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# Wiby
9 months ago
Wiby is a [minimalist]( non-corporate [web]( [search engine]( for old-style non-[bloated]( (web 1.0, "[smol web](") websites with its custom [index]( Searching on wiby will yield small, simple websites, mostly non-interactive, static [HTML]( personal/hobby sites, small community sites and obscure weird sites -- this kind of searching is not only [fun](, adventurous and nostalgic [90s]( like experience, but it actually leads to finding useful information which on corporate search engines like [Google]( or [Bing]( get buried under billions of useless noise sites and links to "content platforms" like [YouTube]( and [reddit]( We highly recommend searching on wiby.
9 months ago
It can be accessed at and (there is a low res picture of a lighthouse of Cape Spear on the frontpage for some reason). Of course, no [JavaScript]( is needed! Clicking "surprise me" on wiby is an especially entertaining activity, you never know what comes at you. A site dedicated to identifying historical bottles? Ice chewers forum? A list of longest domain names? Yes, this is the kind of stuff you'll get, and more.
1 year ago
The engine doesn't automatically crawl the whole web, it instead works by users submitting links, the admin approving them and a bot potentially crawling these sites to a small depth. Be sure to contribute quality links to improve the database!
9 months ago
Wiby appears to have been launched in October 2017 and built by a sole programmer who remains anonymous and accepts donations. On the [ASCII art]( on the front page (now replaced by a gif) there are initials `jgs` which may or may not point to the author of wiby.
9 months ago
On July 8, 2022 wiby became even more amazing by **being released as [free (as in freedom) software](** under [GPLv2]( (! It works on the [LEMP]( stack. See (The database/index of sites though seems to remain non-shared and [proprietary](
2 years ago
A similar search engine seems to be