- Being [pseudoleftist](left_right.md) (fascist) political activists pushing [tranny software](tranny_software.md) and [COCs](coc.md) while actually being mainstream centrists in the tech world (advocating "[open-source](open_source.md)" instead of [free_software](free_software.md), being okay with [proprietary](proprietary.md) software, [bloat](bloat.md) etc.).
- Trying to be "cool", having friends and even spouses and kids, wearing T-shirts with "[coding](coding.md) [jokes](jokes.md)", having [tattoos](tattoo.md), piercing and colored hair (also trimmed bear in case of males), having that ugly [snowflake](snowflake.md) (i.e. bizarre) kind of look to catch attention, [signaling virtues](virtue_signaling.md) on social networks.
- Being actually bad at programming, scoring high on the retardation spectrum and using meme high-level languages like [JavaScript](javascript.md), [Python](python.md) or [Rust](rust.md). { I shit you not, I learned from a friend who lives in India that "universities" there produce "security experts" who don't even have to know any programming and math. They just learn some sysadmin stuff and installing antiviruses, without having any clue about how encryption works etc. These people get regular degrees. Really makes me wanna kys myself. ~drummyfish }
- Thinking they're experts in technology because they are familiar with the existence of [Linux](linux.md) (usually some mainstream distro such as [Ubuntu](ubuntu.md)) and can type `cd` and `ls` in the terminal.
- Being highly active on social networks, probably having a pixel-art portrait of their ugly face and "personal pronouns" on their profile.
- Believing in and engaging in [capitalism](capitalism.md), believing corporations such as [Microsoft](microsoft.md), wanting to create "startups", being obsessed with [productivity](productivity_cult.md), inspirational quotes and masturbating to tech "visionaries" like [Steve Jobs](steve_jobs.md). The "rebels" among these are advocating [FOSS](foss.md), however they always promote huge [bloat](bloat.md) and de-facto [capitalist software](capitalist_software.md) which is no different from proprietary software.
| math skills | deep knowledge of math | "I don't need it", "there's library for that", memorized math interview questions |
| computer knowledge| all-level, big-picture knowledge of principles | knowledge of trivia ("This checkbox in this framework has to be unchecked.", ...) |
| specialization | generalist | hyperspecialized, knows one language/framework |