stx) -> Production (stx)
(syntax-case stx ()
[(?pattern => ?pretty . ?rest)
(double-arrow? #'=>)
(values `(=> ,(Pattern #'?pattern) ,(Pattern #'?pretty)) #'?rest)]
[((=> ?pattern ?handler) . ?rest)
(double-arrow? #'=>)
(values `(=> ,(Pattern #'?pattern) ,(Pattern #'?pretty)) #'?rest)]
[(?pattern -> ?handler . ?rest)
(arrow? #'->)
(values `(-> ,(Pattern #'?pattern) ,#'?handler) #'?rest)]
[((-> ?pattern ?handler) . ?rest)
(arrow? #'->)
(values `(-> ,(Pattern #'?pattern) ,#'?handler) #'?rest)]
[(?x . ?rest) (values (Pattern #'?x) #'?rest)]
[_ (syntax-violation who "unrecognized productions list" stx)]))
(ExtendClause : Clause (cl old-term* old-nt* cl* new-term*) -> * (old-term* old-nt* cl* new-term*)
[(terminals ,term* ...)
(let-values ([(old-term* new-term*) (extend-terminals term* old-term* new-term*)])
(values old-term* old-nt* cl* new-term*))]
[(,id (,id* ...) ,prod ,prod* ...)
(let-values ([(old-nt* old-prod*) (find-matching-nt id old-nt*)])
(let ([prod* (extend-productions (cons prod prod*) old-prod*)])
(values old-term* old-nt*
(if (null? prod*)
(in-context Clause
`(,id (,id* ...) ,prod* ...))
[(extends ,id) (values old-term* old-nt* cl* new-term*)]
[(entry ,id) (values old-term* old-nt* (cons (in-context Clause `(entry ,id)) cl*) new-term*)]
[(nongenerative-id ,id)
(values old-term* old-nt* (cons (in-context Clause `(nongenerative-id ,id)) cl*) new-term*)])
(ExtendTerminal : Terminal (term new-term* old-term*) -> * (new-term* old-term*)
[(+ ,[term*] ...)
(values (append term* new-term*) old-term*)]
[(- ,base-term* ...)
(lambda (old-term* base-term) (RemoveTerminal base-term old-term*))
old-term* base-term*))]
[,base-term (errorf who "unexpected non-extension terminal in extended language ~s" (unparse-Lnp-source base-term))])
(RemoveTerminal : BaseTerminal (ir old-term*) -> * (old-term*)
[(,id (,id* ...)) (remove-terminal id id* old-term*)]
[(=> (,id (,id* ...)) ,handler) (remove-terminal id id* old-term*)]
[else (errorf who "unexpected base terminal ~s" (unparse-Lnp-source ir))])
(BaseTerminal : BaseTerminal (ir) -> Terminal ())
(ExtendProd : syntax (stx new-prod* old-prod*) -> * (new-prod* old-prod*)
(syntax-case stx ()
[(+ ?prod* ...)
(plus? #'+)
(values (parse-productions #'(?prod* ...) new-prod*) old-prod*)]
[(- ?prod* ...)
(minus? #'-)
(values new-prod* (remove-productions #'(?prod* ...) old-prod*))]
[_ (syntax-violation who "unexpected production extension syntax" stx)]))
(RemoveProd : syntax (stx old-prod*) -> * (stx old-prod*)
(let-values ([(pattern rest)
(syntax-case stx ()
[(?pattern => ?handler . ?rest) (double-arrow? #'=>) (values #'?pattern #'?rest)]
[((=> ?pattern ?handler) . ?rest) (double-arrow? #'=>) (values #'?pattern #'?rest)]
[(?pattern -> ?pretty . ?rest) (arrow? #'->) (values #'?pattern #'?rest)]
[((-> ?pattern ?pretty) . ?rest) (arrow? #'->) (values #'?pattern #'?rest)]
[(?pattern . ?rest) (values #'?pattern #'?rest)]
[_ (syntax-violation who "unrecognized productions list" stx)])])
(values rest (remove-prod pattern old-prod*))))
(Pattern : * (stx) -> Pattern ()
(syntax-case stx ()
[?id (identifier? #'?id) #'?id]
[(maybe ?id)
(and (maybe? #'maybe) (identifier? #'?id))
`(maybe ,#'?id)]
[(?pattern0 dots . ?pattern1)
(ellipsis? #'dots)
`(,(Pattern #'?pattern0) ,#'dots . ,(Pattern #'?pattern1))]
[(?pattern0 . ?pattern1)
`(,(Pattern #'?pattern0) . ,(Pattern #'?pattern1))]
[() '()])))
(define-language Llanguage
(extends Lcomplete)
(+ (box (b))))
(Clause (cl)
(- (entry id)
(id (id* ...) prod* ...))
(+ (entry ref)
(id (id* ...) b prod* ...)))
(Reference (ref)
(+ (term-ref id0 id1 b) => id0
(nt-ref id0 id1 b) => id0))
(SimpleTerminal (simple-term)
(- (id (id* ...)))
(+ (id (id* ...) b)))
(Pattern (pattern)
(- (maybe id))
(+ ref
(maybe ref))))
(define meta-variable-suffix-checker
(lambda (str)
(let f ([i (string-length str)])
(or (fx=? i 0)
(let* ([i (fx- i 1)]
[c (string-ref str i)])
[(or (char=? c #\*) (char=? c #\^) (char=? c #\?)) (f i)]
[(char-numeric? c)
(let f ([i i])
(or (fx=? i 0)
(let ([i (fx- i 1)])
(and (char-numeric? (string-ref str i)) (f i)))))]
[else #f])))))
(lambda (x)
(unless (procedure? x) (errorf 'meta-variable-suffix-checker "expected procedure, but got ~s" x))
(define-pass check-and-finish-language : Lcomplete (ir) -> Llanguage ()
(define (build-and-check-maps cl*)
(let ([ht (make-eq-hashtable)])
(let ([pt (fold-left (lambda (pt cl) (ExtendMapsClause cl pt ht)) (empty-prefix-tree) cl*)])
(values pt ht))))
(define (extract-all-terminals cl* pt ht)
(let f ([cl* cl*])
(if (null? cl*)
(values '() '())
(let ([cl (car cl*)])
(let-values ([(term-out* cl-out*) (f (cdr cl*))])
(nanopass-case (Lcomplete Clause) cl
[(terminals ,term* ...)
(lambda (term term-out*) (cons (Terminal term ht) term-out*))
[else (values term-out* (cons cl cl-out*))]))))))
(define (extract-all-nonterminals cl* pt ht)
(let f ([cl* cl*])
(if (null? cl*)
(values '() '())
(let-values ([(nt* cl-out*) (f (cdr cl*))])
(let ([cl (car cl*)])
(nanopass-case (Lcomplete Clause) cl
[(,id (,id* ...) ,prod* ...)
(values (cons (Clause cl pt ht) nt*) cl-out*)]
[else (values nt* (cons cl cl-out*))]))))))
(define (check-and-rewrite-clauses cl* pt ht)
(let*-values ([(term* cl*) (extract-all-terminals cl* pt ht)]
[(nt* cl*) (extract-all-nonterminals cl* pt ht)])
(lambda (cl* cl) (cons (Clause cl pt ht) cl*))
(with-output-language (Llanguage Clause)
(cons `(terminals ,term* ...) nt*))
(define (build-ref terminal? mv id b)
(with-output-language (Llanguage Reference)
(if terminal?
`(term-ref ,mv ,id ,b)
`(nt-ref ,mv ,id ,b))))
(define ref
[(ht id)
(let ([sym (syntax->datum id)])
(or (eq-hashtable-ref ht sym #f)
(let ([b (box #f)])
(eq-hashtable-set! ht sym b)
[(pt ht id)
(let* ([str (symbol->string (syntax->datum id))]
[pr (match-prefix pt str (meta-variable-suffix-checker))]
[terminal? (car pr)]
[raw-id (cdr pr)])
(unless raw-id (syntax-violation who "unable to find matching metavariable" id))
(build-ref terminal? id raw-id (ref ht raw-id)))]))
(define (maybe-ref pt ht id)
(let* ([str (symbol->string (syntax->datum id))]
[pr (match-prefix pt str (meta-variable-suffix-checker))])
(if pr
(let ([terminal? (car pr)] [raw-id (cdr pr)])
(build-ref terminal? id raw-id (ref ht raw-id)))
(Defn : Defn (ir) -> Defn ()
[(define-language ,id ,cl* ...)
(let-values ([(pt ht) (build-and-check-maps cl*)])
(let ([cl* (check-and-rewrite-clauses cl* pt ht)])
`(define-language ,id ,cl* ...)))])
(ExtendMapsClause : Clause (cl pt ht) -> * (pt)
[(terminals ,term* ...) (fold-left (lambda (pt term) (ExtendMapsTerminal term pt ht)) pt term*)]
[(,id (,id* ...) ,prod* ...)
;; should we be using an identifier hashtable? or symbol hashtable?
(eq-hashtable-set! ht (syntax->datum id) (box #f))
(let ([pr (cons #f id)])
(fold-left (lambda (pt mv-id) (insert-prefix pt (symbol->string (syntax->datum mv-id)) pr)) pt id*))]
[else pt])
(ExtendMapsTerminal : Terminal (term pt ht) -> * (pt)
[,simple-term (ExtendMapsSimpleTerminal simple-term pt ht)]
[(=> ,simple-term ,handler) (ExtendMapsSimpleTerminal simple-term pt ht)])
(ExtendMapsSimpleTerminal : SimpleTerminal (simple-term pt ht) -> * (pt)
[(,id (,id* ...))
(eq-hashtable-set! ht (syntax->datum id) (box #f))
(let ([pr (cons #t id)])
(fold-left (lambda (pt mv-id) (insert-prefix pt (symbol->string (syntax->datum mv-id)) pr)) pt id*))])
(Terminal : Terminal (term ht) -> Terminal ()
[(,id (,id* ...))
(let* ([b (ref ht id)]
[term `(,id (,id* ...) ,b)])
(set-box! b term)
[(=> (,id (,id* ...)) ,handler)
(let* ([b (ref ht id)]
[term `(=> (,id (,id* ...) ,b) ,handler)])
(set-box! b term)
[,simple-term (errorf who "unreachable match ,simple-term, reached!")]
[(=> ,simple-term ,handler) (errorf who "unreachable match (=> ,simple-term ,handler), reached!")])
(Clause : Clause (cl pt ht) -> Clause ()
[(entry ,id) `(entry (nt-ref ,id ,id ,(ref ht id)))]
[(nongenerative-id ,id) `(nongenerative-id ,id)]
[(terminals ,term* ...) (errorf who "unexpected terminal clause after terminals were filtered")]
[(,id (,id* ...) ,prod* ...)
(let* ([b (ref ht id)]
[prod* (map (lambda (prod) (Production prod pt ht)) prod*)]
[cl `(,id (,id* ...) ,b ,prod* ...)])
(set-box! b cl)
(Production : Production (prod pt ht) -> Production ()
[,pattern (Pattern pattern pt ht)]
[(=> ,[pattern0] ,[pattern1 (empty-prefix-tree) ht -> pattern1]) `(=> ,pattern0 ,pattern1)]
[(-> ,[pattern] ,handler) `(-> ,pattern ,handler)])
(Pattern : Pattern (pattern pt ht) -> Pattern ()
[,id (maybe-ref pt ht id)]
[(maybe ,id) (ref pt ht id)]
[(,[pattern0] ,dots . ,[pattern1]) `(,pattern0 ,dots . ,pattern1)]
[(,[pattern0] . ,[pattern1]) `(,pattern0 . ,pattern1)]
[,null null])
(define-language Lannotated
(extends Llanguage)
(- (datum (handler)))
(+ (datum (handler record-name pred all-pred all-term-pred accessor maker))
(exact-integer (tag level tag-mask))
(record-type-descriptor (rtd))
(record-constructor-descriptor (rcd))))
(Defn (def)
(- (define-language id cl* ...))
(+ (define-language
id ;; language name
ref ;; reference to entry ntspec
(maybe id0) ;; nongenerative-id
(term* ...)
nt* ...)))
(Clause (cl)
(- (entry ref)
(nongenerative-id id)
(terminals term* ...)
(id (id* ...) b prod* ...)))
(Nonterminal (nt)
(+ (id (id* ...) b rtd rcd tag pred all-pred all-term-pred prod* ...) => (id (id* ...) prod* ...)))
(PrettyProduction (pretty-prod)
(+ (procedure handler)
(pretty pattern)))
(Production (prod)
(- pattern
(=> (=> pattern0 pattern1)
(=> pattern0 pattern1))
(=> (-> pattern handler)
(-> pattern handler)))
(+ (production pattern (maybe pretty-prod) rtd tag pred maker field* ...)
(terminal ref (maybe pretty-prod))
(nonterminal ref (maybe pretty-prod))))
(Field (field)
(+ (ref level accessor)
(optional ref level accessor)))
(Terminal (term)
(- simple-term
(=> (=> simple-term handler)
(=> simple-term handler)))
(+ (id (id* ...) b (maybe handler) pred) => (id (id* ...) handler pred)))
(SimpleTerminal (simple-term)
(- (id (id* ...) b))))
;; TODO: fix the entry for language extenions
(define-pass annotate-language : Llanguage (lang) -> Lannotated ()
(define-pass build-ref : (Llanguage Clause) (cl) -> (Llanguage Reference) ()
(build-ref : Clause (cl) -> Reference ()
[(,id (,id* ...) ,b ,prod* ...) `(nt-ref ,id ,id ,b)]
[else (errorf who "unexpected clause ~s" (unparse-Llanguage cl))]))
(define (separate-clauses cl*)
(let loop ([cl* cl*] [entry #f] [first-nt #f] [nongen-id #f] [rterm* '()] [rnt* '()] [rb* '()])
(if (null? cl*)
(values (or entry (build-ref first-nt)) nongen-id (reverse rterm*) (reverse rnt*) rb*)
(BinClause (car cl*) entry first-nt nongen-id rterm* rnt* rb*)
(lambda (entry first-nt nongen-id rterm* rnt* rb*)
(loop (cdr cl*) entry first-nt nongen-id rterm* rnt* rb*))))))
(define (annotate-terminals term*) (map Terminal term*))
(define (annotate-nonterminals nt* lang-name lang-rtd lang-rcd nongen-id)
(let ([bits (fxlength (length nt*))])
(let f ([nt* nt*] [tag 0])
(if (null? nt*)
(Nonterminal (car nt*) lang-name lang-rtd lang-rcd bits tag nongen-id)
(f (cdr nt*) (fx+ tag 1)))))))
(define (build-production pattern nt-rtd lang-name nt-name tag pretty nongen-id)
(define-pass find-prod-name : (Llanguage Pattern) (pattern) -> * (id)
(Pattern : Pattern (pattern) -> * (id)
[,id id]
[,ref (Reference ref)]
[(maybe ,[id]) id]
[(,[id] ,dots . ,pattern1) id]
[(,[id] . ,pattern1) id]
[else (construct-id #'* "anonymous")])
(Reference : Reference (ref) -> * (id)
[(term-ref ,id0 ,id1 ,b) id0]
[(nt-ref ,id0 ,id1 ,b) id0])
(Pattern pattern))
(let* ([prod-name (find-prod-name pattern)]
[base-name (unique-name lang-name nt-name prod-name)])
(let-values ([(pattern field* field-name*) (Pattern pattern base-name 0 '() '())])
(let* ([rtd (make-record-type-descriptor (string->symbol base-name) nt-rtd
(if nongen-id
(regensym nongen-id
(format ":~s:~s" (syntax->datum nt-name) (syntax->datum prod-name))
(format "-~s" tag))
(gensym base-name))
#t #f
(list->vector (map (lambda (fn) `(immutable ,(syntax->datum fn))) field-name*)))]
[pred (construct-id #'* base-name "?")]
[maker (construct-id #'* "make-" base-name)])
(with-output-language (Lannotated Production)
`(production ,pattern ,pretty ,rtd ,tag ,pred ,maker ,field* ...))))))
(define (build-accessor record-name id) (construct-id #'* record-name id))
(with-output-language (Lannotated PrettyProduction)
(define (pretty-pattern pattern)
`(pretty ,(RewritePattern pattern)))
(define (pretty-procedure handler)
`(procedure ,handler)))
(Defn : Defn (def) -> Defn ()
[(define-language ,id ,cl* ...)
(let-values ([(entry nongen-id term* nt* b*) (separate-clauses cl*)])
(let* ([rtd (make-record-type-descriptor (syntax->datum id)
(record-type-descriptor nanopass-record)
(if nongen-id (syntax->datum nongen-id) (gensym (unique-name id)))
#f #f (vector))]
[rcd (make-record-constructor-descriptor rtd
(record-constructor-descriptor nanopass-record) #f)]
[tag-mask (fx- (fxarithmetic-shift-left 1 (fxlength (length nt*))) 1)]
[term* (annotate-terminals term*)]
[nt* (annotate-nonterminals nt* id rtd rcd nongen-id)])
(let-values ([(ref ref-id) (Reference entry)])
(for-each (lambda (b) (set-box! b (cdr (unbox b)))) b*)
`(define-language ,id ,ref ,nongen-id ,rtd ,rcd ,tag-mask (,term* ...) ,nt* ...))))])
(BinClause : Clause (cl entry first-nt nongen-id rterm* rnt* rb*) -> * (entry first-nt nongen-id rterm* rnt* rb*)
[(entry ,ref)
(when entry (errorf who "found more than one entry"))
(values ref first-nt nongen-id rterm* rnt* rb*)]
[(nongenerative-id ,id)
(when nongen-id (syntax-violation who "found more than one nongenerative-id" id))
(values entry first-nt id rterm* rnt* rb*)]
[(terminals ,term* ...)
(values entry first-nt nongen-id (append term* rterm*) rnt* (fold-right GrabTermBox rb* term*))]
[(,id (,id* ...) ,b ,prod* ...)
(let ([new-b (box #f)])
(set-box! b (cons new-b (unbox b)))
(values entry (or first-nt cl) nongen-id rterm* (cons cl rnt*) (cons b rb*)))])
(GrabTermBox : Terminal (term rb*) -> * (rb*)
[(,id (,id* ...) ,b)
(let ([new-b (box #f)])
(set-box! b (cons new-b (unbox b)))
(cons b rb*))]
[(=> (,id (,id* ...) ,b) ,handler)
(let ([new-b (box #f)])
(set-box! b (cons new-b (unbox b)))
(cons b rb*))]
;; unreachable!
[else (errorf who "unreachable")])
(Terminal : Terminal (term) -> Terminal ()
[(,id (,id* ...) ,b)
(let* ([new-b (car (unbox b))]
[term `(,id (,id* ...) ,new-b #f ,(construct-id id id "?"))])
(set-box! new-b term)
[(=> (,id (,id* ...) ,b) ,handler)
(let* ([new-b (car (unbox b))]
[term `(,id (,id* ...) ,new-b ,handler ,(construct-id id id "?"))])
(set-box! new-b term)
[else (errorf who "unexpected terminal ~s" (unparse-Llanguage term))])
(Nonterminal : Clause (cl lang-name lang-rtd lang-rcd bits tag nongen-id) -> Nonterminal ()
[(,id (,id* ...) ,b ,prod* ...)
(let* ([record-name (unique-name lang-name id)]
[rtd (make-record-type-descriptor
(string->symbol record-name)
(if nongen-id
(regensym nongen-id
(format ":~s" (syntax->datum id))
(format "-~d" tag))
(gensym record-name))
#f #f (vector))]
[rcd (make-record-constructor-descriptor rtd lang-rcd #f)]
[pred (construct-id #'* record-name "?")]
[all-pred (construct-id lang-name lang-name "-" id "?")]
[all-term-pred (construct-id #'* lang-name "-" id "-terminal?")])
(let loop ([prod* prod*] [next 1] [rprod* '()])
(if (null? prod*)
(let* ([new-b (car (unbox b))]
[nt `(,id (,id* ...) ,new-b ,rtd ,rcd ,tag ,pred ,all-pred ,all-term-pred ,(reverse rprod*) ...)])
(set-box! new-b nt)
(let ([prod-tag (fx+ (fxarithmetic-shift-left next bits) tag)])
(cdr prod*)
(fx+ next 1)
(cons (Production (car prod*) rtd lang-name id prod-tag nongen-id) rprod*))))))]
[else (errorf who "unexpected clause in Nonterminal ~s" (unparse-Llanguage cl))])
(Production : Production (prod nt-rtd lang-name nt-name prod-tag nongen-id) -> Production ()
[,ref (BaseReference ref #f)]
[(=> ,ref ,pattern1) (BaseReference ref (pretty-pattern pattern1))]
[(-> ,ref ,handler) (BaseReference ref (pretty-procedure handler))]
[,pattern (build-production pattern nt-rtd lang-name nt-name prod-tag #f nongen-id)]
[(=> ,pattern0 ,pattern1) (build-production pattern0 nt-rtd lang-name nt-name prod-tag (pretty-pattern pattern1) nongen-id)]
[(-> ,pattern ,handler) (build-production pattern nt-rtd lang-name nt-name prod-tag (pretty-procedure handler) nongen-id)])
(BaseReference : Reference (ref maybe-pretty) -> Production ()
[(term-ref ,id0 ,id1 ,b) `(terminal (term-ref ,id0 ,id1 ,b) ,maybe-pretty)]
[(nt-ref ,id0 ,id1 ,b) `(nonterminal (nt-ref ,id0 ,id1 ,b) ,maybe-pretty)])
(RewritePattern : Pattern (pattern) -> Pattern ())
(Pattern : Pattern (pattern record-name level flds fns) -> Pattern (flds fns)
[,id (values id flds fns)]
(let-values ([(ref meta-var) (Reference ref)])
(in-context Field
`(,ref ,level ,(build-accessor record-name meta-var)))
(cons meta-var fns)))]
[(maybe ,ref)
(let-values ([(ref meta-var) (Reference ref)])
`(maybe ,ref)
(in-context Field
`(optional ,ref ,level ,(build-accessor record-name meta-var)))
(cons meta-var fns)))]
[(,pattern0 ,dots . ,pattern1)
(let*-values ([(pattern1 flds fns) (Pattern pattern1 record-name level flds fns)]
[(pattern0 flds fns) (Pattern pattern0 record-name (fx+ level 1) flds fns)])
(values `(,pattern0 ,dots . ,pattern1) flds fns))]
[(,pattern0 . ,pattern1)
(let*-values ([(pattern1 flds fns) (Pattern pattern1 record-name level flds fns)]
[(pattern0 flds fns) (Pattern pattern0 record-name level flds fns)])
(values `(,pattern0 . ,pattern1) flds fns))]
[,null (values null flds fns)])
(Reference : Reference (ref) -> Reference (id)
[(term-ref ,id0 ,id1 ,b) (values `(term-ref ,id0 ,id1 ,(car (unbox b))) id0)]
[(nt-ref ,id0 ,id1 ,b) (values `(nt-ref ,id0 ,id1 ,(car (unbox b))) id0)])
(define-pass prune-lang : Lannotated (ir caller-who maybe-name) -> * (stx)
(Defn : Defn (ir) -> * (stx)
[(define-language ,id ,ref ,id0? ,rtd ,rcd ,tag-mask (,term* ...) ,nt* ...)
(let ([ht (make-eq-hashtable)])
(let-values ([(entry-id ts nts) (FollowReference ref ht '() '())])
(with-syntax ([define-language-exp (datum->syntax id 'define-language-exp)])
(with-implicit (id entry terminals nongenerative-id)
#`(define-language-exp #,(or maybe-name id)
(entry #,entry-id)
#,@(if id0? #`((nongenerative-id #,id0?)) #'())
(terminals #,@ts)
(FollowReference : Reference (ir ht ts nts) -> * (id ts nts)
[(term-ref ,id0 ,id1 ,b)
(unless (eq-hashtable-ref ht ir #f)
(eq-hashtable-set! ht ir #t)
(FollowTerminal (unbox b) ts nts id0))]
[(nt-ref ,id0 ,id1 ,b)
(unless (eq-hashtable-ref ht ir #f)
(eq-hashtable-set! ht ir #t)
(FollowNonterminal (unbox b) ht ts nts id0))])
(FollowTerminal : Terminal (ir ts nts id0) -> * (id0 ts nts)
[(,id (,id* ...) ,b ,handler? ,pred)
(if handler?
#`(=> (#,id #,id*) #,handler?)
#`(#,id #,id*))
(FollowNonterminal : Nonterminal (ir ht ts nts id0) -> * (id0 ts nts)
[(,id (,id* ...) ,b ,rtd ,rcd ,tag ,pred ,all-pred ,all-term-pred ,prod* ...)
(let loop ([prod* prod*] [ts ts] [nts nts] [rprod* '()])
(if (null? prod*)
(values id0 ts (cons #`(#,id #,id* . #,rprod*) nts))
(let-values ([(prod ts nts) (Production (car prod*) ht ts nts)])
(loop (cdr prod*) ts nts (cons prod rprod*)))))])
(Production : Production (ir ht ts nts) -> * (stx ts nts)
(definitions (define (maybe-wrap pp? stx) (if pp? (PrettyProduction pp? stx) stx)))
[(production ,[stx] ,pretty-prod? ,rtd ,tag ,pred ,maker ,field* ...)
(let loop ([field* field*] [ts ts] [nts nts])
(if (null? field*)
(values (maybe-wrap pretty-prod? stx) ts nts)
(let-values ([(ts nts) (FollowField (car field*) ht ts nts)])
(loop (cdr field*) ts nts))))]
[(terminal ,ref ,pretty-prod?)
(let-values ([(id0 ts nts) (FollowReference ref ht ts nts)])
(values (maybe-wrap pretty-prod? id0) ts nts))]
[(nonterminal ,ref ,pretty-prod?)
(let-values ([(id0 ts nts) (FollowReference ref ht ts nts)])
(values (maybe-wrap pretty-prod? id0) ts nts))])
(FollowField : Field (field ht ts nts) -> * (ts nts)
[(,[id0 ts nts] ,level ,accessor) (values ts nts)]
[(optional ,[id0 ts nts] ,level ,accessor) (values ts nts)])
(PrettyProduction : PrettyProduction (ir stx) -> * (stx)
[(procedure ,handler) #`(-> #,stx #,handler)]
[(pretty ,[pattern]) #`(=> #,stx #,pattern)])
(Pattern : Pattern (ir) -> * (stx)
[,id id]
[,ref (Reference ref)]
[,null #'()]
[(maybe ,[id]) #`(maybe #,id)]
[(,[pattern0] ,dots . ,[pattern1])
#`(#,pattern0 (... ...) . #,pattern1)]
[(,[pattern0] . ,[pattern1]) #`(#,pattern0 . #,pattern1)])
(Reference : Reference (ir) -> * (id)
[(term-ref ,id0 ,id1 ,b) id0]
[(nt-ref ,id0 ,id1 ,b) id0])
(Defn ir))
(define-pass diff-langs : Llanguage (ir-out ir-base) -> * (stx)
(define (separate-clauses cl*)
(let loop ([cl* cl*] [rcl* '()] [term* '()] [nt* '()])
(if (null? cl*)
(values rcl* term* nt*)
(let-values ([(rcl* term* nt*) (BinClause (car cl*) rcl* term* nt*)])
(loop (cdr cl*) rcl* term* nt*)))))
(define (find-matching-terminal id term1*)
(let f ([term1* term1*])
(if (null? term1*)
(values #f '())
(let ([term (car term1*)])
(nanopass-case (Llanguage Terminal) term
[(,id1 (,id1* ...) ,b)
(if (eq? (syntax->datum id)
(syntax->datum id1))
(values #t (cdr term1*))
(let-values ([(found? term1*) (f (cdr term1*))])
(values found? (cons term term1*))))]
[(=> (,id1 (,id1* ...) ,b) ,handler)
(if (eq? (syntax->datum id)
(syntax->datum id1))
(values #t (cdr term1*))
(let-values ([(found? term1*) (f (cdr term1*))])
(values found? (cons term term1*))))])))))
(define (find-matching-nonterminal id nt1*)
(let f ([nt1* nt1*])
(if (null? nt1*)
(values '() '())
(let ([nt (car nt1*)])
(nanopass-case (Llanguage Clause) nt
[(,id1 (,id1* ...) ,b ,prod* ...)
(if (eq? (syntax->datum id)
(syntax->datum id1))
(values prod* (cdr nt1*))
(let-values ([(prod* nt1*) (f (cdr nt1*))])
(values prod* (cons nt nt1*))))]
[else (errorf who "unexpected clause in nonterminal ~s" (unparse-Llanguage nt))])))))
(define (add-terms-clause type term* cl*)
(if (null? term*)
(cons #`(#,type . #,term*) cl*)))
(define (Terminal* term0* term1*)
(let loop ([term0* term0*] [term1* term1*] [add-term* '()])
(if (null? term0*)
(add-terms-clause #'- (map RewriteTerminal term1*)
(add-terms-clause #'+ add-term* '()))
(let-values ([(term1* add-term*) (Terminal (car term0*) term1* add-term*)])
(loop (cdr term0*) term1* add-term*)))))
(define (Nonterminal* nt0* nt1*)
(let loop ([nt0* nt0*] [nt1* nt1*] [rnt* '()])
(if (null? nt0*)
(lambda (rnt* nt)
(nanopass-case (Llanguage Clause) nt
[(,id (,id* ...) ,b ,prod* ...)
#`(#,id #,id* (- . #,(map RewriteProduction prod*)))]
[else (errorf who "unexpected clause in nonterminal ~s" (unparse-Llanguage nt))]))
rnt* nt1*))
(let-values ([(rnt* nt1*) (Nonterminal (car nt0*) nt1* rnt*)])
(loop (cdr nt0*) nt1* rnt*)))))
(define (add-productions type prod* cl*)
(if (null? prod*)
#`(#,type . #,(fold-left
(lambda (out* prod)
(cons (RewriteProduction prod) out*))
'() prod*))
(define (Production* prod0* prod1*)
(let loop ([prod0* prod0*] [prod1* prod1*] [add-prod* '()])
(if (null? prod0*)
(add-productions #'- prod1*
(add-productions #'+ add-prod* '()))
(let-values ([(prod1* add-prod*)
(Production (car prod0*) prod1* add-prod*)])
(loop (cdr prod0*) prod1* add-prod*)))))
(define (find-matching-pattern pattern prod1*)
(let f ([prod1* prod1*])
(if (null? prod1*)
(values #f '())
(let* ([prod1 (car prod1*)]
[pattern1 (ProductionPattern prod1)])
(if (Pattern=? pattern pattern1)
(values #t (cdr prod1*))
(let-values ([(found? prod1*) (f (cdr prod1*))])
(values found? (cons prod1 prod1*))))))))
(Defn : Defn (ir-out ir-base) -> * (stx)
[(define-language ,id0 ,cl0* ...)
(let-values ([(base-cl* term0* nt0*) (separate-clauses cl0*)])
(nanopass-case (Llanguage Defn) ir-base
[(define-language ,id1 ,cl1* ...)
(let-values ([(_ term1* nt1*) (separate-clauses cl1*)])
(let ([term* (Terminal* term0* term1*)]
[nt* (Nonterminal* nt0* nt1*)])
(if (null? term*)
#`(define-language #,id0 #,@base-cl* . #,nt*)
#`(define-language #,id0 #,@base-cl* (terminals . #,term*) . #,nt*))))]))])
(BinClause : Clause (ir cl* all-term* nt*) -> * (cl* all-term* nt*)
[(entry ,[id]) (values (cons #`(entry #,id) cl*) all-term* nt*)]
[(nongenerative-id ,id) (values (cons #`(nongenerative-id #,id) cl*) all-term* nt*)]
[(terminals ,term* ...) (values cl* (append term* all-term*) nt*)]
[(,id (,id* ...) ,b ,prod* ...) (values cl* all-term* (cons ir nt*))])
(Terminal : Terminal (term0 term1* add-term*) -> * (term1* add-term*)
[(=> (,id (,id* ...) ,b) ,handler)
(let-values ([(found? term1*) (find-matching-terminal id term1*)])
(if found?
(values term1* add-term*)
(cons #`(=> (#,id #,id*) #,handler) add-term*))))]
[(,id (,id* ...) ,b)
(let-values ([(found? term1*) (find-matching-terminal id term1*)])
(if found?
(values term1* add-term*)
(cons #`(#,id #,id*) add-term*))))]
[else (errorf who "unreachable clause in Terminal")])
(Nonterminal : Clause (nt0 nt1* rnt*) -> * (rnt* nt1*)
[(,id (,id* ...) ,b ,prod* ...)
(let*-values ([(prod1* nt1*) (find-matching-nonterminal id nt1*)])
(let ([prod* (Production* prod* prod1*)])
(if (null? prod*)
(values rnt* nt1*)
(values (cons #`(#,id #,id* . #,prod*) rnt*) nt1*))))]
[else (errorf who "unexpected clause ~s" (unparse-Llanguage nt0))])
(Production : Production (prod prod1* add-prod*) -> * (prod1* add-prod*)
(let-values ([(found? prod1*) (find-matching-pattern pattern prod1*)])
(if found?
(values prod1* add-prod*)
(values prod1* (cons prod add-prod*))))]
[(=> ,pattern0 ,pattern1)
(let-values ([(found? prod1*) (find-matching-pattern pattern0 prod1*)])
(if found?
(values prod1* add-prod*)
(values prod1* (cons prod add-prod*))))]
[(-> ,pattern ,handler)
(let-values ([(found? prod1*) (find-matching-pattern pattern prod1*)])
(if found?
(values prod1* add-prod*)
(values prod1* (cons prod add-prod*))))])
(Pattern=? : Pattern (pattern0 pattern1) -> * (bool?)
[,id0 (nanopass-case (Llanguage Pattern) pattern1
[,id1 (eq? (syntax->datum id0) (syntax->datum id1))]
[else #f])]
[,ref0 (nanopass-case (Llanguage Pattern) pattern1
[,ref1 (Reference=? ref0 ref1)]
[else #f])]
[,null0 (nanopass-case (Llanguage Pattern) pattern1
[,null1 #t]
[else #f])]
[(maybe ,ref0)
(nanopass-case (Llanguage Pattern) pattern1
[(maybe ,ref1) (Reference=? ref0 ref1)]
[else #f])]
[(,pattern00 ,dots . ,pattern10)
(nanopass-case (Llanguage Pattern) pattern1
[(,pattern01 ,dots . ,pattern11)
(and (Pattern=? pattern00 pattern01)
(Pattern=? pattern10 pattern11))]
[else #f])]
[(,pattern00 . ,pattern10)
(nanopass-case (Llanguage Pattern) pattern1
[(,pattern01 . ,pattern11)
(and (Pattern=? pattern00 pattern01)
(Pattern=? pattern10 pattern11))]
[else #f])])
(Reference=? : Reference (ref0 ref1) -> * (bool?)
[(term-ref ,id00 ,id10 ,b0)
(nanopass-case (Llanguage Pattern) ref1
[(term-ref ,id01 ,id11 ,b1)
(eq? (syntax->datum id00)
(syntax->datum id01))]
[else #f])]
[(nt-ref ,id00 ,id10 ,b0)
(nanopass-case (Llanguage Pattern) ref1
[(nt-ref ,id01 ,id11 ,b1)
(eq? (syntax->datum id00)
(syntax->datum id01))]
[else #f])])
(ProductionPattern : Production (ir) -> * (stx)
[,pattern pattern]
[(=> ,pattern0 ,pattern1) pattern0]
[(-> ,pattern ,handler) pattern])
(RewriteTerminal : Terminal (ir) -> * (stx)
[(,id (,id* ...) ,b) #`(#,id #,id*)]
[(=> (,id (,id* ...) ,b) ,handler)
#`(=> (#,id #,id*) ,handler)]
[else (errorf who "unexpected terminal ~s" (unparse-Llanguage ir))])
(RewriteProduction : Production (ir) -> * (stx)
[,pattern (RewritePattern pattern)]
[(=> ,[stx0] ,[stx1]) #`(=> #,stx0 #,stx1)]
[(-> ,[stx0] ,handler) #`(-> #,stx0 ,handler)])
(RewritePattern : Pattern (ir) -> * (stx)
[,id id]
[,ref (RewriteReference ref)]
[,null #'()]
[(maybe ,[id]) #`(maybe #,id)]
[(,[stx0] ,dots . ,[stx1])
#`(#,stx0 (... ...) . #,stx1)]
[(,[stx0] . ,[stx1]) #`(#,stx0 . #,stx1)])
(RewriteReference : Reference (ir) -> * (stx)
[(term-ref ,id0 ,id1 ,b) id0]
[(nt-ref ,id0 ,id1 ,b) id0])
(Defn ir-out ir-base))
(define-pass build-lang-node-counter : Lannotated (ir name) -> * (stx)
(Defn : Defn (ir) -> * (stx)
[(define-language ,id ,[id1] ,id0? ,rtd ,rcd ,tag-mask (,term* ...) ,[procs] ...)
#`(define-pass #,name : #,id (ir) -> * (cnt)
(#,id1 ir))])
(Nonterminal : Nonterminal (ir) -> * (stx)
[(,id (,id* ...) ,b ,rtd ,rcd ,tag ,pred ,all-pred ,all-term-pred ,[cl*] ...)
#`(#,id : #,id (ir) -> * (cnt) . #,cl*)])
(Production : Production (ir) -> * (stx)
[(production ,[pattern] ,pretty-prod? ,rtd ,tag ,pred ,maker ,[recur] ...)
#`[#,pattern (+ 1 . #,recur)]]
[(terminal (term-ref ,id0 ,id1 ,b) ,pretty-prod?)
#`[,#,id0 0]]
[(nonterminal (nt-ref ,id0 ,id1 ,b) ,pretty-prod?)
#`[,#,id0 (#,id1 #,id0)]]
[else (errorf who "unrecognized production ~s" (unparse-Lannotated ir))])
(Pattern : Pattern (ir) -> * (stx)
[,id id]
[,ref #`,#,(Reference ref)]
[,null #'()]
[(maybe ,[id]) #`,#,id]
[(,[pattern0] ,dots . ,[pattern1])
#`(#,pattern0 (... ...) . #,pattern1)]
[(,[pattern0] . ,[pattern1])
#`(#,pattern0 . #,pattern1)])
(Field : Field (ir) -> * (stx)
(define (build-recur recur level)
(let f ([level level])
(if (fx=? level 0)
#`(lambda (x)
(lambda (c x) (+ c (#,(f (fx- level 1)) x)))
0 x)))))
(define (Ref ref level optional?)
(nanopass-case (Lannotated Reference) ref
[(term-ref ,id0 ,id1 ,b) #'0] ;; possibly should be 1 at base, with recur to sum
[(nt-ref ,id0 ,id1 ,b)
(let ([recur-base (if optional? #`(lambda (x) (if x (#,id1 x) 0)) id1)])
#`(#,(build-recur recur-base level) #,id0))])))
[(,ref ,level ,accessor) (Ref ref level #f)]
[(optional ,ref ,level ,accessor) (Ref ref level #t)]
[else (errorf who "unrecognized field ~s" (unparse-Lannotated ir))])
(Reference : Reference (ir) -> * (id)
[(term-ref ,id0 ,id1 ,b) id0]
[(nt-ref ,id0 ,id1 ,b) id0])
(Defn ir))
(define-pass build-unparser : Lannotated (ir name) -> * (stx)
(define (build-mv-refs pat flds)
(if flds
(map Field flds)
(let-values ([(mv up) (Reference pat)]) (list mv)))))
(Defn : Defn (ir) -> * (stx)
[(define-language ,id ,[mv upname] ,id? ,rtd ,rcd ,tag-mask (,[tup* tpred* tn*] ...) ,[up* pred* n*] ...)
(with-syntax ([(tup* ...) tup*]
[(tpred* ...) tpred*]
[(tn* ...) tn*]
[(up* ...) up*]
[(pred* ...) pred*]
[(n* ...) n*]
[who (datum->syntax name 'who)])
;; NOTE: entry is #f when not specified to preserve the current
;; behavior, but could be specified to be the entry instead.
#`(define #,name
(let ()
(define-pass #,name : #,id (lf entry raw?) -> * (sexp)
tup* ...
up* ...
(case entry
[(n*) (n* lf)] ...
[(tn*) (tn* lf)] ...
[else (cond
[(pred* lf) (n* lf)] ...
[(tpred* lf) (tn* lf)] ...
[else (errorf who "Unrecognized input ~s" lf)])]))
[(lf) (#,name lf #f #f)]
[(lf entry/raw?)
(if (symbol? entry/raw?)
(#,name lf entry/raw? #f)
(#,name lf #f entry/raw?))]
[(lf entry raw?) (#,name lf entry raw?)]))))])
(Terminal : Terminal (ir) -> * (tup tpred tn)
[(,id (,id* ...) ,b ,handler? ,pred)
(if handler?
#`(#,id : #,id (lf) -> * (sexp) (if raw? lf (#,handler? lf)))
#`(#,id : #,id (lf) -> * (sexp) lf))
(Nonterminal : Nonterminal (ir) -> * (up pred n)
[(,id (,id* ...) ,b ,rtd ,rcd ,tag ,pred ,all-pred ,all-term-pred ,[cl*] ...)
#`(#,id : #,id (lf) -> * (sexp) . #,cl*)
(Production : Production (ir) -> * (cl)
(define (build-sexp pretty-prod? raw-pattern mv*)
(if pretty-prod?
(PrettyProduction pretty-prod? raw-pattern mv*)
#`(with-extended-quasiquote (quasiquote #,raw-pattern)))))
[(production ,[pattern] ,pretty-prod? ,rtd ,tag ,pred ,maker ,[mv* up*] ...)
(with-syntax ([sexp-builder (build-sexp pretty-prod? pattern mv*)]
[(mv* ...) mv*]
[(up* ...) up*])
#`[#,pattern (let ([mv* (up* mv*)] ...) sexp-builder)])]
[(terminal ,[ref -> mv upname] ,pretty-prod?)
(with-syntax ([sexp-builder (build-sexp pretty-prod? #`,#,mv (list mv))])
#`[,#,mv (let ([#,mv (#,upname #,mv)]) sexp-builder)])]
[(nonterminal ,[ref -> mv upname] ,pretty-prod?)
(with-syntax ([sexp-builder (build-sexp pretty-prod? #`,#,mv (list mv))])
#`[,#,mv (let ([#,mv (#,upname #,mv)]) sexp-builder)])])
(Pattern : Pattern (ir) -> * (stx)
[,id id]
[,ref (let-values ([(mv up) (Reference ref)]) #`,#,mv)]
[,null #'()]
[(maybe ,[mv up]) #`,#,mv]
[(,[pattern0] ,dots . ,[pattern1])
#`(#,pattern0 (... ...) . #,pattern1)]
[(,[pattern0] . ,[pattern1]) #`(#,pattern0 . #,pattern1)])
(PrettyProduction : PrettyProduction (ir raw-pattern mv*) -> * (stx)
[(procedure ,handler)
#`(if raw?
(with-extended-quasiquote (quasiquote #,raw-pattern))
(#,handler #,name . #,mv*))]
[(pretty ,pattern)
(with-syntax ([pretty-builder (Pattern pattern)])
#`(if raw?
(with-extended-quasiquote (quasiquote #,raw-pattern))
(with-extended-quasiquote (quasiquote pretty-builder))))])
(Field : Field (ir) -> * (mv up)
(define (build-unparser-for-level up level)
(let f ([level level])
(if (fx=? level 0)
#`(lambda (x) (map #,(f (fx- level 1)) x))))))
[(,[mv up] ,level ,accessor)
(values mv (build-unparser-for-level up level))]
[(optional ,[mv up] ,level ,accessor)
(values mv
#`(lambda (x) (and x (#,up x)))
(Reference : Reference (ir) -> * (mv up)
[(term-ref ,id0 ,id1 ,b) (values id0 id1)]
[(nt-ref ,id0 ,id1 ,b) (values id0 id1)])
(Defn ir))
(define-pass build-parser : Lannotated (ir name) -> * (stx)
(define-pass extract-bindings : (Lannotated Pattern) (ir) -> * (id*)
(Pattern : Pattern (ir id*) -> * (id*)
[,id id*]
[,ref (Reference ref id*)]
[(maybe ,[id*]) id*]
[,null id*]
[(,pattern0 . ,[id*]) (Pattern pattern0 id*)]
[(,pattern0 ,dots . ,[id*])
(Pattern pattern0 id*)])
(Reference : Reference (ir id*) -> * (id*)
[(term-ref ,id0 ,id1 ,b) (cons id0 id*)]
[(nt-ref ,id0 ,id1 ,b) (cons id0 id*)])
(Pattern ir '()))
(define (build-body id prod*)
(let f ([prod* prod*])
(if (null? prod*)
(with-syntax ([(fk) (generate-temporaries '(fk))])
(Production (car prod*) id #'fk
#`(lambda () #,(f (cdr prod*)))))))))
(Defn : Defn (ir) -> * (stx)
[(define-language ,id ,[mv pname pred term?] ,id? ,rtd ,rcd ,tag-mask (,term* ...) ,[p* n*] ...)
(with-syntax ([(p* ...) p*]
[(n* ...) n*]
[who (datum->syntax name 'who)])
#`(define #,name
(let ()
(define-pass #,name : * (sexp entry) -> #,id ()
(define (squawk) (errorf who "unrecognized syntax ~s" sexp)))
p* ...
(case entry
[(n*) (n* sexp squawk)] ...
[else (errorf who "Unexpected entry name ~s" entry)]))
[(sexp) (#,name sexp '#,pname)]
[(sexp entry) (#,name sexp entry)]))))])
(Nonterminal : Nonterminal (ir) -> * (stx n)
[(,id (,id* ...) ,b ,rtd ,rcd ,tag ,pred ,all-pred ,all-term-pred ,prod* ...)
(values #`(#,id : * (sexp fk) -> #,id () #,(build-body id prod*)) id)])
(Production : Production (ir id fk-id fk) -> * (stx)
[(production ,[pattern -> build-rec] ,pretty-prod? ,rtd ,tag ,pred ,maker ,field* ...)
(with-syntax ([quasiquote (datum->syntax id 'quasiquote)])
#`(let ([#,fk-id #,fk]) #,(Pattern pattern #'sexp #`(quasiquote #,build-rec) fk-id)))]
[(terminal ,[mv p pred term?] ,pretty-prod?)
#`(let ([#,fk-id #,fk]) (if (#,pred sexp) sexp (#,fk-id)))]
[(nonterminal ,[mv p pred term?] ,pretty-prod?)
#`(let ([#,fk-id #,fk]) (#,p sexp #,fk-id))])
(Pattern : Pattern (ir sexp-id body fk) -> * (stx)
[,id #`(if (eq? #,sexp-id '#,id) #,body (#,fk))]
[,ref (let-values ([(mv p pred term?) (Reference ref)])
(if term?
#`(if (#,pred #,sexp-id)
(let ([#,mv #,sexp-id]) #,body)
#`(let ([#,mv (#,p #,sexp-id #,fk)]) #,body)))]
[,null #`(if (null? #,sexp-id) #,body (#,fk))]
[(maybe ,[mv p pred term?])
(if term?
#`(if (or (eq? #,sexp-id #f)
(#,pred #,sexp-id))
(let ([#,mv #,sexp-id]) #,body)
#`(let ([#,mv (and #,sexp-id (#,p #,sexp-id #,fk))]) #,body))]
[(,pattern0 . ,pattern1)
(with-syntax ([(a d) (generate-temporaries '(a d))])
#`(if (pair? #,sexp-id)
(let ([a (car #,sexp-id)] [d (cdr #,sexp-id)])
#,(Pattern pattern0 #'a
(Pattern pattern1 #'d body fk)
[(,pattern0 ,dots . ,pattern1)
(let ([binding* (extract-bindings pattern0)])
(with-syntax ([(binding ...) binding*]
[(tbinding ...) (generate-temporaries binding*)]
[(t0 t1 new-k loop) (generate-temporaries '(t0 t1 new-fk loop))])
#`(let loop ([t0 #,sexp-id] [tbinding '()] ...)
(let ([new-fk (lambda ()
(if (pair? t0)
(let ([t1 (car t0)] [t0 (cdr t0)])
#,(Pattern pattern0 #'t1
#'(loop t0 (cons binding tbinding) ...)
#,(Pattern pattern1 #'t0
#`(let ([binding (reverse tbinding)] ...)
(BuildPattern : Pattern (ir) -> * (stx)
[,id id]
[,ref (let-values ([(mv up pred term?) (Reference ref)]) #`,#,mv)]
[,null #'()]
[(maybe ,[mv up pred term?]) #`,#,mv]
[(,[pattern0] ,dots . ,[pattern1])
#`(#,pattern0 (... ...) . #,pattern1)]
[(,[pattern0] . ,[pattern1]) #`(#,pattern0 . #,pattern1)])
(Reference : Reference (ir) -> * (mv pname pred term?)
[(term-ref ,id0 ,id1 ,b)
(values id0 id1
(nanopass-case (Lannotated Terminal) (unbox b)
[(,id (,id* ...) ,b ,handler? ,pred) pred])
[(nt-ref ,id0 ,id1 ,b) (values id0 id1 #f #f)])
(Defn ir))
(define (star? x)
(or (eq? x '*)
(eq? (syntax->datum x) '*)))
(define (modifier? x)
(memq (syntax->datum x) '(echo trace)))
(define (definitions? x)
(or (eq? x 'definitions)
(eq? (syntax->datum x) 'defintions)))
(define (options? x)
(or (eq? x 'options)
(eq? (syntax->datum x) 'options)))
(define-language Lpass-src
(identifier (id))
(colon (:))
(arrow (->))
(star (*))
(definitions (definitions))
(options (options))
(syntax (stx))
(modifier (modifier))
(null (null))
(dots (dots))
(unquote (unquote))
(boolean (b)))
(Program (prog)
(define-pass id : lname0 (id* ...) -> lname1 (out* ...)
(options opt* ...)
(definitions stx* ...)
proc* ...
(maybe stx)))
(LanguageName (lname)
(id0 id1))
(Processor (proc)
(id : id0 (in* ...) -> id1 (out* ...)
(options opt* ...)
(definitions stx* ...)
cl* ...))
(InputArgument (in)
[id stx])
(OutputExpression (out)
(Clause (cl)
[pattern stx* ... stx])
(Pattern (pattern)
(binding hole)
(pattern0 dots . pattern1)
(pattern0 . pattern1)
(Hole (hole)
(Catamorphism (cata)
(stx : . cata-remainder)
(CatamorphismRemainder (cata-remainder)
(stx* ... -> . cata-out)
(CatamorphismOutputVariables (cata-out)
(id* ...))
(Option (opt)
(trace b)
(echo b)
(generate-transformers b)))
(define-pass parse-pass : * (stx who) -> Lpass-src ()
(define (has-language? lang)
(nanopass-case (Lpass-src LanguageName) lang
[,* #f]
[else #t])))
(Program : * (stx) -> Program ()
(syntax-case stx ()
[(_ pass-name ?colon iname (fml ...) ?arrow oname (xval ...) . rest)
(let ([squawk (lambda (msg what) (syntax-violation who msg stx what))])
(unless (identifier? #'pass-name) (squawk "invalid pass name" #'pass-name))
(unless (eq? (datum ?colon) ':) (squawk "expected colon" #'?colon))
(let ([ilang (LanguageName #'iname squawk)] [fml* #'(fml ...)])
(unless (for-all identifier? #'(fml ...)) (squawk "expected list of identifiers" fml*))
(when (and (has-language? ilang) (null? fml*)) (squawk "expected non-empty list of formals" fml*))
(unless (eq? (datum ?arrow) '->) (squawk "expected arrow" #'?arrow))
(let ([olang (LanguageName #'oname squawk)])
(define (looks-like-processor? x)
(let loop ([x x] [mcount 0])
(syntax-case x ()
[(pname ?colon itype (fml ...) ?arrow otype (xval ...) . more)
(and (eq? (datum ?colon) ':)
(eq? (datum ?arrow) '->)
(identifier? #'itype)
(identifier? #'otype)
(for-all (lambda (fml)
(or (identifier? fml)
(syntax-case fml ()
[[fml exp-value] (identifier? #'fml)])))
#'(fml ...)))
[(?modifier ?not-colon . more)
(and (memq (datum ?modifier) '(trace echo))
(not (eq? (datum ?not-colon) ':))
(< mcount 2))
(loop #'(?not-colon . more) (fx+ mcount 1))]
[_ #f])))
(define (s0 rest defn* pass-options)
(syntax-case rest ()
[((definitions defn* ...) . rest)
(eq? (datum definitions) 'definitions)
(s0 #'rest #'(defn* ...) pass-options)]
[((pass-options options ...) . rest)
(eq? (datum pass-options) 'pass-options)
(s0 #'rest defn* (map Option #'(options ...)))]
[_ (s1 rest defn* pass-options '())]))
(define (s1 rest defn* pass-options processor*)
(syntax-case rest ()
[(a . rest)
(looks-like-processor? #'a)
(s1 #'rest defn* pass-options (cons (Processor #'a squawk) processor*))]
[_ (s2 rest defn* pass-options processor*)]))
(define (s2 rest defn* pass-options processor*)
`(define-pass ,#'pass-name ,#'?colon ,ilang (,fml* ...) ,#'?arrow ,olang (,#'(xval ...) ...)
(options ,(or pass-options '()) ...)
(definitions ,defn* ...)
,processor* ...
,(syntax-case rest ()
[() #f]
[oth #`(begin . oth)])))
(s0 #'rest '() #f))))]))
(LanguageName : * (stx squawk) -> LanguageName ()
(syntax-case stx ()
[* (eq? (datum #'*) '*) #'*]
[id (identifier? #'id) #'id]
[(id0 id1)
(and (identifier? #'id0) (identifier? #'id1))
`(,#'id0 ,#'id1)]
[_ (squawk "invalid language specifier" stx)]))
(Option : * (stx squawk) -> Option ()
(syntax-case stx ()
[trace (eq? (datum #'trace) 'trace) `(trace #t)]
[echo (eq? (datum #'echo) 'echo) `(echo #t)]
[generate-transformers (eq? (datum #'generate-transforms) 'generate-transforms) `(generate-transformers #t)]
[_ (squawk "unexpected option" stx)]))
(Processor : * (stx squawk) -> Processor ()
(let s0 ([stx stx] [modifier* '()])
(syntax-case stx ()
[(pname ?colon itype (fml ...) ?arrow otype (xval ...) . more)
(and (eq? (datum ?colon) ':)
(eq? (datum ?arrow) '->)
(identifier? #'itype)
(identifier? #'otype)
(for-all (lambda (fml)
(or (identifier? fml)
(syntax-case fml ()
[[fml exp-value] (identifier? #'fml)])))
#'(fml ...)))
(syntax-case #'more ()
[((definitions defn ...) cl ...)
(eq? (datum definitions) 'definitions)
(let ([cl* (map Clause #'(cl ...))]
[in* (map InputArgument #'(fml ...))])
`(,#'id ,#'?colon ,#'itype (,in* ...) ,#'?arrow ,#'otype (,#'(xval ...) ...)
(options ,modifier* ...)
(definitions ,#'(defn ...) ...)
,cl* ...))]
[(cl ...)
(let ([cl* (map Clause #'(cl ...))]
[in* (map InputArgument #'(fml ...))])
`(,#'id ,#'?colon ,#'itype (,in* ...) ,#'?arrow ,#'otype (,#'(xval ...) ...)
(options ,modifier* ...)
,cl* ...))])]
[(?modifier ?not-colon . more)
(s0 #'(?not-colon . more) (cons (Option #'?modifier squawk) modifier*))])))
(InputArgument : * (stx) -> InputArgument ()
(syntax-case stx ()
[id (identifier? #'id) #'id]
[[id stx] (identifier? #'id) `(,#'id ,#'stx)]))
(Clause : * (stx) -> Clause ()
(syntax-case stx ()
[(pattern stx* ... stx)
(let ([pattern (Pattern #'pattern)])
`(,pattern ,#'(stx* ...) ... ,#'stx))]))
(Pattern : * (stx) -> Pattern ()
(syntax-case stx ()
[id (identifier? #'id) #'id]
[(unq hole) (eq? (datum unq) 'unquote) `(binding ,(Hole #'hole))]
[(pattern0 dots . pattern1)
(eq? (datum dots) '...)
`(,(Pattern #'pattern0) ,#'dots . ,(Pattern #'pattern1))]
[(pattern0 . pattern1) `(,(Pattern #'pattern0) . ,(Pattern #'pattern1))]
[null '()]))
(Hole : * (stx) -> Hole ()
(syntax-case stx ()
[id (identifier? #'id) #'id]
[_ (Catamorphism stx)]))
(Catamorphism : * (stx) -> Catamorphism ()
(let ()
(define (s0 stx)
(syntax-case stx ()
[(: . stx) (colon? #':) (s2 #f #'stx)]
[(-> . stx) (arrow? #'->) (s4 #f #f '() #'stx)]
[(e . stx) (s1 #'e #'stx)]
[() (in-context CatamorphismOutputVariables `(,'() ...))]))
(define (s1 e stx)
(syntax-case stx ()
[(: . stx) (colon? #':) (s2 e #'stx)]
[(-> . stx)
(and (arrow? #'->) (identifier? e))
(s4 #f (list e) '() #'stx)]
[(expr . stx)
(identifier? e)
(s3 #f (list #'expr e) #'stx)]
[() (identifier? e) (in-context CatamorphismOutputVariables `(,e))]))
(define (s2 f stx)
(syntax-case stx ()
[(-> . stx)
(arrow? #'->)
(s4 f #f '() #'stx)]
[(id . stx)
(identifier? #'id)
(s3 f (list #'id) #'stx)]))
(define (s3 f e* stx)
(syntax-case stx ()
[(-> . stx)
(arrow? #'->)
(s4 f (reverse e*) '() #'stx)]
[(e . stx)
(s3 f (cons #'e e*) #'stx)]
(for-all identifier? e*)
`(,f : -> ,e* ...)]))
(define (s4 f maybe-inid* routid* stx)
(syntax-case stx ()
[(id . stx)
(identifier? #'id)
(s4 f maybe-inid* (cons #'id routid*) #'stx)]
[() `(,f : ,(or maybe-inid* '()) ... -> ,(reverse routid*) ...)]))
(s0 stx)))
(Program stx))
(define-language Lpass
(extends Lpass-src)
(+ (Lannotated (np-lang))))
(Program (prog)
(- (define-pass id : lname0 (id* ...) -> lname1 (out* ...)
(options opt* ...)
(definitions stx* ...)
proc* ...
(maybe stx)))
(+ (define-pass id : lang0 (id* ...) -> lang1 (stx0* ...)
(options opt* ...)
(definitions stx1* ...)
proc* ...
(LanguageName (lname)
(- *
(id0 id1)))
(Language (lang)
(+ (none)
(np-lang id)))
(Clause (cl)
(- (pattern stx* ... stx))
(+ (pattern stx)))
(Catamorphism (cata)
(- (stx : . cata-remainder)
(+ (stx : (stx* ...) -> id* ...)))
(CatamorphismRemainder (cata-remainder)
(- (stx* ... -> . cata-out)
(CatamorphismOutputVariables (cata-out)
(- (id* ...))))
(define lookup-language
(lambda (rho name)
(let ([lang (rho name #'experimental-language)])
(unless (language-information? lang)
(errorf 'with-language "unable to find language information for ~s" (syntax->datum name)))