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;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2018 Dipanwita Sarkar, Andrew W. Keep, R. Kent Dybvig, Oscar Waddell
;;; See the accompanying file Copyright for details
(library (nanopass helpers)
;; auxiliary keywords for language/pass definitions
extends definitions entry terminals nongenerative-id maybe
;; predicates for looking for identifiers independent of context
ellipsis? unquote? colon? arrow? plus? minus? double-arrow?
;; things for dealing with syntax and idetnfieris
all-unique-identifiers? construct-id construct-unique-id gentemp
bound-id-member? bound-id-union partition-syn datum
;; things for dealing with language meta-variables
meta-var->raw-meta-var combine unique-name
;; convenience syntactic forms
rec with-values define-who trace-define-who
;; source information funtions
;;; stuff imported from implementation-helpers
;; formatting
format printf pretty-print
;; listy stuff
iota make-list list-head
;; gensym stuff (related to nongenerative languages)
gensym regensym
;; library export stuff (needed for when used inside module to
;; auto-indirect export things)
;; compile-time environment helpers
define-property make-compile-time-value
;; code organization helpers
;; useful for warning items
warningf errorf
;; used to get the best performance from hashtables
eq-hashtable-set! eq-hashtable-ref
;; debugging support
trace-lambda trace-define-syntax trace-let trace-define
;; needed to know what code to generate
;; the base record, so that we can use gensym syntax
;; handy syntactic stuff
with-implicit with-r6rs-quasiquote with-extended-quasiquote
extended-quasiquote with-auto-unquote
;; abstraction of the grabbing the syntactic environment that will work in
;; Chez, Ikarus, & Vicare
;; expose the source information stuff
(import (rnrs) (nanopass implementation-helpers))
(define-syntax datum
(syntax-rules ()
[(_ e) (syntax->datum #'e)]))
(define-syntax with-r6rs-quasiquote
(lambda (x)
(syntax-case x ()
[(k . body)
#`(let-syntax ([#,(datum->syntax #'k 'quasiquote) (syntax-rules () [(_ x) `x])])
. body)])))
(define-syntax extended-quasiquote
(lambda (x)
(define gather-unquoted-exprs
(lambda (body)
(let f ([body body] [t* '()] [e* '()])
(syntax-case body (unquote unquote-splicing)
[(unquote x)
(identifier? #'x)
(if (memp (lambda (t) (bound-identifier=? t #'x)) t*)
(values body t* e*)
(values body (cons #'x t*) (cons #'x e*)))]
[(unquote-splicing x)
(identifier? #'x)
(if (memp (lambda (t) (bound-identifier=? t #'x)) t*)
(values body t* e*)
(values body (cons #'x t*) (cons #'x e*)))]
[(unquote e)
(with-syntax ([(t) (generate-temporaries '(t))])
(values #'(unquote t) (cons #'t t*) (cons #'e e*)))]
[(unquote-splicing e)
(with-syntax ([(t) (generate-temporaries '(t))])
(values #'(unquote-splicing t) (cons #'t t*) (cons #'e e*)))]
[(tmpl0 . tmpl1)
(let-values ([(tmpl0 t* e*) (f #'tmpl0 t* e*)])
(let-values ([(tmpl1 t* e*) (f #'tmpl1 t* e*)])
(values #`(#,tmpl0 . #,tmpl1) t* e*)))]
[atom (values #'atom t* e*)]))))
(define build-list
(lambda (body orig-level)
(let loop ([body body] [level orig-level])
(syntax-case body (unquote unquote-splicing)
[(tmpl0 ... (unquote e))
(with-syntax ([(tmpl0 ...) (rebuild-body #'(tmpl0 ...) (fx- orig-level 1))])
[(fx=? level 0) #'(tmpl0 ... (unquote e))]
[(fx=? level 1) #'(tmpl0 ... (unquote-splicing e))]
[else (let loop ([level level] [e #'e])
(if (fx=? level 1)
#`(tmpl0 ... (unquote-splicing #,e))
(loop (fx- level 1) #`(apply append #,e))))]))]
[(tmpl0 ... (unquote-splicing e))
(with-syntax ([(tmpl0 ...) (rebuild-body #'(tmpl0 ...) (fx- orig-level 1))])
[(fx=? level 0) #'(tmpl0 ... (unquote-splicing e))]
[else (let loop ([level level] [e #'e])
(if (fx=? level 0)
#`(tmpl0 ... (unquote-splicing #,e))
(loop (fx- level 1) #`(apply append #,e))))]))]
[(tmpl0 ... tmpl1 ellipsis)
(eq? (datum ellipsis) '...)
(loop #'(tmpl0 ... tmpl1) (fx+ level 1))]
[(tmpl0 ... tmpl1)
(with-syntax ([(tmpl0 ...) (rebuild-body #'(tmpl0 ...) (fx- orig-level 1))])
(let-values ([(tmpl1 t* e*) (gather-unquoted-exprs #'tmpl1)])
(when (null? e*)
(syntax-violation 'extended-quasiquote
"no variables found in ellipsis expression" body))
(let loop ([level level]
[e #`(map (lambda #,t*
. #,e*)])
(if (fx=? level 1)
#`(tmpl0 ... (unquote-splicing #,e))
(loop (fx- level 1) #`(apply append #,e))))))]))))
(define rebuild-body
(lambda (body level)
(syntax-case body (unquote unquote-splicing)
[(unquote e) #'(unquote e)]
[(unquote-splicing e) #'(unquote-splicing e)]
[(tmpl0 ... tmpl1 ellipsis)
(eq? (datum ellipsis) '...)
(with-syntax ([(tmpl0 ...) (build-list #'(tmpl0 ... tmpl1) (fx+ level 1))])
#'(tmpl0 ...))]
[(tmpl0 ... tmpl1 ellipsis . tmpl2)
(eq? (datum ellipsis) '...)
(with-syntax ([(tmpl0 ...) (build-list #'(tmpl0 ... tmpl1) (fx+ level 1))]
[tmpl2 (rebuild-body #'tmpl2 level)])
#'(tmpl0 ... . tmpl2))]
[(tmpl0 ... tmpl1)
(with-syntax ([(tmpl0 ...) (rebuild-body #'(tmpl0 ...) level)]
[tmpl1 (rebuild-body #'tmpl1 level)])
#'(tmpl0 ... tmpl1))]
[(tmpl0 ... tmpl1 . tmpl2)
(with-syntax ([(tmpl0 ...) (rebuild-body #'(tmpl0 ... tmpl1) level)]
[tmpl2 (rebuild-body #'tmpl2 level)])
#'(tmpl0 ... . tmpl2))]
[other #'other])))
(syntax-case x ()
[(k body)
(with-syntax ([body (rebuild-body #'body 0)])
#'(quasiquote body))])))
(define-syntax with-extended-quasiquote
(lambda (x)
(syntax-case x ()
[(k . body)
(with-implicit (k quasiquote)
#'(let-syntax ([quasiquote (syntax-rules ()
[(_ x) (extended-quasiquote x)])])
. body))])))
(define-syntax with-auto-unquote
(lambda (x)
(syntax-case x ()
[(k (x* ...) . body)
(with-implicit (k quasiquote)
#'(let-syntax ([quasiquote
(lambda (x)
(define replace-vars
(let ([vars (list #'x* ...)])
(lambda (b)
(let f ([b b])
(syntax-case b ()
[id (identifier? #'id)
(if (memp (lambda (var) (free-identifier=? var #'id)) vars)
#'(unquote id)
[(a . d) (with-syntax ([a (f #'a)] [d (f #'d)]) #'(a . d))]
[atom #'atom])))))
(syntax-case x ()
[(_ b)
(with-syntax ([b (replace-vars #'b)])
. body))])))
(define all-unique-identifiers?
(lambda (ls)
(and (for-all identifier? ls)
(let f ([ls ls])
(if (null? ls)
(let ([id (car ls)] [ls (cdr ls)])
(and (not (memp (lambda (x) (free-identifier=? x id)) ls))
(f ls))))))))
(define-syntax with-values
(syntax-rules ()
[(_ p c) (call-with-values (lambda () p) c)]))
(define-syntax rec
(syntax-rules ()
[(_ name proc) (letrec ([name proc]) name)]
[(_ (name . arg) body body* ...)
(letrec ([name (lambda arg body body* ...)]) name)]))
(define-syntax define-auxiliary-keyword
(syntax-rules ()
[(_ name)
(define-syntax name
(lambda (x)
(syntax-violation 'name "misplaced use of auxiliary keyword" x)))]))
(define-syntax define-auxiliary-keywords
(syntax-rules ()
[(_ name* ...)
(begin (define-auxiliary-keyword name*) ...)]))
(define-auxiliary-keywords extends definitions entry terminals nongenerative-id maybe)
(define-syntax define-who
(lambda (x)
(syntax-case x ()
[(k name expr)
(with-implicit (k who)
#'(define name (let () (define who 'name) expr)))]
[(k (name . fmls) expr exprs ...)
#'(define-who name (lambda (fmls) expr exprs ...))])))
(define-syntax trace-define-who
(lambda (x)
(syntax-case x ()
[(k name expr)
(with-implicit (k who)
#'(trace-define name (let () (define who 'name) expr)))]
[(k (name . fmls) expr exprs ...)
#'(trace-define-who name (lambda (fmls) expr exprs ...))])))
;;; moved from and
(define combine
(lambda (r* r)
(if (null? (car r*))
(cons (map car r*) (combine (map cdr r*) r)))))
;;; moved from and
(define ellipsis?
(lambda (x)
(and (identifier? x) (free-identifier=? x (syntax (... ...))))))
(define unquote?
(lambda (x)
(and (identifier? x) (free-identifier=? x (syntax unquote)))))
(define unquote-splicing?
(lambda (x)
(and (identifier? x) (free-identifier=? x (syntax unquote-splicing)))))
(define plus?
(lambda (x)
(and (identifier? x)
(or (free-identifier=? x #'+)
(eq? (syntax->datum x) '+)))))
(define minus?
(lambda (x)
(and (identifier? x)
(or (free-identifier=? x #'-)
(eq? (syntax->datum x) '-)))))
(define double-arrow?
(lambda (x)
(and (identifier? x)
(or (free-identifier=? x #'=>)
(eq? (syntax->datum x) '=>)))))
(define colon?
(lambda (x)
(and (identifier? x)
(or (free-identifier=? x #':)
(eq? (syntax->datum x) ':)))))
(define arrow?
(lambda (x)
(and (identifier? x)
(or (free-identifier=? x #'->)
(eq? (syntax->datum x) '->)))))
;;; unique-name produces a unique name derived the input name by
;;; adding a unique suffix of the form .<digit>+. creating a unique
;;; name from a unique name has the effect of replacing the old
;;; unique suffix with a new one.
(define unique-suffix
(let ((count 0))
(lambda ()
(set! count (+ count 1))
(number->string count))))
(define unique-name
(lambda (id . id*)
(lambda (id str) (string-append str ":" (symbol->string (syntax->datum id))))
(symbol->string (syntax->datum id)) id*)
; TODO: at some point we may want this to be a little bit more
; sophisticated, or we may want to have something like a regular
; expression style engine where we bail as soon as we can identify
; what the meta-var corresponds to.
(define meta-var->raw-meta-var
(lambda (sym)
(let ([s (symbol->string sym)])
(let f ([i (fx- (string-length s) 1)])
[(fx=? i -1) sym]
[(or (char=? #\* (string-ref s i))
(char=? #\^ (string-ref s i))
(char=? #\? (string-ref s i)))
(f (fx- i 1))]
[else (let f ([i i])
[(fx=? i -1) sym]
[(char-numeric? (string-ref s i)) (f (fx- i 1))]
[else (string->symbol (substring s 0 (fx+ i 1)))]))])))))
(define build-id
(lambda (who x x*)
(define ->str
(lambda (x)
[(string? x) x]
[(identifier? x) (symbol->string (syntax->datum x))]
[(symbol? x) (symbol->string x)]
[else (error who "invalid input ~s" x)])))
(apply string-append (->str x) (map ->str x*))))
(define $construct-id
(lambda (who str->sym tid x x*)
(unless (identifier? tid)
(error who "template argument ~s is not an identifier" tid))
(datum->syntax tid (str->sym (build-id who x x*)))))
(define-who construct-id
(lambda (tid x . x*)
($construct-id who string->symbol tid x x*)))
(define-who construct-unique-id
(lambda (tid x . x*)
($construct-id who gensym tid x x*)))
(define-syntax partition-syn
(lambda (x)
(syntax-case x ()
[(_ ls-expr () e0 e1 ...) #'(begin ls-expr e0 e1 ...)]
[(_ ls-expr ([set pred] ...) e0 e1 ...)
(with-syntax ([(pred ...)
(let f ([preds #'(pred ...)])
(if (null? (cdr preds))
(if (free-identifier=? (car preds) #'otherwise)
(list #'(lambda (x) #t))
(cons (car preds) (f (cdr preds)))))])
#'(let-values ([(set ...)
(let f ([ls ls-expr])
(if (null? ls)
(let ([set '()] ...) (values set ...))
(let-values ([(set ...) (f (cdr ls))])
[(pred (car ls))
(let ([set (cons (car ls) set)])
(values set ...))]
[else (error 'partition-syn
"no home for ~s"
(car ls))]))))])
e0 e1 ...))])))
(define gentemp
(lambda ()
(car (generate-temporaries '(#'t)))))
(define bound-id-member?
(lambda (id id*)
(and (not (null? id*))
(or (bound-identifier=? id (car id*))
(bound-id-member? id (cdr id*))))))
(define bound-id-union ; seems to be unneeded
(lambda (ls1 ls2)
[(null? ls1) ls2]
[(bound-id-member? (car ls1) ls2) (bound-id-union (cdr ls1) ls2)]
[else (cons (car ls1) (bound-id-union (cdr ls1) ls2))])))
(define syntax->source-info
(lambda (stx)
(let ([si (syntax->source-information stx)])
(and si
[(and (source-information-position-line si)
(source-information-position-column si))
(format "~s line ~s, char ~s of ~a"
(source-information-type si)
(source-information-position-line si)
(source-information-position-column si)
(source-information-source-file si))]
[(source-information-byte-offset-start si)
(format "~s byte position ~s of ~a"
(source-information-type si)
(source-information-byte-offset-start si)
(source-information-source-file si))]
[(source-information-char-offset-start si)
(format "~s character position ~s of ~a"
(source-information-type si)
(source-information-char-offset-start si)
(source-information-source-file si))]
[else (format "in ~a" (source-information-source-file si))]))))))