You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

32 lines
507 B

sticky yes
# Keys
bind-key M-d /usr/local/bin/dmenu_run
bind-key CM-r reload
bind M-f window-fullscreen
bind M-h window-cycle
bind M-l window-rcycle
fontname "terminus:pixelsize=12:bold"
# Appearance
borderwidth 2
color activeborder "#010101"
color inactiveborder "#77777"
color urgencyborder "#ff2222"
color font "#010101"
color selfont "#010101"
color menubg "#ffffff"
color menufg "#010101"
gap 8 8 8 8
# Commands
command emacs emacs
command firefox firefox
command top "xterm -e htop"