546 lines
21 KiB
546 lines
21 KiB
# Mf-base
# Copyright 1984-2021 Cisco Systems, Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# Assumes recursive makes inherit command-line settings as in GNU make
# Running "make" or "make all" in this directory runs the mats (test
# programs) and produces a report of bugs and errors. Unless you make
# changes to the mats or to the system, the report file report-$(conf)
# (where $(conf) is set below) will be output in the $(outdir) directory.
# If an error or bug report occurs, refer to the offending ".mo" file
# produced by the mats and mentioned in the bug or error report to
# determine what failed.
# Running "make allx" runs a set of mats with various settings. "make
# bullyx" runs a different, more stressful set. These targets allow make
# to run the various configurations in parallel (if so configured, e.g.
# with the -j flag). Most output from each parallel execution is directed
# to (separate) files, with status printed to stdout when testing of each
# different configuration begins and ends. In addition, each target
# concatenates the summary file from all configurations run into "summary"
# in the current directory.
# Running make with the argument "clean" removes the .so files, .mo
# files, report files, and temporary files generated by the mats.
# The variables below may be changed to affect how the mats are run.
# For example, "make o=2 cp0=t ctb=8192" causes the mats to be run at
# optimize level 2 with cp0 enabled and collect-trip-bytes set to 8192.
MatsDir = $(abspath .)
ifeq (${OS},Windows_NT)
dirsep = ;
dirsep = :
# Explicit ".exe" needed for WSL
ifeq ($(OS),Windows_NT)
ExeSuffix = .exe
ExeSuffix =
include ../c/Mf-config
# Scheme is the scheme executable to test, SCHEMEHEAPDIRS tells
# it where to find its boot files, and CHEZSCHEMELIBDIRS tells
# it where to find libraries.
Scheme = $(abspath ../bin/$m/scheme${ExeSuffix})
export SCHEMEHEAPDIRS=.${dirsep}$(abspath ../boot)/%m
# Include is the directory holding scheme.h.
Include = ../boot/$m
# patchfile is the name of a patch to be loaded while running the mats.
patchfile =
# o is the optimize level at which the mats should be run.
o = 0
# p determines whether profiling is enabled: f for false, t for true.
defaultp = f
p = $(defaultp)
# pdhtml determines whether profile-dump-html is called at end of a run: f for false, t for true.
# NB: beware of lost profile information due to mats that call profile-clear
defaultpdhtml = f
pdhtml = $(defaultpdhtml)
# cp0 determines whether cp0 is run: f for no, t for yes
defaultcp0 = f
cp0 = $(defaultcp0)
# eval is the evaluator to use.
defaulteval = compile
eval = $(defaulteval)
# ctb is the value to which collect-trip-bytes is set.
defaultctb = (collect-trip-bytes)
ctb = $(defaultctb)
# cn defines the value to which collect-notify is set: f for #f, t for #t
defaultcn = f
cn = $(defaultcn)
# cgr is the value to which collect-generation-radix is set.
defaultcgr = (collect-generation-radix)
cgr = $(defaultcgr)
# cmg is the value to which collect-maximum-generation is set.
defaultcmg = (collect-maximum-generation)
cmg = $(defaultcmg)
# rmg is the value to which release-minimum-generation is set.
defaultrmg = (release-minimum-generation)
rmg = $(defaultrmg)
# cis defines the value to which compile-interpret-simple is set: f for
# #f, t for #t
defaultcis = f
cis = $(defaultcis)
# spi defines the value to which suppress-primitive-inlining is set:
# f for #f, t for #t
defaultspi = f
spi = $(defaultspi)
# hci defines the value to which heap-check-interval (mat.ss) is set:
# 0 to disable, > 0 to enable
defaulthci = 0
hci = $(defaulthci)
# eoc determines whether object counts are enabled
defaulteoc = t
eoc = $(defaulteoc)
# cl determines the commonization level
defaultcl = (commonization-level)
cl = $(defaultcl)
# ecpf determines whether the compiler checks prelex flags
defaultecpf = t
ecpf = $(defaultecpf)
# c determines whether mat coverage (.covout) files are created
defaultc = f
c = $(defaultc)
# set of coverage files to load
coverage-files = $(abspath ../boot/$m/petite.covin ../boot/$m/scheme.covin)
# set of mats to run
mats = primvars 3 4 5_1 5_2 5_3 5_4 5_5 bytevector thread profile\
misc cp0 5_6 5_7 5_8 6 io format 7 record hash enum 8 fx fl cfl foreign\
ftype unix windows examples ieee date exceptions oop
Examples = $(abspath ../examples)
MAKEFLAGS += --no-print-directory
# directory where (most) output for this run will be written
conf = $(eval)-$o-$(spi)-$(cp0)-$(cis)
objname = $(mats:%=%.mo)
obj = $(objname:%=$(objdir)/%)
src = $(mats:%=%.ms)
# prettysrc is src to use for pretty-print test; we leave out mat files
# with cycles, e.g., primvars.ms, misc.ms, 4.ms, 5_1.ms, hash.ms
prettysrc = 3.ms 5_3.ms 5_4.ms 5_5.ms bytevector.ms thread.ms profile.ms\
5_6.ms 5_7.ms 5_8.ms 6.ms io.ms format.ms 7.ms record.ms enum.ms 8.ms\
fx.ms fl.ms cfl.ms foreign.ms unix.ms windows.ms examples.ms ieee.ms date.ms\
define conf-scheme-code
'(optimize-level $o)'\
'(#%$$suppress-primitive-inlining #${spi})'\
'(heap-check-interval ${hci})'\
'(#%$$enable-check-prelex-flags #${ecpf})'\
'(compile-profile #$p)'\
'(collect-notify #${cn})'\
'(collect-trip-bytes ${ctb})'\
'(collect-generation-radix ${cgr})'\
'(collect-maximum-generation ${cmg})'\
'(enable-object-counts #${eoc})'\
'(commonization-level ${cl})'\
'(release-minimum-generation ${rmg})'\
'(compile-interpret-simple #${cis})'\
'(set! *examples-directory* "${Examples}")'\
'(enable-cp0 #${cp0})'\
'(set! *scheme* "${Scheme}")'\
'(set! *mats-dir* "${MatsDir}")'\
'(set! $$cat_flush "${MatsDir}/cat_flush${ExeSuffix}")'\
'(current-eval ${eval})'\
'(when #$c (coverage-table (load-coverage-files ${coverage-files:%="%"})))'
$(objdir)/%.mo : %.ms mat.so
echo $(conf-scheme-code)\
'(time ((mat-file "$(objdir)") "$*"))'\
'(unless (= (#%$$check-heap-errors) 0)'\
' (fprintf (console-error-port) "check heap detected errors---grep standard output for !!!\n")'\
' (abort))'\
| ${Scheme} -q mat.so ${patchfile}
# same as above except puts the .mo file in .
%.mo : %.ms mat.so
echo $(conf-scheme-code)\
'(time ((mat-file ".") "$*"))'\
'(parameterize ([source-directories (quote ("." "../s"))]) (when #${pdhtml} (profile-dump-html)))'\
'(unless (= (#%$$check-heap-errors) 0)'\
' (fprintf (console-error-port) "check heap detected errors---grep standard output for !!!\n")'\
' (abort))'\
| ${Scheme} -q mat.so ${patchfile}
%.so : %.ss
echo '(reset-handler abort) (time (compile-file "$*"))' | ${Scheme} -q ${patchfile}
report: $(outdir)/report-$(conf)
experr: experr-$(conf)
$(outdir)/report-$(conf): $(outdir)/errors-$(conf)
$(MAKE) doreport
doreport: experr-$(conf)
rm -f $(outdir)/report-$(conf)
-diff experr-$(conf) $(outdir)/errors-$(conf) > $(outdir)/report-$(conf) 2>&1
-if [ -f $(outdir)/errors-$(conf) ] ; then\
$(MAKE) doreport ;\
$(outdir)/errors-$(conf): ${obj}
$(MAKE) doerrors
doerrors: $(outdir)
rm -f $(outdir)/errors-$(conf)
-(cd $(objdir); grep '^Error' $(objname)) > $(outdir)/errors-$(conf)
-(cd $(objdir); grep '^Bug' $(objname)) >> $(outdir)/errors-$(conf)
-(cd $(objdir); grep '^Warning' $(objname)) >> $(outdir)/errors-$(conf)
-(cd $(objdir); grep '^Expected' $(objname))\
>> $(outdir)/errors-$(conf)
$(MAKE) doerrors
$(MAKE) doreport
docoverage: mat.so
if [ "$c" = "t" ] ; then\
echo '(reset-handler abort) (combine-coverage-files "$(objdir)/all.covout" (quote ($(mats:%="$(objdir)/%.covout"))))' | ${Scheme} -q ${patchfile} mat.so ;\
echo '(reset-handler abort) (coverage-percent "$(objdir)/all.covout" ${coverage-files:%="%"})' | ${Scheme} -q ${patchfile} mat.so ;\
echo '(reset-handler abort) (coverage-percent "$(objdir)/run.covout" ${coverage-files:%="%"})' | ${Scheme} -q ${patchfile} mat.so ;\
doallcoverage: mat.so
if [ "$c" = "t" ] ; then\
echo '(reset-handler abort) (combine-coverage-files "all.covout" (map symbol->string (quote ($(shell echo */all.covout)))))' | ${Scheme} -q ${patchfile} mat.so ;\
echo '(reset-handler abort) (coverage-percent "all.covout" ${coverage-files:%="%"})' | ${Scheme} -q ${patchfile} mat.so ;\
echo '(reset-handler abort) (combine-coverage-files "run.covout" (map symbol->string (quote ($(shell echo */run.covout)))))' | ${Scheme} -q ${patchfile} mat.so ;\
echo '(reset-handler abort) (coverage-percent "run.covout" ${coverage-files:%="%"})' | ${Scheme} -q ${patchfile} mat.so ;\
define parallel-config-template
-@$$(MAKE) allxphelp outdir=output-$(1)-0 objdir=output-$(1)-0 o=0 $(2)
-@$$(MAKE) allxphelp outdir=output-$(1)-3 objdir=output-$(1)-3 o=3 $(2)
#configs from partialx and allx
$(eval $(call parallel-config-template,1,))
$(eval $(call parallel-config-template,2,cp0=t))
$(eval $(call parallel-config-template,3,cp0=t cl=3))
$(eval $(call parallel-config-template,4,spi=t rmg=2 p=t))
$(eval $(call parallel-config-template,5,eval=interpret cl=6))
$(eval $(call parallel-config-template,6,eval=interpret cp0=t rmg=2))
$(eval $(call parallel-config-template,7,eoc=f hci=101 cl=9))
$(eval $(call parallel-config-template,8,eval=interpret hci=101 rmg=2))
#configs from bullyx
$(eval $(call parallel-config-template,b1,allxphelp-target=allxhelpnotall spi=t cp0=f))
$(eval $(call parallel-config-template,b2,spi=f cp0=f cl=9 ctb='(/ (collect-trip-bytes) 64)' hci=503))
$(eval $(call parallel-config-template,b3,spi=t cp0=f cis=t cmg=1))
$(eval $(call parallel-config-template,b4,spi=f cp0=f cis=t cmg=6 hci=101))
$(eval $(call parallel-config-template,b5,spi=t cp0=t ctb='(/ (collect-trip-bytes) 64)' cgr=6))
$(eval $(call parallel-config-template,b6,spi=t cp0=f p=t eoc=f hci=101))
$(eval $(call parallel-config-template,b7,spi=f cp0=t cl=9 p=t hci=101))
$(eval $(call parallel-config-template,b8,eval=interpret spi=f cp0=f))
$(eval $(call parallel-config-template,b9,eval=interpret spi=f cp0=t))
$(eval $(call parallel-config-template,b10,eval=interpret spi=t cp0=f ctb='(/ (collect-trip-bytes) 64)' hci=503))
$(eval $(call parallel-config-template,b11,eval=interpret spi=t cp0=t cgr=2 hci=101 p=t))
partialx-confs = 1-0 1-3 2-3 6-3
allx-confs = 1-0 1-3 3-0 3-3 4-0 4-3 5-0 5-3 6-0 6-3 7-0 8-3
bullyx-confs = $(foreach n,1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11,b$(n)-0 b$(n)-3)
define parallel-target-template
$(1)-targets: $($(1)-confs:%=parallel%)
$(1): prettyclean
@echo building prereqs with output to Make.out
@$$(MAKE) parallel-prereqs > Make.out 2>&1
@$$(MAKE) $(1)-targets
$(if $(2),@$$(MAKE) $(2))
cat $($(1)-confs:%=output-%/summary) > summary && cat summary
$(eval $(call parallel-target-template,partialx))
$(eval $(call parallel-target-template,allx,doallcoverage))
$(eval $(call parallel-target-template,bullyx,doallcoverage))
for EVAL in compile interpret ; do\
for O in 0 2 3 ; do\
for SPI in f t ; do\
for CP0 in f t ; do\
for CIS in f t ; do\
$(MAKE) maybe-doreport eval=$$EVAL o=$$O spi=$$SPI cp0=$$CP0 cis=$$CIS ;\
$(MAKE) doheader
-$(MAKE) all
$(MAKE) dosummary
config-vars = spi hci ecpf cp0 cis p eval ctb cgr cmg eoc cl rmg
full-config-str = $(strip o=$(o) $(foreach var, $(config-vars),$(if $(filter-out $($(var:%=default%)),$($(var))),$(var)=$($(var)))) $(hdrmsg))
allxphelp-target = allxhelp
allxphelp: $(outdir)
@echo "matting configuration ($(full-config-str)) with output to $(outdir)/Make.out"
@$(MAKE) $(allxphelp-target) > "$(outdir)/Make.out" 2>&1
@echo "finished matting configuration $(full-config-str)"
@mkdir -p "$(outdir)"
doheader: $(outdir)
printf "%s" "-------- o=$o" >> $(summary-file)
if [ "$(spi)" != "$(defaultspi)" ] ; then printf " spi=$(spi)" >> $(summary-file) ; fi
if [ "$(hci)" != "$(defaulthci)" ] ; then printf " hci=$(hci)" >> $(summary-file) ; fi
if [ "$(ecpf)" != "$(defaultecpf)" ] ; then printf " ecpf(ecpf)" >> $(summary-file) ; fi
if [ "$(cp0)" != "$(defaultcp0)" ] ; then printf " cp0=$(cp0)" >> $(summary-file) ; fi
if [ "$(cis)" != "$(defaultcis)" ] ; then printf " cis=$(cis)" >> $(summary-file) ; fi
if [ "$p" != "$(defaultp)" ] ; then printf " p=$p" >> $(summary-file) ; fi
if [ "$(eval)" != "$(defaulteval)" ] ; then printf " eval=$(eval)" >> $(summary-file) ; fi
if [ "$(ctb)" != "$(defaultctb)" ] ; then printf " ctb=$(ctb)" >> $(summary-file) ; fi
if [ "$(cgr)" != "$(defaultcgr)" ] ; then printf " cgr=$(cgr)" >> $(summary-file) ; fi
if [ "$(cmg)" != "$(defaultcmg)" ] ; then printf " cmg=$(cmg)" >> $(summary-file) ; fi
if [ "$(eoc)" != "$(defaulteoc)" ] ; then printf " eoc=$(eoc)" >> $(summary-file) ; fi
if [ "$(cl)" != "$(defaultcl)" ] ; then printf " cl=$(cl)" >> $(summary-file) ; fi
if [ "$(rmg)" != "$(defaultrmg)" ] ; then printf " rmg=$(rmg)" >> $(summary-file) ; fi
if [ "$(hdrmsg)" != "" ] ; then printf " $(hdrmsg)" >> $(summary-file) ; fi
printf " --------\n" >> $(summary-file)
if [ -f $(outdir)/report-$(conf) ] ; then\
cat $(outdir)/report-$(conf) >> $(summary-file) ;\
else \
printf 'NO REPORT\n' >> $(summary-file) ;\
rm -f mat.so
$(MAKE) doheader hdrmsg="not all"
$(MAKE) dosummary
$(MAKE) docoverage
all0: ; $(MAKE) all o=0
all1: ; $(MAKE) all o=1
all2: ; $(MAKE) all o=2
all3: ; $(MAKE) all o=3
parallel-prereqs: $(src) oop.ss ht.ss mat.so cat_flush${ExeSuffix} ${fobj} m4test.in m4test.out prettytest.ss ftype.h freq.in freq.out ${patchfile} build-examples
all: $(outdir) $(outdir)/script.all $(src) oop.ss ht.ss mat.so cat_flush${ExeSuffix} ${fobj} m4test.in m4test.out prettytest.ss ftype.h freq.in freq.out ${patchfile} build-examples
${Scheme} --verbose -q mat.so ${patchfile} < $(outdir)/script.all
$(MAKE) doerrors
$(MAKE) doreport
$(MAKE) docoverage
$(outdir)/script.all: Mf-base $(outdir)
$(outdir)/script.all makescript$o:
echo $(conf-scheme-code)\
'(record-run-coverage "$(objdir)/run.covout"'\
' (lambda ()'\
' (time (for-each (lambda (x) (time ((mat-file "$(objdir)") x)))'\
' (quote ($(mats:%="%")))))'\
' (parameterize ([source-directories (quote ("." "../s"))]) (when #${pdhtml} (profile-dump-html)))'\
' (unless (= (#%$$check-heap-errors) 0)'\
' (fprintf (console-error-port) "check heap detected errors---grep standard output for !!!\n")'\
' (abort))))'\
> $(outdir)/script.all
$(MAKE) source0 o=0
$(MAKE) source2 o=2
$(MAKE) source3 o=3
source$o: ${src} mat.ss oop.ss ht.ss cat_flush.c ${fsrc} freq.in freq.out m4test.in m4test.out $(outdir)/script.all prettytest.ss ftype.h
rootsrc = $(shell cd ../../mats; echo *)
ifeq ($(OS),Windows_NT)
cp -p ../../mats/$@ $@
ln -s ../../mats/$@ $@
rm -f prettytest.ss
$(MAKE) ${prettysrc}
cat ${prettysrc} > prettytest.ss
bullyprettytest.ss: ${src}
(cd ../s; make source)
cat ${src} ../s/*.ss > prettytest.ss
mat.so: ${patchfile}
foreign.mo ${objdir}/foreign.mo: ${fobj}
thread.mo ${objdir}/thread.mo: ${fobj}
examples.mo ${objdir}/examples.mo: m4test.in m4test.out freq.in freq.out build-examples
6.mo ${objdir}/6.mo: prettytest.ss
bytevector.mo ${objdir}/bytevector.mo: prettytest.ss
io.mo ${objdir}/io.mo: prettytest.ss
unix.mo ${objdir}/unix.mo io.mo ${objdir}/io.mo 6.mo ${objdir}/6.mo: cat_flush${ExeSuffix}
oop.mo ${objdir}/oop.mo: oop.ss
ftype.mo ${objdir}/ftype.mo: ftype.h
hash.mo ${objdir}/hash.mo: ht.ss
( cd ../examples && ${MAKE} Scheme=${Scheme} )
touch build-examples
rm -f *.o ${mdclean} *.so *.mo *.covout experr* errors* report* summary testfile* testscript\
${fobj} prettytest.ss cat_flush${ExeSuffix} so_locations\
build-examples script.all? *.html experr*.rej experr*.orig
rm -rf testdir*
rm -rf output output-* patches-work-dir
( cd ../examples && ${MAKE} Scheme=${Scheme} clean )
clean: prettyclean
rm -f Make.out
### rules for generating various experr files
# everything starts with the root experr files with default
# settings for the various parameters
experr-compile-$o-f-f-f: root-experr-compile-$o-f-f-f
cp root-experr-compile-$o-f-f-f experr-compile-$o-f-f-f
root-experr: # don't list dependencies!
rm -f root-experr-compile-$o-f-f-f
# use the shell glob mechanism to find the file in any output* dir
err_file=(output*/errors-compile-$o-f-f-f); cp $${err_file[0]} root-experr-compile-$o-f-f-f
root-experrs: # don't list dependencies!
$(MAKE) root-experr o=0
$(MAKE) root-experr o=3
# derive spi=t experr files by patching spi=f experr files
# cp first in case patch is empty, since patch produces an empty output
# file rather than a copy of the input file if the patch file is empty
experr-compile-$o-t-f-f: experr-compile-$o-f-f-f patch-compile-$o-t-f-f
cp experr-compile-$o-f-f-f experr-compile-$o-t-f-f
-patch experr-compile-$o-t-f-f patch-compile-$o-t-f-f
# derive cp0=t experr files by patching cp0=f experr files
experr-compile-$o-$(spi)-t-f: experr-compile-$o-$(spi)-f-f patch-compile-$o-$(spi)-t-f
cp experr-compile-$o-$(spi)-f-f experr-compile-$o-$(spi)-t-f
-patch experr-compile-$o-$(spi)-t-f patch-compile-$o-$(spi)-t-f
# derive cis=t experr files by patching cis=f experr files
experr-compile-$o-$(spi)-$(cp0)-t: experr-compile-$o-$(spi)-$(cp0)-f patch-compile-$o-$(spi)-$(cp0)-t
cp experr-compile-$o-$(spi)-$(cp0)-f experr-compile-$o-$(spi)-$(cp0)-t
-patch experr-compile-$o-$(spi)-$(cp0)-t patch-compile-$o-$(spi)-$(cp0)-t
# derive eval=interpret experr files by patching eval=compile experr files
# (with cis=f, since compile-interpret-simple does not affect interpret)
experr-interpret-$o-$(spi)-$(cp0)-$(cis): experr-compile-$o-$(spi)-$(cp0)-f patch-interpret-$o-$(spi)-$(cp0)-f
cp experr-compile-$o-$(spi)-$(cp0)-f experr-interpret-$o-$(spi)-$(cp0)-$(cis)
-patch experr-interpret-$o-$(spi)-$(cp0)-$(cis) patch-interpret-$o-$(spi)-$(cp0)-f
### rebuilding patch files
rm -rf patches-work-dir
mkdir patches-work-dir
shopt -s nullglob; cp output*/errors-compile* output*/errors-interpret* patches-work-dir
for O in 0 2 3 ; do\
if [ -f patches-work-dir/errors-compile-$$O-f-f-f -a -e patches-work-dir/errors-compile-$$O-t-f-f ] ; then \
$(MAKE) xpatch-compile-$$O-t-f-f o=$$O spi=t ; \
fi ;\
for SPI in f t ; do\
if [ -f patches-work-dir/errors-compile-$$O-$$SPI-f-f -a -e patches-work-dir/errors-compile-$$O-$$SPI-t-f ] ; then \
$(MAKE) xpatch-compile-$$O-$$SPI-t-f o=$$O spi=$$SPI cp0=t ;\
fi ;\
for CP0 in f t ; do\
if [ -f patches-work-dir/errors-compile-$$O-$$SPI-$$CP0-f -a -e patches-work-dir/errors-compile-$$O-$$SPI-$$CP0-t ] ; then \
$(MAKE) xpatch-compile-$$O-$$SPI-$$CP0-t o=$$O spi=$$SPI cp0=$$CP0 cis=t ;\
fi ;\
if [ -f patches-work-dir/errors-compile-$$O-$$SPI-$$CP0-f -a -e patches-work-dir/errors-interpret-$$O-$$SPI-$$CP0-f ] ; then \
$(MAKE) xpatch-interpret-$$O-$$SPI-$$CP0-f o=$$O spi=$$SPI cp0=$$CP0 ;\
xpatch-compile-$o-t-f-f: # don't list dependencies!
rm -f patch-compile-$o-t-f-f
-diff --context patches-work-dir/errors-compile-$o-f-f-f\
> patch-compile-$o-t-f-f
xpatch-compile-$o-$(spi)-t-f: # don't list dependencies!
rm -f patch-compile-$o-$(spi)-t-f
-diff --context patches-work-dir/errors-compile-$o-$(spi)-f-f\
> patch-compile-$o-$(spi)-t-f
xpatch-compile-$o-$(spi)-$(cp0)-t: # don't list dependencies!
rm -f patch-compile-$o-$(spi)-$(cp0)-t
-diff --context patches-work-dir/errors-compile-$o-$(spi)-$(cp0)-f\
> patch-compile-$o-$(spi)-$(cp0)-t
xpatch-interpret-$o-$(spi)-$(cp0)-f: # don't list dependencies!
rm -f patch-interpret-$o-$(spi)-$(cp0)-f
-diff --context patches-work-dir/errors-compile-$o-$(spi)-$(cp0)-f\
> patch-interpret-$o-$(spi)-$(cp0)-f