NAME := aredis_om SYNC_NAME := redis_om INSTALL_STAMP := .install.stamp POETRY := $(shell command -v poetry 2> /dev/null) REDIS_OM_URL ?= "redis://localhost:6380?decode_responses=True" .DEFAULT_GOAL := help .PHONY: help help: @echo "Please use 'make <target>' where <target> is one of" @echo "" @echo " install install packages and prepare environment" @echo " clean remove all temporary files" @echo " lint run the code linters" @echo " format reformat code" @echo " test run all the tests against redislabs/redisearch:edge" @echo " test_oss run all the tests against redis:latest" @echo " shell open a Poetry shell" @echo " redis start a Redis instance with Docker" @echo " sync generate modules redis_om, tests_sync from aredis_om, tests respectively" @echo " dist build a redis-om package" @echo " all equivalent to \"make lint format test\"" @echo "" @echo "Check the Makefile to know exactly what each target is doing." install: $(INSTALL_STAMP) $(INSTALL_STAMP): pyproject.toml @if [ -z $(POETRY) ]; then echo "Poetry could not be found. See"; exit 2; fi $(POETRY) install touch $(INSTALL_STAMP) .PHONY: clean clean: find . -type d -name "__pycache__" | xargs rm -rf {}; rm -rf $(INSTALL_STAMP) .coverage .mypy_cache rm -rf build rm -rf dist rm -rf redis_om rm -rf tests_sync docker-compose down .PHONY: dist dist: $(INSTALL_STAMP) clean sync $(POETRY) build .PHONY: sync sync: $(INSTALL_STAMP) $(POETRY) run python .PHONY: lint lint: $(INSTALL_STAMP) dist $(POETRY) run isort --profile=black --lines-after-imports=2 ./tests/ $(NAME) $(SYNC_NAME) $(POETRY) run black ./tests/ $(NAME) $(POETRY) run flake8 --ignore=W503,E501,F401,E731 ./tests/ $(NAME) $(SYNC_NAME) $(POETRY) run mypy ./tests/ $(NAME) $(SYNC_NAME) --ignore-missing-imports $(POETRY) run bandit -r $(NAME) $(SYNC_NAME) -s B608 .PHONY: format format: $(INSTALL_STAMP) sync $(POETRY) run isort --profile=black --lines-after-imports=2 ./tests/ $(NAME) $(SYNC_NAME) $(POETRY) run black ./tests/ $(NAME) $(SYNC_NAME) .PHONY: test test: $(INSTALL_STAMP) sync redis REDIS_OM_URL="$(REDIS_OM_URL)" $(POETRY) run pytest -n auto -vv ./tests/ ./tests_sync/ --cov-report term-missing --cov $(NAME) $(SYNC_NAME) docker-compose down .PHONY: test_oss test_oss: $(INSTALL_STAMP) sync redis # Specifically tests against a local OSS Redis instance via # docker-compose.yml. Do not use this for CI testing, where we should # instead have a matrix of Docker images. REDIS_OM_URL="redis://localhost:6381?decode_responses=True" $(POETRY) run pytest -n auto -vv ./tests/ ./tests_sync/ --cov-report term-missing --cov $(NAME) .PHONY: shell shell: $(INSTALL_STAMP) $(POETRY) shell .PHONY: redis redis: docker-compose up -d .PHONY: all all: lint format test