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import asyncio
import random
import pytest
from aredis_om import get_redis_connection
TEST_PREFIX = "redis-om:testing"
py_test_mark_asyncio = pytest.mark.asyncio
# "pytest_mark_sync" causes problem in pytest
def py_test_mark_sync(f):
return f # no-op decorator
def event_loop(request):
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop_policy().new_event_loop()
yield loop
def redis():
yield get_redis_connection()
def _delete_test_keys(prefix: str, conn):
keys = []
for key in conn.scan_iter(f"{prefix}:*"):
if keys:
def key_prefix(request, redis):
key_prefix = f"{TEST_PREFIX}:{random.random()}"
yield key_prefix
@pytest.fixture(scope="session", autouse=True)
def cleanup_keys(request):
# Always use the sync Redis connection with finalizer. Setting up an
# async finalizer should work, but I'm not suer how yet!
from redis_om.connections import get_redis_connection as get_sync_redis
# Increment for every pytest-xdist worker
conn = get_sync_redis()
once_key = f"{TEST_PREFIX}:cleanup_keys"
# Delete keys only once
if conn.decr(once_key) == 0:
_delete_test_keys(TEST_PREFIX, conn)