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2022-08-09 23:28:25 +02:00

801 lines
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;;; Copyright 1984-2017 Cisco Systems, Inc.
;;; Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
;;; you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
;;; You may obtain a copy of the License at
;;; Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
;;; distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
;;; WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
;;; See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
;;; limitations under the License.
;;;; TODO
;;; support enough power to describe generic as a pattern?
;;; retain external comments in pretty-file?
;;; $make-graph-env and $last-new-vector-element are from
;;; pretty tries to fit things within line length
(define pretty-line-length
(lambda (x)
(unless (and (fixnum? x) (fx> x 0))
($oops 'pretty-line-length "~s is not a positive fixnum" x))
;;; pretty tries to break things longer than one line limit
(define pretty-one-line-limit
(lambda (x)
(unless (and (fixnum? x) (fx> x 0))
($oops 'pretty-one-line-limit "~s is not a positive fixnum" x))
;;; initial indentation of first line; used to properly align subsequent
;;; lines
(define pretty-initial-indent
(lambda (x)
(unless (and (fixnum? x) (fx>= x 0))
($oops 'pretty-initial-indent "~s is not a nonnegative fixnum" x))
;;; standard indent
(define pretty-standard-indent
(lambda (x)
(unless (and (fixnum? x) (fx>= x 0))
($oops 'pretty-standard-indent "~s is not a nonnegative fixnum" x))
(define pretty-maximum-lines
(lambda (x)
(unless (or (not x) (and (fixnum? x) (fx>= x 0)))
($oops 'pretty-maximum-lines "~s is not a positive fixnum or #f" x))
(define pretty-print)
(define pretty-file)
(define pretty-format)
(let ()
;;; supported formats:
;;; <fmt> -> (quote <symbol>)
;;; | var
;;; | <symbol>
;;; | (read-macro <string> <symbol>)
;;; | (meta)
;;; | (alt <fmt> <fmt>*)
;;; | (bracket . <fmt-tail>)
;;; | <fmt-tail>
;;; <fmt-tail> -> ()
;;; | (<tab> <fmt> ...)
;;; | (<fmt> <tab> ...)
;;; | (<tab> <fmt> . <fmt-tail>)
;;; | (<fmt> ...)
;;; | (<fmt> . <fmt-tail>)
;;; | (fill <tab> <fmt> ...)
;;; <tab> -> <int>
;;; | #f
(define (tab? x) (or (eq? x #f) (fixnum? x)))
(define (dots? x) (eq? x '...))
(define (fmt? x)
(define (fmt-tail? x)
(syntax-case x (fill)
[() #t]
[(fill tab x dots) (and (tab? #'tab) (dots? #'dots) (fmt? #'x))]
[(tab x dots) (and (tab? #'tab) (dots? #'dots)) (fmt? #'x)]
[(x tab dots) (and (tab? #'tab) (dots? #'dots)) (fmt? #'x)]
[(tab x . t) (tab? #'tab) (and (fmt? #'x) (fmt-tail? #'t))]
[(x dots) (dots? #'dots) (fmt? #'x)]
[(x . t) (and (fmt? #'x) (fmt-tail? #'t))]
[_ #f]))
(syntax-case x (quote var read-macro meta alt bracket)
[(quote sym) (symbol? #'sym)]
[var #t]
[sym (and (symbol? #'sym) (not (dots? #'sym)) (not (eq? #'sym 'fill))) #t]
[(read-macro str sym) (and (string? #'str) (symbol? #'sym))]
[(meta) #t]
[(alt . x*) (and (list? #'x*) (not (null? #'x*)) (andmap fmt? #'x*))]
[(bracket . x) (fmt-tail? #'x)]
[x (fmt-tail? #'x)]))
(define (score-fmt fmt expr) ; lower is better, zero is best
(define (score-fmt-tail fmt-tail expr s)
(define (score-rest fmt expr s)
(if (list? expr)
(let ([s (fl/ s (fixnum->flonum (fx+ (length expr) 1)))])
(apply fl+ (map (lambda (expr) (score-fmt fmt expr s)) expr)))
(syntax-case fmt-tail (fill)
[() (if (null? expr) 0.0 s)]
[(fill tab fmt dots) (score-rest #'fmt expr s)]
[(tab fmt dots) (and (tab? #'tab) (dots? #'dots)) (score-rest #'fmt expr s)]
[(fmt tab dots) (and (tab? #'tab) (dots? #'dots)) (score-rest #'fmt expr s)]
[(tab fmt . fmt-tail)
(tab? #'tab)
(if (pair? expr)
(let ([s (fl/ s 3.0)])
(fl+ (score-fmt #'fmt (car expr) s)
(score-fmt #'fmt-tail (cdr expr) s)))
[(fmt dots) (dots? #'dots) (score-rest #'fmt expr s)]
[(fmt . fmt-tail)
(if (pair? expr)
(let ([s (fl/ s 3.0)])
(fl+ (score-fmt #'fmt (car expr) s)
(score-fmt #'fmt-tail (cdr expr) s)))
(define (score-fmt fmt expr s)
(syntax-case fmt (quote var read-macro meta alt bracket s)
[(quote sym) (if (eq? expr #'sym) 0.0 s)]
[var (if (symbol? expr) 0.0 s)]
[sym (symbol? #'sym) 0.0]
[(read-macro str sym)
(syntax-case expr ($primitive)
[(_ x) 0.0]
[($primitive n x) (if (memq #'n '(2 3)) 0.0 s)]
[else s])]
(syntax-case expr (meta)
[(meta . x) 0.0]
[else s])]
[(alt . fmt*)
(let f ([fmt* (cdr #'fmt*)] [min-s (score-fmt (car #'fmt*) expr s)])
(if (or (null? fmt*) (fl= min-s 0.0))
(f (cdr fmt*) (min (score-fmt (car fmt*) expr s) min-s))))]
[(bracket . fmt-tail) (score-fmt-tail #'fmt-tail expr s)]
[fmt-tail (score-fmt-tail #'fmt-tail expr s)]))
(score-fmt fmt expr 1.0))
(define (select-alt-fmt fmt expr)
[(syntax-case fmt (alt)
[(alt . fmt*) #'fmt*]
[_ #f]) =>
(lambda (fmt*)
(let ([fmt (car fmt*)])
(let f ([fmt* (cdr fmt*)] [min-s (score-fmt fmt expr)] [min-fmt fmt])
(if (or (null? fmt*) (fl= min-s 0.0))
(select-alt-fmt min-fmt expr)
(let* ([fmt (car fmt*)] [s (score-fmt fmt expr)])
(if (fl< s min-s)
(f (cdr fmt*) s fmt)
(f (cdr fmt*) min-s min-fmt)))))))]
[else fmt]))
(define-syntax decr
(lambda (x)
(syntax-case x ()
((_ x) (identifier? #'x) #'(and x (fx- x 1))))))
(define-syntax limit?
(syntax-rules ()
((_ x) (eq? x 0))))
(define-record-type prty
(fields (mutable fmt) (mutable len) (mutable obj))
(sealed #t))
(define-threaded si) ; standard indent
(define-threaded lines) ; max number of lines to print
(define-threaded col)
(define-threaded room)
(define-threaded port)
(define-threaded pretty-string-output-port)
(define-threaded graph-env)
(define lparen #\() ;)( make paren bouncer happy
(define rparen #\))
(define lbrack #\[) ;][ make paren bouncer happy
(define rbrack #\])
(define check-line-maximum
(lambda ()
(when lines
(if (= lines 0)
($oops 'pretty-print "maximum-lines parameter exceeded")
(set! lines (- lines 1))))))
(define tab-amount
(lambda (x)
(if (and (integer? x) (nonnegative? x))
(if (eq? x #f)
(define mk-prty
(lambda (x lev len fmt)
(let ([a (and graph-env (graph-env 'tag x))])
(if (not a)
(mk-prty-help x lev len fmt)
(record-case a
[(mark) n
(let ([s (format "#~d=" n)]
[r (mk-prty-help x lev len fmt)])
(make-prty `(read-macro ,s x)
(+ (string-length s) (prty-len r))
[(ref) n
(let ([s (format "#~d#" n)])
(make-prty 'x (string-length s) s))])))))
(define mk-prty-help
(lambda (x lev len fmt)
(define (get-pretty-format x)
(let ([fmt (and (symbol? (car x)) (pretty-format (car x)))])
(and fmt (select-alt-fmt fmt x))))
[(pair? x)
; choose x's format, if any, if it is a read macro or if the
; incoming format is atomic.
(let ([fmt (let ([x-fmt (get-pretty-format x)])
(let ([fmt (select-alt-fmt fmt x)])
(if (and x-fmt (syntax-case fmt (quote)
[(quote sym) #t]
[sym (symbol? #'sym) #t]
[_ #f]))
(syntax-case fmt (read-macro meta)
[(read-macro str sym)
[(and (pair? (cdr x))
(null? (cddr x))
(or (not (eq? (car x) '$primitive))
(symbol? (cadr x))))
(let ([p (mk-prty (cadr x) lev len 'x)])
(make-prty fmt (+ (string-length #'str) (prty-len p)) p))]
[(and (eq? (car x) '$primitive)
(pair? (cdr x))
(pair? (cddr x))
(null? (cdddr x))
(memv (cadr x) '(2 3))
(symbol? (caddr x)))
(let ([p (mk-prty (caddr x) lev len 'x)]
[s (format "#~d%" (cadr x))])
(make-prty `(read-macro ,s x)
(+ (string-length s) (prty-len p))
[else (mk-prty-list x lev len 'x)])]
(let ([defn (cdr x)])
(let ([fmt (and (pair? defn) (get-pretty-format defn))])
(mk-prty-list x lev len
(if fmt `(meta . ,fmt) '(meta x #f ...)))))]
[_ (mk-prty-list x lev len fmt)]))]
[(vector? x)
(let ([n (vector-length x)])
(if (= n 0)
(if (print-vector-length)
(make-prty '() 4 "#0()")
(make-prty '() 3 "#()"))
(let ([p (mk-prty-vector vector-length vector-ref x lev len)]
[s (if (print-vector-length) (format "#~d" n) "#")])
(make-prty `(read-macro ,s x)
(+ (string-length s) (prty-len p))
[(fxvector? x)
(let ([n (fxvector-length x)])
(if (= n 0)
(if (print-vector-length)
(make-prty '() 4 "#0vfx()")
(make-prty '() 3 "#vfx()"))
(let ([p (mk-prty-vector fxvector-length fxvector-ref x lev len)]
[s (if (print-vector-length) (format "#~dvfx" n) "#vfx")])
(make-prty `(read-macro ,s x)
(+ (string-length s) (prty-len p))
[(bytevector? x)
(let ([n (bytevector-length x)])
(if (= n 0)
(if (print-vector-length)
(make-prty '() 4 "#0vu8()")
(make-prty '() 3 "#vu8()"))
(let ([p (mk-prty-vector bytevector-length bytevector-u8-ref x lev len)]
[s (if (print-vector-length) (format "#~dvu8" n) "#vu8")])
(make-prty `(read-macro ,s x)
(+ (string-length s) (prty-len p))
[(box? x)
(if (limit? lev)
(make-prty '() 5 "#&...")
(let ([r (mk-prty (unbox x) (decr lev) len 'x)])
(make-prty '(read-macro "#&" x) (+ 2 (prty-len r)) r)))]
[(eq? x '#0=#0#)
(if (limit? lev)
(make-prty 'x 3 "...")
(mk-prty x (decr lev) len 'x))]
($write-pretty-quick x lev len graph-env pretty-string-output-port)
(let ([s (get-output-string pretty-string-output-port)])
(make-prty 'x (string-length s) s))])))
(define mk-prty-vector
(lambda (vlen vref x lev len)
(if (limit? lev)
(make-prty '() 5 "(...)")
(let ([prtys
(let ([m (if (print-vector-length)
($last-new-vector-element vlen vref x)
(fx- (vlen x) 1))])
(if (and len (fx<= len m))
(mk-prty-vector-help vref
x (decr lev) len (fx- len 1)
(list (make-prty '() 3 "...")))
(mk-prty-vector-help vref
x (decr lev) len m '())))])
(make-prty '(fill 0 x ...) (prtys-size prtys) prtys)))))
; Order of evaluation is important here to make sure that "#n#" numbers
; get assigned in order and that the "#n=" assignment comes before any
; "#n# references.
(define mk-prty-vector-help
(lambda (vref x lev len n prtys-tail)
(let mk ([i 0])
(if (fx> i n)
(let ([first (mk-prty (vref x i) lev len 'x)])
(cons first (mk (fx+ i 1))))))))
(define prtys-size
(lambda (ls)
(let f ([ls ls] [n 1])
(if (null? ls)
(f (cdr ls) (+ (+ (prty-len (car ls)) n) 1))))))
(define mk-prty-list
(lambda (x lev len fmt)
(let* ([fmt (syntax-case fmt (quote)
[(quote sym) '()]
[sym (symbol? #'sym) '()]
[_ fmt])]
[prtys (mk-prty-list-help x lev len
(syntax-case fmt (quote bracket)
[(bracket . fmt-tail) #'fmt-tail]
[_ fmt]))])
(make-prty fmt (prtys-size prtys) prtys))))
; Order of evaluation is important here to make sure that "#n#" numbers
; get assigned in order and that the "#n=" assignment comes before any
; "#n# references.
(define mk-prty-list-help
(lambda (x lev len fmt-tail)
(define (fmt-next fmt-tail)
(syntax-case fmt-tail (fill)
[() (values 'x '())]
[(fill tab fmt dots)
(values #'fmt fmt-tail)]
[(tab fmt dots)
(and (tab? #'tab) (dots? #'dots))
(values #'fmt fmt-tail)]
[(fmt tab dots)
(and (tab? #'tab) (dots? #'dots))
(values #'fmt fmt-tail)]
[(tab fmt . fmt-tail)
(tab? #'tab)
(values #'fmt #'fmt-tail)]
[(fmt dots)
(dots? #'dots)
(values #'fmt fmt-tail)]
[(fmt . fmt-tail)
(values #'fmt #'fmt-tail)]))
(if (or (limit? lev) (limit? len))
(list (make-prty '() 3 "..."))
(let-values ([(fmt fmt-tail) (fmt-next fmt-tail)])
(let ([first (mk-prty (car x) (decr lev) len fmt)])
(cons first
(let mk-rest ([x (cdr x)] [n (decr len)] [fmt-tail fmt-tail])
[(null? x) '()]
[(and (pair? x)
(not (and graph-env (graph-env 'tag? x)))
(not (and (eq? (car x) 'unquote)
(pair? (cdr x))
(null? (cddr x)))))
(if (limit? n)
(list (make-prty '() 3 "..."))
(let-values ([(fmt fmt-tail) (fmt-next fmt-tail)])
(let ([next (mk-prty (car x) (decr lev) len fmt)])
(cons next (mk-rest (cdr x) (decr n) fmt-tail)))))]
(list (make-prty '() 1 ".")
(mk-prty x (decr lev) len 'x))]))))))))
(define pretty
; p = prty object
; pps = pending parens
(lambda (p pps)
(let* ([len (prty-len p)] [oneline (<= (+ len pps) room)])
(pretty-help p pps oneline))))
(define pretty-help
(lambda (p pps oneline)
(let ([obj (prty-obj p)] [fmt (prty-fmt p)])
[(string? obj) (pretty-write-prty p)]
[(not (pair? fmt))
(pretty-generic (car obj) (cdr obj) pps oneline)]
[(eq? (car fmt) 'read-macro)
(pretty-write-string (cadr fmt))
(pretty obj pps)]
(let* ([b? (and (eq? (car fmt) 'bracket) (print-brackets))]
[fmt (if (eq? (car fmt) 'bracket) (cdr fmt) fmt)])
(pretty-write-char (if b? lbrack lparen))
(let ([start col] [pps (+ pps 1)])
[(eq? (car fmt) 'fill)
(pretty-fill obj start pps oneline (tab-amount (cadr fmt)) #f)]
(pretty (car obj) (if (null? (cdr obj)) pps 0))
(pretty-tail (cdr obj) (cdr fmt) start pps oneline)]))
(pretty-write-char (if b? rbrack rparen)))]))))
(define pretty-fill
(lambda (obj start pps oneline tab space?)
; recompute room so that first of multiple lines of fill is treated like
; the remaining lines, possibly exceeding "one-line-limit" for that line
(when (> (apply + (map prty-len obj)) (* 2 room))
(set! room
(min (- (pretty-line-length) start)
(let f ([obj obj] [space? space?])
(let* ([p (car obj)] [len (prty-len p)])
[(or oneline
(fx<= (fx+ len
(if (null? (cdr obj)) pps 0)
(if space? 1 0))
(when space? (pretty-write-char #\space))
(pretty-help p (if (null? (cdr obj)) pps 0) #t)
(unless (null? (cdr obj)) (f (cdr obj) #t))]
(pretty-tab (+ tab start) #f)
(f obj #f)]
(pretty-help p (if (null? (cdr obj)) pps 0) #f)
(unless (null? (cdr obj))
(pretty-tab (+ tab start) #f)
(f (cdr obj) #f))])))))
(define pretty-generic
(lambda (fcn args pps oneline)
(pretty-write-char lparen)
(let ((n (prty-len fcn)) (start col) (pps (+ pps 1)) (nargs (length args)))
((fx= nargs 0) (pretty fcn pps))
((fx>= nargs 20) ; probably not a procedure call
(pretty-fill (cons fcn args) start pps oneline 0 #f))
((<= n (+ si 2))
(pretty-write-prty fcn)
(pretty-write-char #\space)
(if (fx>= nargs 5)
(pretty-fill args start pps oneline (+ n 1) #f)
(let f ((l args))
(if (null? (cdr l))
(pretty (car l) pps)
(pretty (car l) 0)
(pretty-tab (1+ (+ start n)) oneline)
(f (cdr l)))))))
(pretty fcn 0)
(if (fx>= nargs 5)
(pretty-fill args start pps oneline si #t)
(let f ((l args))
(pretty-tab (+ start si) oneline)
(if (null? (cdr l))
(pretty (car l) pps)
(pretty (car l) 0)
(f (cdr l)))))))))
(pretty-write-char rparen)))
(define pretty-tail
(lambda (obj fmt start pps oneline)
((null? obj)
; ran out of object, just ignore remaining format
((null? fmt)
; out of format, try to do something reasonable
(pretty-tab (+ si start) oneline)
(pretty (car obj) (if (null? (cdr obj)) pps 0))
(pretty-tail (cdr obj) '() start pps oneline))
((tab-amount (car fmt)) =>
(lambda (tab)
((null? (cdr fmt)) ; shouldn't happen
; tab at end of format, treat as null format
(pretty-tail obj '() start pps oneline))
((dots? (cadr fmt))
(let f ((l obj))
(pretty-tab (+ tab start) oneline)
(if (null? (cdr l))
(pretty (car l) pps)
(pretty (car l) 0)
(f (cdr l))))))
((and (not (null? (cddr fmt))) (dots? (caddr fmt)))
(let f ((l obj))
(pretty-tab (+ tab start) oneline)
(if (null? (cdr l))
(pretty (car l) pps)
(pretty (car l) 0)
(f (cdr l))))))
(pretty-tab (+ tab start) oneline)
(pretty (car obj) (if (null? (cdr obj)) pps 0))
(pretty-tail (cdr obj) (cddr fmt) start pps oneline)))))
((dots? (car fmt)) ; no newlines...
(pretty-write-char #\space)
(pretty (car obj) (if (null? (cdr obj)) pps 0))
(pretty-tail (cdr obj) fmt start pps oneline))
((eq? (car fmt) 'fill)
(pretty-fill obj start pps oneline (tab-amount (cadr fmt)) #t))
(pretty-write-char #\space)
(pretty (car obj) (if (null? (cdr obj)) pps 0))
(pretty-tail (cdr obj) (cdr fmt) start pps oneline)))))
(define pretty-write-char
(lambda (c)
(write-char c port)
(set! col (1+ col))
(set! room (1- room))))
(define pretty-write-string
(lambda (s)
(let ((n (string-length s)))
(display-string s port)
(set! col (+ col n))
(set! room (- room n)))))
(define pretty-tab
(lambda (n oneline)
(if oneline
(pretty-write-char #\space)
(newline port)
(do ((i n (1- i))) ((zero? i)) (write-char #\space port))
(set! col n)
(set! room
(min (- (pretty-line-length) n)
(define pretty-write-prty
(lambda (p)
(let f ((o (prty-obj p)) (fmt (prty-fmt p)))
((string? o) (display-string o port))
((and (pair? fmt) (eq? (car fmt) 'read-macro))
(display-string (cadr fmt) port)
(f (prty-obj o) (prty-fmt o)))
(write-char lparen port)
(f (prty-obj (car o)) (prty-fmt (car o)))
(lambda (x)
(write-char #\space port)
(f (prty-obj x) (prty-fmt x)))
(cdr o))
(write-char rparen port)))))
(set! col (+ col (prty-len p)))
(set! room (- room (prty-len p)))))
(set! pretty-print
[(x) (pretty-print x (current-output-port))]
[(x p)
(unless (and (output-port? p) (textual-port? p))
($oops 'pretty-print "~s is not a textual output port" p))
(let ([lev (print-level)]
[len (print-length)]
[indent (pretty-initial-indent)])
(fluid-let ([si (pretty-standard-indent)]
[lines (pretty-maximum-lines)]
[col indent]
[room (min (- (pretty-line-length) indent)
[port p]
[pretty-string-output-port (open-output-string)]
[graph-env ($make-graph-env 'pretty-print x lev len)])
(pretty (mk-prty x lev len 'x) 0)
(newline port)))]))
(set-who! pretty-file
(lambda (in out)
(unless (string? in) ($oops who "~s is not a string" in))
(unless (string? out) ($oops who "~s is not a string" out))
(let ([i ($open-file-input-port who in (file-options)
(buffer-mode block) (current-transcoder))]
[o ($open-file-output-port who out (file-options replace)
(buffer-mode block) (current-transcoder))])
(close-input-port i)
(delete-file out #f))
(close-output-port o)
(let loop ()
(let ([x (read i)])
(unless (eof-object? x)
(pretty-print x o)
(newline o)
(close-input-port i)
(close-output-port o))))))
(set! pretty-format
(unless (symbol? key)
($oops 'pretty-format "~s is not a symbol" key))
($sgetprop key '*pretty-format* #f)]
[(key fmt)
(unless (symbol? key)
($oops 'pretty-format "~s is not a symbol" key))
(unless (or (eq? fmt #f) (fmt? fmt))
($oops 'pretty-format "invalid format ~s" fmt))
(if (eq? fmt #f)
($sremprop key '*pretty-format*)
($sputprop key '*pretty-format* fmt)))]))
(pretty-format 'alias '(_ x y))
(pretty-format 'and '(_ e 4 ...))
(pretty-format 'assertion-violation '(_ who #f arg ...))
(pretty-format 'assertion-violationf '(_ who #f arg ...))
(pretty-format 'begin '(_ #f e ...))
(pretty-format 'case '(_ exp #f [bracket (fill 0 k ...) 0 e ...] ...))
(pretty-format 'case-lambda '(_ #f [bracket (fill 0 x ...) 0 e ...] ...))
(pretty-format 'cond '(_ #f (alt [bracket test '=> 0 exp] [bracket test 0 exp ...]) ...))
(pretty-format 'critical-section '(_ #f e ...))
(pretty-format 'datum '(_ x))
(pretty-format 'define '(_ (fill 0 x ...) #f e ...))
(pretty-format 'define-enumeration `(_ x #f ...))
(pretty-format 'define-property '(_ x #f e ...))
(pretty-format 'define-record
'(alt (_ var (x 0 ...))
(_ var (x 0 ...) #f ([bracket x y] 0 ...))
(_ var (x 0 ...) #f ([bracket x y] 0 ...) #f ([bracket x y ...] ...))
(_ var var (x 0 ...))
(_ var var (x 0 ...) #f ([bracket x y] 0 ...))
(_ var var (x 0 ...) #f ([bracket x y] 0 ...) #f ([bracket x y ...] ...))))
; if we had tail alts:
#;(pretty-format 'define-record
`(alt (_ var (x 0 ...) . (alt () (#f ([bracket x y] 0 ...) . (alt () (#f ([bracket x y ...] ...))))))
(_ var var (x 0 ...) . (alt () (#f ([bracket x y] 0 ...) . (alt () (#f ([bracket x y ...] ...))))))))
(pretty-format 'define-record-type '(_ x #f ...))
(pretty-format 'define-structure '(_ (x 0 ...) #f ([bracket x 0 ...] 0 ...)))
(pretty-format 'define-syntax '(_ (x ...) #f e ...))
(pretty-format 'define-values '(_ (fill 0 x ...) #f e ...))
(pretty-format 'delay '(_ exp))
(pretty-format 'exclusive-cond '(_ #f (alt [bracket test '=> 0 exp] [bracket test 0 exp ...]) ...))
(pretty-format 'do '(_ ([bracket x ...] 0 ...) 3 (e1 0 ...) #f e ...))
(pretty-format 'endianness '(_ x))
(pretty-format 'error '(_ who #f arg ...))
(pretty-format 'errorf '(_ who #f arg ...))
(pretty-format 'eval-when '(_ (k ...) #f e ...))
(pretty-format 'extend-syntax '(_ (keys 0 ...) #f [bracket e1 0 e2 ...] ...))
(pretty-format 'fluid-let '(_ ([bracket x e] 0 ...) #f e ...))
(pretty-format 'fluid-let-syntax '(_ ([bracket x e] 0 ...) #f e ...))
(pretty-format 'foreign-callable
'(alt (foreign-callable #f proc #f (x 0 ...) #f y)
(foreign-callable conv #f proc #f (x 0 ...) #f y)))
(pretty-format 'foreign-procedure
'(alt (foreign-procedure entry #f (x 0 ...) #f y)
(foreign-procedure conv entry #f (x 0 ...) #f y)))
(pretty-format 'guard
'(_ (_ #f (alt [bracket test '=> 0 exp] [bracket test 0 exp ...]) ...)
#f e ...))
(pretty-format 'identifier-syntax
'(alt (identifier-syntax #f [bracket x x] #f [bracket x x])
(identifier-syntax x)))
(pretty-format 'if '(_ exp 3 exp ...))
(pretty-format 'lambda '(_ (fill 0 x ...) #f e ...))
(pretty-format 'let
'(alt (let ([bracket x e] 0 ...) #f e #f e ...)
(let var ([bracket x e] 0 ...) #f e #f e ...)))
(pretty-format 'let* '(_ ([bracket x e] 0 ...) #f e ...))
(pretty-format 'letrec '(_ ([bracket x e] 0 ...) #f e ...))
(pretty-format 'letrec* '(_ ([bracket x e] 0 ...) #f e ...))
(pretty-format 'let-values '(_ ([bracket (x ...) 0 e] 0 ...) #f e ...))
(pretty-format 'let*-values '(_ ([bracket (x ...) 0 e] 0 ...) #f e ...))
(pretty-format 'let-syntax '(_ ([bracket x e] 0 ...) #f e ...))
(pretty-format 'letrec-syntax '(_ ([bracket x e] 0 ...) #f e ...))
(pretty-format 'library '(_ (name ...) #f e ...))
(pretty-format 'meta '(meta)) ; meta is handled as a special case
(pretty-format 'meta-cond '(_ #f (alt [bracket test '=> 0 exp] [bracket test 0 exp ...]) ...))
(pretty-format 'module
'(alt (module (fill 0 (alt (fill 0 x ...) x) ...) #f e ...)
(module var (fill 0 (alt (fill 0 x ...) x) ...) #f e ...)))
(pretty-format 'or '(_ exp 3 ...))
(pretty-format 'parameterize '(_ ([bracket x 0 e] 0 ...) #f e ...))
(pretty-format 'syntax-case '(_ exp (fill 0 lit ...) #f [bracket pat 0 e ...] ...))
(pretty-format 'syntax-rules '(_ (fill 0 lit ...) #f [bracket pat 0 e ...] ...))
(pretty-format 'rec '(_ id #f e))
(pretty-format 'record-case '(_ exp #f [bracket tag (x 0 ...) 0 exp ...] ...))
(pretty-format 'set! '(_ id #f e ...))
(pretty-format 'trace-case-lambda '(_ name #f [bracket (fill 0 x ...) 0 e ...] ...))
(pretty-format 'trace-define '(_ (fill 0 x ...) #f e ...))
(pretty-format 'trace-define-syntax '(_ (x ...) #f e ...))
(pretty-format 'trace-do '(_ ([bracket x ...] 0 ...) 3 (e1 0 ...) #f e ...))
(pretty-format 'trace-lambda '(_ name (fill 0 x ...) #f e ...))
(pretty-format 'trace-let '(_ name ([bracket x e] 0 ...) #f e ...))
(pretty-format 'unless '(_ test #f e ...))
(pretty-format 'warning '(_ who #f arg ...))
(pretty-format 'warningf '(_ who #f arg ...))
(pretty-format 'when '(_ test #f e ...))
(pretty-format 'with '(_ ([bracket x e] 0 ...) #f e ...))
(pretty-format 'with-implicit '(_ (x 0 ...) #f e ...))
(pretty-format 'with-interrupts-disabled '(_ #f e ...))
(pretty-format 'with-mutex '(_ x #f e ...))
(pretty-format 'with-syntax '(_ ([bracket x e] 0 ...) #f e ...))
(pretty-format 'quasiquote '(read-macro "`" x))
(pretty-format 'quasisyntax '(read-macro "#`" x))
(pretty-format 'quote '(read-macro "'" x))
(pretty-format 'syntax '(read-macro "#'" x))
(pretty-format 'unquote '(read-macro "," x))
(pretty-format 'unquote-splicing '(read-macro ",@" x))
(pretty-format 'unsyntax '(read-macro "#," x))
(pretty-format 'unsyntax-splicing '(read-macro "#,@" x))
(pretty-format '$primitive '(read-macro "#%" x))
; ftypes
(pretty-format 'define-ftype '(_ x #f ...))
(pretty-format 'struct '(_ #f [bracket x ...] ...))
(pretty-format 'union '(_ #f [bracket x ...] ...))
(pretty-format 'array '(_ n #f ...))
(pretty-format 'bits '(_ #f [bracket x ...] ...))
(pretty-format 'endian '(_ x #f ...))
(pretty-format 'packed '(_ #f ...))
(pretty-format 'unpacked '(_ #f ...))
; support for things that aren't built in...
(pretty-format 'match '(_ x #f [bracket e 0 ...] ...))
(record-writer (type-descriptor prty)
(lambda (x p wr)
(display "#<prty " p)
(wr (prty-fmt x) p)
(write-char #\space p)
(wr (prty-len x) p)
(write-char #\space p)
(wr (prty-obj x) p)
(write-char #\> p)))