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;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2018 Dipanwita Sarkar, Andrew W. Keep, R. Kent Dybvig, Oscar Waddell
;;; See the accompanying file Copyright for details
(library (nanopass implementation-helpers)
;; formatting
format printf pretty-print
;; listy stuff
iota make-list list-head
;; gensym stuff (related to nongenerative languages)
gensym regensym
;; source-information stuff
;; library export stuff (needed for when used inside module to
;; auto-indirect export things)
;; compile-time environment helpers
define-property make-compile-time-value
;; code organization helpers
;; useful for warning and error items
warningf errorf
;; used to get the best performance from hashtables
eq-hashtable-set! eq-hashtable-ref
;; debugging support
trace-lambda trace-define-syntax trace-let trace-define
;; needed to know what code to generate
;; the base record, so that we can use gensym syntax
;; handy syntactic stuff
;; abstraction of the grabbing the syntactic environment that will work in
;; Chez, Ikarus, Vicare and IronScheme
;; apparently not neeaded (or no longer needed)
; scheme-version= scheme-version< scheme-version> scheme-version>=
; scheme-version<= with-scheme-version gensym? errorf with-output-to-string
; with-input-from-string
(rnrs eval)
(nanopass syntactic-property)
(ironscheme core)
(ironscheme clr)
(ironscheme reader))
(define optimize-level (make-parameter 0)) ;; not sure what this is used for (yet)
(define-syntax with-implicit
(syntax-rules ()
[(_ (id name ...) body bodies ...)
(with-syntax ([name (datum->syntax #'id 'name)] ...) body bodies ...)]))
; the base language
(define-syntax define-nanopass-record
(lambda (x)
(syntax-case x ()
[(k) (with-implicit (k nanopass-record nanopass-record? nanopass-record-tag)
#'(define-record-type (nanopass-record make-nanopass-record nanopass-record?)
(nongenerative nanopass-record-d47f8omgluol6otrw1yvu5-0)
(fields (immutable tag nanopass-record-tag))))])))
(define-syntax eq-hashtable-set! (identifier-syntax hashtable-set!))
(define-syntax eq-hashtable-ref (identifier-syntax hashtable-ref))
(define list-head
(lambda (orig-ls orig-n)
(let f ([ls orig-ls] [n orig-n])
[(fxzero? n) '()]
[(null? ls) (error 'list-head "index out of range" orig-ls orig-n)]
[else (cons (car ls) (f (cdr ls) (fx- n 1)))]))))
(define iota
(lambda (n)
(let loop ([n n] [ls '()])
(if (fxzero? n)
(let ([n (fx- n 1)])
(loop n (cons n ls)))))))
(define (gensym? s) (eq? s (ungensym s)))
;; just stuffing info for now... I guess it is needed for prettiness only?
(define regensym
[(gs extra)
(unless (gensym? gs) (errorf 'regensym "~s is not a gensym" gs))
(unless (string? extra) (errorf 'regensym "~s is not a string" extra))
; (let ([pretty-name (parameterize ([print-gensym #f]) (format "~s" gs))]
; [unique-name (gensym->unique-string gs)])
; (with-input-from-string (format "~a-~a~a" pretty-name unique-name extra) read))
(gensym (format "~a~a" gs extra))]
[(gs extra0 extra1)
(unless (gensym? gs) (errorf 'regensym "~s is not a gensym" gs))
(unless (string? extra0) (errorf 'regensym "~s is not a string" extra0))
(unless (string? extra1) (errorf 'regensym "~s is not a string" extra1))
; (with-output-to-string (lambda () (format "~s" gs)))
; (let ([pretty-name (parameterize ([print-gensym #f]) (format "~s" gs))]
; [unique-name (gensym->unique-string gs)])
; (with-input-from-string (format "~a~a-~a~a" pretty-name extra0 unique-name extra1) read))
(gensym (format "~a~a~a" gs extra0 extra1))
(define provide-full-source-information
(make-parameter #f (lambda (x) (and x #t))))
(define-record-type source-information
(sealed #t)
(fields source-file byte-offset-start char-offset-start byte-offset-end
char-offset-end position-line position-column type)
(lambda (new)
(lambda (a type)
(let* ([as (annotation-source a)][cp (car (clr-static-call IronScheme.Runtime.Builtins SourceLocation (cdr as)))])
(let ([fn (car as)] [line (car cp)][col (cdr cp)])
;; the line/col info from the reader is pretty accurate, do I need the stuff below?
(if (provide-full-source-information)
(call-with-input-file fn
(lambda (ip)
(let loop ([n cp] [line 1] [col 0])
(if (= n 0)
(new fn (port-position ip) cp #f #f line col type)
(let ([c (read-char ip)])
(if (char=? c #\newline)
(loop (- n 1) (fx+ line 1) 0)
(loop (- n 1) line (fx+ col 1))))))))
(new fn #f #f #f #f line col type))))))))
(define syntax->source-information
(lambda (stx)
(let loop ([stx stx] [type 'at])
[(stx? stx)
(let ([e (stx-expr stx)])
(and (annotation? e) (make-source-information e type)))]
[(pair? stx) (or (loop (car stx) 'near) (loop (cdr stx) 'near))]
[else #f]))))
(define-syntax errorf
(syntax-rules ()
[(_ who fmt args ...) (error who (format fmt args ...))]))
(define-syntax warningf
(syntax-rules ()
[(_ who fmt args ...) (warning who (format fmt args ...))]))
(define-syntax indirect-export
(syntax-rules ()
[(_ id indirect-id ...) (define t (if #f #f))]))
(define-syntax define-property
(lambda (x)
(syntax-case x ()
[(_ id key value)
(with-syntax ([t (datum->syntax #'id (gensym (syntax->datum #'id)))])
(syntax-property-set! #'id #'key (syntax->datum #'t))
#'(define-syntax waste (let () (set-symbol-value! 't value) (lambda (x) (syntax-violation #f "invalid syntax" x)))))])))
(define-syntax with-compile-time-environment
(syntax-rules ()
[(k (arg) body* ... body)
(lambda (rho)
(let ([arg (case-lambda
[(x) (rho x)]
[(x y) (let ([sym (syntax-property-get x y #f)])
(and sym (symbol-value sym)))])])
body* ... body))])))