import abc import datetime from collections import namedtuple import pytest import pytest_asyncio from pydantic import EmailStr, ValidationError from aredis_om import Field, HashModel, Migrator today = @pytest_asyncio.fixture async def m(key_prefix, redis): class BaseHashModel(HashModel, abc.ABC): class Meta: global_key_prefix = key_prefix class Member(BaseHashModel): first_name: str last_name: str email: EmailStr = Field(index=True) join_date: age: int await Migrator().run() return namedtuple("Models", ["Member"])(Member) def test_email_str(m): with pytest.raises(ValidationError): m.Member( first_name="Andrew", last_name="Brookins", email="not an email!", age=38, join_date=today, ) with pytest.raises(ValidationError): m.Member( first_name="Andrew", last_name="Brookins", email="andrew@bad-domain", age=38, join_date=today, )