import hashlib import logging from dataclasses import dataclass from enum import Enum from typing import Optional, Union from redis import ResponseError, Redis from aioredis import ResponseError as AResponseError, Redis as ARedis from redis_om.model.model import model_registry log = logging.getLogger(__name__) import importlib # noqa: E402 import pkgutil # noqa: E402 class MigrationError(Exception): pass def import_submodules(root_module_name: str): """Import all submodules of a module, recursively.""" # TODO: Call this without specifying a module name, to import everything? root_module = importlib.import_module(root_module_name) if not hasattr(root_module, "__path__"): raise MigrationError( "The root module must be a Python package. " f"You specified: {root_module_name}" ) for loader, module_name, is_pkg in pkgutil.walk_packages( root_module.__path__, root_module.__name__ + "." # type: ignore ): importlib.import_module(module_name) def schema_hash_key(index_name): return f"{index_name}:hash" async def create_index(redis: Union[Redis, ARedis], index_name, schema, current_hash): try: await redis.execute_command(f" {index_name}") except (ResponseError, AResponseError): await redis.execute_command(f"ft.create {index_name} {schema}") await redis.set(schema_hash_key(index_name), current_hash) else:"Index already exists, skipping. Index hash: %s", index_name) class MigrationAction(Enum): CREATE = 2 DROP = 1 @dataclass class IndexMigration: model_name: str index_name: str schema: str hash: str action: MigrationAction redis: Union[Redis, ARedis] previous_hash: Optional[str] = None async def run(self): if self.action is MigrationAction.CREATE: await self.create() elif self.action is MigrationAction.DROP: await self.drop() async def create(self): try: await create_index(self.redis, self.index_name, self.schema, self.hash) except ResponseError:"Index already exists: %s", self.index_name) async def drop(self): try: await self.redis.execute_command(f"FT.DROPINDEX {self.index_name}") except ResponseError:"Index does not exist: %s", self.index_name) class Migrator: def __init__(self, redis: Union[Redis, ARedis], module=None): self.module = module self.migrations = [] self.redis = redis async def run(self): # Try to load any modules found under the given path or module name. if self.module: import_submodules(self.module) for name, cls in model_registry.items(): hash_key = schema_hash_key(cls.Meta.index_name) try: schema = cls.redisearch_schema() except NotImplementedError:"Skipping migrations for %s", name) continue current_hash = hashlib.sha1(schema.encode("utf-8")).hexdigest() # nosec try: await self.redis.execute_command("", cls.Meta.index_name) except (ResponseError, AResponseError): self.migrations.append( IndexMigration( name, cls.Meta.index_name, schema, current_hash, MigrationAction.CREATE, self.redis ) ) continue stored_hash = self.redis.get(hash_key) schema_out_of_date = current_hash != stored_hash if schema_out_of_date: # TODO: Switch out schema with an alias to avoid downtime -- separate migration? self.migrations.append( IndexMigration( name, cls.Meta.index_name, schema, current_hash, MigrationAction.DROP, self.redis, stored_hash ) ) self.migrations.append( IndexMigration( name, cls.Meta.index_name, schema, current_hash, MigrationAction.CREATE, self.redis, stored_hash ) ) # TODO: Migration history # TODO: Dry run with output for migration in self.migrations: await