from dataclasses import dataclass from enum import Enum from typing import ( AbstractSet, Any, Callable, Dict, Mapping, Optional, Set, Tuple, TypeVar, Union, Sequence, no_type_check, Protocol, List, Type ) import uuid import redis from pydantic import BaseModel, validator from pydantic.fields import FieldInfo as PydanticFieldInfo from pydantic.fields import ModelField, Undefined, UndefinedType from pydantic.typing import NoArgAnyCallable from pydantic.utils import Representation from .encoders import jsonable_encoder _T = TypeVar("_T") class RedisModelError(Exception): pass class NotFoundError(Exception): pass class Operations(Enum): EQ = 1 LT = 2 GT = 3 @dataclass class Expression: field: ModelField op: Operations right_value: Any class PrimaryKeyCreator(Protocol): def create_pk(self, *args, **kwargs) -> str: """Create a new primary key""" class Uuid4PrimaryKey: def create_pk(self) -> str: return str(uuid.uuid4()) class ExpressionProxy: def __init__(self, field: ModelField): self.field = field def __eq__(self, other: Any) -> Expression: return Expression(field=self.field, op=Operations.EQ, right_value=other) def __lt__(self, other: Any) -> Expression: return Expression(field=self.field, op=Operations.LT, right_value=other) def __gt__(self, other: Any) -> Expression: return Expression(field=self.field, op=Operations.GT, right_value=other) def __dataclass_transform__( *, eq_default: bool = True, order_default: bool = False, kw_only_default: bool = False, field_descriptors: Tuple[Union[type, Callable[..., Any]], ...] = (()), ) -> Callable[[_T], _T]: return lambda a: a class FieldInfo(PydanticFieldInfo): def __init__(self, default: Any = Undefined, **kwargs: Any) -> None: primary_key = kwargs.pop("primary_key", False) nullable = kwargs.pop("nullable", Undefined) foreign_key = kwargs.pop("foreign_key", Undefined) index = kwargs.pop("index", Undefined) unique = kwargs.pop("unique", Undefined) super().__init__(default=default, **kwargs) self.primary_key = primary_key self.nullable = nullable self.foreign_key = foreign_key self.index = index self.unique = unique class RelationshipInfo(Representation): def __init__( self, *, back_populates: Optional[str] = None, link_model: Optional[Any] = None, ) -> None: self.back_populates = back_populates self.link_model = link_model def Field( default: Any = Undefined, *, default_factory: Optional[NoArgAnyCallable] = None, alias: str = None, title: str = None, description: str = None, exclude: Union[ AbstractSet[Union[int, str]], Mapping[Union[int, str], Any], Any ] = None, include: Union[ AbstractSet[Union[int, str]], Mapping[Union[int, str], Any], Any ] = None, const: bool = None, gt: float = None, ge: float = None, lt: float = None, le: float = None, multiple_of: float = None, min_items: int = None, max_items: int = None, min_length: int = None, max_length: int = None, allow_mutation: bool = True, regex: str = None, primary_key: bool = False, unique: bool = False, foreign_key: Optional[Any] = None, nullable: Union[bool, UndefinedType] = Undefined, index: Union[bool, UndefinedType] = Undefined, schema_extra: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, ) -> Any: current_schema_extra = schema_extra or {} field_info = FieldInfo( default, default_factory=default_factory, alias=alias, title=title, description=description, exclude=exclude, include=include, const=const, gt=gt, ge=ge, lt=lt, le=le, multiple_of=multiple_of, min_items=min_items, max_items=max_items, min_length=min_length, max_length=max_length, allow_mutation=allow_mutation, regex=regex, primary_key=primary_key, unique=unique, foreign_key=foreign_key, nullable=nullable, index=index, **current_schema_extra, ) field_info._validate() return field_info @dataclass class PrimaryKey: name: str field: ModelField class DefaultMeta: global_key_prefix: Optional[str] = None model_key_prefix: Optional[str] = None primary_key_pattern: Optional[str] = None database: Optional[redis.Redis] = None primary_key: Optional[PrimaryKey] = None primary_key_creator_cls: Type[PrimaryKeyCreator] = None class RedisModel(BaseModel): """ TODO: Convert expressions to Redis commands, execute TODO: Key prefix vs. "key pattern" (that's actually the primary key pattern) TODO: Default key prefix is model name lowercase TODO: Build primary key pattern from PK field name, model prefix TODO: Default PK pattern is model name:pk field """ pk: Optional[str] = Field(default=None, primary_key=True) class Config: orm_mode = True arbitrary_types_allowed = True extra = 'allow' Meta = DefaultMeta def __init_subclass__(cls, **kwargs): # Create proxies for each model field so that we can use the field # in queries, like Model.get(Model.field_name == 1) super().__init_subclass__(**kwargs) for name, field in cls.__fields__.items(): setattr(cls, name, ExpressionProxy(field)) # Check if this is our FieldInfo version with extended ORM metadata. if isinstance(field.field_info, FieldInfo): if field.field_info.primary_key: cls.Meta.primary_key = PrimaryKey(name=name, field=field) # TODO: Raise exception here, global key prefix required? if not getattr(cls.Meta, 'global_key_prefix'): cls.Meta.global_key_prefix = "" if not getattr(cls.Meta, 'model_key_prefix'): cls.Meta.model_key_prefix = f"{cls.__name__.lower()}" if not getattr(cls.Meta, 'primary_key_pattern'): cls.Meta.primary_key_pattern = "{pk}" if not getattr(cls.Meta, 'database'): cls.Meta.database = redis.Redis(decode_responses=True) if not getattr(cls.Meta, 'primary_key_creator_cls'): cls.Meta.primary_key_creator_cls = Uuid4PrimaryKey def __init__(__pydantic_self__, **data: Any) -> None: super().__init__(**data) __pydantic_self__.validate_primary_key() @validator("pk", always=True) def validate_pk(cls, v): if not v: v = cls.Meta.primary_key_creator_cls().create_pk() return v @classmethod def validate_primary_key(cls): """Check for a primary key. We need one (and only one).""" primary_keys = 0 for name, field in cls.__fields__.items(): if getattr(field.field_info, 'primary_key', None): primary_keys += 1 if primary_keys == 0: raise RedisModelError("You must define a primary key for the model") elif primary_keys > 1: raise RedisModelError("You must define only one primary key for a model") @classmethod def make_key(cls, part: str): global_prefix = getattr(cls.Meta, 'global_key_prefix', '').strip(":") model_prefix = getattr(cls.Meta, 'model_key_prefix', '').strip(":") return f"{global_prefix}:{model_prefix}:{part}" @classmethod def make_primary_key(cls, pk: Any): """Return the Redis key for this model.""" return cls.make_key(cls.Meta.primary_key_pattern.format(pk=pk)) def key(self): """Return the Redis key for this model.""" pk = getattr(self, return self.make_primary_key(pk) @classmethod def db(cls): return cls.Meta.database @classmethod def filter(cls, *expressions: Sequence[Expression]): return cls @classmethod def exclude(cls, *expressions: Sequence[Expression]): return cls @classmethod def add(cls, models: Sequence['RedisModel']) -> Sequence['RedisModel']: return [ for model in models] @classmethod def update(cls, **field_values): return cls @classmethod def values(cls): """Return raw values from Redis instead of model instances.""" return cls def delete(self): return self.db().delete(self.key()) # TODO: Protocol @classmethod def get(cls, pk: Any): raise NotImplementedError def save(self, *args, **kwargs) -> 'RedisModel': raise NotImplementedError class HashModel(RedisModel): def __init_subclass__(cls, **kwargs): super().__init_subclass__(**kwargs) for name, field in cls.__fields__.items(): if issubclass(field.outer_type_, RedisModel): raise RedisModelError(f"HashModels cannot have embedded model " f"fields. Field: {name}") for typ in (Set, Mapping, List): if issubclass(field.outer_type_, typ): raise RedisModelError(f"HashModels cannot have set, list," f" or mapping fields. Field: {name}") def save(self, *args, **kwargs) -> 'HashModel': document = jsonable_encoder(self.dict()) success = self.db().hset(self.key(), mapping=document) return success @classmethod def get(cls, pk: Any) -> 'HashModel': document = cls.db().hgetall(cls.make_primary_key(pk)) if not document: raise NotFoundError return cls.parse_obj(document) @classmethod @no_type_check def _get_value(cls, *args, **kwargs) -> Any: """ Always send None as an empty string. TODO: We do this because redis-py's hset() method requires non-null values. Is there a better way? """ val = super()._get_value(*args, **kwargs) if val is None: return "" return val class JsonModel(RedisModel): def save(self, *args, **kwargs) -> 'JsonModel': success = self.db().execute_command('JSON.SET', self.key(), ".", self.json()) return success @classmethod def get(cls, pk: Any) -> 'JsonModel': document = cls.db().execute_command("JSON.GET", cls.make_primary_key(pk)) if not document: raise NotFoundError return cls.parse_raw(document)