You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

64 lines
943 B

font_family Ubuntu Mono
bold_font auto
italic_font auto
bold_italic_font auto
font_size 14.0
force_ltr no
disable_ligatures never
window_padding_width 6
# Tokyo Night color scheme for kitty terminal emulator
# Based on Tokyo Night color theme for Visual Studio Code
foreground #a9b1d6
background #1a1b26
# Black
color0 #414868
color8 #414868
# Red
color1 #f7768e
color9 #f7768e
# Green
color2 #73daca
color10 #73daca
# Yellow
color3 #e0af68
color11 #e0af68
# Blue
color4 #7aa2f7
color12 #7aa2f7
# Magenta
color5 #bb9af7
color13 #bb9af7
# Cyan
color6 #7dcfff
color14 #7dcfff
# White
color7 #c0caf5
color15 #c0caf5
# Cursor
cursor #c0caf5
cursor_text_color #1a1b26
# Selection highlight
selection_foreground none
selection_background #28344a
# The color for highlighting URLs on mouse-over
url_color #9ece6a