.\" Automatically generated by Pandoc .\" .\" Define V font for inline verbatim, using C font in formats .\" that render this, and otherwise B font. .ie "\f[CB]x\f[]"x" \{\ . ftr V B . ftr VI BI . ftr VB B . ftr VBI BI .\} .el \{\ . ftr V CR . ftr VI CI . ftr VB CB . ftr VBI CBI .\} .TH "FEUILLE" "1" "November 2022" "feuille 0.1.0" "" .hy .SH NAME .PP \f[B]feuille\f[R] - socket-based pastebin .SH SYNOPSYS .PP \f[B]feuille\f[R] [-abfhiopstuUvVw] .SH DESCRIPTION .PP \f[B]feuille\f[R] is a fast, dead-simple socket-based pastebin that allows a user to send text, logs or code to your server. It focuses on speed, code quality, and security. .SH OPTIONS .TP \f[B]-a address\f[R] Sets the address that \f[B]feuille\f[R] will listen on. If set to \f[V]*\f[R], \f[B]feuille\f[R] will listen on the IPv6 address \f[V]::\f[R] and enable dual-stack mode, which makes \f[B]feuille\f[R] listen on both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses (won\[cq]t work on OpenBSD). Default: \f[V]\f[R] .TP \f[B]-b bytes\f[R] Sets the buffer size (in bytes) used to receive data from a client. A smaller buffer means more memory allocations and exchanges with the connection, while a larger buffer induces less memory allocations but more loss if not filled completely. The difference is minimal, no need to worry about it. Default: \f[V]131072\f[R]B (128KiB) .TP \f[B]-f\f[R] Makes \f[B]feuille\f[R] run in the forground. Default: runs in the background .TP \f[B]-h\f[R] Displays **feuille*\[cq]s help page. .TP \f[B]-i length\f[R] Sets the minimum ID length in characters. If a paste with the same ID exists, the length will be increased (for that paste only). Default: \f[V]4\f[R] (Maximum: \f[V]254\f[R]) .TP \f[B]-p port\f[R] Sets the port that \f[B]feuille\f[R] will listen on. Default: \f[V]8888\f[R] .TP \f[B]-o path\f[R] Sets the path where \f[B]feuille\f[R] will output the pastes (and chroot, if possible). Default: \f[V]/var/www/htdocs/feuille\f[R] .TP \f[B]-s bytes\f[R] Sets the maximum size for every paste (in bytes). Default: 2097152B (2MiB) .TP \f[B]-t seconds\f[R] Sets the timeout for the client to send the paste (in seconds). If set to zero, no timeout is set. (Not recommended.) Default: \f[V]4\f[R]s .TP \f[B]-u\f[R] Sets the user that will be used when dropping root privileges. \f[B]Warning\f[R]: requires root privileges. Default: \f[V]www\f[R] .TP \f[B]-U\f[R] Sets the base URL which will be prepended to the ID and sent to the client. You do not need to put a slash at the end. Default: \f[V]https://my.paste.bin\f[R] .TP \f[B]-v\f[R] Enables verbose mode. .TP \f[B]-V\f[R] Displays \f[B]feuille\f[R]\[cq]s version and authors. .TP \f[B]-w\f[R] Sets the number of processes that will be spawned to handle the connections. Those are \f[I]real\f[R] processes, not green / posix threads, you might not want to set this to a huge number. Default: the number of threads configured on your machine. .SH EXAMPLES .TP \f[B]sudo feuille\f[R] Runs feuille in the background, chrooting into \f[V]/var/www/htdocs/feuille\f[R], dropping root privileges and spawning worker processes to accept incoming connections. .TP \f[B]feuille -p 1337\f[R] Runs feuille in the background \f[I]without\f[R] root privileges on port \f[V]1337\f[R]. \f[B]feuille\f[R] won\[cq]t be able to chroot or switch to another user, and might not be able to write to the default output folder. .TP \f[B]feuille -P ./pastebins/\f[R] Same as before, but this time with a different path: \f[V]./pastebins/\f[R]. If the folder doesn\[cq]t exist, it is created with the right permissions. .TP \f[B]sudo feuille -U \[lq]https://bin.heimdall.pm\[rq]\f[R] Runs feuille and sets the base address to \f[V]https://bin.heimdall.pm\f[R]. .TP \f[B]sudo feuille -w 1\f[R] Runs feuille \[lq]single-threaded\[rq]. (Actually, there\[cq]s a main thread that does nothing and a thread that does the actual work.) .TP \f[B]sudo feuille -fvP debug_pastes/\f[R] Runs feuille in the foreground, with verbose mode enabled, and makes it output its pastes to the \f[V]debug_pastes/\f[R] folder. Useful for debugging purposes. .TP \f[B]sudo feuille -u nobody\f[R] Runs feuille using the user \f[V]nobody\f[R], instead of user \f[V]www\f[R]. .TP \f[B]sudo feuille -s 8388608\f[R] Runs feuille with a maximum file size of 8388608 bytes (8MiB). .TP \f[B]sudo feuille -t 2\f[R] Runs feuille with a timeout of 2 seconds. .SH LOGS .PP By default, \f[B]feuille\f[R] runs in the background. The logs should be located at \f[V]/var/log/messages\f[R], if using a standard syslog daemon. \f[B]feuille\f[R] doesn\[cq]t log much, be ready to use the verbose mode for debugging purposes. .SH EXIT VALUES .TP \f[B]0\f[R] Success .TP \f[B]1\f[R] Unspecified error .TP \f[B]34\f[R] Specified number is out of range .TP \f[B]Other\f[R] Error has been set by a C function .SH BUGS .PP IPs aren\[cq]t logged. It\[cq]s not a bug, it\[cq]s a feature. .PP Apart from that, none at the moment, as far as I know. .SH COPYRIGHT .PP Copyright \[co] 2022 Tom MTT. This program is free software, licensed under the 3-Clause BSD License. See LICENSE for more information. .SH APPENDICES .PP Heavily inspired by fiche (https://github.com/solusipse/fiche). .PP I entirely \[lq]rewrote\[rq] fiche from scratch because I wasn\[cq]t happy with some of its features and its overall code quality. .SH AUTHORS Tom MTT. .