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;;; Copyright (c) 2000-2018 Dipanwita Sarkar, Andrew W. Keep, R. Kent Dybvig, Oscar Waddell
;;; See the accompanying file Copyright for details
;;; TODO:
;;; 1. write make-processors (based on make-processor, currently in meta-parsers
;;; 2. add else clause to processors
;;; Make sure the following are obeyed:
;;; 1. allow ir to be named
;;; 2. loosen up form of pass body
;;; 3. don't require () in pass body
;;; 4. add else clause
;;; 5. support Datum output
;;; 6. don't bind quasiquote with Datum output
;;; 7. make cata work with Datum output
(library (nanopass pass)
(export define-pass trace-define-pass echo-define-pass with-output-language
nanopass-case pass-input-parser pass-output-unparser
pass-identifier? pass-input-language pass-output-language)
(import (rnrs)
(nanopass helpers)
(nanopass records)
(nanopass syntaxconvert)
(nanopass meta-parser)
(nanopass parser)
(nanopass unparser)
(rnrs mutable-pairs))
(define-syntax pass-input-parser
(lambda (x)
(syntax-case x ()
[(_ pass-name)
(with-compile-time-environment (rho)
(let ([pass-info (rho #'pass-name #'define-pass)])
(if pass-info
(let ([Lid (pass-info-input-language pass-info)])
(if Lid
(with-syntax ([Lid Lid])
#'(let ()
(define-parser parse-Lid Lid)
#'(lambda (x . rest) x)))
(define-syntax pass-output-unparser
(lambda (x)
(syntax-case x ()
[(_ pass-name)
(with-compile-time-environment (rho)
(let ([pass-info (rho #'pass-name #'define-pass)])
(if pass-info
(let ([Lid (pass-info-output-language pass-info)])
(if Lid
(with-syntax ([Lid Lid])
#'(let ()
(define-unparser unparse-Lid Lid)
#'(lambda (x . rest) x)))
(define pass-identifier?
(lambda (id rho)
(and (rho id #'define-pass) #t)))
(define pass-input-language
(lambda (id rho)
(let ([pass-info (rho id #'define-pass)])
(and pass-info (pass-info-input-language pass-info)))))
(define pass-output-language
(lambda (id rho)
(let ([pass-info (rho id #'define-pass)])
(and pass-info (pass-info-output-language pass-info)))))
;; NOTE: the following is less general then the with-output-language because it does not
;; support multiple return values. It also generates nastier code for the expander to deal
;; with, though cp0 should clean it up. It is possible that in the long run, we'll want to
;; have a separate pass-lambda form, or that we'll loosen up the body further to return
;; multiple values even when they aren't specified. For now, this is moth-balled.
#;(define-syntax with-output-language
(lambda (x)
(syntax-case x ()
[(k (lang type) b b* ...)
(with-syntax ([pass (datum->syntax #'k 'pass)])
#'(let ()
(define-pass pass : * () -> (lang type) () (begin b b* ...))
[(k lang b b* ...)
(with-syntax ([pass (datum->syntax #'k 'pass)])
#'(let ()
(define-pass pass : * () -> lang () (begin b b* ...))
(define-syntax with-output-language
(lambda (x)
(with-compile-time-environment (r)
(syntax-case x ()
[(id (lang type) b b* ...)
(let* ([olang-pair (r #'lang)]
[olang (and olang-pair (car olang-pair))]
[meta-parser (and olang-pair (cdr olang-pair))])
(unless (language? olang)
(syntax-violation 'with-output-language "unrecognized language" #'lang))
(unless (procedure? meta-parser)
(syntax-violation 'with-output-language "missing meta parser for language" #'lang))
(with-syntax ([in-context (datum->syntax #'id 'in-context)]
[quasiquote (datum->syntax #'id 'quasiquote)])
#`(let-syntax ([quasiquote '#,(make-quasiquote-transformer
#'id #'type olang
[in-context '#,(make-in-context-transformer
#'id olang
b b* ...)))]
[(id lang b b* ...)
(let* ([olang-pair (r #'lang)]
[olang (and olang-pair (car olang-pair))]
[meta-parser (and olang-pair (cdr olang-pair))])
(unless (language? olang)
(syntax-violation 'with-output-language "unrecognized language" #'lang))
(unless (procedure? meta-parser)
(syntax-violation 'with-output-language "missing meta parser for language" #'lang))
(with-syntax ([in-context (datum->syntax #'id 'in-context)])
([in-context '#,(make-in-context-transformer #'id olang
b b* ...)))]))))
(define-syntax nanopass-case
; (nanopass-case (lang type) id ---) rebinds id so that it always holds the
; current ir even through cata recursion
(lambda (x)
(syntax-case x (else)
[(k (lang type) x cl ... [else b0 b1 ...])
(identifier? #'x)
(with-syntax ([quasiquote (datum->syntax #'k 'quasiquote)]) ; if we were in a rhs, pick-up the output quasiquote
#'(let ()
(define-pass p : (lang type) (x) -> * (val)
(proc : type (x) -> * (val) cl ... [else b0 b1 ...])
(proc x))
(p x)))]
[(k (lang type) e cl ... [else b0 b1 ...])
#'(let ([ir e]) (k (lang type) ir cl ... [else b0 b1 ...]))]
[(k (lang type) e cl ...)
#`(k (lang type) e cl ...
[else (error 'nanopass-case
; TODO: we were using $strip-wrap here, should be something like
; $make-source-oops, but at least pseudo r6rs portable if possible
#,(let ([si (syntax->source-info x)])
(if si
(format "empty else clause hit ~s ~a"
(syntax->datum x) si)
(format "empty else clause hit ~s"
(syntax->datum x)))))])])))
(define-syntax trace-define-pass
(lambda (x)
(define unparser
(lambda (lang)
[(eq? (syntax->datum lang) '*) #f]
[(identifier? lang) (construct-id lang "unparse-" lang)]
[else (syntax-case lang ()
[(lang type) (construct-id #'lang "unparse-" #'lang)])])))
(syntax-case x ()
[(_ name ?colon ilang (id ...) ?arrow olang (xtra ...) . body)
(and (identifier? #'name) (eq? (datum ?arrow) '->) (eq? (datum ?colon) ':)
(for-all identifier? #'(id ...)))
(let ([iunparser (unparser #'ilang)] [ounparser (unparser #'olang)])
#`(define name
(lambda (id ...)
(define-pass name ?colon ilang (id ...) ?arrow olang (xtra ...) . body)
(let ([tpass name])
#,(if iunparser
(if ounparser
(with-syntax ([(ot xvals ...) (generate-temporaries #'(name xtra ...))]
[(tid xargs ...) (generate-temporaries #'(id ...))]
[(id id* ...) #'(id ...)])
#`(let ([result #f])
(trace-let name ([tid (#,iunparser id #t)] [xargs id*] ...)
(let-values ([(ot xvals ...) (tpass id id* ...)])
(set! result (list ot xvals ...))
(values (#,ounparser ot #t) xvals ...)))
(apply values result)))
(with-syntax ([(xvals ...) (generate-temporaries #'(xtra ...))]
[(tid xargs ...) (generate-temporaries #'(id ...))]
[(id id* ...) #'(id ...)])
#`(trace-let name ([tid (#,iunparser id #t)] [xargs id*] ...)
(tpass id id* ...))))
(if ounparser
(with-syntax ([(ot xvals ...) (generate-temporaries #'(name xtra ...))])
#`(let ([result #f])
(trace-let name ([id id] ...)
(let-values ([(ot xvals ...) (tpass id ...)])
(set! result (list ot xvals ...))
(values (#,ounparser ot #t) xvals ...)))
(apply values result)))
#`(trace-let name ([id id] ...)
(tpass id ...))))))))])))
(define-syntax define-pass
(syntax-rules ()
[(_ . more) (x-define-pass . more)]))
(define-syntax echo-define-pass
(lambda (x)
(define parse-options
(lambda (body)
(let loop ([rest body] [defn #f] [pass-options '()])
(syntax-case rest ()
[() (if defn
#`(#,pass-options #,defn)
[((definitions . defn) . rest)
(eq? (datum definitions) 'definitions)
(loop #'rest #'(definitions . defn) pass-options)]
[((?pass-options ?options ...) . rest)
(eq? (datum ?pass-options) 'pass-options)
(loop #'rest defn #'(?options ...))]
[_ (if defn
#`(#,pass-options #,defn . #,rest)
#`(#,pass-options . #,rest))]))))
(syntax-case x ()
[(_ name ?colon ilang (fml ...) ?arrow olang (xval ...) . body)
(and (identifier? #'name)
(eq? (datum ?colon) ':)
(or (identifier? #'ilang)
(syntax-case #'ilang ()
[(ilang itype) (and (identifier? #'ilang) (identifier? #'itype))]
[_ #f]))
(or (identifier? #'olang)
(syntax-case #'olang ()
[(olang otype) (and (identifier? #'olang) (identifier? #'otype))]
[_ #f]))
(for-all identifier? #'(fml ...)))
(with-syntax ([((options ...) . body) (parse-options #'body)])
#'(x-define-pass name ?colon ilang (fml ...) ?arrow olang (xval ...)
(pass-options (echo #t) options ...) . body))])))
(define-syntax x-define-pass
(lambda (x)
(define who 'define-pass)
(define-record-type pass-options
(fields echo? generate-transformers?)
(lambda (new)
[() (new #f #t)]
(let loop ([options options] [echo? #f] [gt? #t])
(syntax-case options ()
[() (new echo? gt?)]
[((?echo ?bool) . options)
(and (identifier? #'?echo)
(eq? (datum ?echo) 'echo)
(boolean? (datum ?bool)))
(loop #'options (datum ?bool) gt?)]
[((?generate-transformers ?bool) . options)
(and (identifier? #'?generate-transformers)
(eq? (datum ?generate-transformers) 'generate-transformers)
(boolean? (datum ?bool)))
(loop #'options echo? (datum ?bool))]
[(opt . options) (syntax-violation who "invalid pass option" x #'opt)]))]))))
(define-record-type pass-desc
(fields name maybe-ilang maybe-olang (mutable pdesc*)))
(define-record-type pdesc
(fields name maybe-itype fml* dflt* maybe-otype xval* body trace? echo?))
(define-record-type pclause
(fields lhs guard id rhs-arg* rhs-lambda
(mutable used? pclause-used? pclause-used-set!)
(mutable related-alt*))
(lambda (new)
(lambda (lhs guard id rhs-arg* rhs-lambda)
(new lhs guard id rhs-arg* rhs-lambda #f '())))))
(define make-processors
(lambda (pass-desc pass-options maybe-imeta-parser maybe-ometa-parser)
(let loop ([pdesc* (pass-desc-pdesc* pass-desc)] [processor* '()])
(if (null? pdesc*)
(let ([pdesc* (let ([ls (pass-desc-pdesc* pass-desc)])
(list-head ls (fx- (length ls) (length processor*))))])
(if (null? pdesc*)
(loop pdesc* processor*)))
(loop (cdr pdesc*)
(cons (make-processor pass-desc pass-options maybe-imeta-parser maybe-ometa-parser (car pdesc*))
(define make-processor
(lambda (pass-desc pass-options maybe-imeta-parser maybe-ometa-parser pdesc)
(define echo-processor
(lambda (result)
(when (pdesc-echo? pdesc)
(printf "~s in pass ~s expanded into:\n"
(syntax->datum (pdesc-name pdesc))
(syntax->datum (pass-desc-name pass-desc)))
(pretty-print (syntax->datum result)))
(with-syntax ([lambda-expr (make-processor-lambda pass-desc pass-options maybe-imeta-parser maybe-ometa-parser pdesc)]
[name (pdesc-name pdesc)])
#`(define name
#,(if (pdesc-trace? pdesc)
(let ([maybe-ilang (pass-desc-maybe-ilang pass-desc)]
[maybe-olang (pass-desc-maybe-olang pass-desc)])
(let ([iunparser (and maybe-ilang (pdesc-maybe-itype pdesc)
(let ([ilang (language-name maybe-ilang)])
(construct-id ilang "unparse-" ilang)))]
[ounparser (and maybe-olang (pdesc-maybe-otype pdesc)
(let ([olang (language-name maybe-olang)])
(construct-id olang "unparse-" olang)))])
(if iunparser
(if ounparser
(with-syntax ([(fml fml* ...) (generate-temporaries (pdesc-fml* pdesc))]
[(ot xrt ...) (generate-temporaries (cons 'ot (pdesc-xval* pdesc)))]
[(tot txrt ...) (generate-temporaries (cons 'tot (pdesc-xval* pdesc)))])
#`(lambda (fml fml* ...)
(let ([tproc lambda-expr])
(let ([ot #f] [xrt #f] ...)
(trace-let name ([t (#,iunparser fml #t)] [fml* fml*] ...)
(let-values ([(tot txrt ...) (tproc fml fml* ...)])
(set! ot tot)
(set! xrt txrt) ...
(values (#,ounparser tot #t) txrt ...)))
(values ot xrt ...)))))
(with-syntax ([(fml fml* ...) (generate-temporaries (pdesc-fml* pdesc))])
#`(lambda (fml fml* ...)
(let ([tproc lambda-expr])
(trace-let name ([t (#,iunparser fml #t)] [fml* fml*] ...)
(tproc fml fml* ...))))))
(if ounparser
(with-syntax ([(fml ...) (generate-temporaries (pdesc-fml* pdesc))]
[(ot xrt ...) (generate-temporaries (cons 'ot (pdesc-xval* pdesc)))]
[(tot txrt ...) (generate-temporaries (cons 'tot (pdesc-xval* pdesc)))])
#`(lambda (fml ...)
(let ([tproc lambda-expr])
(let ([ot #f] [xrt #f] ...)
(trace-let name ([fml fml] ...)
(let-values ([(tot txrt ...) (tproc fml ...)])
(set! ot tot)
(set! xrt txrt) ...
(values (#,ounparser tot #t) txrt ...)))
(values ot xrt ...)))))
(with-syntax ([(fml ...) (generate-temporaries (pdesc-fml* pdesc))])
#'(lambda (fml ...)
(let ([tproc lambda-expr])
(trace-let name ([fml fml] ...)
(tproc fml ...)))))))))
(define make-processor-lambda
(lambda (pass-desc pass-options maybe-imeta-parser maybe-ometa-parser pdesc)
(let ([maybe-olang (pass-desc-maybe-olang pass-desc)]
[maybe-otype (pdesc-maybe-otype pdesc)] ; HERE
[tfml (car (generate-temporaries '(x)))]
[fml* (pdesc-fml* pdesc)])
#`(lambda #,fml*
(let ([#,tfml #,(car fml*)])
#,@((lambda (forms)
(if maybe-olang
(rhs-in-context-quasiquote (pass-desc-name pass-desc)
maybe-otype maybe-olang maybe-ometa-parser #`(begin #,@forms)))
(if (let ([maybe-itype (pdesc-maybe-itype pdesc)])
(and maybe-itype (nonterm-id->ntspec? maybe-itype
(pass-desc-maybe-ilang pass-desc)))))
(let-values ([(body defn*)
(syntax-case (pdesc-body pdesc) ()
[((definitions defn* ...) . body)
(eq? (datum definitions) 'definitions)
(values #'body #'(defn* ...))]
[body (values #'body '())])])
#,(make-processor-clauses pass-desc pass-options tfml maybe-imeta-parser maybe-ometa-parser pdesc body)))
(pdesc-body pdesc))))))))
(define make-processor-clauses
(lambda (pass-desc pass-options tfml imeta-parser maybe-ometa-parser pdesc cl*)
(let* ([itype (pdesc-maybe-itype pdesc)] ; HERE
[ilang (pass-desc-maybe-ilang pass-desc)]
[intspec* (language-ntspecs ilang)]
[maybe-otype (pdesc-maybe-otype pdesc)] ; HERE
[maybe-olang (pass-desc-maybe-olang pass-desc)]
[maybe-ontspec* (and maybe-otype (language-ntspecs maybe-olang))]
[fml* (pdesc-fml* pdesc)]
[fml tfml]
[xfml* (cdr fml*)])
(define match-xfml* (match-extra-formals xfml*))
(define parse-clauses
(lambda (cl*)
(define nano-meta->fml*
(lambda (cl nm)
(let f ([nrec* (nano-meta-fields nm)] [fml* '()])
(rec g
(lambda (nrec fml*)
[(nano-dots? nrec) (g (nano-dots-x nrec) fml*)]
[(nano-unquote? nrec) (cons (nano-unquote-x nrec) fml*)]
[(nano-cata? nrec)
(let ([fml* (append
(let ([outid* (nano-cata-outid* nrec)])
(if (and maybe-olang (not (null? outid*))
(eq? (syntax->datum (car outid*)) '*))
(cdr outid*)
[maybe-inid* (nano-cata-maybe-inid* nrec)])
(if (and maybe-inid*
(let ([id (car maybe-inid*)])
(and (identifier? id)
(not (memp (lambda (fml)
(free-identifier=? fml id))
(cons (car maybe-inid*) fml*)
[(nano-meta? nrec) (f (nano-meta-fields nrec) fml*)]
[(list? nrec) (f nrec fml*)]
[(nano-quote? nrec) (syntax-violation who (format "quoted terminals (~s) currently unsupported in match patterns" (nano-quote-x nrec)) (nano-quote-x nrec) cl)]
[else (error who "unrecognized nano-rec" nrec)])))
fml* nrec*))))
(define (helper cl lhs guard rhs rhs*)
(let ([nano-meta (imeta-parser itype lhs #t)])
(let ([fml* (nano-meta->fml* cl nano-meta)])
(unless (all-unique-identifiers? fml*)
(syntax-violation who "pattern binds one or more identifiers more then once" lhs))
(make-pclause nano-meta guard
(datum->syntax #'* (gensym "rhs"))
fml* #`(lambda #,fml* #,rhs #,@rhs*)))))
(let f ([cl* cl*] [pclause* '()])
(if (null? cl*)
(values (reverse pclause*) #f #f)
(syntax-case (car cl*) (guard else)
[[else rhs0 rhs1 ...]
(null? (cdr cl*))
(values (reverse pclause*)
#'else-th #'(lambda () (begin rhs0 rhs1 ...)))]
[[lhs (guard g0 g1 ...) rhs0 rhs1 ...]
(f (cdr cl*)
(cons (helper (car cl*) #'lhs #'(and g0 g1 ...) #'rhs0 #'(rhs1 ...)) pclause*))]
[[lhs rhs0 rhs1 ...]
(f (cdr cl*) (cons (helper (car cl*) #'lhs #t #'rhs0 #'(rhs1 ...)) pclause*))]
[_ (syntax-violation (syntax->datum (pass-desc-name pass-desc))
"invalid processor clause" (pdesc-name pdesc) (car cl*))])))))
(module (make-clause generate-system-clauses)
(define make-system-clause
(lambda (alt)
(define genmap
(lambda (callee-pdesc level maybe? arg args)
(if (fx=? level 0)
(build-call callee-pdesc (cons arg args) maybe?)
(with-syntax ([arg arg])
(let loop ([proc (with-syntax ([(t) (generate-temporaries '(t))])
#`(lambda (t) #,(build-call callee-pdesc (cons #'t args) maybe?)))]
[level level])
(with-syntax ([proc proc])
(if (fx=? level 0)
#'(proc arg)
(loop #'(lambda (x) (map proc x)) (fx- level 1)))))))))
(define-who process-alt
(lambda (in-altrec out-altrec)
(define process-alt-field
(lambda (level maybe? fname aname ofname)
(let ([callee-pdesc
(find-proc pass-desc pass-options (pdesc-name pdesc)
(syntax->datum (spec-type (find-spec fname ilang)))
(syntax->datum (spec-type (find-spec ofname maybe-olang)))
(and (nonterminal-meta? fname intspec*)
(nonterminal-meta? ofname maybe-ontspec*))
match-xfml* no-xval?)]) ; punting when there are return values for now
(if callee-pdesc
(genmap callee-pdesc level maybe? #`(#,aname #,fml) xfml*)
(when (or (nonterminal-meta? fname intspec*)
(nonterminal-meta? ofname maybe-ontspec*))
(syntax-violation who
(format "unable to automatically translate ~s in ~s to ~s in ~s"
(syntax->datum fname) (syntax->datum (alt-syn in-altrec))
(syntax->datum ofname) (syntax->datum (alt-syn out-altrec)))
(pass-desc-name pass-desc) (pdesc-name pdesc)))
#`(#,aname #,fml))))))
[(pair-alt? in-altrec)
(let* ([in-field-level* (pair-alt-field-levels in-altrec)]
[in-field-maybe* (pair-alt-field-maybes in-altrec)]
[in-acc* (pair-alt-accessors in-altrec)]
[in-field-name* (pair-alt-field-names in-altrec)]
[out-field-name* (pair-alt-field-names out-altrec)]
(map process-alt-field
; always using the non-checking form here, because we are simply rebuilding;
; TODO: terminals should be checked to be matching from the input language
; to the output language, otherwise a check should be made here or the
; checking version of the maker should be used.
; AWK: this has been changed to use the checking alt, because we cannot
; assume that other transformers will always create a valid element for
; sub-parts of this particular maker.
; TODO: Need to find a way to give a better error message in the checking maker
#`(#,(pair-alt-maker out-altrec)
'#,(pass-desc-name pass-desc)
#,@(map (lambda (x) (format "~s" x)) (syntax->datum in-field-name*))))]
[(terminal-alt? in-altrec) (error who "unexpected terminal alt" in-altrec)]
[(nonterminal-alt? in-altrec) (error who "unexpected nonterminal alt" in-altrec)]
[else (errorf who "unexpected alt: ~s" alt)])))
[(nonterminal-alt? alt)
(build-subtype-call (syntax->datum (ntspec-name (nonterminal-alt-ntspec alt))))]
[(terminal-alt? alt)
(let ([xval* (pdesc-xval* pdesc)])
[(find-proc pass-desc pass-options (pdesc-name pdesc)
(syntax->datum (tspec-type (terminal-alt-tspec alt)))
maybe-otype #f match-xfml* (length-matches xval*)) =>
(lambda (callee-pdesc) (build-call callee-pdesc fml*))]
[(null? xval*) fml]
[else #`(values #,fml #,@xval*)]))]
(let ([oalt (exists-alt? alt (nonterm-id->ntspec who maybe-otype maybe-ontspec*))])
(if oalt
(let ([alt-code (process-alt alt oalt)]
[xval* (pdesc-xval* pdesc)])
(if (null? xval*)
#`(values #,alt-code #,@xval*)))
; TODO: if there were no user provided clauses for this input alt,
; we could raise a compile time error here, otherwise we have to rely
; on the runtime error
#`(error '#,(pass-desc-name pass-desc)
(format "no matching clause for input ~s in processor ~s"
'#,(alt-syn alt)
'#,(pdesc-name pdesc))
(define gen-binding (lambda (t v) (if (eq? t v) '() (list #`(#,t #,v)))))
(define gen-t (lambda (acc) (if (identifier? acc) acc (gentemp))))
(define gen-let1
(lambda (t v e)
(cond [(eq? t v) e]
[(eq? e #t) #t]
[else #`(let ([#,t #,v]) #,e)])))
;; Note: gen-and DOES NOT actually function like and. For instance,
;; normally (and exp #t) would return #t, but with gen-and we get exp
;; so if exp does not evaluate to #t, the result is different.
;; This is used in the generated results.
(define gen-and
(lambda (e1 e2)
(cond [(eq? e1 #t) e2] [(eq? e2 #t) e1] [else #`(and #,e1 #,e2)])))
(define gen-for-all
(lambda (t v e)
(if (eq? e #t) #t #`(for-all (lambda (#,t) #,e) #,v))))
; TODO: Right now process-nano-fields and its helpers are generating a predicate
; on incoming records, and two bindings for each user specified unquote expression.
; I think the infrastructure should be assuming that the input is well structured
; (i.e. it should rely on the builder of the structure to do the checking and not
; check on input, and hence should not generate the temporary bindings, or the
; checks.)
(define process-nano-fields
(lambda (elt* acc-id aname* itype*)
(if (null? elt*)
(values #t '() '() '())
([(elt-ipred elt-tbinding* elt-ibinding* elt-obinding*)
(process-nano-elt (car elt*) #`(#,(car aname*) #,acc-id)
(car itype*))]
[(rest-ipred rest-tbinding* rest-ibinding* rest-obinding*)
(process-nano-fields (cdr elt*) acc-id (cdr aname*)
(cdr itype*))])
(gen-and elt-ipred rest-ipred)
(append elt-tbinding* rest-tbinding*)
(append elt-ibinding* rest-ibinding*)
(append elt-obinding* rest-obinding*))))))
(define gen-mvmap
(lambda (who ids proc arg . args)
(with-syntax ([who who] [proc proc] [arg arg])
(with-syntax ([(arg* ...) args]
[(ls2 ...) (generate-temporaries args)]
[(id ...) (generate-temporaries ids)]
[(id* ...) (generate-temporaries ids)])
(with-syntax ([(ls ...) #'(ls1 ls2 ...)])
#'(let ([p proc] [ls1 arg] [ls2 arg*] ...)
(unless (list? ls) (error 'who "not a proper list" ls))
(let ([n (length ls1)])
(unless (and (= (length ls2) n) ...)
(error 'who "mismatched list lengths" ls1 ls2 ...)))
(let f ([ls1 ls1] [ls2 ls2] ...)
(if (null? ls1)
(let ([id '()] ...) (values id ...))
(let-values ([(id ...) (p (car ls1) (car ls2) ...)]
[(id* ...) (f (cdr ls1) (cdr ls2) ...)])
(values (cons id id*) ...))))))))))
(define process-nano-dots
(lambda (elt acc itype)
(let ([map-t (gentemp)])
(let-values ([(ipred tbinding* ibinding* obinding*)
(process-nano-elt elt map-t itype)])
(let ([ls-t (gen-t acc)])
(gen-for-all map-t acc ipred)
(gen-binding ls-t acc)
(lambda (ibinding)
(syntax-case ibinding ()
[(id expr)
(if (and (identifier? #'expr) (eq? map-t #'expr))
#`(id #,ls-t)
#`(id (map (lambda (#,map-t)
#,(if (null? tbinding*)
#`(let* #,tbinding* expr)))
(lambda (obinding)
;; TODO: rather than tearing apart the code we've constructed
;; in the nano-cata case to support dotted cata, the nano-cata
;; should be constructed to just build the correct code in the first
;; place.
(syntax-case obinding ()
[(ids (procexpr var args ...)) ;; contains expr itself
#`(ids ((let ([p (let ([p procexpr]) (lambda (m) (p m args ...)))])
(lambda (x)
[(null? #'ids) #'(begin (for-each p x) (values))]
[(null? (cdr #'ids)) #'(map p x)]
[else (gen-mvmap (pass-desc-name pass-desc)
#'ids #'p #'x)])))
(define process-nano-list
(lambda (elt* acc itype)
(define helper
(lambda (elt* tail-acc)
(if (null? elt*)
(values #t '() '() '() 0 #f)
(let ([elt (car elt*)])
(if (nano-dots? elt)
(let ([t (gen-t tail-acc)] [n (length (cdr elt*))])
([(elt-ipred elt-tbinding* elt-ibinding* elt-obinding*)
(process-nano-dots (nano-dots-x elt)
(if (fx=? n 0)
#`(list-head #,t (fx- (length #,t) #,n)))
[(rest-ipred rest-tbinding* rest-ibinding*
rest-obinding* i dots?)
(helper (cdr elt*)
(if (fx=? n 0)
#`(list-tail #,t (fx- (length #,t) #,n))))])
(gen-let1 t tail-acc
(gen-and elt-ipred rest-ipred))
(append (gen-binding t tail-acc)
elt-tbinding* rest-tbinding*)
(append elt-ibinding* rest-ibinding*)
(append elt-obinding* rest-obinding*)
i #t)))
(let ([t (gen-t tail-acc)])
([(elt-ipred elt-tbinding* elt-ibinding* elt-obinding*)
(process-nano-elt elt #`(car #,t) itype)]
[(rest-ipred rest-tbinding* rest-ibinding*
rest-obinding* i dots?)
(helper (cdr elt*) #`(cdr #,t))])
(gen-let1 t tail-acc
(gen-and elt-ipred rest-ipred))
(append (gen-binding t tail-acc)
elt-tbinding* rest-tbinding*)
(append elt-ibinding* rest-ibinding*)
(append elt-obinding* rest-obinding*)
(fx+ i 1) dots?))))))))
(let ([t (gen-t acc)])
(let-values ([(ipred tbinding* ibinding* obinding* i dots?)
(helper elt* t)])
(gen-let1 t acc
(if dots?
(if (fx=? i 0)
(gen-and #`(fx>=? (length #,t) #,i) ipred))
(gen-and #`(fx=? (length #,t) #,i) ipred)))
(append (gen-binding t acc) tbinding*)
ibinding* obinding*)))))
(define build-meta-variable-check
(lambda (id acc itype)
(let ([spec (find-spec id ilang)])
[(eq? (syntax->datum (spec-type spec)) (syntax->datum itype)) #t]
[(nonterm-id->ntspec? itype (language-ntspecs ilang)) =>
(lambda (ntspec)
(if (subspec? spec ntspec)
#`(#,(spec-all-pred spec) #,acc)
(syntax->datum (pass-desc-name pass-desc))
"expected meta-variable for nonterminal ~s, but got"
(syntax->datum itype))
[(term-id->tspec? itype (language-tspecs ilang)) =>
(lambda (tspec)
(syntax->datum (pass-desc-name pass-desc))
"expected meta-variable for terminal ~s, but got"
(syntax->datum itype))
[else (syntax-violation
(syntax->datum (pass-desc-name pass-desc))
"NANOPASS INTERNAL ERROR: unable to find spec for type ~s"
(syntax->datum itype))
(define process-nano-elt
(lambda (elt acc itype)
[(nano-meta? elt)
(let ([t (gen-t acc)])
(let-values ([(ipred tbinding* ibinding* obinding*)
(process-nano-meta elt t)])
(gen-let1 t acc
;; TODO: if the nt here doesn't have any terminals, then we only
;; need to do the tag comparison.
#;#`(eqv? (nanopass-record-tag #,t) #,(pair-alt-tag (nano-meta-alt elt)))
#`(#,(pair-alt-pred (nano-meta-alt elt)) #,t)
(append (gen-binding t acc) tbinding*)
ibinding* obinding*)))]
[(nano-quote? elt)
(syntax-violation (syntax->datum (pass-desc-name pass-desc))
"quoted items are currently unsupported in patterns"
(nano-quote-x elt))]
[(nano-unquote? elt)
; TODO: will break if two ids are same
(let ([id (nano-unquote-x elt)])
(build-meta-variable-check id acc itype)
(list #`(#,id #,acc))
[(nano-cata? elt)
; TODO: will break if two ids are same
; HERE: if this is a cata for a (maybe x) field, it needs to not bother
; parsing the #f
(let* ([maybe-inid* (nano-cata-maybe-inid* elt)]
[t (or (and maybe-inid* (car maybe-inid*)) (gentemp))]
[maybe? (nano-cata-maybe? elt)]
[itype (syntax->datum itype)])
(let-values ([(maybe-otype outid*)
(let ([outid* (nano-cata-outid* elt)])
(if maybe-olang
(if (null? outid*)
(values #f outid*)
(if (eq? (syntax->datum (car outid*)) '*)
(values #f (cdr outid*))
(find-spec (car outid*) maybe-olang)))
(values #f outid*)))])
(define build-cata-call-1
(lambda (itype maybe-otype inid* outid*)
(find-proc pass-desc pass-options (nano-cata-syntax elt) itype maybe-otype #t
(lambda (id* dflt*)
(fx<? (fx- (length id*) (length dflt*)) (length inid*)))
(length-matches (if maybe-otype (cdr outid*) outid*)))
inid* maybe?)))
; TODO: check pdesc-maybe-itype >= itype and pdesc-otype <= otype
(define pdesc-ok?
(lambda (pdesc outid*)
(and (for-all
(lambda (req) (memp (lambda (x) (bound-identifier=? req x)) fml*))
(list-head xfml* (fx- (length xfml*) (length (pdesc-dflt* pdesc)))))
(fx=? (length (pdesc-xval* pdesc))
; TODO: when we don't have an otype for a processor, we may not have an otype here
; we should check this out to be sure.
(length (if itype (cdr outid*) outid*))))))
(define build-cata-call-2
(lambda (callee-pdesc t)
(build-call callee-pdesc (cons t xfml*) maybe?)))
(define build-cata-call-3
(lambda (itype maybe-otype t outid*)
(find-proc pass-desc pass-options (nano-cata-syntax elt) itype maybe-otype #t
match-xfml* (length-matches (if maybe-otype (cdr outid*) outid*)))
(cons t xfml*) maybe?)))
; check number of arguments when we have a maybe
(when (and maybe? (not (fx=? (length outid*) 1)))
(syntax-violation who
"cannot use cata-morphism that returns multiple values with a maybe field"
(nano-cata-syntax elt)))
(let ([procexpr (nano-cata-procexpr elt)])
(define build-procexpr-call
(lambda ()
(let ([inid* (or maybe-inid* (list t))])
(if maybe?
(with-syntax ([(t t* ...) (generate-temporaries inid*)])
#`((lambda (t t* ...) (and t (#,procexpr t t* ...))) #,@inid*))
#`(#,procexpr #,@inid*)))))
#;(unless procexpr
(unless (nonterm-id->ntspec? itype (language-ntspecs ilang))
(syntax-violation who
"cannot use cata-morphism without specifying a procedure to call for an input terminal field"
(nano-cata-syntax elt))))
#;(when maybe-otype
(unless (or procexpr (nonterm-id->ntspec? maybe-otype (language-ntspecs maybe-olang)))
(syntax-violation who
"cannot use cata-morphism without specifying a procedure to call for an output terminal field"
(nano-cata-syntax elt))))
; when we are not given a processor, make sure our itype is valid
; input predicate check
(if maybe-inid*
(build-meta-variable-check (car maybe-inid*)
acc (nano-cata-itype elt))
; binding of temporaries
; binding of input variable from language record
(list #`(#,t #,acc))
; binding of output variable(s)
(if maybe-inid*
(if procexpr
(list #`[#,outid* #,(build-procexpr-call)])
(list #`[#,outid* #,(build-cata-call-1 itype maybe-otype maybe-inid* outid*)]))
[(and (identifier? procexpr)
(find (lambda (pdesc)
(bound-identifier=? procexpr (pdesc-name pdesc)))
(pass-desc-pdesc* pass-desc))) =>
(lambda (callee-pdesc)
(if (pdesc-ok? callee-pdesc outid*)
(list #`[#,outid* #,(build-cata-call-2 callee-pdesc t)])
(syntax-violation (syntax->datum (pass-desc-name pass-desc))
(format "incorrect arguments for ~s in cata" (syntax->datum procexpr))
(nano-cata-syntax elt))))]
[procexpr (list #`[#,outid* #,(build-procexpr-call)])]
[else (list #`[#,outid* #,(build-cata-call-3 itype maybe-otype t outid*)])]))))))]
[(list? elt) (process-nano-list elt acc itype)]
[else (values #`(equal? #,acc #,elt) '() '() '())])))
(define-who process-nano-meta
(lambda (x acc-id)
(let ([prec-alt (nano-meta-alt x)])
(if (pair-alt? prec-alt)
(process-nano-fields (nano-meta-fields x) acc-id
(pair-alt-accessors prec-alt)
(map (lambda (x) (spec-type (find-spec x ilang)))
(pair-alt-field-names prec-alt)))
(let ([elt (car (nano-meta-fields x))])
; TODO: we'd like to more generally support cata for terminal and nonterminal-alt and
; this code will have to change to support that.
(assert (nano-unquote? elt))
(let ([id (nano-unquote-x elt)])
(values #t '() (list #`(#,id #,acc-id)) '())))))))
(define find-eq-constraints
(lambda (ibinding*)
(let f ([ibinding* ibinding*] [id* '()])
(if (null? ibinding*)
(values '() #t)
(let* ([ibinding (car ibinding*)] [id (car ibinding)])
(if (bound-id-member? id id*)
(syntax-violation who "eq constraints are not supported" id)
#;(let-values ([(ibinding* ieqpred)
(f (cdr ibinding*) id*)])
(let ([t (gentemp)])
#`((#,t #,(cadr ibinding)) #,@ibinding*)
(gen-and #`(nano-equal? #,t #,id) ieqpred))))
(let-values ([(ibinding* ieqpred)
(f (cdr ibinding*) (cons id id*))])
(values #`(#,ibinding #,@ibinding*) ieqpred))))))))
(define make-user-clause
(lambda (pclause k)
(let ([lhs-rec (pclause-lhs pclause)]
[guard-code (pclause-guard pclause)]
[rhs-id (pclause-id pclause)]
[rhs-arg* (pclause-rhs-arg* pclause)])
(let-values ([(ipred tbinding* ibinding* obinding*)
(process-nano-meta lhs-rec fml)])
(let-values ([(ibinding* ieqpred)
(find-eq-constraints ibinding*)])
(let ([guard-code (gen-and guard-code ieqpred)]
[body-code #`(let-values #,obinding* (#,rhs-id #,@rhs-arg*))])
(if (eq? ipred #t)
#`(let* (#,@tbinding* #,@ibinding*)
#,(if (eq? guard-code #t)
#`(if #,guard-code #,body-code #,(k))))
(if (eq? guard-code #t)
#`(if #,ipred
(let* (#,@tbinding* #,@ibinding*)
#`(let ([next-th (lambda () #,(k))])
(if #,ipred
(let* (#,@tbinding* #,@ibinding*)
(if #,guard-code #,body-code (next-th)))
(define generate-system-clauses
(lambda (alt*)
; NB: don't use variants here to see how that impacts performance for testing purposes.
#;(let f ([alt* alt*] [rcond-cl* '()])
(if (null? alt*)
(reverse rcond-cl*)
(let* ([alt (car alt*)] [alt (if (pair? alt) (car alt) alt)])
(f (cdr alt*)
[(pair-alt? alt) (pair-alt-pred alt)]
[(terminal-alt? alt) (tspec-pred (terminal-alt-tspec alt))]
[else (ntspec-all-pred (nonterminal-alt-ntspec alt))])
#,(make-clause alt '() #f)]
(let f ([alt* alt*] [rcond-rec-cl* '()] [rcond-case-cl* '()])
(if (null? alt*)
(values (reverse rcond-rec-cl*) (reverse rcond-case-cl*))
(let* ([alt (car alt*)] [alt (if (pair? alt) (car alt) alt)])
(with-syntax ([body (make-clause alt '() #f)])
[(pair-alt? alt)
(f (cdr alt*) rcond-rec-cl*
(cons #`[(eqv? tag #,(pair-alt-tag alt)) body] rcond-case-cl*))]
[(terminal-alt? alt)
(let* ([tspec (terminal-alt-tspec alt)] [ttag (tspec-tag tspec)])
(if ttag
(f (cdr alt*) rcond-rec-cl*
(if (tspec-parent? tspec)
#`[(not (fxzero? (fxand tag #,ttag))) body]
#`[(eqv? tag #,ttag) body])
(f (cdr alt*)
#`[(#,(tspec-pred (terminal-alt-tspec alt)) #,fml) body]
(let ([ntspec (nonterminal-alt-ntspec alt)])
(let ([maybe-term-pred? (ntspec-all-term-pred ntspec)])
(f (cdr alt*)
(if maybe-term-pred?
(cons #`[(#,maybe-term-pred? #,fml) body] rcond-rec-cl*)
(with-syntax ([(all-tag ...) (ntspec-all-tag ntspec)])
(cons #`[(let ([t (fxand tag #,(language-tag-mask ilang))]) (or (fx=? t all-tag) ...)) body] rcond-case-cl*)))))])))))))
(define build-subtype-call
(lambda (itype)
(find-proc pass-desc pass-options (pdesc-name pdesc) itype maybe-otype #t
match-xfml* (length-matches (pdesc-xval* pdesc)))
(define make-clause
(lambda (alt pclause* else-id)
(let f ([pclause* pclause*])
(if (null? pclause*)
[else-id #`(#,else-id)]
; TODO: Consider dropping the (not maybe-olang) and
; building the subtype call even if there is no otype
; for this. (Need to make sure build-subtype-call
; can handle this appropriately (possibly also need
; to decide if a user-supplied sub-type call with an
; output type is okay to call).)
[(and (or (and maybe-olang maybe-otype) (not maybe-olang)) (nonterminal-alt? alt))
(build-subtype-call (syntax->datum (ntspec-name (nonterminal-alt-ntspec alt))))]
[(and maybe-olang maybe-otype)
(make-system-clause alt)]
(syntax-violation (syntax->datum (pass-desc-name pass-desc))
(format "missing ~s clause cannot be generated with no output type"
(syntax->datum (alt-syn alt)))
(pdesc-name pdesc))])
(let ([pclause (car pclause*)] [pclause* (cdr pclause*)])
(pclause-used-set! pclause #t)
(make-user-clause pclause (lambda () (f pclause*)))))))))
(define maybe-add-lambdas
(lambda (pclause* else-id else-body body)
(with-syntax ([((id* rhs-body*) ...)
(fold-left (lambda (ls pclause)
(if (pclause-used? pclause)
(cons (list (pclause-id pclause)
(pclause-rhs-lambda pclause))
(if else-id
(list (list else-id else-body))
#`(let ([id* rhs-body*] ...) #,body))))
; note: assumes grammar nonterminal clauses form a DAG
; TODO: reject grammars that have nonterminal clauses that don't form DAG
; TODO: should we build this structure up front? also is there a better DS for us
; to figure out how the various pclauses are interrelated while we process them
(define-record-type nt-alt-info
(fields alt (mutable up*) (mutable down*))
(lambda (new)
(lambda (alt)
(new alt '() '())))))
(define build-ntspec-ht
(lambda (ntspec)
(let ([ht (make-eq-hashtable)])
(define set-cons (lambda (item ls) (if (memq item ls) ls (cons item ls))))
(define set-append
(lambda (ls1 ls2)
[(null? ls1) ls2]
[(null? ls2) ls1]
[else (fold-left (lambda (ls item) (set-cons item ls)) ls2 ls1)])))
(define discover-nt-alt-info!
(lambda (alt up*)
(let ([nt-alt-info (or (eq-hashtable-ref ht alt #f)
(let ([nt-alt-info (make-nt-alt-info alt)])
(eq-hashtable-set! ht alt nt-alt-info)
(nt-alt-info-up*-set! nt-alt-info
(set-append up* (nt-alt-info-up* nt-alt-info)))
(let ([up* (cons alt up*)])
(let ([down* (fold-left
(lambda (down* alt)
(set-append (discover-nt-alt-info! alt up*) down*))
(nt-alt-info-down* nt-alt-info)
(filter nonterminal-alt? (ntspec-alts (nonterminal-alt-ntspec alt))))])
(nt-alt-info-down*-set! nt-alt-info down*)
(cons alt down*))))))
(for-each (lambda (alt) (discover-nt-alt-info! alt '()))
(filter nonterminal-alt? (ntspec-alts ntspec)))
(define build-alt-tree
(lambda (ntspec)
(let f ([alt* (ntspec-alts ntspec)] [ralt* '()])
(if (null? alt*)
(reverse ralt*)
(f (cdr alt*)
(let ([alt (car alt*)])
(if (nonterminal-alt? alt)
(cons alt (f (ntspec-alts (nonterminal-alt-ntspec alt)) '()))
(define alt-tree->s-expr
(lambda (tree)
(let f ([alt* tree])
(if (null? alt*)
(let ([alt (car alt*)])
(if (pair? alt)
(cons (f alt) (f (cdr alt*)))
(cons (syntax->datum (alt-syn alt)) (f (cdr alt*)))))))))
(define remove-alt
(lambda (covered-alt alt*)
(let f ([alt* alt*])
(if (null? alt*)
(let ([alt (car alt*)] [alt* (cdr alt*)])
(if (pair? alt)
(if (eq? (car alt) covered-alt)
(let ([calt* (f (cdr alt))])
(if (null? calt*)
(cons (cons (car alt) calt*) (f alt*)))))
(if (eq? alt covered-alt)
(cons alt (f alt*)))))))))
(define handle-pclause*
(lambda (pclause* else-id alt-tree ht)
(define partition-pclause*
(lambda (alt pclause pclause*)
(if (nonterminal-alt? alt)
(let* ([nt-alt-info (eq-hashtable-ref ht alt #f)]
[this-and-down* (cons alt (nt-alt-info-down* nt-alt-info))]
[up* (nt-alt-info-up* nt-alt-info)])
(let-values ([(matching-pclause* other-pclause*)
(partition (lambda (pclause)
(memq (nano-meta-alt (pclause-lhs pclause)) this-and-down*))
(let ([related-pclause* (filter (lambda (pclause)
(memq (nano-meta-alt (pclause-lhs pclause)) up*))
(values (cons pclause (append matching-pclause* related-pclause*)) other-pclause*))))
(let-values ([(matching-pclause* other-pclause*)
(partition (lambda (pclause) (eq? (nano-meta-alt (pclause-lhs pclause)) alt))
(let ([related-pclause* (filter
(let ([nt-alt* (pclause-related-alt* pclause)])
(lambda (pclause)
(memq (nano-meta-alt (pclause-lhs pclause)) nt-alt*)))
(values (cons pclause (append matching-pclause* related-pclause*)) other-pclause*))))))
#;(let f ([pclause* pclause*] [alt-tree alt-tree] [rcond-cl* '()])
(if (null? pclause*)
(values (reverse rcond-cl*) alt-tree)
(let* ([pclause (car pclause*)] [alt (nano-meta-alt (pclause-lhs pclause))])
(let-values ([(related-pclause* other-pclause*)
(partition-pclause* alt pclause (cdr pclause*))])
(f other-pclause*
(remove-alt alt alt-tree)
[(pair-alt? alt) (pair-alt-pred alt)]
[(terminal-alt? alt) (tspec-pred (terminal-alt-tspec alt))]
[else (ntspec-all-pred (nonterminal-alt-ntspec alt))])
#,(make-clause alt related-pclause* else-id)]
(let f ([pclause* pclause*] [alt-tree alt-tree] [rcond-rec-cl* '()] [rcond-case-cl* '()])
(if (null? pclause*)
(values (reverse rcond-rec-cl*) (reverse rcond-case-cl*) alt-tree)
(let* ([pclause (car pclause*)] [alt (nano-meta-alt (pclause-lhs pclause))])
(let-values ([(related-pclause* other-pclause*)
(partition-pclause* alt pclause (cdr pclause*))])
(with-syntax ([body (make-clause alt related-pclause* else-id)])
[(pair-alt? alt)
(f other-pclause* (remove-alt alt alt-tree) rcond-rec-cl*
(cons #`[(eqv? tag #,(pair-alt-tag alt)) body] rcond-case-cl*))]
[(terminal-alt? alt)
(let* ([tspec (terminal-alt-tspec alt)] [ttag (tspec-tag tspec)])
(if ttag
(f other-pclause* (remove-alt alt alt-tree) rcond-rec-cl*
(if (tspec-parent? tspec)
#`[(not (fxzero? (fxand tag #,ttag))) body]
#`[(eqv? tag #,ttag) body])
(f other-pclause* (remove-alt alt alt-tree)
(cons #`[(#,(tspec-pred (terminal-alt-tspec alt)) #,fml) body] rcond-rec-cl*)
(let ([ntspec (nonterminal-alt-ntspec alt)])
(let ([maybe-term-pred? (ntspec-all-term-pred ntspec)])
(f other-pclause* (remove-alt alt alt-tree)
(if maybe-term-pred?
(cons #`[(#,maybe-term-pred? #,fml) body] rcond-rec-cl*)
(with-syntax ([(all-tag ...) (ntspec-all-tag ntspec)])
(cons #`[(let ([t (fxand tag #,(language-tag-mask ilang))]) (or (fx=? t all-tag) ...)) body] rcond-case-cl*)))))]))))))))
(define annotate-pclause*!
(lambda (pclause* ntspec ht)
(let f ([pclause* pclause*]
[alt* (filter nonterminal-alt? (ntspec-alts ntspec))]
[curr-alt #f])
(if (or (null? alt*) (null? pclause*))
(let ([alt (car alt*)])
(if (nonterminal-alt? alt)
(f (f pclause* (ntspec-alts (nonterminal-alt-ntspec alt)) alt) (cdr alt*) curr-alt)
(let-values ([(matching-pclause* other-pclause*)
(partition (lambda (pclause)
(eq? (nano-meta-alt (pclause-lhs pclause)) alt))
(lambda (pclause)
(pclause-related-alt*-set! pclause
(cons curr-alt (nt-alt-info-up* (eq-hashtable-ref ht curr-alt #f)))))
(f other-pclause* (cdr alt*) curr-alt))))))))
(let-values ([(pclause* else-id else-body) (parse-clauses cl*)])
(let ([ntspec (nonterm-id->ntspec who itype intspec*)])
(maybe-add-lambdas pclause* else-id else-body
(let ([ht (build-ntspec-ht ntspec)])
(annotate-pclause*! pclause* ntspec ht)
#;(let-values ([(user-clause* alt*)
(handle-pclause* pclause* else-id
(if else-id '() (build-alt-tree ntspec))
(let ([system-clause* (if else-id '() (generate-system-clauses alt*))])
[else #,(if else-id
#`(error '#,(pass-desc-name pass-desc)
#,(format "unexpected ~s" (syntax->datum itype))
(let-values ([(user-rec-clause* user-case-clause* alt*)
(handle-pclause* pclause* else-id
(if else-id '() (build-alt-tree ntspec))
(let-values ([(system-rec-clause* system-case-clause*)
(if else-id
(if (ntspec-all-term-pred ntspec)
#`([(not (nanopass-record? #,fml)) (#,else-id)])
(generate-system-clauses alt*))])
(let ([tag (nanopass-record-tag #,fml)])
[else #,(if else-id
#`(error '#,(pass-desc-name pass-desc)
#,(format "unexpected ~s" (syntax->datum itype))
; build-call, build-call-with-arguments, and find-proc need to work in
; concert, so they are located near eachother to increase the chance that
; we actually remember to alter both of them when the interface is
; effected by changing one.
(module (build-call build-call-with-arguments)
(define $build-call
(lambda (fn arg* maybe?)
(with-syntax ([fn fn] [(arg* ...) arg*])
(if maybe?
(with-syntax ([(t t* ...) (generate-temporaries #'(arg* ...))])
#'((lambda (t t* ...) (and t (fn t t* ...))) arg* ...))
#'(fn arg* ...)))))
(define build-args-from-fmls
(lambda (id* dflt* fml*)
(cons (car fml*)
(let ([id* (cdr id*)] [xfml* (cdr fml*)])
(let ([n (fx- (length id*) (length dflt*))])
#`(#,@(list-head id* n)
#,@(map (lambda (id dflt)
(if (memp (lambda (x) (bound-identifier=? id x)) xfml*)
(list-tail id* n)
(define build-call
[(callee-pdesc fml*) (build-call callee-pdesc fml* #f)]
[(callee-pdesc fml* maybe?)
($build-call (pdesc-name callee-pdesc)
(build-args-from-fmls (pdesc-fml* callee-pdesc) (pdesc-dflt* callee-pdesc) fml*)
(define build-full-args-from-args
(lambda (callee-fml* callee-init* arg*)
(let f ([required-cnt (fx- (length callee-fml*) (length callee-init*))]
[callee-fml* callee-fml*] [callee-init* callee-init*] [arg* arg*])
[(null? callee-fml*) '()]
[(and (fxzero? required-cnt) (null? arg*))
(cons (car callee-init*)
(f required-cnt (cdr callee-fml*) (cdr callee-init*) arg*))]
[(fxzero? required-cnt)
(cons (car arg*)
(f required-cnt (cdr callee-fml*) (cdr callee-init*) (cdr arg*)))]
[else (cons (car arg*)
(f (fx- required-cnt 1) (cdr callee-fml*) callee-init* (cdr arg*)))]))))
(define build-call-with-arguments
(lambda (callee-pdesc arg* maybe?)
($build-call (pdesc-name callee-pdesc)
(build-full-args-from-args (pdesc-fml* callee-pdesc) (pdesc-dflt* callee-pdesc) arg*)
;; matcher helpers for use with find-proc.
(define match-extra-formals
(lambda (xfml*)
(lambda (id* dflt*)
(lambda (req)
(memp (lambda (x) (bound-identifier=? req x)) xfml*))
(list-head id* (fx- (length id*) (length dflt*)))))))
(define no-xval? null?)
(define length-matches
(lambda (expected-xval*)
(lambda (xval*)
(fx=? (length xval*) (length expected-xval*)))))
(define find-proc
; will never be asked to find a proc without an itype, so itype is never #f
(lambda (pass-desc pass-options src-stx itype maybe-otype try-to-generate? xfmls-ok? xvals-ok?)
(define (try-to-generate)
(if (pass-options-generate-transformers? pass-options)
(unless (and (xfmls-ok? '() '()) (xvals-ok? '()))
(syntax-violation who
(format "cannot find a transformer from ~s to ~s, \
and cannot generate one with extra formals or return values"
itype maybe-otype)
(pass-desc-name pass-desc) src-stx))
(unless (and (nonterm-id->ntspec? itype (language-ntspecs (pass-desc-maybe-ilang pass-desc)))
(nonterm-id->ntspec? maybe-otype (language-ntspecs (pass-desc-maybe-olang pass-desc))))
(syntax-violation who
(format "cannot find a transformer from ~s to ~s, \
and cannot generate one when either the input or output type is a terminal"
itype maybe-otype)
(pass-desc-name pass-desc) src-stx))
(let ([pdesc (make-pdesc (datum->syntax #'* (gensym (format "~s->~s" itype maybe-otype)))
itype (list #'ir) '() maybe-otype '() '() #f #f)])
(pass-desc-pdesc*-set! pass-desc
(cons pdesc (pass-desc-pdesc* pass-desc)))
(syntax-violation who
(format "cannot find a transformer from ~s to ~s that matches the expected signature"
itype maybe-otype)
(pass-desc-name pass-desc) src-stx)))
(define find-subspecs
(lambda (ospec sub-ospec*)
(if (ntspec? ospec)
(let f ([alt* (ntspec-alts ospec)] [sub-ospec* sub-ospec*])
(if (null? alt*)
(let ([alt (car alt*)])
[(nonterminal-alt? alt)
(f (cdr alt*) (cons (nonterminal-alt-ntspec alt) sub-ospec*))]
[(terminal-alt? alt)
(f (cdr alt*) (cons (terminal-alt-tspec alt) sub-ospec*))]
[else (f (cdr alt*) sub-ospec*)]))))
(define find-candidate
(lambda (maybe-otype)
(let loop ([pdesc* (pass-desc-pdesc* pass-desc)] [candidate #f])
(if (null? pdesc*)
(loop (cdr pdesc*)
(let ([pdesc (car pdesc*)])
(if (and (eq? (pdesc-maybe-itype pdesc) itype) ; HERE
(eq? (pdesc-maybe-otype pdesc) maybe-otype) ; HERE
(xfmls-ok? (cdr (pdesc-fml* pdesc)) (pdesc-dflt* pdesc))
(xvals-ok? (pdesc-xval* pdesc)))
(if candidate
(syntax-violation who
(format "ambiguous target for implicit processor call from ~s to ~s"
itype maybe-otype)
(pass-desc-name pass-desc) src-stx)
(when (identifier? maybe-otype)
(syntax-violation 'find-proc "expected symbol otype, got identifier" maybe-otype))
; doing a breadth-first search of maybe-otype and its subtypes
; could go up to parent itype(s) on itype as well
#;(printf "entering with itype ~s to otype ~s in ~s\n" itype maybe-otype
(map (lambda (x) (list (syntax->datum (pdesc-name x)) ': (pdesc-maybe-itype x) '-> (pdesc-maybe-otype x)))
(pass-desc-pdesc* pass-desc)))
(if maybe-otype
(let ospec-loop ([ospec* (list (id->spec maybe-otype (pass-desc-maybe-olang pass-desc)))]
[sub-ospec* '()])
(if (null? ospec*)
(if (null? sub-ospec*)
(and try-to-generate? (try-to-generate))
(ospec-loop sub-ospec* '()))
(or (find-candidate (syntax->datum (spec-type (car ospec*))))
(ospec-loop (cdr ospec*) (find-subspecs (car ospec*) sub-ospec*)))))
(or (find-candidate #f)
(syntax-violation who
(format "cannot find a processor that accepts input type ~s and no output type" itype)
(pass-desc-name pass-desc) src-stx)))))
(define parse-proc
(lambda (pass-name ilang olang)
(lambda (x)
(let loop ([x x] [trace? #f] [echo? #f])
(syntax-case x ()
[(?echo ?not-colon . rest)
(and (eq? (datum ?echo) 'echo) (not (eq? (datum ?not-colon) ':)))
(loop #'(?not-colon . rest) trace? #t)]
[(?trace ?not-colon . rest)
(and (eq? (datum ?trace) 'trace) (not (eq? (datum ?not-colon) ':)))
(loop #'(?not-colon . rest) #t echo?)]
[(proc-name ?colon itype (arg ...) ?arrow otype (rv ...) body ...)
(let ([squawk (lambda (msg what) (syntax-violation (syntax->datum pass-name) msg what))])
(unless (identifier? #'proc-name) (squawk "invalid processor name" #'proc-name))
(unless (eq? (datum ?colon) ':) (squawk "expected colon" #'?colon))
(let ([maybe-itype
(syntax-case #'itype ()
[* (eq? (datum *) '*) #f]
(identifier? #'id)
(if ilang
(if (or (nonterm-id->ntspec? #'id (language-ntspecs ilang))
(term-id->tspec? #'id (language-tspecs ilang)))
(syntax->datum #'id)
(squawk "unrecognized input non-terminal" #'id))
(squawk "specified input non-terminal without input language" #'id))]
[_ (squawk "invalid input type specifier" #'itype)])])
(let ([arg* #'(arg ...)])
(when maybe-itype
(when (null? arg*) (squawk "expected non-empty argument list" arg*))
(unless (identifier? (car arg*)) (squawk "invalid first argument" (car arg*))))
(let-values ([(fml* init*)
(let f ([arg* arg*] [dflt? #f])
(if (null? arg*)
(values '() '())
(syntax-case (car arg*) ()
(identifier? #'id)
(if dflt?
(squawk "unexpected non-default formal after start of default formals" #'id)
(let-values ([(fml* init*) (f (cdr arg*) #f)])
(values (cons #'id fml*) init*)))]
[[id expr]
(identifier? #'id)
(let-values ([(fml* init*) (f (cdr arg*) #t)])
(values (cons #'id fml*) (cons #'expr init*)))]
[arg (squawk "invalid argument specifier" #'arg)])))])
(unless (eq? (datum ?arrow) '->) (squawk "expected arrow" #'?arrow))
(let ([maybe-otype (syntax-case #'otype ()
[* (eq? (datum *) '*) #f]
(identifier? #'id)
(if olang
(if (or (nonterm-id->ntspec? #'id (language-ntspecs olang))
(term-id->tspec? #'id (language-tspecs olang)))
(syntax->datum #'id)
(squawk "unrecognized output non-terminal" #'id))
(squawk "specified output non-terminal without output language" #'id))]
[_ (squawk "invalid output-type specifier" #'otype)])])
(make-pdesc #'proc-name maybe-itype fml* init*
maybe-otype #'(rv ...) #'(body ...) trace? echo?))))))])))))
(define lookup-lang
(lambda (pass-name r maybe-name)
(if maybe-name
(let* ([olang-pair (r maybe-name)]
[lang (and olang-pair (car olang-pair))]
[meta-parser (and olang-pair (cdr olang-pair))])
(unless (language? lang)
(syntax-violation (syntax->datum pass-name) "unrecognized language" maybe-name))
(unless (procedure? meta-parser)
(syntax-violation (syntax->datum pass-name) "missing meta parser for language" maybe-name))
(values lang meta-parser))
(values #f #f))))
(define build-checked-body
(lambda (pass-desc pass-options maybe-fml extra-fml* xval* maybe-itype maybe-otype maybe-ometa-parser maybe-body)
(define generate-output-check
(lambda (type x ntspec*)
((lambda (ls) (if (null? (cdr ls)) (car ls) #`(or #,@ls)))
(let f ([ntspec (nonterm-id->ntspec who type ntspec*)] [test* '()])
(cons #`(#,(ntspec-all-pred ntspec) #,x)
(lambda (test* alt)
(if (nonterminal-alt? alt)
(f (nonterminal-alt-ntspec alt) test*)
test* (ntspec-alts ntspec)))))))
(define generate-body
(lambda (maybe-olang maybe-otype)
[(and maybe-body maybe-otype)
(rhs-in-context-quasiquote (pass-desc-name pass-desc) maybe-otype
maybe-olang maybe-ometa-parser maybe-body)]
(unless (null? xval*)
(syntax-violation who "cannot auto-generate body for pass with extra return values"
(pass-desc-name pass-desc)))
(let ([ilang (pass-desc-maybe-ilang pass-desc)])
(unless ilang
(syntax-violation who "cannot auto-generate body without input language"
(pass-desc-name pass-desc)))
(let ([itype (or maybe-itype (syntax->datum (language-entry-ntspec ilang)))])
(let ([pdesc (find-proc pass-desc pass-options (pass-desc-name pass-desc) itype maybe-otype #t
(match-extra-formals extra-fml*)
; punting when there are return values for now --- matches rejecting auto generation when xval* is not null
(let ([rv* (pdesc-xval* pdesc)])
(if (null? rv*)
(build-call pdesc (cons maybe-fml extra-fml*))
#`(let-values ([(result #,@(generate-temporaries rv*))
#,(build-call pdesc (cons maybe-fml extra-fml*))])
(let ([olang (pass-desc-maybe-olang pass-desc)])
(if olang
(let ([otype (or maybe-otype (syntax->datum (language-entry-ntspec olang)))])
(with-syntax ([checked-body
#`(unless #,(generate-output-check otype #'x (language-ntspecs olang))
(error '#,(pass-desc-name pass-desc)
(format "expected ~s but got ~s" '#,(datum->syntax #'* otype) x)))])
(if (null? xval*)
#`(let ([x #,(generate-body olang otype)])
(with-syntax ([(res* ...) (generate-temporaries xval*)])
#`(let-values ([(x res* ...) #,(generate-body olang otype)])
(values x res* ...))))))
(generate-body #f #f)))))
(define do-define-pass
(lambda (pass-name pass-options maybe-iname maybe-itype fml* maybe-oname maybe-otype xval* defn* p* maybe-body)
(define echo-pass
(lambda (x)
(when (pass-options-echo? pass-options)
(printf "pass ~s expanded into:\n" (syntax->datum pass-name))
(pretty-print (syntax->datum x))
(with-compile-time-environment (r)
#;(unless (and maybe-iname (not (null? fml*)))
(syntax-violation who "can't yet handle \"*\" iname" pass-name))
(let-values ([(maybe-ilang maybe-imeta-parser) (lookup-lang pass-name r maybe-iname)]
[(maybe-olang maybe-ometa-parser) (lookup-lang pass-name r maybe-oname)])
(when (and maybe-itype (not (nonterm-id->ntspec? maybe-itype (language-ntspecs maybe-ilang))))
(syntax-violation who "unrecognized pass input non-terminal" pass-name maybe-itype))
(when (and maybe-otype (not (nonterm-id->ntspec? maybe-otype (language-ntspecs maybe-olang))))
(syntax-violation who "unrecognized pass output non-terminal" pass-name maybe-otype))
(let* ([pdesc* (map (parse-proc pass-name maybe-ilang maybe-olang) p*)]
[pass-desc (make-pass-desc pass-name maybe-ilang maybe-olang pdesc*)]
[body (build-checked-body pass-desc pass-options (and (pair? fml*) (car fml*)) (if (pair? fml*) (cdr fml*) '())
xval* (syntax->datum maybe-itype)
(syntax->datum maybe-otype) maybe-ometa-parser maybe-body)])
(with-syntax ([who (datum->syntax pass-name 'who)])
(define #,pass-name
(lambda #,fml*
(define who '#,pass-name)
#,@(make-processors pass-desc pass-options maybe-imeta-parser maybe-ometa-parser)
(define-property #,pass-name define-pass
#,(and maybe-iname #`#'#,maybe-iname)
#,(and maybe-oname #`#'#,maybe-oname)))))))))))
(syntax-case x ()
[(_ pass-name ?colon iname (fml ...) ?arrow oname (xval ...) stuff ...)
(let ([squawk (lambda (msg what) (syntax-violation who msg x what))])
(unless (identifier? #'pass-name) (squawk "invalid pass name" #'pass-name))
(unless (eq? (datum ?colon) ':) (squawk "expected colon" #'?colon))
(let-values ([(maybe-iname maybe-itype)
(syntax-case #'iname ()
[* (eq? (datum *) '*) (values #f #f)]
[iname (identifier? #'iname) (values #'iname #f)]
[(iname itype)
(and (identifier? #'iname) (identifier? #'itype))
(values #'iname #'itype)]
[_ (squawk "invalid input language specifier" #'iname)])])
(let ([fml* #'(fml ...)])
(unless (for-all identifier? fml*) (squawk "expected list of identifiers" fml*))
(when (and maybe-iname (null? fml*)) (squawk "expected non-empty list of formals" fml*))
(unless (eq? (datum ?arrow) '->) (squawk "expected arrow" #'?arrow))
(let-values ([(maybe-oname maybe-otype)
(syntax-case #'oname ()
[* (eq? (datum *) '*) (values #f #f)]
[id (identifier? #'id) (values #'id #f)]
[(oname otype)
(and (identifier? #'oname) (identifier? #'otype))
(values #'oname #'otype)]
[_ (squawk "invalid output-language specifier" #'oname)])])
(define (s1 stuff* defn* processor* pass-options)
(if (null? stuff*)
(s2 defn* processor* #f pass-options)
(let ([stuff (car stuff*)])
(if (let processor? ([stuff stuff] [mcount 0])
(syntax-case stuff ()
[(pname ?colon itype (fml ...) ?arrow otype (xval ...) . more)
(and (eq? (datum ?colon) ':)
(eq? (datum ?arrow) '->)
(identifier? #'itype)
(identifier? #'otype)
(for-all (lambda (fml)
(or (identifier? fml)
(syntax-case fml ()
[[fml exp-val] (identifier? #'fml)])))
#'(fml ...))
[(?modifier ?not-colon . more)
(and (memq (datum ?modifier) '(trace echo))
(not (eq? (datum ?not-colon) ':))
(< mcount 2))
(processor? #'(?not-colon . more) (fx+ mcount 1))]
[_ #f]))
(s1 (cdr stuff*) defn* (cons stuff processor*) pass-options)
(s2 defn* processor* #`(begin #,@stuff*) pass-options)))))
(define (s2 defn* processor* maybe-body pass-options)
(do-define-pass #'pass-name pass-options maybe-iname maybe-itype fml*
maybe-oname maybe-otype #'(xval ...) defn* (reverse processor*) maybe-body))
(let s0 ([stuff* #'(stuff ...)] [defn* '()] [pass-options #f])
(if (null? stuff*)
(s1 stuff* defn* '() (or pass-options (make-pass-options)))
(syntax-case (car stuff*) ()
[(definitions defn ...)
(eq? (datum definitions) 'definitions)
(s0 (cdr stuff*) #'(defn ...) pass-options)]
[(?pass-options . ?options)
(eq? (datum ?pass-options) 'pass-options)
(s0 (cdr stuff*) defn* (make-pass-options #'?options))]
[_ (s1 stuff* defn* '() (or pass-options (make-pass-options)))])))))))]
[(_ . rest) (syntax-violation who "invalid syntax" #'(define-pass . rest))]))))