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2022-07-29 15:12:07 +02:00

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(mat compile-profile
(error? ; invalid argument
(compile-profile 'src))
(parameterize ([compile-profile #t])
(parameterize ([compile-profile 'source])
(parameterize ([compile-profile 'block])
(error? ; incorrect argument count
(profile-dump '()))
(error? ; incorrect argument count
(profile-clear '()))
(error? ; incorrect argument count
(profile-dump-list #t '() 3))
(error? ; invalid dump
(profile-dump-list #f 17))
(error? ; invalid dump
(profile-dump-list #f '(17)))
(error? ; invalid dump
(profile-dump-list #f '((a . 17))))
(error? ; invalid dump
(profile-dump-list #f `((,(make-source-object (source-file-descriptor "abc" 34) 0 3) . q))))
(error? ; incorrect argument count
(profile-dump-html "" '() 3))
(error? ; not a string
(profile-dump-html '(prefix)))
(error? ; invalid dump
(profile-dump-html "profile" 17))
(error? ; invalid dump
(profile-dump-html "profile" '(17)))
(error? ; invalid dump
(profile-dump-html "profile" '((a . 17))))
(error? ; invalid dump
(profile-dump-html "profile" `((,(make-source-object (source-file-descriptor "abc" 34) 0 3) . q))))
(error? ; incorrect argument count
(error? ; incorrect argument count
(profile-dump-data "" '() 'q))
(error? ; not a string
(profile-dump-data #t))
(error? ; invalid dump
(profile-dump-data "" 17))
(error? ; invalid dump
(profile-dump-data "" '(17)))
(error? ; invalid dump
(profile-dump-data "" '((a . 17))))
(error? ; invalid dump
(profile-dump-data "" `((,(make-source-object (source-file-descriptor "abc" 34) 0 3) . q))))
(error? ; not a string
(profile-load-data 'what?))
(eqv? (parameterize ([compile-profile #t])
'(let ()
(define (f x) (if (= x 0) 1 (* x (f (- x 1)))))
(f 3))))
(eqv? (parameterize ([compile-profile #t])
'(let ()
(define fat+
(lambda (x y)
(if (zero? y)
(fat+ (1+ x) (1- y)))))
(define fatfib
(lambda (x)
(if (< x 2)
(fat+ (fatfib (1- x)) (fatfib (1- (1- x)))))))
(fatfib 20))))
(parameterize ([compile-profile #t])
'(let ()
(define $values (lambda (n) (lambda () (apply values (make-list n)))))
(define foo
(lambda (n)
(lambda (k)
(lambda (c) (collect) (k 'okay))
(lambda ()
(define f (case-lambda))
(let ([x (random 10)])
(call-with-values ($values n) f))))))))
(list (foo 0) (foo 1) (foo 3) (foo 10) (foo 100) (foo 1000)))))
'(okay okay okay okay okay okay))
; no longer recording (useless) profiling information when source file & position aren't available
#;(let ([ls (profile-dump)])
(and (list? ls)
(not (null? ls))))
(eqv? (profile-clear) (void))
(or (eq? (compile-profile) 'source) (andmap zero? (map cdr (remp preexisting-profile-dump-entry? (profile-dump)))))
(begin (set! cp-fatfib (void)) #t) ; release fatfib
(begin (define $old-cp (compile-profile)) #t)
; this collect is here to make it more likely that we won't get a generation 1
; collection cementing in place the code that defines cp-fact
(begin (collect 1) #t)
(mat/cf (testfile "testfile")
(eval-when (compile) (compile-profile 'source))
(define (cp-fact x) (if (= x 0) 1 (* x (cp-fact (- x 1))))))
(eq? (compile-profile) $old-cp)
; drop code that defines cp-fact so it won't show up in profile-dump-list in
; hopes of resolving potential issue with comparison to pdl further down
(begin (collect (collect-maximum-generation)) #t)
(= (cp-fact 10) 3628800)
(define (prefix=? prefix s)
(let ([n (string-length prefix)])
(and (>= (string-length s) n) (string=? (substring s 0 n) prefix))))
(define (sdir? x) (or (prefix=? "../s" (cadr x)) (prefix=? "../unicode" (cadr x))))
(define-values (pdl pdl2)
(parameterize ([source-directories (cons* "../s" "../unicode" (source-directories))])
(remp sdir? (profile-dump-list #t (profile-dump)))
(remp sdir? (profile-dump-list))))))
(equal? pdl pdl2)
(not (null? pdl))
(rm-rf "testdir")
(mkdir "testdir")
(parameterize ([gensym-prefix 0]) (profile-dump-html "testdir/" (profile-dump)))
(file-exists? "testdir/profile.html")
(file-exists? "testdir/")
(begin (define $old-cp (compile-profile)) #t)
(mat/cf (testfile "testfile-block")
(eval-when (compile) (compile-profile 'block))
(define (cp-fact-block x) (if (= x 0) 1 (* x (cp-fact-block (- x 1))))))
(eq? (compile-profile) $old-cp)
(= (cp-fact-block 10) 3628800)
(or (equal? (compile-profile) 'source)
(parameterize ([source-directories (cons* "../s" "../unicode" (source-directories))])
(remp sdir? (profile-dump-list)))
(parameterize ([source-directories (cons* "../s" "../unicode" (source-directories))])
(file-exists? "profile.html")
(file-exists? "")
(not (file-exists? ""))
(eqv? (profile-clear) (void))
(mat/cf (testfile "testfile")
(eval-when (compile) (compile-profile #t))
(define (cp-fact x) (if (= x 0) 1 (* x (cp-fact (- x 1))))))
(= (cp-fact 10) 3628800)
(eqv? (profile-dump-data "testfile1.pd" (remp preexisting-profile-dump-entry? (profile-dump))) (void))
(file-exists? "testfile1.pd")
(eqv? (profile-load-data) (void))
(eqv? (profile-load-data "testfile1.pd") (void))
(define $cp-ip (open-file-input-port ""))
(define $cp-sfd (make-source-file-descriptor "" $cp-ip))
(define $qw (lambda (bfp efp) (profile-query-weight (make-source-object $cp-sfd bfp efp))))
(eqv? (close-port $cp-ip) (void))
(eqv? ($qw 0 0) 0.0) ; bfp, efp combination not in database
(eqv? ; file not in database
(let* ([fn (format "~a/Mf-base" *mats-dir*)]
[ip (open-file-input-port fn)]
[sfd (make-source-file-descriptor fn ip)])
(close-port ip)
(profile-query-weight (make-source-object sfd 0 0)))
((lambda (x) (and (memv x (list 0.0 (/ 1.0 11.0))) #t)) ($qw 0 42))
((lambda (x) (and (memv x (list 0.0 (/ 1.0 11.0))) #t)) ($qw 43 102))
(eqv? ($qw 63 101) 1.0)
(eqv? ($qw 75 76) (fl/ 1.0 11.0))
(eqv? ($qw 77 100) (fl/ 10.0 11.0))
((lambda (x) (and (memv x (list 0.0 (/ 1.0 11.0))) #t)) ($qw 103 127))
(eqv? ($qw 119 126) 0.0)
(eqv? ($qw 120 125) 0.0)
(eqv? (profile-clear) (void))
(= (cp-fact 5) 120)
(eqv? (profile-dump-data "testfile2.pd" (remp preexisting-profile-dump-entry? (profile-dump))) (void))
(eqv? (profile-load-data "testfile2.pd") (void))
((lambda (x) (and (memv x (list 0.0 (/ 1.0 11.0) (fl/ (/ 1.0 11.0) 2.0))) #t)) ($qw 0 42))
(eqv? ($qw 21 40) 0.0)
((lambda (x) (and (memv x (list 0.0 (/ 1.0 11.0) (fl/ (/ 1.0 11.0) 2.0))) #t)) ($qw 43 102))
(eqv? ($qw 63 101) 1.0)
(eqv? ($qw 75 76) (fl/ (fl+ (/ 1.0 11.0) (fl/ 1.0 6.0)) 2.0))
(eqv? ($qw 77 100) (fl/ (fl+ (fl/ 10.0 11.0) (fl/ 5.0 6.0)) 2.0))
((lambda (x) (and (memv x (list 0.0 (/ 1.0 11.0) (fl/ (/ 1.0 11.0) 2.0))) #t)) ($qw 103 127))
(eqv? ($qw 119 126) 0.0)
(eqv? ($qw 120 125) 0.0)
(eqv? (profile-clear) (void))
; make sure all is well when compiled with source profile info
(mat/cf (testfile "testfile")
(eval-when (compile) (compile-profile 'block))
(define (cp-fact x) (if (= x 0) 1 (* x (cp-fact (- x 1))))))
(eqv? (profile-dump-data "testfile3.pd" (remp preexisting-profile-dump-entry? (profile-dump))) (void))
(file-exists? "testfile3.pd")
(eqv? (profile-load-data "testfile3.pd") (void))
; and again with block profile info
(mat/cf (testfile "testfile")
(eval-when (compile) (compile-profile #f))
(define (cp-fact x) (if (= x 0) 1 (* x (cp-fact (- x 1))))))
(= (cp-fact 5) 120)
(eqv? (profile-clear-database) (void))
(eqv? ($qw 0 42) #f)
(eqv? ($qw 77 100) #f)
; make sure record-ref, record-type, and record-cd are properly handled by
; find-source in pdhtml
(eval-when (compile) (compile-profile #t))
(library (A) (export make-foo foo? foo-x) (import (chezscheme)) (define-record-type foo (fields x)))
(let ()
(import (A))
(define add-foo-xs
(lambda ls
(let f ([ls ls] [sum 0])
(if (null? ls) sum (f (cdr ls) (+ (foo-x (car ls)) sum))))))
; make sure this is still around when we call profile-dump-list
(set! $add-foo-xs add-foo-xs)
(pretty-print (add-foo-xs (make-foo 1) (make-foo 2) (make-foo 3)))))
(not (null? (profile-dump-list)))
(eqv? (profile-clear) (void))
(begin (set! $add-foo-xs #f) #t)
(vector? (profile-palette))
(parameterize ([profile-palette (vector-map
(lambda (p) (cons "white" (car p)))
(parameterize ([profile-palette
'#(("black" . "white")
("red" . "white")
("blue" . "black"))])
(= (vector-length (profile-palette)) 3))
(error? (profile-palette '#()))
(error? (profile-palette '#(("black" . "white"))))
(error? (profile-palette '#(("black" . "white") ("red" . "white"))))
'#(("black" . "white")
#("red" "white")
("blue" . "black"))))
'#(("black" . "white")
("red" . "white")
("blue" . black))))
'#(("black" . "white")
("red" . "white")
(#x0000ff . "black"))))
; test for proper counts in the presence of control operators
(define $return)
(define $retry)
(with-output-to-file ""
(lambda ()
(display-string "\
(define $frumble
(lambda (ls)
(if (null? ls)
(let ([n (car ls)])
(if (eqv? n 0)
(call/cc (lambda (k) (set! $retry k) ($return 0)))
(let ([q ($frumble (cdr ls))])
(add1 (* q n))))))))
(parameterize ([enable-cp0 #t] [#%$suppress-primitive-inlining #f] [optimize-level 2] [compile-profile #t])
(load "" compile))
($frumble (make-list 100 5))
(filter (lambda (x) (equal? (cadr x) "")) (profile-dump-list))
'((101 "" 36 258 3 5)
(101 "" 40 50 3 9)
(101 "" 41 46 3 10)
(101 "" 47 49 3 16)
(100 "" 69 257 5 9)
(100 "" 78 86 5 18)
(100 "" 79 82 5 19)
(100 "" 83 85 5 23)
(100 "" 99 256 6 11)
(100 "" 103 113 6 15)
(100 "" 104 108 6 16)
(100 "" 109 110 6 21)
(100 "" 111 112 6 23)
(100 "" 193 255 8 15)
(100 "" 202 221 8 24)
(100 "" 203 211 8 25)
(100 "" 212 220 8 34)
(100 "" 213 216 8 35)
(100 "" 217 219 8 39)
(100 "" 240 254 9 17)
(100 "" 241 245 9 18)
(100 "" 246 253 9 23)
(100 "" 247 248 9 24)
(100 "" 249 250 9 26)
(100 "" 251 252 9 28)
(1 "" 0 260 1 1)
(1 "" 19 259 2 3)
(1 "" 59 60 4 9)
(0 "" 128 178 7 15)
(0 "" 129 136 7 16)
(0 "" 137 177 7 24)
(0 "" 149 164 7 36)
(0 "" 162 163 7 49)
(0 "" 165 176 7 52)
(0 "" 166 173 7 53)
(0 "" 174 175 7 61)))
(lambda (k)
(set! $return k)
(let ([ans ($frumble (append (make-list 50 5) (list 0) (make-list 50 7)))])
($return ans))))
(filter (lambda (x) (equal? (cadr x) "")) (profile-dump-list))
'((152 "" 36 258 3 5)
(152 "" 40 50 3 9)
(152 "" 41 46 3 10)
(152 "" 47 49 3 16)
(151 "" 69 257 5 9)
(151 "" 78 86 5 18)
(151 "" 79 82 5 19)
(151 "" 83 85 5 23)
(151 "" 99 256 6 11)
(151 "" 103 113 6 15)
(151 "" 104 108 6 16)
(151 "" 109 110 6 21)
(151 "" 111 112 6 23)
(150 "" 193 255 8 15)
(150 "" 202 221 8 24)
(150 "" 203 211 8 25)
(150 "" 212 220 8 34)
(150 "" 213 216 8 35)
(150 "" 217 219 8 39)
(100 "" 240 254 9 17)
(100 "" 241 245 9 18)
(100 "" 246 253 9 23)
(100 "" 247 248 9 24)
(100 "" 249 250 9 26)
(100 "" 251 252 9 28)
(1 "" 0 260 1 1)
(1 "" 19 259 2 3)
(1 "" 59 60 4 9)
(1 "" 128 178 7 15)
(1 "" 129 136 7 16)
(1 "" 137 177 7 24)
(1 "" 149 164 7 36)
(1 "" 162 163 7 49)
(1 "" 165 176 7 52)
(1 "" 166 173 7 53)
(1 "" 174 175 7 61)))
(lambda (k)
(set! $return k)
($retry 1)))
(filter (lambda (x) (equal? (cadr x) "")) (profile-dump-list))
'((152 "" 36 258 3 5)
(152 "" 40 50 3 9)
(152 "" 41 46 3 10)
(152 "" 47 49 3 16)
(151 "" 69 257 5 9)
(151 "" 78 86 5 18)
(151 "" 79 82 5 19)
(151 "" 83 85 5 23)
(151 "" 99 256 6 11)
(151 "" 103 113 6 15)
(151 "" 104 108 6 16)
(151 "" 109 110 6 21)
(151 "" 111 112 6 23)
(150 "" 193 255 8 15)
(150 "" 202 221 8 24)
(150 "" 203 211 8 25)
(150 "" 212 220 8 34)
(150 "" 213 216 8 35)
(150 "" 217 219 8 39)
(150 "" 240 254 9 17)
(150 "" 241 245 9 18)
(150 "" 246 253 9 23)
(150 "" 247 248 9 24)
(150 "" 249 250 9 26)
(150 "" 251 252 9 28)
(1 "" 0 260 1 1)
(1 "" 19 259 2 3)
(1 "" 59 60 4 9)
(1 "" 128 178 7 15)
(1 "" 129 136 7 16)
(1 "" 137 177 7 24)
(1 "" 149 164 7 36)
(1 "" 162 163 7 49)
(1 "" 165 176 7 52)
(1 "" 166 173 7 53)
(1 "" 174 175 7 61)))
(collect (collect-maximum-generation)) ; drop code object for the define and lambda
(profile-release-counters) ; drop proile information for the dropped code object
(filter (lambda (x) (equal? (cadr x) "")) (profile-dump-list))
'((152 "" 36 258 3 5)
(152 "" 40 50 3 9)
(152 "" 41 46 3 10)
(152 "" 47 49 3 16)
(151 "" 69 257 5 9)
(151 "" 78 86 5 18)
(151 "" 79 82 5 19)
(151 "" 83 85 5 23)
(151 "" 99 256 6 11)
(151 "" 103 113 6 15)
(151 "" 104 108 6 16)
(151 "" 109 110 6 21)
(151 "" 111 112 6 23)
(150 "" 193 255 8 15)
(150 "" 202 221 8 24)
(150 "" 203 211 8 25)
(150 "" 212 220 8 34)
(150 "" 213 216 8 35)
(150 "" 217 219 8 39)
(150 "" 240 254 9 17)
(150 "" 241 245 9 18)
(150 "" 246 253 9 23)
(150 "" 247 248 9 24)
(150 "" 249 250 9 26)
(150 "" 251 252 9 28)
(1 "" 59 60 4 9)
(1 "" 128 178 7 15)
(1 "" 129 136 7 16)
(1 "" 137 177 7 24)
(1 "" 149 164 7 36)
(1 "" 162 163 7 49)
(1 "" 165 176 7 52)
(1 "" 166 173 7 53)
(1 "" 174 175 7 61)))
; test profiling with compiled files
(with-output-to-file ""
(lambda ()
(display-string "\
(define cp2-fib
(rec fib
(lambda (n)
[(fx= n 0) 1]
[(fx= n 1) 1]
[else (+ (fib (- n 1)) (fib (- n 2)))]))))
(parameterize ([enable-cp0 #t] [#%$suppress-primitive-inlining #f] [optimize-level 2] [compile-profile #t])
(compile-file "testfile-cp2"))
(load "")
(eqv? (cp2-fib 10) 89)
(filter (lambda (x) (equal? (cadr x) "")) (profile-dump-list))
'((177 "" 49 146 4 7)
(177 "" 64 73 5 10)
(177 "" 65 68 5 11)
(177 "" 69 70 5 15)
(177 "" 71 72 5 17)
(143 "" 86 95 6 10)
(143 "" 87 90 6 11)
(143 "" 91 92 6 15)
(143 "" 93 94 6 17)
(88 "" 113 144 7 15)
(88 "" 114 115 7 16)
(88 "" 116 129 7 18)
(88 "" 117 120 7 19)
(88 "" 121 128 7 23)
(88 "" 122 123 7 24)
(88 "" 124 125 7 26)
(88 "" 126 127 7 28)
(88 "" 130 143 7 32)
(88 "" 131 134 7 33)
(88 "" 135 142 7 37)
(88 "" 136 137 7 38)
(88 "" 138 139 7 40)
(88 "" 140 141 7 42)
(55 "" 96 97 6 20)
(34 "" 74 75 5 20)
(1 "" 0 149 1 1)
(1 "" 18 148 2 3)
(1 "" 23 26 2 8)
(1 "" 31 147 3 5)))
(collect (collect-maximum-generation)) ; drop code object for the define and lambda
(profile-release-counters) ; drop proile information for the dropped code object
(filter (lambda (x) (equal? (cadr x) "")) (profile-dump-list))
'((177 "" 49 146 4 7)
(177 "" 64 73 5 10)
(177 "" 65 68 5 11)
(177 "" 69 70 5 15)
(177 "" 71 72 5 17)
(143 "" 86 95 6 10)
(143 "" 87 90 6 11)
(143 "" 91 92 6 15)
(143 "" 93 94 6 17)
(88 "" 113 144 7 15)
(88 "" 114 115 7 16)
(88 "" 116 129 7 18)
(88 "" 117 120 7 19)
(88 "" 121 128 7 23)
(88 "" 122 123 7 24)
(88 "" 124 125 7 26)
(88 "" 126 127 7 28)
(88 "" 130 143 7 32)
(88 "" 131 134 7 33)
(88 "" 135 142 7 37)
(88 "" 136 137 7 38)
(88 "" 138 139 7 40)
(88 "" 140 141 7 42)
(55 "" 96 97 6 20)
(34 "" 74 75 5 20)))
(eqv? (profile-clear) (void))
(with-output-to-file ""
(lambda ()
'(define f (lambda () 0))))
(parameterize ([compile-profile #t]) (load "" compile))
(with-output-to-file ""
(lambda ()
'(define f (lambda () 1))))
(eqv? (f) 0)
(warning? ; unmodified source file not found
(parameterize ([source-directories (cons* "../s" "../unicode" (source-directories))])
(warning? ; unmodified source file not found
(parameterize ([source-directories (cons* "../s" "../unicode" (source-directories))])
(profile-dump-list #t)))
(warning? ; unmodified source file not found
(parameterize ([source-directories (cons* "../s" "../unicode" (source-directories))])
(profile-dump-list #t (profile-dump))))
(warning? ; unmodified source file not found
(parameterize ([source-directories (cons* "../s" "../unicode" (source-directories))])
(profile-dump-list #t (profile-dump))))
(guard (c [else #f])
(profile-dump-list #f)
(guard (c [else #f])
(profile-dump-list #f (profile-dump))
(eqv? (profile-clear) (void))
; verify that annotations are preserved within syntax objects when
; profiling is enabled even when generation of inspector information
; is disabled.
(mkfile ""
'(library (testfile-ca3) (export a) (import (chezscheme))
(define-syntax a (lambda (x) #'(cons 0 1)))))
(mkfile ""
'(import (chezscheme) (testfile-ca3))
'(do ([i 123 (fx- i 1)] [q #f a]) ((fx= i 0) (pretty-print q)))
'(lambda (x)
(parameterize ([generate-inspector-information #f]
[compile-profile #t])
(compile-library x)))
'(lambda (x)
(parameterize ([compile-profile #t])
(compile-program x)))
'(load-program "")
'(cdr (find (lambda (x) (equal? (source-file-descriptor-path (source-object-sfd (car x))) "")) (profile-dump))))
"(0 . 1)\n123\n")
; verify that we get profiling information for local macro transformers
(call-with-port (open-output-file "" 'replace)
(lambda (op)
(put-string op "\
(let ()
(define-syntax a
(lambda (q)
(define square
(lambda (n)
(* n n)))
(syntax-case q ()
[(_ x (d ...) e)
#`(let ([x (quote #,(map square (datum (d ...))))])
(pretty-print (list (a b (8 6 7) b) (a b (5 3 0 9) (list b)))))")))
(delete-file "")
(parameterize ([print-gensym #f] [current-eval compile] [compile-profile #t])
(compile-file "testfile-cp4"))
(sort (lambda (x y) (< (list-ref x 2) (list-ref y 2)))
(filter (lambda (x) (equal? (list-ref x 1) ""))
'((1 "" 31 232 3 5) ; first transformer count ...
(2 "" 72 102 5 9)
(7 "" 94 101 6 11)
(7 "" 95 96 6 12)
(7 "" 97 98 6 14)
(7 "" 99 100 6 16)
(2 "" 110 231 7 7)
(2 "" 123 124 7 20)
(2 "" 162 229 9 10)
(2 "" 182 210 9 30)
(2 "" 183 186 9 31)
(2 "" 187 193 9 35)
(2 "" 194 209 9 42) ; ... last transformer count
(collect (collect-maximum-generation))
(lambda ()
(revisit "")))
"((64 36 49) ((25 9 0 81)))\n")
(sort (lambda (x y) (< (list-ref x 2) (list-ref y 2)))
(filter (lambda (x) (equal? (list-ref x 1) ""))
'((1 "" 0 299 1 1) ; top-level let
(1 "" 236 298 11 3) ; pretty-print call ...
(1 "" 237 249 11 4) ; ... and subforms
(1 "" 250 297 11 17)
(1 "" 251 255 11 18)
(1 "" 256 271 11 23)
(1 "" 269 270 11 36)
(1 "" 272 296 11 39)
(1 "" 287 295 11 54)
(1 "" 288 292 11 55)
(1 "" 293 294 11 60)
(mat profile-form
(error? ; invalid syntax
(error? ; invalid syntax
(profile 1 2 3))
(error? ; not a source object
(profile 3))
(define str "(ugh (if \x3b2;))")
(define bv (string->utf8 str))
(define ip (open-bytevector-input-port bv))
(define sfd (make-source-file-descriptor "foo" ip #t))
(eq? (eval `(profile ,(make-source-object sfd 2 3))) (void))
(define compile-triv-file
(lambda (ifn ofn)
(define insert-profile-forms
(lambda (x)
(unless (annotation? x) (errorf 'compile-triv-file "expected an annotation, got ~s" x))
(let ([src (annotation-source x)] [exp (annotation-expression x)])
`(begin (profile ,src)
,(syntax-case exp ()
[(?do-times n e)
(eq? (annotation-expression #'?do-times) 'do-times)
(let ([n (annotation-expression #'n)])
`(do ([i ,n (fx- i 1)]) ((fx= i 0)) ,(insert-profile-forms #'e)))]
[(?print string)
(eq? (annotation-expression #'?print) 'print)
`(printf "~a\n" ,(annotation-expression #'string))]
[else (syntax-error exp)])))))
(define parse
(lambda (ifn)
(let ([ip (open-file-input-port ifn)])
(let ([sfd (make-source-file-descriptor ifn ip #t)])
(let ([ip (transcoded-port ip (native-transcoder))])
(let f ([bfp 0])
(let-values ([(x bfp) (get-datum/annotations ip sfd bfp)])
(if (eof-object? x)
(begin (close-port ip) '())
(cons x (f bfp))))))))))
(parameterize ([compile-profile 'source] [generate-profile-forms #f])
(compile-to-file (list `(define (triv) ,@(map insert-profile-forms (parse ifn)))) ofn))))
(with-output-to-file ""
(lambda ()
(pretty-print '(do-times 10 (print "hello")))
(pretty-print '(do-times 5 (print "goodbye"))))
(compile-triv-file "" "")
(load "")
(with-output-to-string triv)
; sort by bfp
(lambda (x y) (< (list-ref x 2) (list-ref y 2)))
(filter (lambda (x) (equal? (list-ref x 1) "")) (profile-dump-list)))
'((1 "" 0 29 1 1)
(10 "" 13 28 1 14)
(1 "" 30 60 2 1)
(5 "" 42 59 2 13)))
(eqv? (profile-clear) (void))
(mat coverage
(mkfile "" '(printf "hello\n"))
(define $ct0 (make-source-table))
(define $ct0-src1
(call-with-port (open-file-input-port "")
(lambda (ip)
(make-source-file-descriptor "" ip #t)))
3 7))
(define $ct0-src2
(call-with-port (open-file-input-port "")
(lambda (ip)
(make-source-file-descriptor "" ip #t)))
5 11))
(define $ct0-src3
(call-with-port (open-file-input-port "")
(lambda (ip)
(make-source-file-descriptor "" ip #t)))
17 19))
(source-table? $ct0)
(= (source-table-size $ct0) 0)
(not (source-table-contains? $ct0 $ct0-src1))
(eq? (source-table-ref $ct0 $ct0-src2 'q) 'q)
(source-table-set! $ct0 $ct0-src1 17)
(= (source-table-size $ct0) 1)
(source-table-contains? $ct0 $ct0-src1)
(not (source-table-contains? $ct0 $ct0-src2))
(eq? (source-table-ref $ct0 $ct0-src3 'q) 'q)
(source-table-set! $ct0 $ct0-src2 37)
(source-table-set! $ct0 $ct0-src3 43)
(= (source-table-size $ct0) 3)
(source-table-contains? $ct0 $ct0-src1)
(source-table-contains? $ct0 $ct0-src2)
(source-table-contains? $ct0 $ct0-src3)
(eqv? (source-table-ref $ct0 $ct0-src1 'q) 17)
(eqv? (source-table-ref $ct0 $ct0-src2 'q) 37)
(eqv? (source-table-ref $ct0 $ct0-src3 'q) 43)
(let ([a (source-table-cell $ct0 $ct0-src1 #f)])
(and (eqv? (cdr a) 17)
(set-cdr! a 23)
(= (source-table-size $ct0) 3)
(source-table-contains? $ct0 $ct0-src1)
(source-table-contains? $ct0 $ct0-src2)
(source-table-contains? $ct0 $ct0-src3)
(eqv? (source-table-ref $ct0 $ct0-src1 'q) 23)
(eqv? (source-table-ref $ct0 $ct0-src2 'q) 37)
(eqv? (source-table-ref $ct0 $ct0-src3 'q) 43)
(eqv? (source-table-delete! $ct0 $ct0-src1) (void))
(= (source-table-size $ct0) 2)
(not (source-table-contains? $ct0 $ct0-src1))
(source-table-contains? $ct0 $ct0-src2)
(source-table-contains? $ct0 $ct0-src3)
(eqv? (source-table-delete! $ct0 $ct0-src3) (void))
(= (source-table-size $ct0) 1)
(not (source-table-contains? $ct0 $ct0-src1))
(source-table-contains? $ct0 $ct0-src2)
(not (source-table-contains? $ct0 $ct0-src3))
(eqv? (source-table-delete! $ct0 $ct0-src2) (void))
(= (source-table-size $ct0) 0)
(not (source-table-contains? $ct0 $ct0-src1))
(not (source-table-contains? $ct0 $ct0-src2))
(not (source-table-contains? $ct0 $ct0-src3))
(define $source-table-filter
(lambda (universe-ct ct)
(let ([new-ct (make-source-table)])
(lambda (p)
(let ([src (car p)] [count (cdr p)])
(when (source-table-contains? universe-ct src)
(source-table-set! new-ct src count))))
(source-table-dump ct))
(mkfile ""
'(library (testfile-coverage1a) (export a f) (import (chezscheme))
(define-syntax a (lambda (x) #'(cons 0 1)))
(define f (lambda (x) (if (= x 0) 1 (* x (f (- x 1))))))))
(parameterize ([generate-covin-files #t] [compile-profile #t])
(compile-library "testfile-coverage1a")))
(mkfile ""
(import (chezscheme) (testfile-coverage1a))
(do ([i 3 (fx- i 1)])
((fx= i 0) (printf "~s\n" (f 3)))
(printf "a = ~s\n" a))))
(call-with-port (open-file-input-port "")
(lambda (ip)
(let ([sfd (make-source-file-descriptor "" ip #t)])
(call-with-port (transcoded-port ip (native-transcoder))
(lambda (ip)
(call-with-port (open-file-output-port "" (file-options replace))
(lambda (op)
(call-with-port (open-output-file "testfile-coverage1b.covin" 'replace)
(lambda (covop)
(parameterize ([compile-profile #t])
(compile-port ip op sfd #f covop))))))))))))
(mkfile ""
(import (chezscheme) (testfile-coverage1a))
(do ([i 4 (fx- i 1)])
((fx= i 0) (printf "~s\n" (f 4)))
(printf "a = ~s\n" a))))
(call-with-port (open-file-input-port "")
(lambda (ip)
(let ([sfd (make-source-file-descriptor "" ip #t)])
(call-with-port (transcoded-port ip (native-transcoder))
(lambda (ip)
(call-with-port (open-file-output-port "" (file-options replace))
(lambda (op)
(call-with-port (open-output-file "testfile-coverage1c.covin" 'replace)
(lambda (covop)
(parameterize ([compile-profile #t])
(let-values ([(x fp) (get-datum/annotations ip sfd 0)])
(compile-to-port (list x) op sfd #f covop)))))))))))))
(mkfile ""
'(import (chezscheme) (testfile-coverage1a))
'(do ([i 3 (fx- i 1)])
((fx= i 0) (printf "~s\n" (f 5)))
(printf "a = ~s\n" a)))
(parameterize ([generate-covin-files #t] [compile-profile #t])
(compile-program "testfile-coverage1d")))
(define $ct0
(let ()
(define (with-source-input-port path p)
(open-file-input-port path
(file-options compressed)
(buffer-mode block)
(let ([ct (make-source-table)])
(with-source-input-port "testfile-coverage1b.covin" (lambda (ip) (get-source-table! ip ct)))
(with-source-input-port "testfile-coverage1c.covin" (lambda (ip) (get-source-table! ip ct (lambda (x y) (assert (= x y 0)) x))))
(source-table? $ct0)
(andmap zero? (map cdr (source-table-dump $ct0)))
(lambda ()
(lambda ()
(lambda (k)
(values k
(lambda ()
(load-program "")
(load-program "")
(load-program "")))))))))
(lambda (ct k s)
(let* ([ct ($source-table-filter $ct0 ct)])
(if k
(and (string=? s "a = (0 . 1)\na = (0 . 1)\na = (0 . 1)\n6\na = (0 . 1)\na = (0 . 1)\na = (0 . 1)\na = (0 . 1)\n24\na = (0 . 1)\na = (0 . 1)\na = (0 . 1)\n120\n")
(procedure? k)
(set! $ct1 ct)
(k #f "yup.")))
(and (string=? s "yup.")
(set! $ct2 ct)
(source-table? $ct1)
(source-table? $ct2)
(lambda (dumpit)
(and (source-table-contains? $ct2 (car dumpit))
(>= (source-table-ref $ct2 (car dumpit) #f) (cdr dumpit))))
(source-table-dump $ct1))
(lambda (dumpit)
(and (source-table-contains? $ct1 (car dumpit))
(<= (source-table-ref $ct1 (car dumpit) #f) (cdr dumpit))))
(source-table-dump $ct2)))
(not (ormap zero? (map cdr (source-table-dump $ct1))))
(let ([dump (source-table-dump $ct1)])
(define (file-found? path)
(lambda (dumpit)
(string=? (source-file-descriptor-path (source-object-sfd (car dumpit))) path))
(and (file-found? "")
(file-found? "")
(file-found? "")
(not (file-found? ""))))
(lambda ()
; shouldn't matter whether this is before or after the with-profile-tracker call
(load-program "")
(let-values ([(ct . ignore) (with-profile-tracker #t
(lambda ()
(load-program "")
(load-program "")))])
(let ([ct ($source-table-filter $ct0 ct)])
(set! $ct3 ct)))))
"a = (0 . 1)\na = (0 . 1)\na = (0 . 1)\n6\na = (0 . 1)\na = (0 . 1)\na = (0 . 1)\na = (0 . 1)\n24\na = (0 . 1)\na = (0 . 1)\na = (0 . 1)\n120\n")
(source-table? $ct3)
(let ([dump (source-table-dump $ct3)])
(define (file-found? path)
(lambda (dumpit)
(string=? (source-file-descriptor-path (source-object-sfd (car dumpit))) path))
(and (file-found? "")
(file-found? "")
(file-found? "")
(not (file-found? ""))))
; the coverage table retrieved should include counts for both sets of load-program calls
(lambda (dumpit)
(>= (source-table-ref $ct3 (car dumpit) #f) (* 2 (cdr dumpit))))
(source-table-dump $ct1))
(lambda (dumpit)
(<= (* 2 (source-table-ref $ct1 (car dumpit) #f)) (cdr dumpit)))
(source-table-dump $ct3)))
(call-with-output-file "testfile.covout"
(lambda (op)
(put-source-table op $ct3))
(define $ct5
(let ([ct (make-source-table)])
(call-with-input-file "testfile.covout" (lambda (ip) (get-source-table! ip ct)))
(lambda (dumpit)
(= (source-table-ref $ct5 (car dumpit) #f) (cdr dumpit)))
(source-table-dump $ct3))
(lambda (dumpit)
(= (source-table-ref $ct3 (car dumpit) #f) (cdr dumpit)))
(source-table-dump $ct5))
(call-with-input-file "testfile.covout" (lambda (ip) (get-source-table! ip $ct5 (lambda (x y) (- (* x y))))))
(lambda (dumpit)
(= (source-table-ref $ct5 (car dumpit) #f) (- (expt (cdr dumpit) 2))))
(source-table-dump $ct3))