579 lines
22 KiB
579 lines
22 KiB
;;; mat.ss
;;; Copyright 1984-2017 Cisco Systems, Inc.
;;; Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
;;; you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
;;; You may obtain a copy of the License at
;;; http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
;;; Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
;;; distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
;;; WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
;;; See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
;;; limitations under the License.
;(eval-when (compile load eval) (current-expand sc-expand))
(eval-when (compile) (optimize-level 2))
(eval-when (load eval)
(define-syntax mat
(lambda (x)
(syntax-case x (parameters)
[(_ x (parameters [param val ...] ...) e ...)
#'(let f ([p* (list param ...)] [v** (list (list val ...) ...)])
(if (null? p*)
(mat x e ...)
(let ([p (car p*)])
(lambda (v)
(parameterize ([p v])
(f (cdr p*) (cdr v**))))
(car v**)))))]
[(_ x e ...)
(with-syntax ([(source ...)
(map (lambda (clause)
(let ([a (syntax->annotation clause)])
(and (annotation? a) (annotation-source a))))
#'(e ...))])
#'(mat-run 'x '(e source) ...))]))))
(define enable-cp0 (make-parameter #f))
(define-syntax mat/cf
(syntax-rules (testfile)
[(_ (testfile ?path) expr ...)
(let* ([path ?path] [testfile.ss (format "~a.ss" path)] [testfile.so (format "~a.so" path)])
(with-output-to-file testfile.ss
(lambda () (begin (write 'expr) (newline)) ...)
(parameterize ([generate-inspector-information #t])
(compile-file testfile.ss))
(load testfile.so)
[(_ expr ...) (mat/cf (testfile "testfile") expr ...)]))
(define mat-output (make-parameter (current-output-port)))
(let ()
(define mat-load
(lambda (in)
(lambda (k)
(parameterize ([reset-handler (lambda () (k #f))]
[current-expand (current-expand)]
(let ([default (run-cp0)])
(lambda (cp0 x)
(if (enable-cp0) (default cp0 x) x)))])
(lambda (c)
(if (warning? c)
(raise-continuable c)
(fprintf (mat-output) "Error reading mat input: ")
(display-condition c (mat-output))
(lambda () (load in))))))))
(define mat-one-exp
(lambda (expect th sanitize-all?)
(define (sanitize-condition c)
(define sanitize
(lambda (arg)
(if sanitize-all?
[(port? arg) 'sanitized-port]
[else 'sanitized-unhandled-type])
; go one level only to avoid getting bit by cyclic structures
(if (list? arg)
(map sanitize1 arg)
(sanitize1 arg)))))
(define sanitize1
(lambda (arg)
; attempt to gloss over fixnum-size differences between
; 32- and 64-bit versions
[(ftype-pointer? arg) '<ftype-pointer>]
[(time? arg) '<time>]
[(date? arg) '<date>]
[(and (eq? expect 'error)
(real? arg)
(if (>= arg 0)
; look for numbers around the size in bits or quantity
; of our 30- and 61-bit fixnums, 32 and 64-bit words
(or (or (<= 28 arg 33) (<= (expt 2 28) arg (expt 2 33)))
(or (<= 59 arg 65) (<= (expt 2 59) arg (expt 2 65))))
(or (or (<= -33 arg -28) (<= (- (expt 2 33)) arg (- (expt 2 28))))
(or (<= -65 arg -59) (<= (- (expt 2 65)) arg (- (expt 2 59)))))))
(if (< arg 0) '<-int> '<int>)]
[else arg])))
(let ([sc* (simple-conditions c)])
[(find irritants-condition? sc*) =>
(lambda (ic)
(let ([ls (condition-irritants ic)])
(if (list? ls)
(apply condition (make-irritants-condition (map sanitize ls)) (remq ic sc*))
[else c])))
(define (condition-message c)
(define prefix?
(lambda (x y)
(let ([n (string-length x)])
(and (fx<= n (string-length y))
(let prefix? ([i 0])
(or (fx= i n)
(and (char=? (string-ref x i) (string-ref y i))
(prefix? (fx+ i 1)))))))))
(define prune-prefix
(lambda (x y)
(and (prefix? x y)
(substring y (string-length x) (string-length y)))))
(let ([s (call-with-string-output-port
(lambda (p) (display-condition c p)))])
(or (prune-prefix "Exception: " s)
(prune-prefix "Exception in " s)
(prune-prefix "Warning: " s)
(prune-prefix "Warning in " s)
(define (condition-type c)
(case (fxior (if (warning? c) 1 0) (if (error? c) 2 0) (if (violation? c) 4 0))
[(1) 'warning]
[else 'error]))
(let ([blob '(reset . #f)])
(lambda (k)
(parameterize ([reset-handler (lambda () (k blob))])
(lambda (c)
(let ([t (condition-type c)])
(when (or (eq? expect 'warning) (not (eq? t 'warning)))
(set! blob (cons t (condition-message (sanitize-condition c))))
(lambda ()
(case (th)
[(#t) 'true]
[(#f) 'false]
[else 'bogus])))))))))
(define mat-error
(lambda (src message . args)
(let ([msg (apply format message args)])
; strip out newlines so when we grep we get the whole message
(do ([i 0 (+ i 1)])
((= i (string-length msg)))
(when (char=? (string-ref msg i) #\newline)
(string-set! msg i #\space)))
(if src
(let ()
(let ([sfd (source-object-sfd src)] [fp (source-object-bfp src)])
(lambda () (#%$locate-source sfd fp #t))
[() (fprintf (mat-output) "~a at char ~a of ~a~%" msg fp (source-file-descriptor-path sfd))]
[(path line char) (fprintf (mat-output) "~a at line ~a, char ~a of ~a~%" msg line char path)]))))
(fprintf (mat-output) "~a~%" msg))
(flush-output-port (mat-output)))))
(define ununicode
; sanitizer for expected exception messages to make sure we don't end up
; with characters in mat error, experr, and report files so these files
; don't end up being O/S (locale) dependent
(lambda (s)
(let ([ip (open-input-string s)] [op (open-output-string)])
(let f ()
(let ([c (read-char ip)])
[(eof-object? c) (get-output-string op)]
[(fx> (char->integer c) 127) (fprintf op "U+~x" (char->integer c)) (f)]
[else (write-char c op) (f)]))))))
(define store-coverage
(lambda (universe-ct ct path)
(open-file-output-port path
(file-options replace compressed)
(buffer-mode block)
(lambda (op)
(put-source-table op
(if (eq? universe-ct ct)
(let ([new-ct (make-source-table)])
(lambda (p)
(let ([src (car p)] [count (cdr p)])
(when (source-table-contains? universe-ct src)
(source-table-set! new-ct src count))))
(source-table-dump ct))
(define load-coverage
(lambda (ct)
(lambda (path)
(open-file-input-port path
(file-options compressed)
(buffer-mode block)
(lambda (ip) (get-source-table! ip ct +))))))
(set! coverage-table (make-parameter #f))
(set! mat-file
(lambda (dir)
(unless (string? dir)
(errorf 'mat-file "~s is not a string" dir))
(unless (file-exists? dir) (mkdir dir))
(lambda (mat)
(unless (string? mat)
(errorf 'mat-file "~s is not a string" mat))
(let ([ifn (format "~a.ms" mat)] [ofn (format "~a.mo" mat)])
(parameterize ([current-directory dir]
[source-directories (cons ".." (source-directories))]
[library-directories (cons ".." (library-directories))])
(printf "matting ~a with output to ~a/~a~%" ifn dir ofn)
(delete-file ofn #f)
(parameterize ([mat-output (open-output-file ofn)])
(lambda () #f)
(lambda ()
(let ([go (lambda () (mat-load ifn))] [universe-ct (coverage-table)])
(if universe-ct
(let-values ([(ct . ignore) (with-profile-tracker go)])
(store-coverage universe-ct ct (format "~a.covout" mat)))
(lambda () (close-output-port (mat-output))))))))))
(set! record-run-coverage
(lambda (covout th)
(let ([universe-ct (coverage-table)])
(if universe-ct
(let-values ([(ct . ignore) (with-profile-tracker #t th)])
(store-coverage universe-ct ct covout))
(set! load-coverage-files
(lambda path*
(let ([ct (make-source-table)])
(for-each (load-coverage ct) path*)
(set! combine-coverage-files
(lambda (covout covout*)
(let ([ct (make-source-table)])
(for-each (load-coverage ct) covout*)
(store-coverage ct ct covout))))
(set! coverage-percent
(lambda (covout . covin*)
(let ([n (source-table-size (load-coverage-files covout))]
[d (source-table-size (apply load-coverage-files covin*))])
(printf "~a: covered ~s of ~s source expressions (~s%)\n"
covout n d (round (/ (* n 100) d))))))
(set! mat-run
(fprintf (mat-output) "Warning: empty mat for ~s.~%" name)]
[(name . clauses)
(fprintf (mat-output) "~%Starting mat ~s.~%" name)
; release counters for reclaimed code objects between mat groups to reduce gc time
(when (compile-profile) (profile-release-counters))
(do ([clauses clauses (cdr clauses)]
[count 1 (+ count 1)])
((null? clauses) 'done)
(let ([clause (caar clauses)] [source (cadar clauses)])
(lambda (c)
(if (warning? c)
(raise-continuable c)
(fprintf (mat-output) "Error printing mat clause: ")
(display-condition c (mat-output))
(lambda ()
(pretty-print clause (mat-output))
(flush-output-port (mat-output))))
(if (and (list? clause)
(= (length clause) 2)
(memq (car clause) '(sanitized-error? error? warning?)))
(let ([expect (case (car clause) [(sanitized-error? error?) 'error] [(warning?) 'warning])])
(if (and (= (optimize-level) 3) (eq? expect 'error))
(fprintf (mat-output) "Ignoring error check at optimization level 3.~%")
(let ([ans (mat-one-exp expect (lambda () (eval (cadr clause))) (eq? (car clause) 'sanitized-error?))])
[(and (pair? ans) (eq? (car ans) expect))
(fprintf (mat-output)
"Expected ~s in mat ~s: \"~a\".~%"
expect name (ununicode (cdr ans)))]
(mat-error source "Bug in mat ~s clause ~s" name count)]))))
(let ([ans (mat-one-exp #f (lambda () (eval clause)) #f)])
[(pair? ans)
(mat-error source
"Error in mat ~s clause ~s: \"~a\""
(cdr ans))]
[(eq? ans 'false)
(mat-error source
"Bug in mat ~s clause ~s"
[(eq? ans 'true) (void)]
(mat-error source
"Bug (nonboolean, nonstring return value) in mat ~s clause ~s"
(define equivalent-expansion?
; same modulo renaming of gensyms
; procedure in either input is used as predicate for other
(lambda (x y)
(let ([alist '()] [oops? #f])
(or (let e? ([x x] [y y])
(or (cond
[(procedure? x) (x y)]
[(procedure? y) (y x)]
[(eqv? x y) #t]
[(pair? x)
(and (pair? y) (e? (car x) (car y)) (e? (cdr x) (cdr y)))]
[(or (and (gensym? x) (symbol? y))
(and (gensym? y) (symbol? x)))
[(assq x alist) => (lambda (a) (eq? y (cdr a)))]
[else (set! alist (cons `(,x . ,y) alist)) #t])]
[(string? x) (and (string? y) (string=? x y))]
[(bytevector? x) (and (bytevector? y) (bytevector=? x y))]
[(vector? x)
(and (vector? y)
(fx= (vector-length x) (vector-length y))
(let f ([i (fx- (vector-length x) 1)])
(or (fx< i 0)
(and (e? (vector-ref x i) (vector-ref y i))
(f (fx1- i))))))]
[(fxvector? x)
(and (fxvector? y)
(fx= (fxvector-length x) (fxvector-length y))
(let f ([i (fx- (fxvector-length x) 1)])
(or (fx< i 0)
(and (fx= (fxvector-ref x i) (fxvector-ref y i))
(f (fx1- i))))))]
[(box? x) (and (box? y) (e? (unbox x) (unbox y)))]
[else #f])
(unless oops?
(set! oops? #t)
(printf "failure in equivalent-expansion?:\n")
(pretty-print x)
(printf "is not equivalent to\n")
(pretty-print y))
(printf "original expressions:\n")
(pretty-print x)
(printf "is not equivalent to\n")
(pretty-print y)
(define *fuzz* 1e-14)
(define ~=
(lambda (x y)
(or (= x y)
(and (fl~= (inexact (real-part x))
(inexact (real-part y)))
(fl~= (inexact (imag-part x))
(inexact (imag-part y)))))))
(define fl~=
(lambda (x y)
[(and (fl>= (flabs x) 2.0) (fl>= (flabs y) 2.0))
(fl~= (fl/ x 2.0) (fl/ y 2.0))]
[(and (fl< 0.0 (flabs x) 1.0) (fl< 0.0 (flabs y) 1.0))
(fl~= (fl* x 2.0) (fl* y 2.0))]
[else (let ([d (flabs (fl- x y))])
(or (fl<= d *fuzz*)
(begin (printf "fl~~=: ~s~%" d) #f)))])))
(define cfl~=
(lambda (x y)
(and (fl~= (cfl-real-part x) (cfl-real-part y))
(fl~= (cfl-imag-part x) (cfl-imag-part y)))))
; from ieee.ms
(define ==
(lambda (x y)
(and (inexact? x)
(inexact? y)
(if (flonum? x)
(and (flonum? y)
(if (fl= x y)
(fl= (fl/ 1.0 x) (fl/ 1.0 y))
(and (not (fl= x x)) (not (fl= y y)))))
(and (not (flonum? y))
(== (real-part x) (real-part y))
(== (imag-part x) (imag-part y)))))))
(define (nan) (/ 0.0 0.0)) ; keeps "pretty-equal?" happy
(define pi (* (asin 1.0) 2))
(define +pi 3.14159265358979323846264)
(define +pi/2 1.57079632679489661923132)
(define +pi/4 .78539816339744830961566)
(define -pi (- +pi))
(define -pi/2 (- +pi/2))
(define -pi/4 (- +pi/4))
; smallest ieee flonum
(define +e 4.940656458412465e-324)
(define -e (- +e))
(define patch-exec-path
(lambda (p)
(if (windows?)
(list->string (subst #\\ #\/ (string->list p)))
(module separate-eval-tools (separate-eval run-script separate-compile)
(define (slurp ip)
(lambda ()
(let f ()
(let ([c (read-char ip)])
(unless (eof-object? c)
(write-char c)
(define ($separate-eval who expr*)
(let-values ([(to-stdin from-stdout from-stderr pid)
(open-process-ports (format "~a -q" (patch-exec-path *scheme*))
(buffer-mode block)
(pretty-print `(#%$enable-check-prelex-flags ,(#%$enable-check-prelex-flags)) to-stdin)
(for-each (lambda (expr) (pretty-print expr to-stdin)) expr*)
(close-port to-stdin)
(let* ([stdout-stuff (slurp from-stdout)]
[stderr-stuff (slurp from-stderr)])
(when (string=? stderr-stuff "")
(printf "$separate-eval command succeeded with\nSTDERR:\n~a\nSTDOUT:\n~a\nEND\n" stderr-stuff stdout-stuff))
(unless (string=? stderr-stuff "")
(printf "$separate-eval command failed with\nSTDERR:\n~a\nSTDOUT:\n~a\nEND\n" stderr-stuff stdout-stuff)
(errorf who "~a" stderr-stuff))
(close-port from-stdout)
(close-port from-stderr)
(define (separate-eval . expr*) ($separate-eval 'separate-eval expr*))
(define (run-script script)
(let-values ([(to-stdin from-stdout from-stderr pid)
(if (windows?)
(format "~a --script ~a" (patch-exec-path *scheme*) script)
(buffer-mode block)
(close-port to-stdin)
(let* ([stdout-stuff (slurp from-stdout)]
[stderr-stuff (slurp from-stderr)])
(unless (string=? stderr-stuff "")
(errorf 'run-script "~a" stderr-stuff))
(close-port from-stdout)
(close-port from-stderr)
(define separate-compile
[(x) (separate-compile 'compile-file x)]
[(cf x) ($separate-eval 'separate-compile `((,cf ,(if (symbol? x) (format "testfile-~a" x) x))))])))
(import separate-eval-tools)
(warning #f "installing funky collect request-handler")
(lambda ()
(when (= (random 100) 17)
(collect-maximum-generation (+ (random 254) 1))))))
(define windows?
(if (memq (machine-type) '(i3nt ti3nt a6nt ta6nt))
(lambda () #t)
(lambda () #f)))
(define embedded?
(lambda () #f))
(define ($record->vector x)
(let* ([rtd (#%$record-type-descriptor x)]
[n (length (csv7:record-type-field-names rtd))]
[v (make-vector (fx+ n 1) (record-type-name rtd))])
(do ([i 0 (fx+ i 1)])
((fx= i n))
(vector-set! v (fx+ i 1) ((csv7:record-field-accessor rtd i) x)))
(define $cat_flush "./cat_flush")
(define test-cp0-expansion
(rec test-cp0-expansion
[(expr expected) (test-cp0-expansion equivalent-expansion? expr expected)]
[(equiv? expr expected)
(let ([actual (parameterize ([enable-cp0 #t] [#%$suppress-primitive-inlining #f])
(expand/optimize `(let () (import scheme) ,expr)))])
(unless (equiv? actual expected)
(errorf 'test-cp0-expansion "expected ~s for ~s, got ~s\n" expected expr actual))
(define rm-rf
(lambda (path)
(when (file-exists? path)
(let f ([path path])
(if (file-directory? path)
(for-each (lambda (x) (f (format "~a/~a" path x))) (directory-list path))
(delete-directory path))
(delete-file path))))))
(define mkfile
(lambda (filename . expr*)
(with-output-to-file filename
(lambda () (for-each pretty-print expr*))
(define touch
(lambda (objfn srcfn)
(let loop ()
(let ([p (open-file-input/output-port srcfn (file-options no-fail no-truncate))])
(put-u8 p (lookahead-u8 p))
(close-port p))
(when (file-exists? objfn)
(unless (time>? (file-modification-time srcfn) (file-modification-time objfn))
(sleep (make-time 'time-duration 1000000 1))
(define preexisting-profile-dump-entry?
(let ([ht (make-eq-hashtable)])
(for-each (lambda (x) (eq-hashtable-set! ht (car x) #t)) (profile-dump))
(lambda (x) (eq-hashtable-contains? ht (car x)))))
(define heap-check-interval (make-parameter 0))
(let ([counter 0])
(lambda ()
(parameterize ([#%$enable-check-heap
(let ([interval (heap-check-interval)])
(and (not (fx= interval 0))
(let ([n (fxmod (fx+ counter 1) interval)])
(set! counter n)
(fx= n 0))))])