import datetime from typing import Optional from pydantic import EmailStr from redis_om.model import ( HashModel ) class Customer(HashModel): first_name: str last_name: str email: EmailStr join_date: age: int bio: Optional[str] # Now we can create new Customer objects: andrew = Customer( first_name="Andrew", last_name="Brookins", email="",, age=38, bio="Python developer, works at Redis, Inc." ) # The model generates a globally unique primary key automatically. print( # '01FJM6PH661HCNNRC884H6K30C' # You can save the model to Redis. # Later, you can retrieve this customer with its primary key: other_andrew = Customer.get('01FJM6PH661HCNNRC884H6K30C') # The original model and this one pass an equality check. assert other_andrew == andrew # We'll get a validation error if we try to use an invalid email address! Customer( first_name="Andrew", last_name="Brookins", email="Not an email address!",, age=38, bio="Python developer, works at Redis, Inc." ) # We'll also get a validation error if we try to save a model # instance with an invalid email. andrew = Customer( first_name="Andrew", last_name="Brookins", email="",, age=38, bio="Python developer, works at Redis, Inc." ) # Sometime later... = "Not valid" # Traceback: # pydantic.error_wrappers.ValidationError: 1 validation error for Customer # email # value is not a valid email address (