2022-04-26 02:38:10 +00:00

23 lines
497 B

# Ralwey Fowler's .kshrc
# Last edited: April 25th, 2022
# I use NeoVim exclusively on OpenBSD.
alias vi=nvim
alias vim=nvim
alias ls=colorls
# I'm a noob, I know.
alias sudo=doas
# For some reason ruby on OpenBSD is ruby30 or gem30 or ruby27 etc, sort of nice for version control but annoying to type.
alias ruby=ruby30
alias gem=gem30
# PS1 is the prompt for your shell.
# This translates to '[USER@HOST /curr/dir]$ '
PS1='[${USER}@${HOST} ${PWD}]$ '
export vi vim ls sudo ruby gem PS1