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# Pedophilia
2022-09-19 08:56:30 +02:00
*Love is not a crime.*
2022-10-17 17:17:38 +02:00
{ [Rape](rape.md) of anyone is bad as is any violence against any living being, that's the only thing that matters. Any thought, desire or perception of any information must however never be considered wrong in itself. ~drummyfish }
2023-01-18 22:17:11 +01:00
Pedophilia is a sexual orientation towards children. Unlike for example pure [homosexuality](gay.md), pedophilia is completely natural and normal, however it is nowadays wrongfully, for political reasons, labeled a "disorder" just as homosexuality used to be. It is the forbidden, censored and bullied sexual orientation of our age, even though all healthy people are pedophiles (just don't pretend you've never seen a [jailbait](jailbait.md) you found sexy, people start being sexually attractive exactly as soon as they become able to reproduce), even though one cannot choose this orientation and even though pedophiles don't hurt anyone any more than for example gay people do, they are highly oppressed and tortured. Despite what the propaganda says, a **pedophile is not automatically a rapist** of children (a pedophile may choose to never actually even have sex with a child) any more than a gay man is automatically a rapist of people of the same sex, and watching [child porn](child_porn.md) won't make you want to rape children any more than watching gay porn will make you want to rape people of the same gender. Nevertheless the society, especially the fascists from the [LGBT](lgbt.md) movement who ought to know better than anyone else what it is like to be oppressed only because of private sexual desires, actively hunt pedophiles, [bully](cancel_culture.md) them and lynch them on the internet and in the real life by both civilians and state (I shit you not, in [Murica](usa.md) there are whole police teams of pink haired lesbians who pretend to be little girls on the internet and tease guys so that they can lock them up and get a medal for it). There is a literal witch hunt going on against completely innocent people, just like in the middle ages. Innocent people are tortured, castrated, cancelled, rid of their careers, imprisoned, beaten, rid of their friends and families and pushed to suicide sometimes only for having certain files on their computers (not that any of the above is ever justified to do to anyone, even the worst criminal).
2023-01-18 22:17:11 +01:00
Pedophiles are often called just *pedos* for short. Opposition of pedophilia is called **[pedophobia](pedophobia.md)**.
2023-01-18 22:17:11 +01:00
The fact that they made people believe it is a disorder if your penis can't magically telepathically check a chick's ID and may get erect if she's been born before a date legally established in political region the penis currently resides in shows that at this point an average citizen is more retarded than a braindead chimp.
2023-01-23 16:59:51 +01:00
[Child porn](child_porn.md) is hardocre censored on the internet, it is forbidden to even posses for personal use (!!!) -- even if you don't pay for it, even if you don't show it to anyone, even if you're not redistributing it, even if you're not hurting anyone, even if you don't even watch it, you're a criminal just if a file of an underage PP resides on your harddrive. The anti-pedo craze has gotten so insanely and unbelievably bad that even cartoon pictures of naked children or photos of children in swimsuits (not even talking about non-sexual photos of naked children) are banned basically everywhere on the internet :D WTF. [LMAO](lmao.md) they even blur just faces of children on TV. Let's repeat that, **children faces are censored in today's society** xD The worst part is that most people comply with such censorship and even support it, it's unbelievable how fucked up the world is -- yes, this definitely makes you want to [kill yourself](suicide.md).
2023-01-18 22:17:11 +01:00
The pedophile witch hunt exists because it is a great political tool. It is an arbitrarily invented (well, maybe not invented but purposefully escalated) victimless crime. By the principles of [fear culture](fear_culture.md), it allows to push things such as hard surveillance and censorship, similarly to e.g. "war on terror". You're a government or a corporation and want to spy on people chatting? Just make a law requiring mandatory [spyware](spyware.md) in all chat and justify it by "pedophiles" (this is what [EU](eu.md) did). You're against the surveillance law? You must be a pedophile! The witch hunt also allows to immediately cancel anyone uncomfortable. There's a guy who the government doesn't like? Maybe a political competition. Simple, just plant some files on his computer, make up a little story and he's gone.
Defending pedophilia in itself is enough to be cancelled or perhaps even imprisoned, however it is the morally right thing to always say the truth. Therefore we mustn't remain silent about this issue.