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2025-01-25 20:04:48 +01:00
NPC (non-player character) is a character in a video [game](game.md) that's not controlled by a player but rather by [AI](ai.md); the term has now come to also be used for people in [real life](irl.md) that exhibit high conformance and rather low [intelligence](iq.md) which allows them to choose to live in blissful ignorance. Just like a video game NPC behaves by a simple [algorithm](algorithm.md), human NPC behaves by simple rules and obeys orders (not just on what to do but also on what to think) dictated by the system (government, [corporations](corporation.md), [culture](culture.md), [economy](economy.md), ...), most often delivered through mass media (TV, social media, magazines, billboards, ...). Vast majority of people in our society are NPCs with brain programmed by the system so that they form an army that keeps sustaining the system. Such people are also often called normies or [blue pilled](blue_pill.md): they have mainstream opinions, [react only to keywords](shortcut_thinking.md), use mainstream technology, obediently [consume](consumerism.md), don't make much trouble and follow the lined up path through life (school, career, family, retirement). Sometimes they perceive themselves as rebels, [geeks](geek.md), noncomformists and freethinkers for deviating from the mainstream in tiny insignificant ways, such as by using [GNU](gnu.md)/[Linux](linux.md) (which they just call Linux) or for supporting mild [piracy](piracy.md) of abandonware games, but they are still NPCs (making an NPC feel like he does have free will is part of the system) -- to in fact stop being an NPC one unfortunately has to undergo a quite drastic [englightenment](unretard.md) that comes with life shattering realizations such as that we in fact do live in a nightmare and dystopia to which absolute majority of people (the NPCs) are completely blind, it means giving up or rethinking all the values one was taught and becoming a completely different man. This usually also leads to extreme social isolation, losing all friends, developing depression, losing social and sexual life, even falling in poverty and potentially attempting [suicide](suicide.md) (see also [red pill](red_pill.md) and [black pill](black_pill.md)) -- such is sadly the price for seeing the [truth](truth.md). It is scary, and in addition being an NPC is greatly rewarded by the system just like being a soldier is rewarded by the state: the system for example allows to compensate lack of talent with increased conformance -- even with average talent you will be able to achieve high success if you show above average conformity. And so under this great social pressure even the people who have the option to live as a non-NPC rather subconsciously choose to live in self deception and stay an NPC for life.
2024-12-17 15:08:40 +01:00
2025-01-25 20:04:48 +01:00
NPCs usually see every non-NPC as a "right wing extremists", for that's how all noncomformists are painted in the media. It's a form of modern [witch hunt](witch_hunt.md) and [fear culture](fear_culture.md) that the system has established to discredit and eliminate non-conformists and sustain the army of NPCs that it needs in place in order to survive. Of course it's nowhere close to truth that a non-NPC would have to be a [Hitler](hitler.md) worshiping [rightist](left_right.md) or that he has to support violence and genocide or even lean to rightist ideas at all: in fact rightists are just fanatic [capitalist](capitalism.md) idiots, NPCs themselves, blindly following rules and nonsensical orders as they're very often militant and embrace being soldiers, machines who blindly obey orders. A non-NPC is simply someone who examines the world closely, objectively and through own eyes (as opposed to accepting what he's told) and discovers everything is wrong -- what he decides to do about this is then a completely individual choice. Some indeed do panic and let their animal instincts take over, becoming violent, seeking revenge and so on. Others -- like [us](lrs.md) -- just try to make things better by ACTUALLY refusing all kind of violence and advocating TRUE equality of people and unconditional [love](love.md) of all living beings -- however even this will be seen as extremism by NPCs because if we refuse to kill anyone, including the "enemies", we will of course consequently be labeled "supporters of the enemies", so there is no way out -- as a non-NPC you will never be able to make friends with an NPC no matter how hard you try, what values you hold and what actions you make, an NPC will always see you as a "right wing extremist fanatic" by the mere fact that you refuse to accept mainstream propaganda.
2024-07-09 15:45:39 +02:00
2024-12-19 16:48:05 +01:00
It is a common misconception that humans keep getting smarter and smarter by evolution -- the NPC's intelligence is where evolution stops, human intelligence won't evolve any further -- if anything, it may perhaps yet decrease. It is so because the NPC is now a close to perfect cell for the higher organism that will form from humans -- exactly like human body is formed of more primitive cells, a higher metaorganism is forming on [Earth](earth.md) to whom humans are the cells. Our cells don't have 200 IQ because they don't need it -- in fact, it would be bad if they did: a cell is supposed to only do its [job](work.md) without thinking and, if necessary, sacrifice its life for the organism. The cell does this just like an NPC [nationalist](nationalism.md) sacrifices his life for his country. Cells that do anything else are detected as [cancerous](cancer.md) and eliminated. This is what humans are being shaped into and what the NPCs contribute to by their lifestyle: eternal enslavement, removal of all humanity from humans, reshaping humans into unthinking machines. Yes, the NPC is stupid, but he is the [future](future.md), he foreshadows the true fate of a man that in the future will be more and more like the obedient robot. It is sad but sadly true. People who are above NPC intelligence and refuse to take part in forming the organism are an evolutionary failure, they are useless cells ([incels](incel.md) lol?) and will become extinct -- that's why the intelligent are bullied, isolated and denied reproduction while the average conformist is rewarded with care, means for living and rights to breed: the system wants the NPC genes, not the rebel genes.
2024-07-09 15:45:39 +02:00
## See Also
2024-12-17 15:08:40 +01:00
- [blue pill](blue_pill.md)
2024-07-09 15:45:39 +02:00
- [normie](normie.md)
2024-09-13 20:53:41 +02:00
- [muggle](muggle.md)
2025-03-16 21:57:16 +01:00
- [peasant](peasant.md)
- [soyboy](soyboy.md)
2025-01-25 20:04:48 +01:00
- [humanoid](humanoid.md)
- [retard](retard.md)
2024-09-18 20:37:15 +02:00
- [tool slave](tool_slave.md)
- [nu-male](nu_male.md)
2024-12-17 15:08:40 +01:00
- [soydev](soydev.md)
2025-01-25 20:04:48 +01:00
- [unretard](unretard.md)