import hashlib import logging from dataclasses import dataclass from enum import Enum from typing import Optional from redis import ResponseError from redis_om.connections import get_redis_connection from redis_om.model.model import model_registry redis = get_redis_connection() log = logging.getLogger(__name__) import importlib # noqa: E402 import pkgutil # noqa: E402 class MigrationError(Exception): pass def import_submodules(root_module_name: str): """Import all submodules of a module, recursively.""" # TODO: Call this without specifying a module name, to import everything? root_module = importlib.import_module(root_module_name) if not hasattr(root_module, "__path__"): raise MigrationError( "The root module must be a Python package. " f"You specified: {root_module_name}" ) for loader, module_name, is_pkg in pkgutil.walk_packages( root_module.__path__, root_module.__name__ + "." # type: ignore ): importlib.import_module(module_name) def schema_hash_key(index_name): return f"{index_name}:hash" def create_index(index_name, schema, current_hash): try: redis.execute_command(f" {index_name}") except ResponseError: redis.execute_command(f"ft.create {index_name} {schema}") redis.set(schema_hash_key(index_name), current_hash) else:"Index already exists, skipping. Index hash: %s", index_name) class MigrationAction(Enum): CREATE = 2 DROP = 1 @dataclass class IndexMigration: model_name: str index_name: str schema: str hash: str action: MigrationAction previous_hash: Optional[str] = None def run(self): if self.action is MigrationAction.CREATE: self.create() elif self.action is MigrationAction.DROP: self.drop() def create(self): try: return create_index(self.index_name, self.schema, self.hash) except ResponseError:"Index already exists: %s", self.index_name) def drop(self): try: redis.execute_command(f"FT.DROPINDEX {self.index_name}") except ResponseError:"Index does not exist: %s", self.index_name) class Migrator: def __init__(self, module=None): # Try to load any modules found under the given path or module name. if module: import_submodules(module) self.migrations = [] for name, cls in model_registry.items(): hash_key = schema_hash_key(cls.Meta.index_name) try: schema = cls.redisearch_schema() except NotImplementedError:"Skipping migrations for %s", name) continue current_hash = hashlib.sha1(schema.encode("utf-8")).hexdigest() # nosec try: redis.execute_command("", cls.Meta.index_name) except ResponseError: self.migrations.append( IndexMigration( name, cls.Meta.index_name, schema, current_hash, MigrationAction.CREATE, ) ) continue stored_hash = redis.get(hash_key) schema_out_of_date = current_hash != stored_hash if schema_out_of_date: # TODO: Switch out schema with an alias to avoid downtime -- separate migration? self.migrations.append( IndexMigration( name, cls.Meta.index_name, schema, current_hash, MigrationAction.DROP, stored_hash, ) ) self.migrations.append( IndexMigration( name, cls.Meta.index_name, schema, current_hash, MigrationAction.CREATE, stored_hash, ) ) def run(self): # TODO: Migration history # TODO: Dry run with output for migration in self.migrations: