/* * feuille.c * Main source file. * * Copyright (c) 2022 * Tom MTT. * * This file is licensed under the 3-Clause BSD License. * You should have received a copy of the 3-Clause BSD License * along with this program. If not, see * . */ #define _DEFAULT_SOURCE #include "feuille.h" #include /* for errno, ERANGE, EFBIG, ENOENT */ #include /* for USHRT_MAX, ULONG_MAX, CHAR_MAX, PATH_MAX, UCHA... */ #include /* for NULL, setlocale, LC_ALL */ #include /* for getpwnam, passwd */ #include /* for freopen, puts, stderr, stdin, stdout */ #include /* for strtoll, exit, free, realpath, srand */ #include /* for strerror, strlen */ #include /* for mkdir */ #include /* for wait */ #include /* for syslog, openlog, LOG_WARNING, LOG_NDELAY, LOG_... */ #include /* for time */ #include /* for fork, access, chdir, chown, chroot, close, getpid */ #include "arg.h" /* for EARGF, ARGBEGIN, ARGEND */ #include "bin.h" /* for create_url, generate_id, write_paste */ #include "server.h" /* for send_response, accept_connection, close_connec... */ #include "util.h" /* for verbose, die, error */ char *argv0; /* default settings */ Settings settings = { .address = "", .url = "http://localhost", .output = "/var/www/feuille", .user = "www", .id_length = 4, .worker_count = 1, .port = 8888, .timeout = 4, .max_size = 2097152, /* = 2MiB = 1024 * 1024 * 2 */ .buffer_size = 131072, /* = 128KiB = 1024 * 128 */ .verbose = 0, .foreground = 0 }; /* functions declarations */ static void usage(int exit_code); static void version(void); /** * Display feuille's basic usage. * exit_code: the exit code to be used. */ void usage(int exit_code) { die(exit_code, "usage: %s [-abfhiopstuUvVw]\n" " see `man feuille'.\n", argv0); } /** * Display feuille's author(s) and version. */ void version(void) { die(0, "%s %s by Tom MTT. \n", argv0, VERSION); } /** * Feuille's main function. * argc: the argument count. * argv: the argument values. * -> an exit code. */ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { /* locale */ setlocale(LC_ALL, ""); /* syslog setup */ openlog("feuille", LOG_NDELAY | LOG_PERROR, LOG_USER); /* settings */ long long tmp; /* set number of workers */ if ((tmp = sysconf(_SC_NPROCESSORS_ONLN)) > 0 && tmp <= USHRT_MAX) settings.worker_count = tmp; ARGBEGIN { case 'a': /* set address */ settings.address = EARGF(usage(1)); break; case 'b': /* set buffer size */ tmp = strtoll(EARGF(usage(1)), NULL, 10); if (tmp <= 0 || tmp > ULONG_MAX || errno == ERANGE) die(ERANGE, "invalid buffer size.\n" "see `man feuille'.\n"); settings.buffer_size = tmp; break; case 'f': /* enable foreground execution */ settings.foreground = 1; break; case 'h': /* get help */ usage(0); break; case 'i': /* set id length */ tmp = strtoll(EARGF(usage(1)), NULL, 10) + 1; if (tmp - 1 < 4 || tmp > UCHAR_MAX || errno == ERANGE) die(ERANGE, "invalid id length.\n" "see `man feuille'.\n"); settings.id_length = tmp; break; case 'o': /* set output folder */ settings.output = EARGF(usage(1)); break; case 'p': /* set port */ tmp = strtoll(EARGF(usage(1)), NULL, 10); if (tmp <= 0 || tmp > USHRT_MAX || errno == ERANGE) die(ERANGE, "invalid port.\n" "see `man feuille'.\n"); settings.port = tmp; break; case 's': /* set max size */ tmp = strtoll(EARGF(usage(1)), NULL, 10); if (tmp <= 0 || tmp > ULONG_MAX || errno == ERANGE) die(ERANGE, "invalid maximum size.\n" "see `man feuille'.\n"); settings.max_size = tmp; break; case 't': /* set timeout */ tmp = strtoll(EARGF(usage(1)), NULL, 10); if (tmp < 0 || tmp > UINT_MAX || errno == ERANGE) die(ERANGE, "invalid timeout.\n" "see `man feuille'.\n"); settings.timeout = tmp; break; case 'u': /* set user */ settings.user = EARGF(usage(1)); break; case 'U': /* set url */ settings.url = EARGF(usage(1)); if (settings.url[strlen(settings.url) - 1] == '/') settings.url[strlen(settings.url) - 1] = 0; break; case 'v': /* enable verbose mode */ if (settings.verbose == CHAR_MAX) die(ERANGE, "why? just why?\n" "please see `man feuille' and go touch grass.\n"); settings.verbose++; break; case 'V': /* get version */ version(); break; case 'w': /* set worker count */ tmp = strtoll(EARGF(usage(1)), NULL, 10); if (tmp <= 0 || tmp > USHRT_MAX || errno == ERANGE) die(ERANGE, "invalid worker count.\n" "see `man feuille'.\n"); settings.worker_count = tmp; break; default: usage(1); } ARGEND; if (argc != 0) usage(1); /* output folder checks */ char path[PATH_MAX]; if (mkdir(settings.output, 0755) == 0) verbose(2, "creating folder `%s'...", settings.output); if (realpath(settings.output, path) == NULL) die(errno, "Could not get real path of directory `%s': %s\n", settings.output, strerror(errno)); if (access(path, W_OK) != 0) die(errno, "Cannot write to directory `%s': %s\n", path, strerror(errno)); chdir(path); /* user checks */ int uid, gid; if (getuid() == 0) { if (strlen(settings.user) == 0) settings.user = "nobody"; verbose(2, "getting uid and gid of user `%s'...", settings.user); struct passwd *user; if ((user = getpwnam(settings.user)) == NULL) die(1, "User `%s' doesn't exist\n", settings.user); uid = user->pw_uid; gid = user->pw_gid; } else { puts(""); syslog(LOG_WARNING, "running as non-root user."); syslog(LOG_WARNING, "`chroot' and user switching have been disabled."); puts(""); } /* server socket creation (before dropping root permissions) */ verbose(1, "initializing server socket..."); int server; if ((server = initialize_server()) == -1) die(errno, "Failed to initialize server socket: %s\n", strerror(errno)); /* make feuille run in the background */ if (!settings.foreground) { verbose(1, "making feuille run in the background..."); verbose(2, "closing input / output file descriptors..."); daemon(1, 0); } /* chroot and drop root permissions */ if (getuid() == 0) { verbose(2, "setting owner of `%s' to `%s'...", path, settings.user); chown(path, uid, gid); /* chroot */ verbose(2, "chroot'ing into `%s'...", path); chroot(path); /* privileges drop */ verbose(2, "dropping root privileges..."); setgid(gid); setuid(uid); } /* OpenBSD-only security measures */ #ifdef __OpenBSD__ pledge("proc stdio rpath wpath cpath inet", "stdio rpath wpath cpath inet"); #endif /* create a thread pool for incoming connections */ verbose(1, "initializing worker pool..."); int pid; for (int i = 1; i <= settings.worker_count; i++) { if ((pid = fork()) == 0) { verbose(2, " worker n. %d...", i); pid = getpid(); /* feed the random number god */ srand(time(0) + pid); /* accept loop */ int connection; while ((connection = accept_connection(server))) { verbose(1, "--- new incoming connection. connection ID: %d:%d ---", pid, time(0)); char *paste = NULL; char *id = NULL; char *url = NULL; /* read paste from connection */ verbose(1, "reading paste from incoming connection..."); if ((paste = read_paste(connection)) != NULL) { /* generate random ID */ verbose(1, "done."); verbose(2, "generating a random ID..."); if ((id = generate_id(settings.id_length)) != NULL) { /* write paste to disk */ verbose(2, "done."); verbose(1, "writing paste `%s' to disk...", id); if (write_paste(paste, id) == 0) { /* create URL */ verbose(1, "done."); verbose(2, "making the right URL..."); if ((url = create_url(id)) != NULL) { verbose(2, "done.", url); verbose(1, "sending the link to the client..."); send_response(connection, url); verbose(1, "All done."); } else { error("error while making a valid URL."); send_response(connection, "Could not create your paste URL.\nPlease try again later.\n"); } } else { error("error while writing paste to disk."); send_response(connection, "Could not write your paste to disk.\nPlease try again later.\n"); } } else { error("error while generating a random ID."); send_response(connection, "Could not generate your paste ID.\nPlease try again later.\n"); } } else { if (errno == EFBIG) send_response(connection, "File too big.\n"); if (errno == ENOENT) send_response(connection, "Timeout'd.\n"); error("error %d while reading paste from incoming connection.", errno); } /* free resources */ free(paste); free(id); free(url); /* close connection */ close_connection(connection); } } else if (pid < 0) die(errno, "Could not initialize worker n. %d: %s\n", i, strerror(errno)); } sleep(1); verbose(1, "all workers have been initialized."); verbose(1, "beginning to accept incoming connections."); /* wait for children to finish */ while(wait(0) > 0); close(server); return 0; }